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That justice seizes: what know the laws.

That thieves do pass on thieves? 'Tis very preg


The jewel that we find, we stoop and take't

Because we see it; but what we do not see
We tread upon, and never think of it.


You may not so extenuate his offence

For I have had such faults; but rather tell me,
When F, that censure him, do so offend,

Let mine own judgement pattern out my death, 30
And nothing come in partial. Sir, he must die.



Be it as your wisdom will.

Where is the provost ?

See that Claudio

Prov. Here, if it like your honour.

Be executed by nine to-morrow morning:
Bring him his confessor, let him be prepared;
For that's the utmost of his pilgrimage.


[Exit Provost.

Escal. [Aside] Well, heaven forgive him! and forgive us all!

Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall:
Some run from brakes of ice, and answer none;
And some condemned for a fault alone.


Enter ELBOW, and Officers with FROTH and POMPEY.

Elb. Come, bring them away. If these be good people in a commonweal that do nothing but use their abuses in common houses, I know no law: bring them away.

Ang. How now, sir! What's your name? and what's the matter?


Elb. If it please your honour, I am the poor Duke's constable, and my name is Elbow. I do lean upon justice, sir, and do bring in here before your good honour two notorious benefactors.

Ang. Benefactors? Well; what benefactors are they? are they not malefactors?


Elb. If it please your honour, I know not well what they are: but precise villains they are, that I am sure of; and void of all profanation in the world that good Christians ought to have.


Escal. This comes off well; here's a wise officer. Ang. Go to: what quality are they of? Elbow is your name? why dost thou not speak, Elbow? Pom. He cannot, sir; he's out at elbow. Ang. What are you, sir?


Elb. He, sir! a tapster, sir; parcel-bawd; one that serves a bad woman; whose house, sir, was, as they say, plucked down in the suburbs; and now she professes a hot-house, which, I think, is a very ill house too.

Escal. How know you that?


Elb. My wife, sir, whom I detest before heaven and your honour,

Escal. How? thy wife?

Elb. Ay, sir; whom, I thank heaven, is an honest woman, Escal.

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Dost thou detest her therefore?


Elb. I say, sir, I will detest myself also, as well

as she, that this house, if it be not a bawd's house, it is pity of her life, for it is a naughty house.

Escal. How dost thou know that, constable? 75 Elb. Marry, sir, by my wife; who, if she had been a woman cardinally given, might have been accused in fornication, adultery, and all uncleanliness there.

Escal. By the woman's means?

Elb. Ay, sir, by Mistress Overdone's means: but as she spit in his face, so she defied him.


Pom. Sir, if it please your honour, this is not so. Elb. Prove it before these varlets here, thou honourable man; prove it.

Escal. Do you hear how he misplaces?


Pom. Sir, she came in great with child, and longing, saving your honour's reverence, for stewed prunes; sir, we had but two in the house, which at that very distant time stood, as it were, in a fruitdish, a dish of some three-pence; your honours have seen such dishes; they are not China dishes, but very good dishes,


Escal. Go to, go to: no matter for the dish, sir.

Pom. No, indeed, sir, not of a pin; you are therein in the right: but to the point. As I say, this Mistress Elbow, being, as I say, with child, and being great-bellied, and longing, as I said, for prunes, and having but two in the dish, as I said, Master Froth here, this very man, having eaten the rest, as I said, and, as I say, paying for them very

honestly; for, as you know, Master Froth, I could not give you three-pence again.

Froth. No, indeed.


Pom. Very well; you being then, if you be remembered, cracking the stones of the foresaid prunes,

Froth. Ay, so I did indeed.


Pom. Why, very well; I telling you then, if you be remembered, that such a one and such a one were past cure of the thing you wot of, unless they kept very good diet, as I told you, All this is true.


Pom. Why, very well, then,

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Escal. Come, you are a tedious fool: to the purpose. What was done to Elbow's wife, that he hath cause to complain of? Come me to what was

done to her.

Pom. Sir, your honour cannot come to that yet.

Escal. No, sir, nor I mean it not.


Pom. Sir, but you shall come to it, by your honour's leave. And, I beseech you, look into Master Froth here, sir; a man of fourscore pound a year; whose father died at Hallowmas : - was't not at Hallowmas, Master Froth?

Froth. All-hallond eve.


Pom. Why, very well; I hope here be truths. He, sir, sitting, as I say, in a lower chair, sir; 'twas in the Bunch of Grapes, where, indeed, you have a delight to sit, have you not?

Froth. I have so; because it is an open room, and good for winter.


Pom. Why, very well, then; I hope here be truths.


Ang. This will last out a night in Russia When nights are longest there: I'll take my leave, And leave you to the hearing of the cause; Hoping you'll find good cause to whip them all. Escal. I think no less. Good morrow to your lordship. [Exit Angelo.

Now, sir, come on: what was done to Elbow's wife,

once more?


Pom. Once, sir? there was nothing done to her



I beseech you, sir, ask him what this man did to my wife.

Pom. I beseech your honour, ask me.

Escal. Well, sir; what did this gentleman to her?

Pom. I beseech you, sir, look in this gentleman's face. Good Master Froth, look upon his honour; 'tis for a good purpose. Doth your honour mark

his face?

Escal. Ay, sir, very well.

Pom. Nay, I beseech you, mark it well.


Well, I do so.


Pom. Doth your honour see any harm in his face?

Escal. Why, no.


I'll be supposed upon a book, his face is

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