The Works of William Shakespeare, Volume 1Macmillan, 1891 - 1138 pages |
From inside the book
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Page xxxv
... Honour done unto me . ' Again he says of Hanmer : ' Having a number of my Conjectures before him , he took as many as he saw fit to work upon , and by changing them to something , he thought , synonimous or similar , he made them his ...
... Honour done unto me . ' Again he says of Hanmer : ' Having a number of my Conjectures before him , he took as many as he saw fit to work upon , and by changing them to something , he thought , synonimous or similar , he made them his ...
Page 12
... honours , on my brother : whereon , A treacherous army levied , one midnight Fated to the purpose , did Antonio open The gates of Milan ; and , i ' the dead of darkness , The ministers for the purpose hurried thence 125 130 Me and thy ...
... honours , on my brother : whereon , A treacherous army levied , one midnight Fated to the purpose , did Antonio open The gates of Milan ; and , i ' the dead of darkness , The ministers for the purpose hurried thence 125 130 Me and thy ...
Page 20
... honour'd with A human shape . Ari . Yes , Caliban her son . Pros . Dull thing , I say so ; he , that Caliban , Whom now I keep in service . Thou best know'st What torment I did find thee in ; thy groans Did make wolves howl , and ...
... honour'd with A human shape . Ari . Yes , Caliban her son . Pros . Dull thing , I say so ; he , that Caliban , Whom now I keep in service . Thou best know'st What torment I did find thee in ; thy groans Did make wolves howl , and ...
Page 23
... honour of my child . Cal . O ho , O ho ! would ' t had been done ! Thou didst prevent me ; I had peopled else This isle with Calibans . 350 Pros . Abhorred slave , Which any print of goodness wilt not take , Being capable of all ill ! I ...
... honour of my child . Cal . O ho , O ho ! would ' t had been done ! Thou didst prevent me ; I had peopled else This isle with Calibans . 350 Pros . Abhorred slave , Which any print of goodness wilt not take , Being capable of all ill ! I ...
Page 44
... honour , sir , I heard a humming , And that a strange one too , which did awake me : I shaked you , sir , and cried : as mine eyes open'd , I saw their weapons drawn : -there was a noise , That's verily . ' Tis best we stand upon our ...
... honour , sir , I heard a humming , And that a strange one too , which did awake me : I shaked you , sir , and cried : as mine eyes open'd , I saw their weapons drawn : -there was a noise , That's verily . ' Tis best we stand upon our ...
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Angelo Anne Anon Antipholus Ariel Bailey conj brother Bulloch conj Caius Caliban Capell conj Clark and Glover Claudio Collier dost doth Dromio Dyce edition Ephesus Escal Evans Exeunt Exit F₁ F₁F2 F₁Q3 Falstaff Ff Q3 FfQ3 Folio friar gentleman Gentlemen of Verona give Gould conj Grey conj Hanmer hath hear heaven honour Host Hudson husband Isab Jackson conj Jervis conj Johnson conj Keightley conj Launce lines in Ff lord Lucio Madam Malone Marry Master Brook master doctor Mistress Ford Nicholson conj Pompey Pope pray Pros Prospero Proteus Prov Provost Quartos Quick Re-enter Rowe Rowe ed SCENE Seymour conj Shakespeare Shal Silvia Singer Sir John Falstaff Slen Slender speak Speed Staunton conj Steevens sweet tell thee Theobald there's thou art Thurio Trin Valentine Walker conj Warburton wife Wilson conj word Роре