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Printed by A. Strahan,

New-Street Square, London.


THE appearance of the present, which is the Third Volume of the ANNUAL BIOGRAPHY AND OBITUARY, at a far earlier period than usual, at least implies a wish to conciliate the Public by a due exertion of industry.

The memoir of Her late Most Excellent Majesty, in addition to the enumeration of many private virtues, will be found to contain some interesting facts relative to the early education and subsequent studies of that good and amiable Princess. From the short historical dissertation on the origin and antiquity of the family of Mecklenburgh, it may also be seen, that the Kings of England and Dukes of Strelitz are descended from one common ancestor.

To such as entertain a taste for the wonderful, some gratification will perhaps be derived from the adventures of a Harriott; while they who toil and drudge in the pursuits of literature will be somewhat consoled on noticing the Herculean labours of a Beloe.

Those feelingly alive to the suggestions of benevolence may not be displeased with the zealous attempts of the late Sir Thomas Bernard to meliorate the condition of the poor; and the successful enterprise of Dr. Cogan to found and endow the Royal Humane Society, cannot fail to meet with due approbation and applause.

Of the learned Dr. Burney, if not a very copious, yet a very correct account will be here found; while the laborious and technical investigations of that old and indefatigable servant of the public, the late Right Honourable George Rose, (rewarded, as he certainly was, to the full extent of his merits,) will be discovered, on one occasion, to have saved millions to his country.

The sudden and melancholy death of Sir Samuel Romilly contributed to cast a gloom over society, and actually operated for a while like a great national calamity A gentleman not wholly unaczaned with that great and original character, has attempted a memoirsomewhat after the mannered the French Bunge..

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recorded in this Obituary, will be found in the body of the work.

It may be now proper to return thanks for some of the many favours conferred. Sir John Macpherson, Bart., who succeeded the late Right Honourable Warren Hastings, as Governor-General of Bengal, has been so good as to transmit an original letter from that gentleman; but it unluckily arrived too late for insertion.

The Right Honourable Sir John Sinclair, who kept up a constant correspondence with the late amiable and intelligent George Dempster, Esq., M. P., during the long period of thirty years, has kindly submitted the whole, not only to the inspection, but the discretion of the Editor.

The Reverend and learned Dr. Peirson has consigned three important letters for the express use of this work. The first, written by himself, tends to elucidate the life and character of Dr. Watson, author of the History of Philip II., while the two others are connected with that important period in the annals of Europe, when the Netherlands threw off the yoke, and maintained a long and sanguinary conflict with Spain.

Finally, to these respectable names, ought to be added that of Sir James Mackintosh, M. P., who with a fine taste for literature, unites an amiable urbanity of manners. By the kindness of this gentleman the Editor has been favoured with an important parliamentary document, inserted in the present volume.

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