The Works of William Shakespeare, Volume 1Macmillan, 1891 - 1138 pages |
From inside the book
Results 1-5 of 98
Page 7
... Pros . Be collected : No more amazement : tell your piteous heart There's no harm done . Mir . Pros . O , woe the day ! No harm . 15 I have done nothing but in care of thee , Of thee , my dear one , thee , my daughter , who Art ignorant ...
... Pros . Be collected : No more amazement : tell your piteous heart There's no harm done . Mir . Pros . O , woe the day ! No harm . 15 I have done nothing but in care of thee , Of thee , my dear one , thee , my daughter , who Art ignorant ...
Page 8
... Pros . The hour's now come ; The very minute bids thee ope thine ear ; Obey , and be attentive . Canst thou remember A time before we came unto this cell ? I do not think thou canst , for then thou wast not Out three years old . Mir ...
... Pros . The hour's now come ; The very minute bids thee ope thine ear ; Obey , and be attentive . Canst thou remember A time before we came unto this cell ? I do not think thou canst , for then thou wast not Out three years old . Mir ...
Page 9
William Shakespeare William George Clark, William Aldis Wright. Pros . Twelve year since , Miranda , twelve year since , Thy father was the Duke of Milan , and A prince of power . Mir . Sir , are not you my father ? Pros . Thy mother was ...
William Shakespeare William George Clark, William Aldis Wright. Pros . Twelve year since , Miranda , twelve year since , Thy father was the Duke of Milan , and A prince of power . Mir . Sir , are not you my father ? Pros . Thy mother was ...
Page 10
... Pros . Being once perfected how to grant suits , How to deny them , who to advance , and who The creatures that were mine , I say , or changed ' em , 80 To trash for over - topping , new created Or else new form'd ' em ; having both the ...
... Pros . Being once perfected how to grant suits , How to deny them , who to advance , and who The creatures that were mine , I say , or changed ' em , 80 To trash for over - topping , new created Or else new form'd ' em ; having both the ...
Page 11
... Pros . To have no screen between this part he play'd And him he play'd it for , he needs will be Absolute Milan . Me , poor man , my library 99 exact , like ] exact . Like Ff . 100 Who ... of it ] Whose having in the truth , by his ...
... Pros . To have no screen between this part he play'd And him he play'd it for , he needs will be Absolute Milan . Me , poor man , my library 99 exact , like ] exact . Like Ff . 100 Who ... of it ] Whose having in the truth , by his ...
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Angelo Anne Anon Antipholus Ariel Bailey conj brother Bulloch conj Caius Caliban Capell conj Clark and Glover Claudio Collier dost doth Dromio Dyce edition Ephesus Escal Evans Exeunt Exit F₁ F₁F2 F₁Q3 Falstaff Ff Q3 FfQ3 Folio friar gentleman Gentlemen of Verona give Gould conj Grey conj Hanmer hath hear heaven honour Host Hudson husband Isab Jackson conj Jervis conj Johnson conj Keightley conj Launce lines in Ff lord Lucio Madam Malone Marry Master Brook master doctor Mistress Ford Nicholson conj Pompey Pope pray Pros Prospero Proteus Prov Provost Quartos Quick Re-enter Rowe Rowe ed SCENE Seymour conj Shakespeare Shal Silvia Singer Sir John Falstaff Slen Slender speak Speed Staunton conj Steevens sweet tell thee Theobald there's thou art Thurio Trin Valentine Walker conj Warburton wife Wilson conj word Роре