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number of the villagers, descended the opposite side of the hill, and proceeded for nearly three miles through a valley well covered with soil, filled with jungle, and having several streams of good water, to a village in Barkoss Tuppa, called Kaittugbeetah. We rewarded the people, as we did on the former, and all succeeding occasions, with a quantity of salt. The inhabitants of this village instantly provided, as usual, my companions with a hut, whilst I retired, according to my custom throughout the journey, to my tent, afraid of the bugs and other vermin, which rage here without any control in vast numbers. This village is beautifully situated in the valley, bounded on three sides with hills, and well supplied with water.

19. Sabbath. This morning, the villagers, to the number of 60, besides children, assembled to hear our message, when Maisa, Nyansookh, and myself addressed them. They were, in general, I think, more attentive than those of any village we have yet visited. They seemed well-disposed, and desirous to be as kind to us as they could possibly be. They evinced more curiosity than the people of any other place, with the exception of Kommo Joneean, gathering around us, and considering us with great attention. Many of them could speak a little Hindoostanee, and one of them could imperfectly read Hindooee, having been educated in the school at Bhaugulpore. We gave him a Gospel, with which he seemed greatly pleased, began immediately to read, and did not fail to seek our aid for farther instruction. I have no doubt he will, in a very few days, read well. He belongs to a small village, about half a mile distant, bearing the same name as this. Desirous of accompanying us, for a similar object with Doolee, and of even going with us to Monghyr, he went home to consult with his wife on the subject, but returned the next morning, saying, that his "Mem" would not agree. We were, as the reader will readily conceive, not a little surprised at the sound of such a word among the mountains.

About 2 P. M. we ascended the second range of hills, accompanied by the man who could read, as a guide, and visited a small village on the top, called Komobeetah. About 30 people, besides children, assembled. They were tolerably attentive while Maisa preached Christ to them, and prayed. Both Nyansookh and myself, also, endeavoured to impress them with a sense of the value of eternal things. This hill was the highest and steepest of any we had yet ascended: on the declivities were some fields, and on the top a large tract of very fine soil, much of which had been cultivated. Here, we observed, for the first time, the barriers in the pathways, to prevent the ghosts from approaching the villages.

Proceeding along the top of the hill, half a mile farther, we reached another small village, called Biddo-Patum, or Putma. The people, to the number of 25, exclusive of children, were very attentive. Two or three of those present being sick, Maisa, in addition to telling them of Christ and his salvation, dwelt, at my request, on the extraordinary cure of the sick man at Bethsaida; and of the cures, in general, effected by Christ. One of the sick said that he would henceforth call on the name of Christ only.

Before sunset we descended with some difficulty the lofty and steep hill, and returned to Kaittugbeetah; where, shortly after, we were surprised at hearing some of the people pulling down the ensign of Kalee, and exclaiming as they laid it low, " Henceforth, Jesus will be our only God." We afterwards understood, that they had, after a long consultation, held in our absence, came to this determination. Whether they will ever erect the bamboo again, we know not; but they cheerfully and very unceremoniously displaced it. Doolee says, that he now expects, that as soon as the news goes forth of what has befallen the bamboo here, all the others will share the same fate. He is busy at his book and to-day expressed a wish to be taught to pray, as he was desirous of being a disciple of the Lord Jesus.

[To be concluded in our next.]

Missionary and Religious Entelligence.



From the twelfth report of the Serampore College, it appears that in regard to internal arrangements and efficiency, the institution has never been in so flourishing a state, as it is at present. The number of students has greatly increased, and, as might be expected from the high character and ability of the professors, their progress in their studies has been most satisfactory. Of the students in European habits, five have left the college since the publication of the last report. One has been appointed to a new missionary station at Cherra-poonjee, two have obtained situations as teachers, one is a moonsiff in the district of Dinagepore, and one has returned, highly recommended, to his own country. Ten now remain in the college. These read Hebrew, Greek, Latin and Bengalee with the Rev. Mr. Leechman, who has also carried on a course of lectures on Mental Philosophy throughout the year: from Mr. Mack they receive instructions in Geography, and Mathematics, including Algebra and Arithmetic; and Dr. Marshman still continues his lectures on Ancient and Ecclesiastical History. The number of Native Christian students, boarded and educated at the expence of the institution, has increased from 32 to 52. All these learn Bengalee; and the ablest boys are selected for further instructions in Sanscrit and English, with a view to their future usefulness among their countrymen. The students in the native English classes have increased from 42 to 67. Of these nearly one half are Christians; the rest are Hindoos. They are divided into seven classes, in various stages of progress, from the Introduction to the Reader, up to the Bible, and Mr. Marshman's Brief Survey of History. We regret that amidst so much that is encouraging, the funds of the institution should be in such a lamentable state: but we trust the deficiency is only temporary, and that the publication of the present report will draw from the public that support, which the objects and success of the institution, and the conscientious labours of the professors so richly merit.


A meeting took place on April 12th, pursuant to advertisement, at the Town Hall, to take into consideration the best means of commemorating the public and private virtues of Rammohun Roy.

SIR JOHN PETER GRANT, KNT. in the chair.

After an introductory address by the chairman, in which he stated that as an English judge, he could not be better employed, when detached from the solemn duties of his situation, than in assisting to perpetuate the merits of such a man as Rammohun Roy, it was moved by Mr. Pattle, seconded by Baboo Russick Lall Mullick, and unanimously agreed to,

"That it is the opinion of this Meeting, that the name of Rammohun Roy should be perpetuated by whatever means will best indicate the high sense entertained of him by this Meeting as a philosopher and a philanthropist, and of his unceasing endeavours to improve the moral and intellectual condition of his countrymen, and to advance and promote the general good of his country."

The second resolution, proposed by Mr. H. M. Parker, seconded by Mr. Turton, and in like manner unanimously adopted, was,

"That a subscription be opened to forward the object of this meeting in such manner as may be determined by a majority of subscribers, they to vote by proxy, or otherwise after six weeks' notice, which shall specify the plan or plans proposed."

It was then moved by J. Sutherland Esq. and seconded by Dr. Bramley, "That the following Gentlemen shall constitute a Committee to collect Subscrip tions, and to call a meeting of the Subscribers as soon as sufficient time shall have elapsed for the receipt of contributions from all parts of India."

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[blocks in formation]

Colonel Young.

G. J. Gordon, Esq.
A. Rogers, Esq.
James Kyd, Esq.
W. H. Smoult, Esq.
David Hare, Esq.

Colonel Beecher.
Dwarkanauth Tagore.

The following names were added by consent of the Meeting:

Mothoornauth Mullick.

Bisonauth Mootee Lall.
James Sutherland, Esq.

Mr. Turton, in moving a vote of thanks to the chairman, said, that Sir John must be quite aware, it was an object to have some one to preside on the occasion, whose personal character would give influence to the meeting, and on looking round, they could not find any gentleman so well adapted as he was, and connected with the natives as he had been from his earliest residence in India.

Sir J. P. Grant, in returning thanks, said, he felt himself extremely gratified by the compliment paid him by the native gentlemen, and by his learned and esteemed friend, Mr. Turton. He should think he but ill discharged his duty, did he not take every occasion to forward the wishes of the native community.

The meeting separated about five o'clock.


This very interesting seminary, supported chiefly (as our readers may remember) by the Chowdry Baboos, Kaleenauth and Boycontonauth Roy, has been lately visited by the Rev. Mr. Mackay, and continues to exhibit a most gratifying state of efficiency. About six months ago, the school seemed all but ruined by a fever, which swept away nearly one-tenth of the boys, and reduced the rest to such a state of debility, that not more than twenty or thirty could be found, who were in a fit state to attend school. Within the last few months, however, owing to the disappearance of the fever, and to the able and persevering efforts of Mr. Wilson, not only has the number of pupils increased more then five fold, but their progress would do honour to the best conducted seminary in Calcutta. A finer or more intelligent set of boys it is impossible to meet with. Never having heard the English language, except as spoken by the gentlemen at Bagundee, and their teachers, they converse in it with a precision, and purity of pronunciation, very uncommon among the native youth. It is now universally admired, and studied with avidity, while the Persian has fallen into such contempt, that, at the time of Mr. Mackay's visit, not more than three or four attended the Moonshee. The school has now been established for nearly two years; it has had to struggle with sickness, change of masters, and the usual fickleness of the native mind: and it is but common justice to say, that the Chowdry Baboos have amply redeemed their pledge, and continue to be as active and liberal in the support of the school, as they were when they first commenced it. Such men deserve the approbation of the public: and may take to themselves the gratifying consciousness, that they are foremost in the work of doing real good to their countrymen.


We copy from the Durpun an account of this most extraordinary transaction, with the admirable comments of the Editor. It is quite in accordance with the intolerant and unimprovable spirit of Hinduism; but the shrewdness of the Secretary, Baboo Bhobanee Churn, might have suggested to him some better plan for recruiting his finances, than the bungling expedient of holding up his followers to the derision of the public by such a singular mixture of bigotry, ignorance, and utter weakness. No native gentleman of any spirit will submit to such dictation; and others will be more and more convinced by it, that the only way to reform Hinduism, is to cut it up, root and branch. Of course, the Singh and Mullick Baboos laughed at the whole affair.

A considerable sensation has been felt in Calcutta during the last fortnight, through the singular conduct of the Dhurma Subha and its leader, the Editor of the Chandrika. The following are the particulars of the case. A wedding has recently taken place in the families of Raj Krishno Singh and Muthooranath Mullik Baboos, both men of large wealth and great respectability. The latter was a friend of Ram Mohun Roy, and is favourable to the abolition of Suttees. The Editor of the Chundrika, on hearing of the projected wedding, and that a great number of the first Kayustu families had been invited to attend it, convened a meeting of the Holy Alliance, and prevailed on its chief members, who were at the heads of parties, to use all their influence to prevent any Kayustu's attending the wedding. A bull was fulminated against all who should dare to be present, and they were threatened with expulsion from the Society. In consequence of these proceedings a number failed to go. The Holy Alliance has also insisted on every Kayustu's signing a bond, of which we subjoin a copy.

To the Dhurma Subha.

Witness my bond-After receiving an invitation from Baboo Raj Krishun Singh, I heard that his cousin was to be married to the niece of Muthooranath Mullik Baboo. Through fear of associating with them, I have rejected the invitation, and have held no connection with those who have held such association. As some Koolins and Ghutuks have accepted their invitation, I do now pledge myself to refrain from all connection with them, more particularly in the way of marriages. Even the partaking of water from those who have thus become unclean, may be destructive of religion. I agree therefore to be constantly on my guard.-20th Falgoon, 1755.

The bond which the Dhurma Subha requires all Kayustus to sign is, we think, a token of weakness. Why take a bond from those who are heart and soul Hindoos? Many of course will sign it out of fear, who will afterwards associate with those whom the Subha proscribes. We leave it to the consideration of the learned members of that Society to judge what must be the force of religious principle, in the minds of those who cannot be kept from violating the rules of caste, without a formal written engagement.

But after all, what will be gained by this extraordinary proceeding? Will the rite of Suttee be restored? Never. Though the members of the Holy Alliance should succeed in preventing every Kayustu from attending this wedding, they will never see another widow burnt as long as the British Government continues paramount in India. The rite is for ever abolished. Thousands are already to be found in India who do not know what it means, and in a few years it will scarcely be believed that such a practice was ever in vogue.

We farther learn that the sum which the Dhurma Subha has been obliged to contribute on this occasion, has been six thousand rupees, and that this money has been subscribed by four of its wealthy families. The Chundrika will correct us if we have been misinformed.

We are likewise told that the sum given to the highest grade of Kayustus who attended the wedding was 25 Rs. a head; the sum given by the Dhurma Subha to those who did not go, was only 20 Rs. ; so that many regret now that they did not attend the wedding, and some have in consequence of the small sum given by the Dhurma Subha, returned to the conductors of the wedding to receive the larger gift. As this is perhaps the last notice we shall have occasion to take of this matter, perhaps it may not be out of place to offer our humble advice to the Members of the Dhurma Subha. We propose to them to alter the designation of the Society, and instead of calling it a Society for the establishment of the Suttee rite, to name it, a Society for the prevention of weddings among the friends of Rammohun Roy. As the burning of widows will never be restored, to keep up any allusion to the rite, is only to proclaim the discomfiture of the Society: whereas by adopting the title which we have recommended, the designation and the deeds of the Society will be in strict harmony, and the office of Secretary will cease to be a sinecure.— Sumachar Durpun.


It is with feelings of no ordinary satisfaction we announce, that, in answer to the appeal which was made in our last number in behalf of the "Bombay Auxiliary Scottish Missionary Society," the following donations in aid of its funds have been received:

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W. J. C. per Lieut. Conolly,


Gift-Money of a deceased child of Scottish parents,32

This is a good beginning, and warrants us, we think, to indulge the hope, that such a sum will be subscribed by the friends of Missions, in this and other parts of India, as will prevent the directors of the Society from being reduced to the very painful necessity of abandoning some of their stations, which have been so advantageously occupied-of shutting up all their schools, which have been so numerously attended-of stopping their printing presses, from which so many useful tracts have been issued-and of having recourse to other measures, which will both abridge the extent, and impair the efficiency of their operations. We cannot help, however, again pressing it upon the attention of our readers, that, unless such prompt and liberal support be extended to them, these appalling results must inevitably ensue. P. S.-To remove misconception, it is proper here to state, that the Scotch Mission at Bombay is not a branch of the Indian Mission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. It is a branch of the Missions of the Scotch Missionary Society-one of the oldest and best of our home Religious Societies. It is Catholic in its constitution, i. e. it is composed of members of different denominations. Still, as a matter of fact, it does so happen that the majority of its supporters belong to the Church of Scotland. Most of its directors and office-bearers are clergymen and laymen of the church. Most of its Missionaries are ordained ministers of the church. The Mission of the General Assembly, on the other hand, was originated, and is supported by the General Assembly, in its capacity, as the Supreme Judicature of the National Church of Scotland.

6. BOMBAY STATION OF THE AMERICAN MISSION. "FOR the sake of perspicuity, the operations of each branch of our mission will be given separately, and arranged under distinct heads.

"Preaching. During the past year, the Gospel has been preached regularly in the chapel, and also in the streets and places of concourse, as our health and circumstances would admit.

"The attendance at the chapel on the Sabbath, continues much the same as men. tioned in our last report. Nor can we expect a great increase of constant hearers, until the gracious influences of the Holy Spirit shall have been poured out upon the people, and they shall be constrained, through love of the truth, to wait upon God in this ordinance of his appointment. In the streets we can, almost at any time or place in the evening, have a number of people assembled, who are willing, for a short time, to hear what we have to say concerning the way of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. As yet we have found but few among them who are willing to pay much serious attention to the things heard. Our duty, however, is plain, viz. to preach Christ, and him crucified, to the people, whether they will hear or forbear, being assured that the word of the Lord will not return unto him void, but will accomplish that whereunto he hath sent it.

"The public meeting which is held in the chapel on Tuesday, is attended by all the teachers of our schools, the native members of our mission church, and a few others. They generally pay attention to the word of God while it is spoken to them, and some of them show that they have a considerable amount of correct scriptural knowledge. We lament that they feel so little disposed from the heart to accept of the salvation of the Gospel.

"The service in English on Sabbath evenings is still continued. The attendance is respectable, though not large.

"The monthly prayer-meeting for the spread of the Gospel, has been regularly observed during the year."

"Schools.-The schools in Bombay and those on the continent, are in a flourishing state, so far as numbers and progress in their studies generally are concerned. The books used in the schools, are such as have been published by the mission, and no books but those which are strictly of a religious tendency, are allowed to be used. The schools on the continent are regularly examined every month, and those in Bom

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