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Transcaspian railway, 135.

Treitschke, H. von, 584.

Trenton natural history society, 36.
Triassic, new mammal from the Ameri-
can, 540.

Trout and salmon, abnormal embryos
of, 516,

TRUE, F. W. Ass with abnormal hoofs,
304; new bat from Puget Sound, 588;
the Almiqui, 282.

Tuberculosis, contagiousness of, 401..
Tuke, D. H., on insanity, 620.

Tulane university restrictions, 410.

Tunnel between Scotland and Ireland,

Turkey, a medical school in, 186.

Twins, successors to the Siamese, 297.
Tyndall, Professor, 482, 512.

TYNG, Emma M. Technical training,


Typhoid-fever in Vienna, 452.
Typograph, the standard, 252.

Uapé, religion of the, 437.
Unfittest, survival of the, 491.
United States, colleges and universities

of, 586; defective classes in the, 254.
U. S. census, publication of, 447; vol.
xviii. of the tenth, 535; vol. xx. of
the tenth, 535: coast and geodetic
survey, 212, 359, 584; changes, 141;
delay in work of, 23; hampered, 75;
report, 628; work of, 122, 514; ento-
mological commission, report of, 1389;
fish commission, summer campaign
of, 33, 45; geological survey, work of,
75; topographical work of, 211; in-
ternal revenue receipts, 469; naval
observatory, 97; navy, report of sur-
geon-general of, 534; Presidents,
longevity of, 578.

Universities, 37; of the United States,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Williams's Modern petrography, 364.
Williamstown and Greylock, map of,


Willows, cultivation of, 186.
Windle on dentition, 433.
Wine, manufactured, 510.
White. See Meldola and White.

WHITE, C. D. Sparrows, 58.

WHITE, G. T. Psychophysics, 302.
Whitfield's Brachiopoda and Lamelli-

branchiata of New Jersey, 422.
WHITMAN, C. O. Abnormal embryos,

Whooping-cough, 56.

WILEY, H W. Association of official
agricultural chemists, 14; economical
aspect of agricultural chemistry, 159;
unexplained noises, 348.

Wilson, H. C., 32.

Winchell's Geology, 443.
Winnipeg country, the, 637.
Winslow's Surveying, 463.
Wires, burying the, 251.
Wisconsin experiment station, report
of, 138.

Women and education, 228; at Oxford,
586; education of, in Edinburgh, 586;
in medical schools, 538; of India, 63;
on school boards, 470, 512; on the
New York school board, 423; pedago-
gic training for, 576.

WOOD, De V. Flooding the Sahara, 165.
Woodward. See Gray and Woodward.
WRIGHT, G. F. Salt-mine, 52.
Writer's cramp, 246.
Wyoming (Penn.) historical and geo-
logical society, 188.

Yate's England and Russia, 454.
Yellow-fever at Biloxi, 364; conceal-
ment of, 268: in New York, 254; in
Rio de Janeiro, 141; inoculation for,
3, 58, 478.

York, sanitary congress at, 362.
Yucatan, 119.

Zinc in Moresnet, 418.

Zeller, E., 452.

Zoological literature, figures illustrat-
ing, 389, 434; station, Spanish, 76;
work at Liverpool, 10.

Zoology at the Colonial and Indian ex-
hibition, 19; Packard's, 356.

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