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Author of lies, the devil the, 193.

teaches such beauty, where is any, 55. who speaks about his own books, 608. would his brother kill, 258. Authors do not make acknowledgment, 716.

like coins grow dear, 329.
old, to read, 171.

steal their works, most, 325.
Authority and show of truth, 52.
art made tongue-tied by, 162.
drest in a little brief, 48.
from others' books, 54.
Automaton, mechanized, 567.
Autumn fruit, fell like, 276.

garner to the end of time, 644. nodding o'er the plain, 356. that grew more by reaping, 159. Autumnal leaves in Vallombrosa, 224.

leaves, thick as, 337. Autumn-fields, happy, 630. Avarice, dreams of, 374, 378. old-gentlemanly vice, 556. old men sicken with, 173. Avaunt, conscience, 296. Avenging day, that great, 337. Avenues of ill, seal up the, 600. Aversion, begin with a little, 440. Avilion, island-valley of, 629.

Avoid shame do not seek glory, 460. what is to come, 141.

Avon, sweet swan of, 179.

to the Severn runs, 484.

Awake, lie ten nights, 51. my St. John, 314.

my soul, 359.
Awakes from the tomb, 428.

Awe and majesty, attribute to, 64.
of such a thing as I, 110.
the soul of Richard, 296.
Aweary of the sun, 126.
Awe-inspiring God, 480.
Awful goodness is, how, 234.

guide in smoke and flame, 493.
moment, face some, 476.
pause, Nature made an, 306.
volume, within that, 494.
Awkwardness has no forgiveness, 603.
Axe, head off with a golden, 108.
laid unto the root of the tree, 841.
many strokes with little, 94.
neither hammer nor, 815.
to grind, he has an, 528.
woodman's, lies free, 570.

Axes, no ponderous, rung, 535.
Axis of the earth, 638.

Axle, sleeps on her soft, 237.

Ayont the twal, short hour, 446.

Azure brow, no wrinkle on thine, 547.

hue, mountain in its, 512.

main, from out the, 358.
robe of night, the, 573.

Baälim and Peor, 251.
Babbled of green fields, 91.
Babbling dreams, hence, 296.
gossip of the air, 75.
Babe, bent o'er her, 427.

Babe in a house, a, 640.

pity like a naked new-born, 118.
she lost in infancy, 508.

sinews of the new-born, 139.

was sleeping on her breast, the, 568. Babes and sucklings, 818. Babel, stir of the great, 420.

Baby figure of the giant mass, 102.
was sleeping, 582.

Babylon in all its desolation, 682.
is fallen is fallen, 833.
learned and wise, 483.
Babylonish dialect, 210.
Bacchus ever fair and young, 271.
plumpy, with pink eyne, 158.
Bachelor, I would die a, 51.

of threescore, shall I never see a, 50. Back and side go bare, 23.

borne me on his, 144.

call yesterday, 81.

die with harness on our, 126.


got over the devil's, 773.
never a shirt on his, 286.
on itself recoils, 238.
over the devil's, 800.
resounded death, 229.
revolutions never go, 641.
sits on his horse, 78.
their opinions by a wager,
thumping on your, 423.
thumps upon the, 312.
to the field, with his, 514.
to thy punishment, 229.
Backed like a weasel, 139.
Backing of your friends, 84.
plague upon such, 84.
Backward and abysm of time, 42.
mutters, 246.

turn backward O time, 668.
yesterdays look, 307.

Bacon, broken bones for, 791.

or brave Raleigh spoke, words, 330. save our, 772.

shined, think how, 319.

Bad affright afflict the best, the, 382.
and good of every land, 654.
as falling, the fear 's, as, 160.
beginning makes a bad ending, 698.
begins and worse remains, 141.
begun, things, 121.

better for being a little, 50.
better than downright, 700.
eminence, to that, 226.

for the, all that was theirs dies, 699.

in the best, 163.

man, a bold, 27, 98.

men live to eat and drink, 738.

most men were, 758.

the world is grown so, 96.

two nations, good and the, 263 wiser being good than, 650. Badder end, to the, 4.

Bade me adieu, sweetly she, 380.
Badge, nobility's true, 103.

of all our tribe, sufferance is the, 61 Badness choose in a heap, 693. Baffled oft is ever won, 548.

Bag and baggage, 70.

Bag, empty, to stand upright, 360.
Baie's bay, isle in, 565.

Bailey, unfortunate Miss, 454.
Bait, this melancholy, 60.
Baits, good news, 242.

Baited like eagles, 86.

with a dragon's tail, 517.

with many a deadly curse, 449.

Baker's dozen, 773.

Balaam's ass, 813.

Balance, in nice, 330.

of power, 304

of the old world, 464.

Balances, Jove lifts the golden, 341.
weighed in the, 835.

Baldric, milky, of the skies, 573.
Bales unopened to the sun, 307.
Ballad of Sir Patrick Spence, 502.

to his mistress' eyebrow, woful, 69. world was guilty of such a, 54. Ballads from a cart, sung, 274. of a nation, 281.

sing from door to door, 189. Ballad-mongers, same metre, 85. Ballad-singer's joy, the English, 473. Ballast to keep the mind steady, 662. Balloch, o'er the braes of, 674. Balloon, something in a huge, 468. Ballot-box, 't is the, 538. Balm from an anointed king, 81. in Gilead, is there no, 835. of hurt minds, 120.

Balmy sweets, diffuse their, 398.
Band of brothers, 92.

they march a blustering, 273. Bands of Orion, loose the, 818. Bane and antidote, my, 299.

of all genius virtue freedom, 567.
of all that dread the Devil, 466.
precious, 225.

Bang, with many a, 211.
Banish plump Jack, 85.

strong potations, 432. Banishment, bitter bread of, 81. Bank and bush, over, 28.

and shoal of time, 118.

moonlight sleeps upon this, 65.
of violets, breathes upon a, 74.
snow-white ram on a grassy, 481.
to make a, 263.

where wild thyme blows, 58.

Banks and braes o bonny Doon, 452.
furnished with bees, 380.
Bank-note world, this, 563.
Banner, freedom's, 574.

in the sky, to see that, 635.
star-spangled, 517.

the royal, 154.

with the strange device, 614. Banners, army with, 832. confusion on thy, 383. flout the sky, 115. hang out our, 125. wave, all thy, 515.

Banquet, born but to, 344.

is o'er, when the, 348.
of the mind, 346
song and dance, 562.

! Banquet-hall deserted, 523.
Baptism o'er the flowers, 202.
Baptized in tears, 427.
Barbarians all at play, 546.
Barbaric pearl and gold, 226.
Barbarous dissonance, 245.

skill, is but a, 261.

Barber and a collier fight, 363.
Bard here dwelt more fat, 357.

on Chian strand, that blind, 503. Bards in fealty to Apollo hold, 576. who sung, Olympian, 599. Bare, back and side go, 23. imagination of a feast, 81. the mean heart, 328.

too thin and, to hide offences, 101 Barefoot, him that makes shoes go, 186. Bargain catch cold, lest the, 159.

hath sold him a, 55.

in the way of, 85.

repentance ground of a bad, 719.
to sell a, 55.

two words to that, 294. Barge, drag the slow, 424.

she sat in, 157.

Bark and bite, dogs delight to, 301. at me, dogs, 95.

at me, see they, 147.

attendant sail, 320.

drives on and on, whose, 543.

fatal and perfidious, 247.

is on the sea, my, 553.

is worse than his bite, 205.
let no dog, 60.

on even keel, thus I steer my, 354.
scarfed, the, 62.

sinks, if my, 655.

watch-dog's honest, 556.

Barkis is willin', 652.

Barleycorn, bold John, 451.

Barrel, handful of meal in a, 815.

of meal wasted not, 815.

Barren earth, small model of the, 82
sceptre in my gripe, 121.
't is all, 379.

Bars, nor iron, a cage, 260.
Base born, bravest have been, 190.
column with the buried, 546.
fly from its firm, 491.

him that uttered nothing, 623.
Hungarian wight, 45.

in kind, 413.

is the slave that pays, 91.
uses we may return, 144.
who is here so, 113.

world and worldlings, 90. Baseless fabric of this vision, 43. Baseness, the gods detest my, 158. to write fair, hold it, 145. Bashaw, three-tailed, 454. Bashful fifteen, maiden of, 442.

sincerity and comely love, 52.
virgin's sidelong looks, 396.

Basis of every truth, 409.
Basket and store, 814.

eggs in one, 786.

who was in the, 46.

Basso even contra-alto, 554.

Bastard Freedom waves her flag, 518. Latin, soft, 554.

to the time, he is but a, 78.
Bastards, ancient families, 190.
live like nature's, 246.
Bastion fringed with fire, 631.
Bat, tongue of dog wool of, 123.
Bats, to the moles and the, 832.
Bate a jot of heart or hope, 252.
Bated breath, 61.

Bath, sore labour's, 120.
Bathe in fiery floods, 48.
Battalions, heaviest, 801.

side of the strongest, 811.
sorrows come in, 142.
Battle, again to the, 516.
and the breeze, 514.
cowards do not count in, 699.
division of a, 149.
feats of broil and, 150.
for the free, won the, 562.
freedom's, once begun, 548.
he has fought his last, 666.
he who is in, slain, 403.
I had a regular, 701.

in the lost, 489.

is lost and won, when the, 115.

life is a, 750.

lost and battle won, 463.

not to the strong, 831.
perilous edge of, 224.

prize of death in, 660.

rages loud and long, the, 515.
see the front of, lour, 450.

sees the other's umbered face, 92.
smelleth the, afar off, 818.
who in life's, 805.

Battles, fought his, o'er again, 271. long ago, 473.

rains fall after great, 725.
sieges fortunes, 150.

Battle's magnificently stern array, 543.

sound, no war or, 251.

van, in the, 680.

Battled for the true and just, 632.
Battle-field, march to the, 675.
Battlements bore stars, 479.

fate sits on these dark, 456.
towers and, 248.

Bauble, pleased with this, 318.
Baucis' busy care, 274.
Bay of Biscay 0, 453.

the moon, be a dog and, 114.
Bay-tree, like a green, 819.
Be as be we would, 38.

good sweet maid, 664.

lief not be as live to, 110.

matters not what you are thought to, 713.

no better than you should, 197.

[blocks in formation]

Be ye angry and sin not, 847.
Beach, fishermen that walk upon the


there came to the, 515. Beacon of the wise, 102.

Beade of amber, flie within a, 203.
Beadle to a humorous sigh, 55.
Beadroll, Fame's eternall, 28.
Beads and prayer-books, 318.

in drops of rain, tell their, 613.
pictures rosaries, 215.

they told, their, 678.

Beak from out my heart, take thy, 640.
Beaker full of the warm south, 575.
Be-all and the end-all, 118.

Beam, full midday, 255.

on the outward shape, cast a, 245.
that smiles the clouds away, 550.
unpolluted in his, 169.

Beams athwart the sea, 625.

little candle throws his, 66.
spreads his orient, 233.
tricks his, 248.
Beans, abstain from, 729.
Bear a charmed life, 126.
another's misfortunes, 336.
bit you if it had been a, 292.
borne and yet must, 566.

how easy is a bush supposed a, 59.
it calmly, we, 289.

lick into form as a, 186.

like the Turk, 327.

me not so swiftly o'er, 674.

or lion, sometime like a, 158.
pain to the, 593.

rugged Russian, 122.
the palm alone, 110.
those ills we have, 136.

to conquer our fate is to, 515.
to live or dare to die, 318.

up and steer right onward, 252. with your own brother, 743. Bears and lions growl, 301.

lick their cubs, 776, 780. when first born, 719. Bear-baiting heathenish, 593. Beard and hoary hair, 383. he that hath a, 50.

of formal cut, 69.

singed the Spanish king's, 616.
the lion in his den, 490.
was as white as snow, 142.
was grizzled, 129.

Bearded like the pard, 69.

men, tears of, 489.

Beards be grown, until your, 815. wag all, in hall where, 21.

waveth all, when the, 21. Bearings of this observation, 652. Beast to man, familiar, 45.

little better than a, 61.

that wants discourse of reason, 128. the righteous man regardeth the life of his, 826.

very gentle, 59.

Beasts, brutish, 113.

man's injustice to, 742.

nature teaches, 103.

Beasts, pair of very strange, 71.

that perish, like the, 820.

Beat the bush, 10.

this ample field, 315. your pate, you, 336. Beaten, he that is, 212.

with his own rod, 9.

Beatific vision, 225.

Beating of my own heart, 634.
Beatings of my heart, 467.

Beatitude, eighth, 347.

Beaumont lie a little further, 179.

lie a little nearer Spenser, rare, 179. Beauteous, all that is most, 483. eye of heaven, 79.

flower, may prove a, 106.

ruin lay, lovely in death the, 308.
ruin lies, prostrate the, 453.

Beauties, lovers admire thy naked, 555. modestly conceals her, 378.

of exulting Greece, 356.

of holiness, 823.

of the night, meaner, 174.

of the north, unripened, 298.

Beautiful, all round thee lying, 680.

and free, their old age is, 471.
and to be wooed, 93.

as sweet and young as, 308.
beneath his touch, grow, 514.

beyond compare, 497.

both were young and one was, 552.
clear and purely, 553.
exceedingly, 499.

eyes of my cash-box, 798.

for situation, 820.

is night, how, 507.

mouth in the world, most, 353.

necessity, from a, 640.

old rhyme, 163.

outward, appear, 841.
palace, the, 266.

thought, thou wert a, 546. tyrant! fiend angelical, 107. what a deal of scorn looks, 76. Beautifuller, evening seemed, 651. Beautifully blue, 507, 559.

less, fine by degrees and, 287. Beauty, a thing of, 574.

adorned in naked, 234.
and her chivalry, 542.

and youth, wisdom rare in, 343.
as could die, as much, 178.
bereft of, 73.

born of murmuring sound, 469.
calls and glory shows the way, 281.
come near your, 93.

cost her nothing, 35.

dead, black chaos comes again, 161.
dedicate his, to the sun, 104.
draws us with a single hair, 326.
dreamed that life was, 654.

dwells in deep retreats, true, 485.
e'er gave, all that, 384.
elysian, 482.

fatal gift of, 545.

fills the air around with, 545.

fires the blood, 273.

for ashes. 834.

Beauty, form of manliest, 436. full-blown flower of glorious, 276. garmented in light from her own, 567. grew, the conscious stone to, 598. hath its source in the beautiful, 751. hath strange power, 242.

hold a plea, shall, 162.

if she unmask her, 129.

imaged there in happier, 482.
immortal awakes, 428.
in a brow of Egypt, 59.
in his life, daily, 156.

in need of praise, 752.

is a joy forever, thing of, 574.
is a short-lived tyranny, 761.
is a silent deceit, 761.

is a sovereignty in need of no guards,

is an ivory mischief, 761.

is its own excuse for being, 599.

is the best introduction, 761.

is the gift of God, 761.

is truth truth beauty, 576.
is vain, 829.

isle of, fare thee well, 581.

led captive, 240.

like the night, walks in, 551.

lingers, lines where, 548.

makes this vault a feasting presence,


making beautiful old rhyme, 163.

of a thousand stars, clad in the, 41.

of surpassing, 702.

of the good old cause, 472.

of the world, 262.

on the shore, left their, 598.
ornament of, is suspect, 162.
power of, I remember the, 272.
provoketh thieves, 66.
she walks in, 551.
slain, with him is, 161.
smile from partial, 513.
smiling in her tears, 513.
soon grows familiar, 298.
stands in the admiration, 240.
such, as a woman's eye, 55.
there is music in the, 218.
they grew in, 570.

thou art all, 295.

though injurious, 242.

to die for, 600.

to sport with, 525.
truly blent, 74.

upon the cheek of night, 105.
waking or asleep, 235.

winds of March with, 77.

Beauty's chain, hour with, 525.
ears, gem that hangs from, 424.
ensign is crimson, 109.
heavenly ray, 549.


Beaux, where none are, Beaver, dear the, is to him, 586. on, Harry with his, 86.

Beckoning ghost, 335.

shadows dire, 243.

Beckons me away, a hand which, 314. Becks and wreathed smiles, 248.

Becomes him ill, nothing, 55.

Becomes the throned monarch, 64.
Becoming mirth, limit of, 55.
Bed at Ware, 305.

betwixt a wall, feather, 211.
born in, in bed we die, 794.
bravely thou becomest thy, 159.
by night, 397.

daystar in the ocean, 248.
delicious bed, 584.

early to rise early te, 360.
from his brimstone, 507.

go sober to, 184.

goes to, mellow, 184.
goes to, sober, 184.

gravity out of his, 85.

holy angels guard thy, 302.

hue as red as the rosy, 678.
lies in his, 79.

made his pendent, 117.
mighty large, 305.

of death, faith kneeling by his, 40.

of death, smooth the, 328.

of down, my thrice-driven, 151.

of honour, 212, 305.

on my grave as now my, 218.

up in my, now, 584.

we laugh in bed we cry in, 794.

welcome to your gory,


with the lamb, to, 33.
with the lark, to, 454.
Beds of raging fire, from, 228.
of roses, make thee, 41.
Beddes hed, lever han at his, 1.
Bedfellows, strange, 43.
Bedtime, would it were, 87.
Bee, brisk as a, 369.

buried in its own juice, 168.
busy as a, 33.

enclosed in amber, 722.
had stung it newly, 256.
not good for the, 754.
the little busy, 302.
where sucks the, 43.

would choose to dream in, 678.
Bees, banks furnished with, 380.
his helmet, a hive for, 25.

murmuring of innumerable, 630.
rob the Hybla, 115.

the government of, 782.
Beechen tree, spare the, 516.
Beef of England, roast, 363.
Beehive's hum, 455.

Been and may be again, 473.
what has been has, 274.
who that hath ever, 497.

Beer, bemus'd in, 326.

chronicle small, 151.

felony to drink small, 94.
poor creature small, 89.
Beersheba, Dan to, 379, 814.
Beetle, intolerable to a black, 857.
that we tread upon, 48.
three-man, 88.

Beeves and home-bred kine, 474.
Before and after, looking, 142.
come after which was, 212.
not lost but gone, 283.
that which is gone, 752.

[blocks in formation]

laws of, 602.

upon his good, 559.

Behind, worse remains, 141.

you, if you had any eye, 76.

Behold, hath power to say, 57.

our home, survey our empire, 550.
the upright man, 819.

Beholding heaven, 526.

Being, beauty its own excuse for, 599.
God a necessary, 266.

hath a part of, 544.
intellectual, 227.

one principle of, 754.
momentary taste of, 768.
pleasing anxious, 385.

scarcely formed, a lovely, 560.

shot my, through earth, 501.

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