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LISTS, bounds, limits; i. 1. 6. LOSS OF QUESTION, absence of any better argument; ii. 4. 90. LOWER CHAIR, an easy chair; ii. 1. 122.

LUXURY, lust; v. 1. 499. MEAL'D, sprinkled; iv. 2. 79. MEDLAR, used wantonly for "woman;" iv. 3. 168. MERE, particular; v. 1. 152. METRE, refers probably to the ancient metrical graces arranged to be said or sung; i. 2. 21.

MOE, more; "moe thousand
deaths," that is, a thousand
more deaths; iii. 1. 40.
MORTALITY, death; i. 1. 45.
MOTHER, abbess; i. 4. 86.
MOTION, a thing endowed with
movement; iii. 1. 121.
MYSTERY, trade; iv. 2. 25.

NATURE, life; ii. 4. 43.


reason dares her no," that is, admonishes her not to do it; iv. 4. 23.

OBSTRUCTION, stagnation of the
blood; iii. 1. 120.
OFFICE, service; v. 1. 362.
OMIT, pass by; iv. 3. 69.
OPPOSITE, Opponent; iii. 2. 155.
OWE, possess, have; i. 4. 83; ii.

4. 123.

PACE, to make to go (literally to teach a horse to move according to the will of the rider); iv. 3. 129.

PAIN, penalty; ii. 4. 86.

PAIN'D, put to trouble; v. 1. 384. PARCEL-BAWD, part bawd; ii. 1.


is, my office delegated to him; i. 1. 42.

PARTIAL; "nothing come in partial," that is, no partiality be allowed; ii. 1. 31. PARTICULAR,

private; iv. 4. 25. PASSES, proceedings; v. 1. 368. PASSING ON, that is, passing sentence on; ii. 1. 19.

PEACHES, impeaches; iv. 3. 10. PELTING, paltry; ii. 2. 112. PERDURABLY, everlastingly; iii. 1.116.

PHILIP AND JACOB, that is, the fast of Saints Philip and Jacob (May 1); iii. 2. 189. PILED, "a quibble between piled, peeled, stripped of hair, bald (from the French disease), and piled as applied to velvet; three-piled velvet meaning the finest and costliest;" i. 2. 33. PLANCHED, planked; iv. 1. 28. PLUCK ON, draw on; ii. 4. 147. POSSESS'D, informed; iv. 1. 42. PRACTICE, plot; v. 1. 107, 123. PRECEPT, instruction; "in action all of precept "" = "with actions intended to instruct me" (that is, showing the several turnings of the way with his hand); iv. 1. 38.

PREFERS ITSELF, places itself before everything else; i. 1. 55. PREGNANT, expert; i. 1.12; evident; ii. 1. 23.

PRENZIE, prim; iii. 1. 95, 98. PRESENT; "present shrift," that is, immediate absolution; iv. 2. 195. PRESENTLY, immediately; iv. 3. 78.

PRESERVED, kept pure; ii. 2. 153. PRINTS, impressions; ii. 4. 130. PART; "my part in him," that PROBATION, proof; v. 1. 157.

PROFANATION, Elbow's blunder | REMONSTRANCE, demonstration;

for "profession;" ii. 1. 54. PROFESSION, business; iv. 3. 2. PROFITING, taking advantage; ii. 4. 128.

PROLIXIOUS, tiresome and hindering; ii. 4. 162.

PRONE AND SPEECHLESS, probably to be considered as equivalent to "speechlessly prone,"


- that is, speaking fervently and eagerly without words (or | perhaps "prone"= deferential); i. 2. 176.

PROPER, Own; iii. 1. 30; v. 1. 406; personally, peculiarly; i. 1. 31. PROPER TO, belonging to; v. 1. 110.

PROPORTION, measure; i. 2. 22. PROPORTIONS, portion, fortune; v. 1. 217.

PROVINCIAL; "here provincial

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under the jurisdiction of this ecclesiastical province; v. 1. 314.

PROVOKEST, invokest; iii. 1. 18. PUT, compelled; i. 1. 5.

v. 1. 390.

REMORSE, pity; ii. 2. 54; v. 1. 100. | REMOVE, absence; i. 1. 44. RENOUNCEMENT, renunciation of the world; i. 4. 35. RESOLVE, inform; iii. 1. 187. RESPECTED, misapplied by Elbow and Pompey (=suspected); ii. 1. 154-157, 160, 162, 167, 168. RESTRAINED, forbidden; ii. 4. 48. RETORT, "to refer back (to Angelo the cause in which you appealed from Angelo to the Duke);" v. 1. 299.

SALT, lustful; v. 1. 399.

SATISFY YOUR RESOLUTION, SUStain your courage; iii. 1. 167. SAUCY, wanton; ii. 4. 45. SCALED, weighed (or perhaps "stripped" as of scales, unmasked; "foiled" has been suggested as an emendation); iii. 1. 245.

SCOPE, power; i. 1. 65; licence; ́i. 2. 121; i. 3. 35.

PUTTING-ON, incitement; iv. 2. SCRUPLE, very small quantity; i.


QUALIFY, check; iv. 2. 79.

1. 38; doubtful perplexity; i. 1. 65.

QUESTION, consideration; i. 1. 47. SECONDARY, subordinate; i. 1. 47.

QUESTS, spyings; iv. 1. 60.
QUIT, acquit, forgive; v. 1. 481.

RACE, natural disposition; ii. 4. 160.

RACK, distort; iv. 1. 63.

RAVIN DOWN, ravenously devour; i. 2. 123.

REBATE, make dull; i. 4. 60. RECEIVED, understood; ii. 4. 82. REFELL'D, refuted; v. 1. 94. REMISSION; "apt remission

a ready pardon, readiness to forgive; v. i. 496.


SECTS, classes, ranks; ii. 2. 5.
Rome; iii. 2. 206.
SEEMING, hypocrisy; ii. 4. 150.
SELDOM WHEN, that is, 'tis sel-
dom that; iv. 2. 82.

SERPIGO, a dry eruption on the skin; iii. 1. 31.

[blocks in formation]

shield my mother play'd my | TAX, accuse; ii. 4. 79.

father fair," that is, "God TEMPORARY MEDDLER, one who

meddles with temporal mat-
ters; v. 1. 145.

grant that thou wert not my
father's true son;" iii. 1. 142.
SHREWD, evil, mischievous; ii. 1. | TERMS; "the technical language


SICLES (the Folios "sickles "),

shekels; ii. 2. 149.
SIEGE, seat; iv. 2. 94.
SITH, since; i. 3. 35.

SMACK, have a taste, savour; ii.

SNATCHES, repartees; iv. 2. 5.
SORT AND SUIT, rank and service
(that is, suit-service, due to a
superior lord); iv. 4. 15.
SOUL, "with special soul," that
is, with special liking; i. 1. 18.
SPARE, forbear to offend; ii. 3.


SPLAY (80 the first Folio; Stee-
vens "spay"), to castrate; ii.
1. 218.

STAGE, to make a show of; i. 1.

of the courts. An old book
called Les Termes de la Ley
was in Shakespeare's days, and
is now, the accidence of young
students in the law" (Black-
stone); i. 1. 11.

TICKLE, unstable; i. 2. 165.
TICK-TACK, a sort of backgam-
mon (used equivocally); i. 2.

TILTH, tillage; i. 4. 44.
TITHE (probably an

error for

"tilth"); iv. 1. 74.
TOUCHES, vices; iii. 2. 21.
TOUSE, pull, tear; v. 1. 309.
TRADE, custom, established
habit; iii. 1. 150.

TRANSPORT, remove from one
world to another; iv. 3. 64.
TRICK, fashion; v. 1. 503.

STAGGER, waver, hesitate; i. 2. TROT, a contemptuous name, ap-


STARKLY, stiffly, as if dead; iv.
2. 62.

STAYS UPON, waits for; iv. 1. 45.
STEAD, be of service to; i. 4. 17.
STEAD UP, to supply; iii. 1. 241.
STEW, Cauldron; v. 1. 317.
STORY, subject of mirth; i. 4. 30.
STRAITNESS, strictness; iii. 2.

STRICTURE, strictness; i. 3. 12.
SUCCEED, inherit; ii. 4. 123.
SUFFERANCE, suffering; iii. 1. 81.
SWEAT; the plague was popu-
larly known as "the sweating
sickness; i. 2. 79.
SWEETNESS, self-indulgence; ii.
4. 45.

SWINGED, Whipped; v. 1. 130.

plied properly to an old woman;
iii. 2. 46.

TRUMPETS, trumpeters; iv. 5. 9.
TUB, the sweating-tub, used as a
cure for certain diseases; fii. 2.

TUN-DISH, funnel; iii. 2. 161.

UNFOLDING, releasing from the
fold or pen; iv. 2. 191.
UNGENITURED, (?) impotent (per-
haps "unbegotten"); iii. 2.
162, 163.

UNGOT, not begotten; v. 1. 142.
UNPITIED, unmerciful; iv. 2. 11.
UNPREGNANT, unready, inapt;
iv. 4. 18.

UNSHUNNED, inevitable; iii. 2.56.
UNSISTING, probably a misprint

WARP, deviate; i. 1. 15.

(in Folios 1, 2, 3) for "insist- | VOUCH, affirmation; ii. 4. 156. ing" (the reading of Folio 4), VULGARLY, publicly; v. 1. 160. that is, persistent; iv. 2. 85. UNTRUSSING, "untying the points or tagged laces which attached the hose or breeches to the doublet; " iii. 2. 168. UNWEIGHING, injudicious; iii. 2. WEEDS, "weed is a term still


USE, practices long countenanced

by custom; i. 4. 62.

USE, interest, probably with a

WARPED, crooked, wry, unnatural; iii. 1. 143.

WEAR, fashion; iii. 2. 69.

commonly applied to an ill

conditioned horse "" (Collier); emendations proposed, – "steeds," "wills;" i. 3. 20.

secondary sense of exertion; i. | WHO=which; i. 2. 182.

1. 41.

WIDOW, to give as jointure; v. 1.


VAIL YOUR REGARD, lower your WILDERNESS, wildness; iii. 1. 143. look; v. 1. 20.

VAIN, "for vain"in vain, to
no purpose; ii. 4. 12.
VANTAGE, "denies thee van-
tage," that is, will avail thee
nothing; v. 1. 411.
VASTIDITY, vastness; iii. 1. 70.
VEIL FULL PURPOSE, to cover his
full purpose; iv. 6. 4.
VIEWLESS, invisible; iii. 1. 125.
VIRTUOUS, beneficial; ii. 2. 168.
VOICE," in my voice"=" in my
name;" i. 2. 173.

WOODMAN, one who hunts female

game; iv. 3. 158. WRONG, "done myself wrong," that is, "put myself in the wrong;" i. 2. 39.

YARE, ready; iv. 2. 53.
YIELD, "yield you forth to pub-
lic thanks," that is, "yield
public thanks to you;" v. 1. 7.

ZODIACS, circuits of the sun, years; i. 2. 161.

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NOTE. When the limits of the volumes of, this edition will allow, illustrative matter selected from the best editors and commentators (in addition to that mentioned in the Introduction to Volume I.) will be appended.

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