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There is still one way more, in which a Christian, though in the lowest station, may be the salt of the earth; and that is, by setting a good example.

Now, though a good example in low people, does not spread so wide, as when it is adorned with wealth and power, yet still it will have its effect. There is something so pleasing in a good example, that it draws respect even from the wicked. When people see others living as they ought to live, who have had no more opportunities than themselves have had, it makes them (if any thing can make them) ashamed. It holds a glass before them, and by showing them what they ought to be, must make them, in some degree, think meanly of what they are. Contempt of themselves may draw on reformation. It will at least be some restraint on wickedness. I have heard of a little knot of cottages, the inhabitants of which were amongst the most regular and orderly in the whole parish. This regularity of behaviour was said to be owing chiefly to an excellent man, a day-labourer, who had long lived among them, and whose example, like a good book, was always open before them. From it they learned, that industry and frugality turned


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poverty into plenty that contentment, rather than large possessions, produced happiness that frequenting the ale-house was dishonesty to their families and that the fear of God turned every thing into a blessing. -All this they learned chiefly from an amiable example, which brought instruction closer to the heart than any language could have done.

Thus, my brethren, we may, in our Saviour's language, be the salt of the earth-by throwing in, as we have opportunity, a little advice-by discouraging wickedness-by never joining in diversions with bad people-and by setting, on all occasions, a good example. Now, in all this there is nothing but what every one of you, more or less, are enabled to do. For, as our blessed Saviour knew what was in man, you cannot suppose he would give you any advice, which you were not able to follow. There is one place, however, where there can be no pretence for not following this advice and that is, in your families at home. Parents may at least instruct their children, and masters their servants- they may discourage wickedness among them, and set them a good example: and if every one, who has a family, would only do this, it would greatly contribute

to purify the world from that mass of corruption with which our Saviour's advice supposes it to be overspread.

Since then, my brethren, we are all, high and low, in some degree, qualified to assist in lessening this mass of corruption, by being the salt of the earth, let us not be backward in doing what we can. If any of you should see your neighbour's fences injured, and his corn laid open to trespassing cattle, he would be ready, I doubt not, to give him immediate information; or, perhaps, if he could easily do it, would see the fence made up himself. This would only be good neighbourhood. Turn it into religion. What infinitely greater service would you do your neighbour, and at the expence of less trouble to yourself, by endeavouring as earnestly to keep sin from trespassing on his soul, as cattle from his field?

Hereafter, my brethren, when all the blessed meet in a state of happiness, what joy will it be to every one, who can see among them, any whom he has been instrumental in having saved from destruction. With what pleasure he may apply to himself



himself what the holy apostle says, He who converteth a sinner from the evil of his way's, shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.


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GOD's judgments, my brethren, are now abroad in the world. In many parts, the calamities of war and pestilence are severely felt. God's judgments are severely felt also among ourselves. The critical state of our public affairs is a heavy judgment. The distress of the poor, in this time of dearth, comes still nearer home. Let me then take up the prophet's words, and exhort youall, from the melancholy symptoms of the times, to learn righteousness. Let me, first, address you in general; and, secondly, the rich and poor in particular. The admonition belongs to all.

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