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" ... varying in size from that of a walnut to that of a small child's head — the taste more or less aromatic, sweet, or subacid. It is produced on spurs, which spring from branchlets of two or more years growth, and continue to bear for a series of years. "
Science - Page 190
edited by - 1886
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An Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology: Designed for the ..., Volume 2

Parker Cleaveland - 1822 - 890 pages
...Lehigh, and Tobyhannah, on Broad Mountain. It is sometimes in compact, indurated, detached masses, varying in size from that of a walnut to that of a man's head — sometimes its texture is porous or spongy — and sometimes it is cellular, the cavities...
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The Saturday Magazine, Volume 14

1839 - 272 pages
...this opinion. During my expedition through the y alais and other parts of Switzerland, I saw goitres varying in size from that of a walnut to that of a peck loaf. Coxe here alludes to the supposed agency of water in producing these diseases. But the truth...
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A Technological Dictionary: Explaining the Terms of the Arts, Sciences ...

W. M. Buchanan - 1846 - 768 pages
...the emblem of empire. EI'GLE-STOSEB, atites; a variety of arllacooiis iron ore of a nodular form, d varying in size from that of a walnut to that of a man's head, and containing a ort of loose kernel. It obtained this tame from a supposition that the...
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Cyclopaedia of the Natural Sciences

William Baird - 1858 - 642 pages
...neighbourhood of Xalapo, and has a root of a roundish tuberous form, black externally, white and milky within, and varying in size from that of a walnut to that of a moderate sized turnip. It is imported in thin transverse slices, solid, hard, and heavy, and is used...
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Chemical News and Journal of Industrial Science, Volume 75

1897 - 336 pages
...streams of carbonic acid. Near Neubau, in Waldeck, for instance, I have seen bubbles of carbonic acid varying in size from that of a walnut to that of a man's head, bursting on the surface of springs, incessantly, day and night ; and this volcanic action...
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Chambers's Encyclopædia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge, Volume 1

William Chambers - 1868 - 876 pages
...rind sometimes downy, sometimes glabrous, sometimes thickish, and sometimes very thin and transparent, varying in size from that of a walnut to that of a small child's head — the taste more or less aromatic, sweet, or subacid. It is produced on spurs,...
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Chambers's Encyclopaedia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge for ..., Volume 1

1868 - 878 pages
...rind sometimes downy, sometimes glabrous, sometimes thickish, and sometimes very thin and transparent, varying in size from that of a walnut to that of a small child's head — the taste more or less aromatic, sweet, or subacid. It is produced on spurs,...
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The American Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, Volume 56

1907 - 974 pages
...months' pregnancy, the walls somewhat thickened, and the cavity absolutely filled with polypoid growths, varying in size from that of a walnut to that of a small orange. The microscopical examination proved them to be small celled sarcoma. CASE III. — Pedunculated...
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The Diagnosis, pathology and treatment of diseases of women

Graily Hewitt - 1868 - 734 pages
...very unequal, presenting hard, smooth, rounded, distinct elevations three or four or more in number, and varying in size from that of a walnut to that of an apple or larger — these elevations being evidently integral parts of a central mass, the consistence...
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British and Foreign Medico-chirurgical Review: Or, Quarterly ..., Volume 43

1869 - 588 pages
...investigation. (1) Hcemorrhages from a cavity. — These are due partly to ruptures of small sac-like aneurysms, varying in size from that of a walnut to that of a pea and under, developed on branches of the pulmonary artery running in the walls of cavities ; partly...
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