HUBBARD, S. An electric log, 256, Hudson's Bay, Alert expedition to, 343. HUGGINS, W. Photography of the corona, 303.
HUNT, T. S. Volumes in chemistry, 235, 281.
Hydro-carbon burner, 378.
Hydrophobia, 386; among camels, 366; an old cure for, 255; and the mad- stone, 279; English commission on, 279: germ of, 23, 102; Japanese remedy for, 511; period of incuba- tion of, 299; prevention of, 301; reme- dy for, 57; unknown in Lapland, 410. Hygiene of the vocal organs, 241. Hypnotic influence, 28.
Hypnotism, 521; a journal of, 209; in France, 468.
HYSLOP, J. H. Psychophysics, 259.
JACKSON, A. V. W. Arrowsmith's edition
of Kaegi's Rigveda, 618.
JAMES, J. F. Thumb-marks, 212. Janet's Science politique, 510. Japan, cholera in, 302; educational journals in, 244; standard time in, 254.
JASTROW, J. Criminality, 20; function
of the brain, 398: longevity of great men, 294; magnetic sens, 7: mental processes, 281; Perez's Childhood, 288 psychology in Leipzig, 452; of Spiritualism, 567; the time of mental processes, 237.
Jastrow's Population of mediaeval cities, 311.
Jerusalem, an ancient aqueduct in, 583. Jewitt and Head's English coins and tokens, 99.
Johns Hopkins, Assyriology at, 409; teaching staff, 512. Johnson's Surveying, 463. Jones's Human psychology, 88. Jowett's services to Oxford, 467. Jurisprudence, economics and, 15.
Knight's Hume, 512.
Knowledge, first steps in, 584. Knox's Life of Robert Fulton, 278. Koch's museum of hygiene, 513. Kongo, the, 26; people of the, 441. KUNZ, G. F. Artificial rubies, 318.
Labor movement in America, 353, 388, 413; question, the, 617. Laboratories in France, 385. Laboratory burner. 365. Lacaze-Duthiers, de, 27.
Lacustrine deposits of Montana, 163. Lake, deepest fresh-water, 177, 412, 516; on Spanish frontier, new, 120. Lake Moeris, 27.
Lakes, glacial origin of, 45. Lamellibrauchiata of New Jersey, 422. Land-slide, a remarkable, 293. Language association, German, 576; German, importance of, 586. Languages of the Netherlands, 510; origin of, 191. Language-teaching, 611. Lanolin for ointments. 140.
Latin book, Collar's, 499; pronunciation in our schools, 480; the study of, 499. Launhardt's Mathematical economics, 309.
Liberty, statue of. 628; illumination of, 321 torch of, 587.
Librarians and their work, 67.
Library, a small, 395; association, Am- erican, 70: journal, new, 76. Lick observatory, objective for, 32. Life, is it worth living? 301. Lifeboat, 538.
Life-saving service, 1885, 138. Liquids, measurement of, 302. Lister's treatment of wounds, 279. Literary quarrels, 528. Literature, Indian, 54. Lithology, a manual of, 414; Williams's, 386.
Lockhart, arrest of, 55.
London, electric lights in, 583; letter, 9, 52, 120, 136, 228, 362, 430, 583. Longevity, 23. 56; of great men, 294: of Presidents of the United States, 578. Long Island, geology of, 352. LORD, J. K. Collar's Latin book, 499. Louis II. of Bavaria, 587. Love, 357.
Lowell lectures in Boston, 431. Lowell's Harvard oration, 445. LUCAS, F. A. Mounting of Mungo, 337. Lungs and heart, malformation of, 536; pine-leaves in the, 511.
McCosh's Psychology, 88.
MCGEE, W. J. Earthquake of Aug. 31, 271.
Mackenzie's Hygiene of the vocal or- gans, 241.
McLennan's Ancient history, 569. Macy's Our government, 615. Magazine fire-arms, self-cooling, 411. Magnetic measurements, 364; sense, 7. Majendie, Colonel, 481.
Makarow on ocean-currents, 342.
Malaria and plant-growth, 278; in east- ern Massachusetts, 230.
Mammal from the American triassic, 540.
Manganese in Russia, 321.
MANN, B: P. The abuse of dispensa- ries, 414.
Mansfield. See Hall and Mansfield. Mantis, voracity of the female, 326. Manufactories in Italy, 66.
Maple-sugar or honey, adulteration of, 76.
Maps, coloring geological, 413, 455. Marchant steam-engine, 228, 386, 505. MARCOU, J. Glaciers and glacialists, 76. Marine biological association, London,
Medals, Royal society, 534.
Mediaeval cities, population of, 311. Medical addresses, 362; aid for the women of India, 365; and psychologi- cal periodicals, 140; association, Brit- ish, 228; books, new, 385; colleges, 56; journal in Egypt, 363: knowledge of ancient Egypt, 262; practice in Russia, 185; school in Turkey, 186; schools, women in, 538; students in Vienna, 299.
Medicine, 147; legal regulation of, 358. MEIGS, M. C. Charleston earthquake, 390; constitution of the earth, 326. Meldola and White's Report on the East Anglian earthquake of April 22, 1884, 212.
MELENEY, C. E. Graded system of
Memory, training of the, 582. MENDENHALL, T. C. Mental processes, 258.
Mendenhall, T. C., 278.
Mental faculties of apes, 374; processes, 258; measuring, 237; time of, 281; suggestion, 299.
MERRIAM, C. H. A new gopher, 588; hibernation of bats, 281.
Meteor, 58, 102, 168; height of a, 565. Meteorites in the national museum, 98; meteors, and shooting-stars, 169. Meteorological observatory on Mount Wantastiquet, 453; the highest Euro- pean, 299; phenomena in Ohio, 629; record-book, 363; society of New Eng- land, 382; stations in the West Indies, 380; work, Russian, 342. Meteorology in California, 634; railway,
Mont Blanc, ascent of, 510.
MOORE, J. Earthquake sounds, 318. Moresnet, neutral district of, 383; zinc in, 413.
Morphology, comparative, 638. Morris's Study of Latin, 499.
Mortality among southern negroes, 454; of New York state for June, 302. Mosquitoes, 436; why created, 379. Mosses, 99.
Mound, the great serpent, 624. Mound-explorations in Iowa, 185.
Mountain meteorological stations, 365; ranges, Reade on, 432.
Müller on Brazilian beetles, 433. Muirhead on the birds of Berwickshire, 364.
Mulhall on British prosperity, 620. Mungo, the mounting of, 337.
Munroe's Index to literature of explo- sives, 411.
Muscle-reading, 506.
Muscular contraction, surface tension and, 36.
Museum of articles for the blind, 533; the modern, 315.
New Jersey, Brachiopoda and Lamelli- branchiata of, 422; sanitary associa- tion, 509.
New South Wales, population of, 142. Newspapers of the world, 513. NEWTON, H. A. Meteorites, meteors, and shooting-stars, 169. New York City railroads, passengers on, 312; health department, 199; health of, during June, 92; July, 200; August, 316; September, 426; Octo- ber, 529; November, 624; state mor- tality for June, 302; university of the city of, 432.
New Zealaud, acclimatization in, 426; and the recent eruption, 68; earth- quake in, 135; progress of, 371. Niagara Falls, study of, 138; gorge, 236.
Nickel-plated cooking-vessels, 433. Nipher's Theory of magnetic measure- ments, 364.
Noises, mysterious, 292; unexplained, 348.
North American butterflies, 378.
North Sea explorations, 410.
Nurses for the poor, 335; training-
schools for, 410.
Observatory, Leander McCormick, 76. Ocean-currents, sea-level and, 34, 99,
Oil on waves, device for distributing, 366; report, Orton's, 233. Oleomargarine tax law, 469. OLIVER, J. E. Education and cost of living, 345.
Omdurman and Khartum, 585. ONE OF THE AGITATORS. Ely's Labor movement, 389.
O'Reilly's Catalogue of earthquakes,
Oriental association, 408; congress, 299, 425; in 1890, 514.
Orioles, carnívorous, 165. Orton's gas and oil report, 233. OSBORN, H. F.
Corpus callosum in lower vertebrates, 167; new mammal from the triassic, 540.
Oxford and Cambridge, freshmen at,
488; women at, 586. Oxygen in the blood, 296.
Pacific coast weather, 307. PACKARD, A. S.
Illustrations in zoölo-
gical literature, 434. Packard's Zoology, 356. Painter's History of education, 500. Paleontological publications, 421. Paleontology at South Kensington, 430. Panama canal, 517, 632.
Paris as a seaport, 298; letter, 27, 94, 208, 296, 382, 532.
PARKER, H. W. Smoke-ring, 36. Parker's Morphology, 638.
Passengers on New York City railroads, 312.
Pasteur, 45, 76, 95, 186, 209, 210, 230, 231, 366, 432, 527, 532.
Pasteurism, convert to, 121.
PAUL, H. M. Clerke's History of astron- omy, 130. Pavements, 341.
Montaua, 163.
Pearson, Karl, contribution of, to the International series, 56.
Pedagogic journal, a new, 481; training for women, 576.
Pedagogical museum, proposed, 481. Peirce's Newtonian potential function, 98.
Pendulum, a long, 99.
Penitentiary for young criminals in Ohio, 425.
Pennsylvania, consumption in, 636; state geologist, annual report of, 89. Pension system, extent of, 444. Pepsine, 40.
Percival, Dr., 586.
Perez's Childhood, 288.
Perfumes of ancient Egypt, 533. Periodicals, medical and psychological, 140.
Perronnet's Mental suggestion, 299. Persia, 320.
Persian ancient art, 534. Peters, Dr., 482. PETERS, E. T. 256.
Petrography, 364. Petroleum, 121; in Scotland, 505; pipe- line in Russia, 452; steamer, 404. PETTEE, W. H. Relations of colleges and schools, 588.
Peyer's Atlas de microscopie clinique, 534.
Pharmaceutical lectures, 510. Philosophical works in France, 510. Philosophy of wealth, 551. Phosphorus-poisoning, 10. Photographing the retina, 198. Photographs of buried miners, 28. Photography by phosphorescence, 382; composite, 89; of the solar corona,
Phthisis, a new treatment for, 533; among the negroes, 142.
Physical basis of aesthetics, 419; educa- tion, 581.
Physicians, exposure of, to disease, 133; German, 336; rights and duties of, 525.
Physics section of American associa tion, 207.
Physiological selection, 307.
Physiology of digestion, 621; of plants, 571.
Picture-writing in Mexico, 381. Pierson. See Staley and Pierson. Pilot chart for August, 122. Pistols, deaths by toy, 334. Plant-dissection, 552. Plant-growth, 453; light, 482.
and the electric
Plants, physiology of, 571; Sachs's ex- periments on, 433.
Pleuro-pneumonia, 141, 291, 322, 468, 587, 631; and milk, 336. Plumbers, 358.
Plumbing, bad, 513; damages for, 513; inspectors, 510.
Pneumatic cannon, a, 552; street-car, 534.
Pneumonia, 189; cause of, 97, 133. Poetry in geographical names, 327. POHLMAN. German naturalists and physicians, 336.
Poison, chlorate of potash as a, 312. Poisoning by bisulphide of carbon, 386; by ice-cream, 2, 112, 146, 177, 322; from dyed goods, 178.
Poisonous cheese, 344; serpents, venom of, 568.
Polar commission report, 342. Polarization of resistance coils, 565. Political economy, 81; situation in
Political science quarterly, 33.
Politics and Christianity in the Hawal- ians, 74.
Polydactylism, 166, 213, 367. Polynesian race, 355.
Pompeii, recent discoveries at, 583. Population of Copenhagen, 585; of Ger- man cities, 142; of the Hawaiian Is- lands, 75; of mediaeval cities, 311; of New South Wales, 142.
Porter's Mechanics and faith, 110. Potanin's Chinese explorations, 514. Pot-holes, 10.
Pottery, Guadalajara, 405.
POWELL, J. W. Conn's Evolution of to- day, 264.
Power, animal and steam, 88; distribu-
tion of, by compressed air, 372.
Prairie dogs, carnivorous, 165.
PRATT, W. H. Stereoscopic vision,
Psychology, 88, 130; human, 88; in England, 380; in Leipzig, 459; of fear, 351; of reasoning, 265: of Spiritual- ism, 567; of the bear, 187, 368; recent books on, 87.
Psychophysics, 259, 302. Public health association at Toronto, 367; institutions, inmates of, 314. Publications, new French, 97. Publishers' announcements, 343, 344. Pumice from the Java eruption, 301. Punishment in schools, 575.
PURRINGTON, W. A. Laws against quacks, 514, 632.
Pustule, malignant, 32. PUTNAM, C. E.
Electric light and plant-
growth, 482. Pythian, R. L., 482.
Quacks, laws against, 447, 514, 632. Qualtrough's Boat-sailer's manual, 31. Queensland and the rabbit-plague, 538; population of, 432.
Rabbit-plague in Queensland, 538. Rabies, deaths from, 230.
Race characters, 623.
Rags, disinfection of, 177.
Railroads of New York City, passengers on, 312; total length of, 187.
Railway exposition in Paris, 412; me- teorology, 621.
Railways, cable, 415; in Greece, 585. Ramses the Great, mummy of, 94. RANDOLPH, R. Star rays, 566.
Reade's 'l he origin of mountain-ranges,
READER, A. The teaching of natural history, 484.
Reading, Hall's, 499.
Reasoning, psychology of, 265.
Reed's Topographical drawing, 463. Reichert. See Mitchell and Reichert. Religion of the Uapé, 437.
Resistance coils, polarization of, 565. Retina of the human eye, photograph- ing, 198.
Reunion of amputated fingers, 535. Revenues, Chinese, 105.
Revivification, 208, 212, 236, 282. Ribot's German pyschology of to-day, 87.
RICE, W. N. Eccentricity theory of the glacial period, 188; glacial period, 347. Ridgway's Manual of North American birds, 98.
Rigveda, Arrowsmith's Kaegi's, 618. RILEY, C. V. Pleuro-pneumonia, 631. Rio de Janeiro letter, 477. ROCKWOOD, C. G., Jr. Catalogue of earthquakes, 243; East Anglian earthquake, 242; recent earthquake literature, 242: Seismological society of Japan, 243, 244. Rodent, carnivorous, 102.
ROGERS, A. E. Theory of utility, 347. Rogers, W. A., 122.
Romanes on physiological selection, 307.
Rose of Sharon, the, 632. Rosmini's Psychology, 130.
Rotch's Mountain meteorological sta- tious of Europe, 365.
Royal society medals awarded, 534; of London, 9.
Royce's California, 66.
Rred's Evolution versus involution,
Scarlatina, 136.
Scarlet-fever and milk, 23.
Scherzer's Production und consum., 263. Schley, Commander, 534. Schliemann, Dr., in Crete, 479.
School boards, women on, 423, 470, 512; British, at Athens, 611; children, health of, 133; sessions, length of, 381; superintendents, handbook of, 386. School-books, new, 585; on geology, 443. Schoolmasters, convention of, at Phila- delphia, 580; diplomas for, 586.
Schools, French girls', 480; German girls', 479; graded system of, 591; pre- paratory, and colleges, 588; punish- ment in, 575; science in English, 223. Sciara, remarkable swarm of, 102. Science for a livelihood, 236, 258, 303; in colonial education, 491; in English schools, 223; the classics versus, 484. Science and Education, prospectus of, 467.
Scientific knowledge, first steps in, 584; men and their duties, 541; in parlia ment, 137; societies, misdirected ef- fort in, 423.
Scotland, herring fishery in, 312. Scranton board of trade report, 378. SCUDDER, S. H. The teaching of natural history, 454, 515.
Seacoast defences, 633.
Sea-level and ocean-currents, 34, 99, 391. SEAMAN, L. L. Social waste of a great city, 283.
Sea-serpent, the, 258.
Sea-water in the ears, 230, 258.
Seaweeds, shells, and fossils, 99.
Seismological society of Japan, 243, 244. Seismoscope, a Chinese, 278. Senses, study of the, 376.
Se-Quo-Yah, the American Cadmus, 133.
Serpents, poisonous, venom of, 568. Severn tunnel, the, 583. Sewage, 9, 584.
Sewerage, separate system of, 399. SEXTON, S. Sea-water in the ears, 258. SHARPLESS, I. Height of a meteor, 565. Shaw's Co-operation in a western city, 531.
Ship-canal, Manchester, 137. Shorthand writers, 55. SHUFELDT, R. W. A most extraordinary structure, 57; another carnivorous rodent, 102; government science. 35, illustrations in zoological literature, 389: larval amblystomas, 367; mum- mified frog, 279, 326; polydactylism, 367.
Siberian university, first, 585. Sidgwick's History of ethics, 265. Sierra Nevadas, geology of, 629. Signature, Washington's, 349. Sims memorial fund, 279.
Skin, replacement of, on a finger, 95. Skull, a long, 436.
Sleeping for long periods, 298.
Small-pox in Brooklyn, N. Y., 401; in London, 322.
Smith, G. A., 364. Smith, H. H., 482.
SMITH, J. B. Polydactylism, 213.
SMITH, R. M. Methods of investigation in political economy, 81, population of mediaeval cities, 311. Smithsonian reports, 223. Smoke-ring, 36. Snake-bites, 57. Snake-dance, 12.
Snider's Faust, a commentary, 537. Snow hall, Kansas university, 538. Social instincts of apes, 374; science club in Honolulu, 75; statistics of cities, 141; waste of a great city, 283. Socotra, 538.
Soldiers and invalids of the war, 482. Sorbonne, re-opening of the, 534. Sorghum sugar, 361.
Spain, decrease of criminality in, 139; education in, 498; progress in, 511. Sparrows, 58.
Spectrum of 8 Lyrae, 80.
Spine and cord, fracture of, 425; tail- like extension of the human, 334. Spiritualism, psychology of, 567. Spleen, 32.
Springer. See Wachsmuth and Spring-
STARR, E. Muscular contraction, 36. Statics, treatise on, 65. Statistics, economic, 263; social, of cities, 141.
Statue of Liberty, 628; illumination of, 321; torch of, 587.
Steam and animal power, 88. Steamer, a petroleum, 404. Steam-heating problems, 98.
Stephen's Dictionary of biography, 480. Stephens's History of the French revolu- tion, 570.
Steps of men and women, length of, 631.
Stereoscope, new form of, 98.
Stereoscopic vision, 631.
STODDARD, J. T. Composite portraiture, 89.
Stomach, fungi in, 301.
Stowell's contributions to neurology, 453.
Street-railways, cable, 415; curves on,
Studies for boys and girls, 489.
Submarine torpede boat, 255; voyage, 507.
Succi's fast, 298, 385.
Suez canal, 33.
Sugar, sorghum, 361.
Sugar-raising in the Hawaiians, 75. Suicides in France, 410.
Sully, James, precocity of genius, 62. Surgeons as physiologists, 210. Surveying, topographical, 463. Sweating sickness, 190. Swindler, the, 482.
Swindling naturalist, 124.
Swiss society of natural science, 44. Switzerland, education in, 585.
Sylvester's theory of reciprocants, 98.
Taste, effect of drugs on, 54. TAUSSIG, F. W. economists, 33. Taylor, Dr., 587.
TAYLOR, T. Butter and fats, 455. Taylor's tests for adulteration of butter, 223.
Tea, abuse of, 292; delirium tremens from, 505; diseases due to, 132. TEACHER, A. The teaching of natural history, 435.
Teachers' certificates in Germany, 481; meetings, 587; salaries, 585. Teaching of languages, 611; of natural history, the, 435, 454, 484, 515. Technical education, 381, 472; in New York, 424.
Teeth and flour-dust, 513; chloride of iron and the, 387. Telepathy, feline, 123.
Tetanus, origin of, 410.
Thayer's Greek-English lexicon, 636. THOMAS, C. Fort Ancient, 538.
Thompson, Elizabeth, science fund, 1.
THOMSON, G. M. Acclimatization, 426.
Thought-transferrence, 527.
Thumb-marks, 166, 212.
Ticknor's Ye olden time series, 411.
Tide tables for 1887, Pacific coast, 142. Timber of the English colonies, 440. Tin, 33.
Tobacco and blindness, 366. Tobacco-consumption in Europe, 466. TODD, D. P. The American library as- sociation, 70.
TODD, J. E. Barometer exposure, 58. Tolmie, W. F., 628.
Tonquin academy of sciences, 296. Tooth, expulsion of, 452. Topographer, Haupt's, 463.
Topographical drawing, 463; survey of the Hawaiian Islands, 74; surveying, 463.
Topography of Greylock, 622. Torpedo boat, submarine, 184, 255. Tower, Eiffel, 94.
Toy pistols, deaths by, 334.
Tracheotomy and intubation, 278. Trade-route to Bolivia, 27. Trade-winds, 139.
Trades-unionists' council, 446. Train telegraphy, 421.
Transcaspian railway, 135.
Treitschke, H. von, 584.
Trenton natural history society, 36. Triassic, new mammal from the Ameri- can, 540.
Trout and salmon, abnormal embryos of, 516.
TRUE, F. W. Ass with abnormal hoofs,
304; new bat from Puget Sound, 588; the Almiqui, 282.
Tuberculosis, contagiousness of, 401.. Tuke, D. H., on insanity, 620.
Tulane university restrictions, 410. Tunnel between Scotland and Ireland, 136.
Turkey, a medical school in, 186.
Twins, successors to the Siamese, 297. Tyndall, Professor, 482, 512.
TYNG, Emma M. Technical training, 472.
Typhoid-fever in Vienna, 452. Typograph, the standard, 252.
Uapé, religion of the, 437. Unfittest, survival of the, 491. United States, colleges and universities of, 586; defective classes in the, 254. U. S. census, publication of, 447; vol. xviii. of the tenth, 535; vol. xx. of the tenth, 535: coast and geodetic survey, 212, 359, 584; changes, 141; delay in work of, 23; hampered, 75; report, 628; work of, 122, 514; ento- mological commission, report of, 139; fish commission, summer campaign of, 33, 45; geological survey, work of, 75; topographical work of, 211; in- ternal revenue receipts, 469; naval observatory, 97; navy, report of sur- geon-general of, 534; Presidents, longevity of, 578.
Universities, 37; of the United States, 586.
University of London, 52; of Paris, 481 of the city of New York, 432; of the state of New York, 48; of Vir- ginia, observations at the, 389; restric- tions, Tulare, 410; Russian, 66; the first Siberian, 585. Utility, the theory of, 347.
VEEDER, M. A. Coincident weather- conditions, 146, 370.
Venoms of poisonous serpents, 568. Victoria, mineral wealth of, 387. Vienna letter, 299.
Vines's Physiology of plants, 571. Vision, limits of, 232. Visual illusion, 370.
Vivisection, cruelty to dogs in, 122. Vocal organs, hygiene of the, 241. Volcanic activity in the Hawaiian
Islands, 67; eruption in New Zea- land, 68.
Voyage, submarine, 507.
Vulpian, experiments of, on fish, 466; on spinal diseases, 534.
Wachsmuth and Springer's Palaeo- crinoidea, 421. WALKER, J. W.
Wallace, A. R., 512; on the develop- ment theory, 560; writings of, 468. Washington, entomological society of, 140.
Washington's signature, 349. Water-color pictures, 228. Water-spouts on the Gulf Stream, 363. Water-supply of European capitals, 266.
Water-tower, fall of a, 367, 512. Waves, length of, 511.
Wealth, philosophy of, 551. Weather, cause of cool, 233, 281; in Iowa, 162; in London, 362; Pacific coast, 307. Weather-conditions,
Weather-service in New Jersey, 424. Weather-signals, a new system of, 447. Weather-theories, 111.
Wertheimer's A muramasa blade, 432. Wet-nursing, evils of, 446. Wiedermann, Dr., 431. WILLIAMS, E. H., Jr. A manual of lith- ology, 414.
Williams's Manual of lithology, 386.
Williams's Modern petrography, 364. Williamstown and Greylock, map of, 365.
Willows, cultivation of, 186. Windle on dentition, 433. Wine, manufactured, 510.
White. See Meldola and White.
WHITE, C. D. Sparrows, 58.
WHITE, G. T. Psychophysics, 302.
Whitfield's Brachiopoda and Lamelli- branchiata of New Jersey, 422. WHITMAN, C. O. Abnormal embryos, 516.
Whooping-cough, 56.
WILEY, H. W. Association of official agricultural chemists, 14; economical aspect of agricultural chemistry, 159; unexplained noises, 348. Wilson, H. C., 32.
Winchell's Geology, 443.
Winnipeg country, the, 637. Winslow's Surveying, 463. Wires, burying the, 251.
Wisconsin experiment station, report of, 138.
Women and education, 228; at Oxford, 586; education of, in Edinburgh, 586; in medical schools, 538; of India, 63; on school boards, 470, 512; on the New York school board, 423; pedago- gic training for, 576.
WOOD, De V. Flooding the Sahara, 165. Woodward. See Gray and Woodward. WRIGHT, G. F. Salt-mine, 52. Writer's cramp, 246.
Wyoming (Penn.) historical and geo- logical society, 138.
Yate's England and Russia, 454. Yellow-fever at Biloxi, 364; conceal- ment of, 268: in New York. 254; in Rio de Janeiro, 141; inoculation for, 3, 58, 478.
York, sanitary congress at, 362. Yucatan, 119.
Zinc in Moresnet, 413. Zeller, E., 452.
Zoological literature, figures illustrat- ing, 389, 434; station, Spanish, 76; work at Liverpool, 10.
Zoology at the Colonial and Indian ex- hibition, 19; Packard's, 356.
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