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The Folio enumerates at the commencement of the scene all who take part in it, including Anne Page, Fairies, Quickly and Pistol, and in this place has merely Enter Fairies. Malone introduced Anne Page as the Fairy Queen, and at the end, with waxen tapers on their heads. He however still assigned the speeches 35-39, 53-74, 82-85, and 88-90 to Quickly. Recent Editors have generally given them to Anne, on the ground that it is proved by Iv. 6. 20 and v. 3. 11, 12, that she was to 'present the Fairy Queen,' and that the character of the speeches is unsuitable to Mrs Quickly. It has been argued, too, that the Qui. of the folios, line 35, may be a misprint for Qu., i.e. Queen. This however is contradicted by the fact that Mrs Quickly plays the Queen in the early Quartos, and that the recurrence of Qui., line 88, proves that the printer of the first Folio used either Qui. or Qu. indifferently as the abbreviation of Quickly.

Most likely, in this and other respects the play was altered by its author, but the stage MSS. were not corrected throughout with sufficient care. This will account for the mistake about the colours 'green' and 'white' in the final scene, lines 186, 190, 196.

Or we may suppose Mrs Quickly to have agreed to take Anne's part in order to facilitate her escape with Fenton.

Collier MS. has 'Enter Fairies with the Queene Anne.'



VINCENTIO, the Duke.

ANGELO, Deputy.

ESCALUS, an ancient Lord.

CLAUDIO, a young gentleman.

Lucio, a fantastic.

Two other gentlemen.





A Justice.


two friars.

ELBOW, a simple constable.

FROTH, a foolish gentleman.

POMPEY, servant to Mistress Overdone*.

ABHORSON, an executioner.

BARNARDINE, a dissolute prisoner.

ISABELLA, sister to Claudio.

MARIANA, betrothed to Angelo.

JULIET, beloved of Claudio.



Lords, Officers, Citizens, Boy, and Attendants.



OF ALL THE ACTORS Ff (added at the

end of the play).

2 Omitted in Ff.

3 Varrius, a Gentleman, servant to

the Duke. Rowe.

om. Ff.

4 Pompey...] Dyce. Clown... Rowe. Clowne. Ff.

[blocks in formation]

Duke. Of government the properties to unfold, Would seem in me to affect speech and discourse; Since I am put to know that your own science Exceeds, in that, the lists of all advice

My strength can give you: then no more remains, But that to your sufficiency

[ocr errors]


as your worth is able,


SCENE I. Lords and Attendants.]
Singer. Lords. Ff. and Attend-
ants. Capell.

An apartment...) Steevens (1793).
A room...Capell. The Duke's Palace.
Theobald. A Palace. Pope.

5 put] not Pope. apt Collier MS.
not yet Keightley.

know] avow Watkiss Lloyd conj. (Athen. 1883).

7, 8 remains, But that] remains; Put that Rowe.

8,9 But that to your sufficiency...] But that, to your sufficiency, as...Ff. But that to your sufficiency you add Due diligency...Theobald conj. But that to your sufficiency you joyn A will to serve us... Hanmer. But that to your sufficiency you put A zeal as

willing...Tyrwhitt conj. But that to your sufficiencies your worth is abled Johnson conj. But your sufficiency as worth is able Farmer conj. But that your sufficiency... Steevens (1773, 1778, 1785). Your sufficiency Steevens conj. But that your sufficiency be as your worth is stable Becket conj. But state to your sufficiency...Jackson conj. But thereto your sufficiency... Singer (ed. 2). But add to your sufficiency your worth Collier, ed. 2 (Collier MS.). But that [tendering his commission] to your sufficiency And, as your worth is able, let them work Staunton conj. But that to your sufficiency I add Commission ample Spedding conj. But that to your sufficiency you add worth as ample Bailey conj. But that to your sufficiency, as Your worth is able, you add diligence Keightley. But that to your sufficiency I add A power as mighty (or forceful) Furnivall conj. (N. & Q. 1874). But that to your sufficiency you take This your commission... Anon. conj. (N. & Q. 1874). But...sufficiency, add your worth as able Kinnear conj. To that, but your sufficiency... Hicks conj. (N.

And let them work. The nature of our people,
Our city's institutions, and the terms

For common justice, you're as pregnant in

As art and practice hath enriched any

That we remember. There is our commission,


From which we would not have you warp. Call hither,
I say, bid come before us Angelo. [Exit an Attendant. 16
What figure of us think you he will bear?
For you must know, we have with special soul
Elected him our absence to supply;
Lent him our terror, dress'd him with our love,
And given his deputation all the organs
Of our own power: what think you of it?

Escal. If any in Vienna be of worth
To undergo such ample grace and honour,
It is Lord Angelo.


Look where he comes.


Ang. Always obedient to your Grace's will,

I come to know your pleasure.

[blocks in formation]

There is a kind of character in thy life,



& Q. 1875). But ť add sufficiency,

9 able] ample Hudson conj. 11 city's] Cities Ff.

11, 12 terms For] forms Of Hutchesson
conj. MS.

14 [Giues it. Collier MS.
16 [Exit an Attendant.] Capell.
18 soul] roll Warburton. seal Johnson

22 what] say, what Pope.
25 SCENE II. Роре.

Enter Angelo.] Enter Angelo and
Lord. Collier MS.

as your worth is able Hudson. See 27 your pleasure] F1. your Graces note (I).

pleasure F2F3F4

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