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to this day. Whenever they fpeak of an Englishman, whom they ftill call Saes or Saxon, they always join fome opprobrious epithet.

It is not certain at what time the Britons were first called by the name of Welsh, nor from whence the word has its derivation. Some hiftorians say that Wallia comes from Italia, as the Britons were defcendants of Eneas. Others, that Welsh come from Gaulish, as they were defcended from the Gauls. Nothing is more uncertain than etymological learning; efpecially if we have no other foundation than fimilarity of found. It is the difgrace of science. I fhall not risk even a conjecture upon the subject. From whatever origin the word Welsh may be derived, it is not unreasonable to fuppofe it to be a term of reproach, fixed on them by the Saxons, as they never call themselves by that name, but always Cymry. Some likewise are weak enough to derive the word Cymry from Cimbri, imagining that they originally defcended from that people. All these derivations I look upon as vague and groundlefs conjectures. I chufe to avoid adopting any fuch; for in my opinion the names of different nations are generally more owing to cafual events, than they are defcriptive of either their defçent or country.'

The following account of the inhabitants of North Wales is entertaining. The character of the ancient inhabitants.of this country, is given us in very unfavorable terms, by many historians. The English in those times were almost always in a state of war with this people, and were biaffed by their intereft and paflions to reprefent them in the most odious colours Giraldus Cambrenfis, whofe connections and defcent might have prejudiced him in favour of this country, failed not to pay court to Henry II. by traducing the Welth. What is still more extraordinary, the accurate and ingenious lord Lyttleton, has implicitly adopted the character given of them by the falfe and infamous Giraldus. They are reprefented by these hiftorians, as having no kind idea of chastity. Promifcuous concubinage, they fay, was in a manner allowed, and no ftigma fixed upon it. If my lord Lyttleton had confulted Howel Dha's code, he would there have feen how highly they dif approved of even the appearances of an unlawful commerce between the fexes. I fhall transcribe only one paffage, which fully proves what I have faid. "Si fæmina convicta fuerit criminis turpis cum alieno viro patrati, nempe ofculationis, vel contractationis, vel adulterii, viro fuo licet illam repudiare, et illa omittet dotem integram fibi primitus a viro fuo affignatam, fi tantum exofculata fuerit, fi a cæteris abfit." By the fame laws, if a man betrothed a woman, who did not prove

to be a virgin, he was at liberty to repudiate her. Thus we see how cautiously the Welsh laws guarded the morals of the women, and how unjustly they were accufed by Giraldus, and thofe that have afferted the fame on his authority. The manners of every uncivilized nation are in fome degree fimilar. Sixteen hundred years ago, the inhabitants of Wales were nearly in the fame ftate of civilization, as the American favages are at this day. We are told of Jofeph of Arimathea's coming to Britain to plant the gofpel. This depends upon the authority of the monkish hiftorians, who fcarce contain a word of truth or probability. But it is allowed that fome kind of Chriftianity was planted very early in Britain, before the coming of the Saxons. Long after the Saxons came over they continued Pagans; whilst the Britons, according to thefe hiftorians, enjoyed the light of the gospel. Before these Britons were converted to Chriftianity, one would think it was neceffary to convert them from favages to men. From the accounts that I have read, by their converfion to Christianity, no more is meant than their being baptifed, without fo much as the imparting of any kind of faith or knowledge. This is precisely the cafe with the modern miffionaries, who send accounts of the converfion of thousands, who have only been ceremoniously baptifed, without Chriftian inftru&tion.

In the time of Henry II. the inhabitants of Wales were fo deplorably dark, that they could not with the leaft propriety be called Christians, and many of them even professed Pagans. The Don Quixot archbishop, with his Sancho Pancha, Giraldus, went upon an expedition to convert these heathens. The archbishop preached to the poor Welth in Latin, they were baptifed, kiffed the cross, and fo the miffion ended, to their no small edification.

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So late as the reign of Elizabeth, if we may believe Penry, there were but two or three that could preach in the whole principality of Wales. Some of late years have greatly promoted the cause of religion, by the tranflation of pious books into that language, and diftributing them among the poor. There is ftill great room for improvement, as they are not only in want, but defirous of religious knowledge.

In former times, the inhabitants of Wales were defcribed to be a nation of foldiers. Every man being obliged to take up arms, in times of diftrefs. Thus, though a small country, they could bring large armies to the field. They used very light armour, as they carried on the war by incurfions, and forced marches; and conquered their enemies rather by furprife, than ftrength or courage.


They had only a small target to defend their breaft, and ufed the javelin as a weapon of offence. Thus armed, and thus defended, they were no way equal to the English in a pitched battle, who fought with heavy armour, helmets and targets, and armed at all points.

They always fought on foot. Like all undifciplined foldiers, they made one furious onset, which if refifted, they were immediately put in confufion, and could not be rallied. They fled to the mountains, where they waited for another opportunity to fall upon their enemies.

They defpifed trade and mechanical arts, as they in general do to this day. Though they had no money among them, yet there were no beggars in the country, for they were all poor. They are defcribed to have been impetuous in their difpofition, fickle, revengeful, and bloody. But let it be remembered, that this character is given them by their enemies.

Their fuperftition was exceffive. They paid the greatest veneration to their priests, and looked upon them and their habitations as facred.'

Having described his journey from Chester to Denbigh, our writer proceeds on his tour to Carnarvon, over the ftupendous rocks of Penmaenmawr, The account he gives of the ceremonies attending the marriages of the Welsh affords entertainment.

The bridegroom on the morning of the wedding, accompanied with a troop of his friends, as well equipped as the country will allow, comes and demands the bride. Her friends, who are likewife well mounted on their merlins, give a pofitive refufal to their demands, whereupon a mock scuffle enfues between the parties. The bride is mounted on one of the best steeds, behind her next kinfman, who rides away with her in full career. The bridegroom and his friends, purfue them with loud fhouts. It is not uncommon to fee, on fuch an occafion, two or three hundred of these merlins, mounted by sturdy Cambro Britons, riding with full speed, croffing and jostling each other, to the no fmall amufement of the fpectators. When they have pretty well fatigued themselves and their horses, the bridegroom is permitted to overtake his bride. He leads her away in triumph, as the Romans did the Sabine nymphs. They all return in amity, and the whole is concluded with feftivity and mirth,

Let us now view the women, in the very effential characters of wives and mothers. You would naturally fuppofe, that a young woman who had, without fear or reftraint, enjoyed an almost unbounded liberty in a single state, would not be

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eafily debarred from enjoying the fame in the married. But the cafe is the very reverfe. Infidelity to the bed of Hymen, is fcarce ever known or heard of in this country. Adultery is a weed that grows in the rank foil of a court, fostered by luxury and vanity.

Mankind form an untrue judgment from external appearances; thofe are esteemed virtuous, who have had their education in a boarding-school or nunnery. Perfuaded I am, the cafe is quite different. The greater number of fhackles with which we fetter human nature, the more fhe ftrives to gain her native freedom. Forbidden pleasures are coveted, whilst those within our reach are neglected. The various methods of confinement in foreign countries, makes their taste for illicit pleasures more poignant, and incites them to run risks for their gratification. When you indulge them in the power, you in fome degree take away the temptation to vice.

< In the character of wives, the women of this country are laboricus, induftrious, and chafte. In that of mothers, they nurture their robuft offspring, not in floth and inactivity, but enure them early to undergo hardships and fatigues.

Let the fair daughters of indolence and eafe, contemplate the characters of thefe patterns of induftry, who are happily unacquainted with the gay follies of life. Who enjoy health without medicine, and happiness without affluence. Equally remote from the grandeur and the miferies of life, they par ticipate of the fweet bleffings of content, under the homely dwelling of a ftraw-built cottage.'

The following reimarks, if juft, demonfirate all our writers to have mistaken the natural difpofition of the Welsh, which has always been confidered as fiery, hot, and paffionate.

I will not fay the 'fquires in Wales, differ materially from thofe of the fame rank in England, except that they are more devoted to the jolly god. For like the Thracians of old, when a ftranger comes among them, they will do him the honors of the houfe, by obliging him to drink intemperately; and will at least expect him to make a compliment of his reafon, in return for their hofpitality. They have, however, fome good qualities, in a greater degree than the English. They keep better houfes, employ a greater number of poor, are less avaritious, and far more charitable.

The clergy are in general the only people that have any knowledge of letters; to qualify them for orders, they have the advantage of a good fchool-education; and fpend a confiderable time at the univerfity. It is the general, and I believe well founded, complaint of the country, that they return from thence very little improved, in their morals or learning. A


certain air of pedantry, accompanied with vain affurance, and the acquifition of fome fashionable vices, are too often the only means of diftinguishing fuch as have had an university education.

An academy, under proper regulations, in the country, would, I think, be a more fuitable place for inftructing youth for the church. It would be attended with lefs expence, and greater care might be taken of their morals and religion, the principal object.

• Most of the clergy have two or three churches each to ferve, and confequently it is impoffible the duty should be properly discharged. Evening prayers are feldom read, and in many places they fcarce ever preach. The benefices are for the most part of pretty confiderable value, being a decent maintenance for a clergyman. Except in a few towns, and on the borders of England, the fervice of their churches is performed altogether in the Welsh or old British tongue.

The yeomanry and peasants are very civil and obliging in their behaviour. They have not the ferocious difpofition, which characterises the English, flowing from that spirit of liberty and independence, which animates the foul of an Englishman. They are fhrewd and artful in their dealings. They have an inveterate rooted antipathy to all foreigners, efpecially English and Irish. If a stranger is fo unfortunate as to go and live amongst them, they look upon him with a jealous eye, as one who comes with an intent to deprive them of their fubfiftence.

The manner of living of the lower class of people, is extremely poor. The chief of their fubfiftence being barley and oat bread. They fcarce ever eat flesh, or drink any thing but milk. They are not of that paffionate and choleric temper as the English describe them, but flow, deliberate, and wary in their speech and conduct, and fubmiffive in their difpofition. I know not whether to attribute it to their manner of life, or to the great power the 'fquires exercife over them. Certain it is, that the people of this country in general, have no greater idea of English liberty than the peasants of France.'

Our readers will be pleased with the following remarks on the manners and language of the people round Merionydd. They are more purely British than thofe of any other part of Wales. Like the clans of Scotland, or Hebrew tribes, they scarce ever intermarry, except with those of their own lineage, Through the whole county, they are all coulins, all of the fame Welsh plood, and most of them of the fame names.

If you would ask them, how they spend their lives in this part of the world; they have it in their power to answer you

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