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Egypt, stone implements in, 119. Election excitement versus brains, 551. Elective studies at Harvard, 499. Electrical engineering school in Boston, 150; fire, ball of, 338; light industry, government interference with, in Eng- Tand, 537; lighting, 238; machine, 338, 363; measuring apparatus, 151.283; rail- way, 180; at Frankfort, ill. 240; in New York, ill. 148; wires underground, 373. Electrotechnical handbook, 447. Elevation of earth's surface, causes of, 387. Elizabeth Thompson fund, 141, 144, 421. Elkin's work at Yale college observatory, 98.
Elliott, E. B., on electric lighting, 238; the silver question, 237.
Ellis's West African Islands, reviewed, 306.
Elting, I., on Dutch village-communities of the Hudson, 250.
Embryology, suggestion from, 481. Encken on unity of mental life, 452. Encyclopaedia Britannica on Greely's ex- plorations, 463.
Endowment for research, 144.
Engelhardt on Admiral von Wrangell, 417. Engineers, American society of civil, 13. England, geographical instruction in, 78. Ensilage in England, 500.
Entomology, economic, in Illinois, 261; in the national museum, 445.
Equatorial currents in solar and planetary atmospheres, 516.
Eskimo compared with languages of northern Asia, 300. Ethical theory, types of, 136.
Ethnography of antarctic America, 92. Ethnology, Mexican, 405.
Europe, geological map of, 377. Evolution through attack and defence, 339. Exploration in Indo-China, ill. 106. Explosions as a means of propulsion, 374; mine, 117.
Eye, development of, ill. 194.
Eyesight and civilization, 195.
Factory hours in England, 40.
Fanning's water-supply for New York, 72. FARNSWORTH, P. J. The English spar-
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Formosa, 280.
France, height in, ill. 523.
FRANKLIN, Christine L. Science in com- mon schools, 289.
FRANKLIN, F. Newcomb's Political econ- omy, 495, 538.
FRAZER, P. International geological con- gress at Berlin, 540.
French academy in its origin, 105; growth of, 1635-1885, 190; use of, 281; associa- tion for the advancement of science, 99; expeditions, 259.
Freud's Coca. 119.
Friction and lost work, 275. Fright, effect of, 550.
Fritsch's Permian reptiles of Bohemia, reviewed, 97.
Fruit, influence of locality upon, 193. Fungi, 277.
Fungoid growth on spider, 409.
G. An unreliable treatise on disinfec- tants, 540.
G., A. Insular floras, 297.
GAGE, S. H. The limitations and value of histological investigation, 226. GAGE, S. H. and S. P. Aquatic respiration of soft-shelled turtles, 283.
Gage, S. H. and S. P., on aquatic respira- tion of turtles, 225.
Gagem on the ascent of Popocatapetl, 390. GALTON, F. Types and their inheritance. 268.
Galveston, deep water at, 215. GANNETT, H. The magnetic declination in 1728, 283.
GARDINER, F., jun. An Arizona natural bridge, ill. 67.
Gas, natural, geology of, 42, 184; in Illi- nois, 520; wells, 441; of Ohio, 220. Gastric juice injected in blood of animals, 409.
Gee. See Stewart and Gee.
Geikie's Geology, reviewed, 298. Geographical education in England, 78, 538; news, 157; notes, 50, 71, 134, 311, 356, 380, 426, 448, 488, 515, 554; orthog- raphy, reform in, 110; society of Russia, 430.
Geographies, new series of, 557. Geography, some works on, 298; study of,
Geological annual, 159, 185; changes in New South Wales, 320; congress at Ber- lin, 158, 333, 376, 520, 540; history, con- tradictions in, 41; map of Europe, 377; survey of Canada, 521.
Geology and geography section of Ameri-
can association, 219; of Japan, 13; Ohio, 257; natural gas, 42, 184; recent progress in, 217; some works on, 298; of the Vir- ginias, 17.
German physicians, fourth congress of, 395; possessions in Africa, 40; univer- sities, map, 244. Germination studies, 224. Germs, effect of sunlight on, 475. Gestation in horned toad, 185.
Gilbert, G. K., on old shore-line of Lake Ontario, 222.
Gilchrist trust, lectures under, 383.
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Gray, Dr. Asa, 160; his seventy-fifth birth- day, ill. 465, 477.
Gray's Explorations of east coast of Greenland, 448.
GRAY, E. P. Calendar reform, 408. Great Basin region, reconnoissance in, 58. Greely, A.W., arctic explorations of, 463; rescue of, 278.
Greenland, east coast of, visited, 448; ex-
ploration of, 558; native iron in, 280. Guatemala, pre-Columbian history of, 514. Günther's Geophysik, reviewed, 299. Gutta-percha, substitute for, 160.
HAGEN, H. A. economy, 562. HAGUE, A. The decay of the obelisk, 510. Haight, S. S., on accurate standards for surveyors' chains, 215.
An old work on political
HALE, H. Ethnography of antarctic Amer- ica, 92.
Hale, H., on the Blackfoot tribes, 456. HALL, A. Height of land in Connecticut, 4; Reineke Fuchs in political economy, 563. HALLETT, H. S. Exploration in Indo-
Hamy's Mexican ethnology, reviewed, 405. Hann, J., on the laws of temperature in the Austrian Alps, 459. Hanno's voyage, 488.
Hare. See Woodhead and Hare. Harkness, W., on flexure of transit in- struments, 205, 387; the silver question, 237.
HARRINGTON, M. W. Lost rivers, 205. Harrison, Sir J. P., on the great toe, 452. Hartwell, E. M., on physical training in Germany, 534.
Harvard college observatory, 556; bequest to, 1, 384; elective studies at, 499. HAYWARD, S. Color and other associa- tions, ill. 338.
Hazen, H. A., on hygrometers and psy- chrometers, 387.
Health, public, 38; chemistry in the ser- vice of, 208; maxims of, 75. Heat, obscure, 443.
Hehn and Stally brass's Wanderings of plants and animals, reviewed, 426. Height in France, ill. 523. HEILPRIN, Angelo.
The classification and paleontology of the U. S. tertiary deposits, 83.
Heim's Glaciers, reviewed, 56. Helix cantiana, 418.
Hemsley's Botany of the Challenger, re- viewed, 297.
HENNING, G. C. The English sparrow, 498. HENSHAW, S. Coleoptera of America, 454. Henshaw's List of American Coleoptera,
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vapor by soils, 497; the classification and paleontology of the U. S. tertiary de- posits, 44.
Hilgard, J. E., and his work, 139. Hill, C. S., on statistical analysis, 237. Histological investigations, 226.
Histology and microscopy section of American association, 227. Historical association, 249. HITCHCOCK, C. H. The latest slides in the White Mountains, 306; the recent land- slide in the White Mountains, ill. 84. Hitchcock, E., on Mastodon skeleton, 450. Hoek on the Challenger Cirripedia, 527. Hog cholera, 532.
Hogg, A., on deep water at Galveston, Tex., 215.
HOLDEN, E. S. The care of pamphlets, 386; color and other associations, 242. Holden, E. S., 398.
Hollick on Mitchella repens, 409. Hooker, Sir J., 537.
Hooper's Cruise of the Corwin, reviewed, 425.
Hornaday's Travels in Borneo, reviewed,
Hough, G. W., on improvements in print- ing-chronograph, 205.
Howe's Atlas of biology, reviewed, 462. HOWE, H. M. The Clapp-Griffiths Besse- mer plant, 342.
Hoyt, J. W., on re-organization of U. S. executive departments, 237.
HUBBARD, G. G. The Kongo Free State, map, 163.
Hubbard, G. W., on statistics of negroes, 237.
Hudson Bay expedition, 98, 350.
HUGGINS, W. An attempt to photograph the corona, 362.
Huliva's Water-supply of Breslau, 34. Humanism in study of nature, 64. Hunt, E. M., on sanitary and statistical nomenclature, 512.
Huperz on lungen gymnastik, 406. Hurricanes, West Indian, 260.
Huxley, T. H., 334, 537; on Darwin, por- trait, 10.
HYATT, A. Cruise of the Arethusa, 384. Hybridization of plants, 224. Hydrographic surveys, 118. Hydrophobia, 312, 398, 467; as a nervous disease, 508.
Hygiene, 278; exhibition of, 36. Hygrometers, 387.
Hygrometry in the signal service, 536. Hypnotism, 280, 504.
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Indian commerce, 180: superstition, 59. Indiana state academy of sciences, 302, 490.
Indicator springs, testing, 215. Indo-China, exploration in, ill. 106. Industries, Alaskan, 357, 427; Siberian, 348.
Infectious diseases, 299. INGERSOLL, E. Canadian plains, 565; the plains of British America, 468. Ingersoll, E., on the effect of settlement of America upon its wild animals, 416. Inoculation, anthrax, 120; for yellow- fever, 535.
Inscription rocks of Monhegan, 124. Insular floras, 297. Insurance, fire, 136.
International convention of science as- sociations, 203; geological congress, 158, 333, 376, 520, 540; inventions exhi- bition, in London, 383, 429; medical congress, 61; sanitary conference at Rome, 101.
Iron industry of Russia. 452; native, in Greenland, 280; ores, 290. Iroquois clans, 231.
Irrigation of the interior of New South Wales, 551.
Irving and Van Hise on crystalline form of quartz grains, 140.
Island, new, in Pacific Ocean, 555. Italian African society, 50. Italy, area of, 135.
J., J. Illustrations of recent Italian psy- chology, 413; productiveness, 479; racial characteristics of Jews, ill. 322; some reaction-time studies, 458. J., W. Experiments in memory, 198; Lipp's psychological studies, 308. JACQUES, W. W. Underground wires, 6. Jagnaux's Mineralogy, reviewed, 16. JAMES, E. J. Newcomb's Political econ- omy, 470, 495, 517 recent land legisla tion in England, 455.
JAMES, J. F. An abnormal Rudbeckia, ill. 103; the English sparrow, 497. James, J. F., on leaves of the pitcher- plant, 296.
Japan, agriculture in, 314; atlas of, 558; geology of, 13; gravity determinations in, 319.
Japanese literature, Roman alphabet in, 158; patent law, 79.
JASTROW, J. Composite portraiture, 165, 283; infant psychology, 435. Java, puppet-shows in, 251. Jenkins, E. H., on method of estimating phosphoric acid, 248.
Jewish quarter in Rome, destruction of, 60.
Jews, racial characteristics of, ill. 322. Joest's Around Africa, reviewed, ill. 114. Johns Hopkins university, physics at, 547.
Johnson's Surveying, reviewed, 356. Johnson, H. N., bequest of, 557. Johnston, H. H., on an African smithy, ill. 347.
Journalists, reputation of Washington, 301.
K. Physics at Johns Hopkins, 547. Kaan, H., on hypnotism, 280. Kane's European butterflies, 535. Keeling Islands, poisonous waters in, 369. Kittler's Electrotechnical handbook, re- viewed, 447.
KOBELT, W. Colonization in Algeria, 317. Körösi's Comfort and longevity, re- viewed, 37.
Kolbe, C. W., on laboratory practice, 212. Kongo, 177; climate of, 100; conference, history of, 157; expedition to, 79; Free State, map, 163, 244. Korean curios, 3.
Korthals. See Bréon and Korthals. Kowak River, exploration of, 380. Krakatoa eruption, results of, ill. 291. Krause's Biography of Darwin, reviewed, 276.
KUNZ, G. F. Korean curios, 3.
Kunz, G. F., on minerals from new local- ities, 222; petrified eyes, 410. Kurile Islands, sea-level of, 120.
Labor statistics of Massachusetts, 389. Laboratory practice, initiatory work for, 211.
La Flesche, F., on relationship among Omahas, 232.
Land legislation in England, 455. Land-slide in the White Mountains, ill. 84. Langley, J. W., on chemism, 211; neces- sity of knowledge of molecular physics to teach chemistry, 212. LANGLEY, S. P. False report of the fall of a meteorite in western Pennsylva- nia, 336.
Langley, S. P., on invisible radiations, 206; temperature of moon's surface, 412, 443.
Lankester, E. R., 537.
Lapland, height of mountains in, 515. Lathe as instrument of precision, 215. Latitude, change in, 118. Latour's Chaleur animale, 535. Laughlin's Study of political economy, reviewed, 534.
Lea, sanitary condition of, 334. LECONTE, Joseph. Earthquake shocks more violent on the surface than in
mines, 540; immortality in moder thought, 126; the results of shad prope gation on the Atlantic coast, 500. Legislation, land, in England, 455. Lehmann's Consumptive period, 25. Lena polar station, 492.
LESLEY, J. P. Address before American association, 168.
Lepidoptera, collection of, 50. Lettuce, 193.
LEWIS, T. H. Effigy mounds in Iowa, il. 453.
Lick observatory, ill. 186, 398, 428, 556; crown disk for, 181; future of, 181. Liebermeister, C., on infectious diseases,
Limbs, development of, 409. Linguistic studies, 262.
Lipp's Psychological studies, reviewed. 308.
Lockington, W. N., on causes of eleva- tion of earth's surface, 387. Locusts, injury by, 236.
Logic, study of, in scientific schools, 242. Lomb prizes, 534.
London fog, 494.
Longevity and comfort, 37.
Longitude signals to Mexico, 405.
Longitudes, coast-survey system of, 474. Loomis, E. Contributions to meteorology. 62; low-pressure areas, 79.
Lucy-Fossarieu's Ethnography of an-
tarctic America, reviewed, 92. Lumsden on Afghan tribes, ill. 69. Lungen gymnastik, 406.
LUQUER, T. T. P. Color and other asso- ciations, ill. 337.
Luxor, excavation of temple of, ill. 370. LYMAN, B. Smith. The etymology of ginkgo, 84.
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Magnetic constants of steel cruisers, 361; declination in 1728, 244, 283.
Magnetism, terrestrial, in Russia, 134. Malthus and his work, 567. Mammals, aestivation of, 402.
Man, ancestry of, 162; evidence of tail in, 81, 92; and mastodon, 375. Mangrove mud in Brazil, 120.
MANN, B. P. The care of pamphlets. 407, 432.
Map of Europe, geological, 377. Maple sirup, crystals in, 520, 539.
Maps of North America, inaccuracy of, 529.
Marsh, O. C., on Dinocerata, 454; size of brains of extinct vertebrates, 360. Martha's Vineyard, cable to, 545; flora of, 363.
Martin, Miss L. J., on laboratory prac- tice, 212.
Martineau's Types of ethical theory, re- viewed, 136.
Massachusetts labor statistics, 389; teach- ers' associations, 450.
Mastodon and man, 375; skeleton near Geneva, N. Y., 450.
Mathematical prize, 259; research, com- parative activity of different nations in, 181.
Mathematics and astronomy section of American association, 204. Matter, properties of, 96. Maxwell's demons, 83.
Measurements, standards of, 215. Mechanical engineering at Cornell, 406; methods of teaching, 216; section of American association, 78, 214. Mediaeval universities, 460.
Medicine in the middle ages, ill. 40. Mees, C. L., on laboratory practice, 212. MEIGS, M. C. Ball of electric fire, 338: the Washington monument and the lightning stroke of June 5, 63. Melon's From Palermo to Tunis, ré- viewed, 447.
Memory, experiments in, 198. MENDENHALL, T. C.
Flood Rock, 326.
Mendenhall, T. C., on reaction time, 387; voltmeters, 387.
Mental life, unity of, 452; suggestion, 451.
Mercurial vapor, absorption of, by soils,
Metallurgy, progress in, 525.
Meteoric iron from West Virginia, 563. Meteorites, false report of, 325, 336; in India, 333.
Meteorological notes, 556; observations, curious, 279; observatory on Ben Nevis, ill. 459; observatory, floating, 117; rec- ords, telemetric aid to, 194; station in New Guinea, 159.
Meteorology in New England, 557. Meteors abundant Aug. 10, 142; Biela, 489, 496, 519, 556; bright, 497; fall of, at sea, 59; November, 279, 428. Mexican ethnology, 405.
MEYER, O. The classification and pale- ontology of the U. S. tertiary deposits, 143.
MICHELS, J. The English sparrow, 541. Michie's Life of Gen. pton, reviewed,
Mimicry among Mollusca, 9. Mind-cure, 543.
Mineral products of United States, 99; resources of Askabad, 359. Minerals from new localities, 222. Mines, earthquake shocks in, 540; loss of life in, 538.
MINOT. C. S. Color associations with the months, 82; the formative force of or- ganisms, 4; a new endowment for re- search, 144; physiology of the brain, 521. Minot, C. S., on death, 226; morphology of supra-renal capsules, 226; number- habit, 233.
Morphology, vegetable, 130.
Morris, C., on evolution through attack and defence, 339.
Mosquitoes vs. trout, 197.
Mounds in Dakota, 232; effigy, in Iowa, ill. 453.
Mount Baker, eruptions of, 262.
Mountain structure, trend and crustal surplusage in, 220.
Mountains in Lapland, height of, 515. Mourning, forms of, 407.
Murray on mosquitoes vs. trout, 197. Museum economy, 82; educational, of vertebrates, 222.
MYERS, D. Meteoric activity, Aug. 10, 142.
Nantucket, cable to, 545; flora of, 363. National academy of sciences, 419, 448, 449; chemical laboratory suggested, 536; university, 509, 539.
Natural history, standard, 74.
Nautical almanacs, amalgamation of, 160. Navigation, aerial, 20.
Nebula in Andromeda, new star in, 247, 310, 359, 473; spectrum of, ill. 262, 333, 336.
Negroes, statistics of, 237.
Nervous system, anatomy of, 407. Neumann and Partsch's Physical geog. raphy of Greece, reviewed, 299. New England meteorological society, 490; meteorology in, 557.
New Grenada, resources of, 314. New Guinea, earthquakes in, 117; Ger- man-English boundaries in. 60.
New Princeton review, the, 551. New South Wales, geological changes in, 320; irrigation of the interior of, 551. New York convocation of university of. 61; electric railway in, ill. 148; micro- scopical society, 410; water-supply, 72. NEWCOMB, S. Newcomb's Political econ- omy, 495.
Newcomb, S., on the astronomical day, 444; Political economy, 470, 495, 517,
Newton, Hubert A., portrait, 161; effect of small bodies passing near a planet on planet's velocity, 204.
Nice, astronomical work at, 350; observa- tory, floating dome of, ill. 80. Nichols, E. L., on spectrum of unclouded sky, 207.
NICHOLS, W. R. Chemistry in the ser- vice of public health, 208.
Nipon central educational association, 370.
Nitrogen, determination of, 249.
Nomenclature, chemical, 368; river, 321; sanitary, 512.
Nordenfelt submarine boat, ill. 394. North Carolina coal-fields, 548. Norway, northern, 515.
Pamphlets, care of, 337, 386, 407, 432. Panama canal, 421, 503.
Paneth, J., on irritability of cerebral cor tex, 521.
Paper blocks for masonry, 484. Parallax of 40 o2 Eridani, 358.
Paris exhibition of industry, 158; tele- phone in, map, 110.
Pasteur and hydrophobia, 312, 398, 467: Newark mad dog, 508.
Patagonia, Argentine expeditions into, 157.
Patent law, Japanese, 79.
PATRIOT. The Kongo Free State, 244. PAUL, H. M. The Biela comet meteor- stream, 519; Flood Rock explosion, 431; recent gravity determinations in and near Japan, 319; reform in our calendar, 324; stars in rapid motion, 483: tempera- ture of the moon's surface, 412; timing the Flood Rock explosion, 325. PEABODY, F. G. Types of ethical theory
Norwegian flords, 280; glacial region, Photography, books on, 426; composite, 135.
November meteors, 279, 428. Number-habit, 233.
Nuremberg, exhibition of metal-work at, 158.
O., E. The swindling geologist, 453. Obelisk, the decay of the, 510. Observatory, floating, meteorological, 117. Octopus, arms of, 432. Ohio geology, 257. Ohm standards, 436. Oil-wells of Ohio, 220.
Omahas, evening in camp among, 88; relationship among, 232; war customs of, 231.
Ontario, Lake, old shore-line of, 222. Orinoco, expedition on, 135; travels on, 356.
Orion, new star in, 556, 558. Ornithology, economic, 78, 259. Orthography, geographical, 110.
ORTON, E. Problems in the study of coal, with a sketch of recent progressive geology, 217.
Orton, E., on Ohio gas and oil wells, 220; Report on Ohio geology, reviewed, 257. OSBORN, H. L. Mimicry among marine Mollusca, 9.
Ovary of dicotyledons, 226.
Oxidation processes in animal tissues, 508.
Oxus, old bed of, 516.
Oxygen, liquefaction of, ill. 51; manu- facture of, 99.
Oysters, culture of, 465; natural enemies of, 392; propagation and cultivation of, 437.
Ozone in the atmosphere, 302.
Paine bequest, 1, 384. Paint-cup, Indian, 3.
Palmer, G. H., on elective studies at Harvard, 499.
Palmer's Edible and poisonous fungi, reviewed, 277.
ill. 507; prize in, 476; stellar, 443. Photometers, 473.
Phrynosoma, gestation in, 185.
Physical science, lectures on, 96; text- books, 96; training in Germany, 534. Physicians, fourth congress of German, 395.
Physics, elementary, 96; at Johns Hop- kins, 547; section of American associa- tion. 206.
Pickering, E. C., on stellar photography, 443.
PICKERING, W. H. An attempt to photo- graph the solar corona without an eclipse, 131, 362, 387: the color of the sky, 316: a method for determining the unit of light, 183.
PICKERNELL, F. A. The electric railway in New York, ill. 148.
Pitcher-plant, leaves of, 296.
Pilot chart, improvements in, 279. Plains of British America, 468; Canadian, 565.
Planet, velocity of, 204.
Plants, diseases of, 156, 203; hybridization of. 224.
Playfair, Sir L., on state aid to science, 325.
Plunkett's Women, plumbers, and doc- tors, reviewed, 57.
POHLMAN, J. An American Silurian scor- pion, ill. 183.
Point Barrow station, 446. Poisonous meat, 419.
Polar station on the Lena, 492. Poleck on dry-rot, 160. Poléjaeff on the Challenger sponges, 527. Political economy. method of teaching. 534: Newcombe, 470, 495, 517. 538; old work on, 562; recent progress in, 411; Reineke Fuchs in, 563; science in France, 482; scientists,' 253. Pollution, river, 27.
Polygonum, hybridity in, 180. Popocatapetl, ascent of, 390.
Portolano, Italian, of the sixteenth cen- tury, 250.
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Reaction time, 387, 458.
REED, Sir E. J. The forms of ships, 52, 569.
Reemelin, C., on city government, 236. Refraction, terrestrial, 333.
Reifsnyder, Elizabeth, medical work of, in China, ill. 570.
REILLY, F. W. How to deal with yellow- fever, 25.
REMSEN, Ira. City wells, 32.
Remsen's Organic chemistry, reviewed, 76. Renal capsules, morphology of, 226. Respiration in turtles, 225, 283. Rheumatism, acute articular, 396. Rhode Island, consumption in, 512. Richards's explorations in East Africa,311. RICHARDS, Ellen H. Science in common schools, 289.
RILEY, C. V. Periodical cicada in Massa- chusetts, 4 premature appearance of the periodical cicada, 3; the song-notes of the periodical cicada, 264. Riley, C. V., gift of, to the national mu- seum, 441; on injury by locusts, 236; silk-culture in the United States, 236; song-notes of periodical cicada, 225. River nomenclature, 321. Rivers, lost, 265.
Rock-salt surfaces, 207.
Rockwell, C. H., on almucantar observa- tions, 206.
Rodrigues, J. C., on the Panama canal, 503.
Rogers, W. A., on standards of measure- ment, 215.
Rogers's Geology of the Virginias, re- viewed, 17.
Rohé's Hygiene, reviewed, 278.
Rome, international sanitary conference at, 101.
Rougerie's apparatus for artificial winds, 462.
Royal society of London, entrance to, 351, 407, 486; officers of, 537; presidency of, 442.
Rudbeckia, abnormal, ill. 103.
RUHEIT, C. Color associations with the months, ill. 142.
RUSSELL, I. C. North Carolina coal-fields, 548.
Russell, I. C., reconnoissance of, in the Great-Basin region, 58.
Russia, geographical society of, 430; iron industry of, 452; terrestrial magnetism in, 134; weather in, 430.
RYDER, J. A. A new system of oyster- culture, 465; the swimming habits of the sunfish, ill. 103.
Ryder, J. A., on development of limbs,
S., C. A. The magnetic declination in 1728, 244.
S., M. A. Doctors and their work, 571; fourth congress of German physicians, 395.
S., O. T. The spectrum of y Cassiopeiae, 386; spectrum of the great nebula in Andromeda, ill. 262, 336.
St. Petersburg society of naturalists, 492. SALISBURY, Ř. D. The swindling geolo- gist, 408.
Salmon, D. E., on virus of hog cholera, 532. Salmon, D. E., and Smith, T., on new chromogenous bacillus, 226. SAMPSON, F. A. A mad stone, 123. San Juan Teotihuacan, remains at, 231. Sanborn, J. W., on customs of Senecas, 233.
Sanitary condition of the Lea and Thames, 334; conference, 101; nomenclature, 512. Sanitation, household, 57; and science, 21. Saurian, brain and auditory organs of, 224. SAWYER, E. F. A new variable, 498. SCHIMPFF, R. D. The Biela meteors, 519. Schley and Soley's Rescue of Greely, re- viewed, 278.
Schmitz's Consumptive period, reviewed,
School of botany, 21; for electrical engi- neering, 150.
Schools, science in, 336. Schübeler on origin of cereals, 78. Schuyler, E., on materials for American history in foreign archives, 250. Schwatka's Nimrod in the north, reviewed, 554.
Science in common schools, 289, 336; and the state, 325.
Science, removal of, to New York, 384. Scientific articles in the general maga- zines, 490; bureaus, congressional com- mittee on, 536; and the government, 530; culture, 114; titles, 464. Scorpion, American Silurian, ill. 87, ill. 183, 184.
Scums, bisexuality of, 224. Sea, temperature of, 118. Sea-level, oscillations of, 120. SEARS, J. H. Crystals in maple sirup, 520. Sediment and velocity, 2. Seismology, 453; in the United States, 491. Selenium, its sensitiveness to light, 359. Senecas, customs of, 233.
Settlement, effect of, on wild animals, 416. Shad propagation on Atlantic coast, 433,
![[blocks in formation]](https://books.google.by/books/content?id=2eHwgywJ_14C&output=html_text&pg=PA578&img=1&zoom=3&hl=en&q=river&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U3k9sUV_oQlPIoJLxoplFk0RACqMQ&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=363,1284,321,176)
tions of animal forms as shown in pot- tery, ill. 266.
Siberian industries, 348; interest in geo- graphical explorations, 516; railway, 516. Sibiriakoff's journey in Siberia, 157. Siemens, F., on toughened glass, 293. Siletz agency, 230.
Silk-culture, 194; in the United States, 236. Silurian fossils from New York, 220; at Canaan, N.Y., 283; scorpion, ill. 87, ill. 183, 184.
Silver question, 237.
Sioux, in camp among, 233, 285.
Skulls of assassins and men of note, ill.
Sky, color of, 316: spectrum of, 207. SLACK, F. M. Color and other associa-
tions, 186. Slave trade, 441.
Sleep, activity of mind during, 314; of fishes, 506.
Slides in the White Mountains, ill. 84, 306. Small pox in Canada, 533; as a Canadiar disease, 373.
SMITH, T. Woodhead and Hare's Path logical mycology, 316.
Smith, T. See Salmon and Smith. Smithsonian price-list of publications, 53 Smoke-burning device, 215.
Societies, calendar of, 340, 364, 410; learned, use and abuse of, 351; pro- ceedings of, 339, 363, 387, 409; scientific, of America, 536.
Society for promotion of agricultural science, 2. 78, 193.
Soil, freezing of, 314. Soils and health, 30. Solar ring, 159.
Sorghum, extraction of sugar from, 524. South Kensington chair of natural his- tory, 382.
SOUTHWICK, E. B. The ginkgo-tree, 243. Spanish earthquakes, 393.
Sparrow, English, 416, 478, 497, 520, 541, 563; untimely death of, 63.
SPAULDING. R. The scenery of Arizona, 44.
Spectral analysis of atmospheric ele- ments, 448. and ophthalmo-
spectroscope, 208.
Spectrum of y Cassiopeiae, 386; of nebula in Andromeda, ill. 262, 333, 336; of sky, 207.
Sprinklers, automatic, 215. Squall, singular, 450. Squirrel, habits of, 338. Stalactites, 348.
Stally brass. See Hehn and Stallybrass. Standards for surveyors' chains, 215. Stanley's Kongo, reviewed, ill. 177. Star catalogues, 408; new, in Orion, 556,558. Stars, comparison, 427, 474; in rapid mo- tion, 483.
State aid to science, 325; science and, 325. Staten Island natural science associa- tion, 409.
Statistical analysis, 237.
Statistics of negroes, 237; vital, tables for, 531.
Stellar magnitudes, 427; photography, 443. Steinen's explorations of the Xingu, 133. Steiner's Physiology of the brain, re- viewed, 521.
Stepniak's Russia under the tzars, re- viewed, 355, 478.
STERNBERG, G. M. Disinfection, 328, 564; the international sanitary conference at Rome, 101.
STEVENS, W. LeC. Voss-Holtz electrical machine, 363.
Stewart and Gee's Elementary physics, re- viewed, 96. STONE, G. H.
The inscription rocks on the island of Monhegan, 124. STONE, W. E. The ginkgo-tree, 44. Stone implements in Egypt, 119. STORER, F. H. A mad stone, 163. Stratigraphy, comparative, 220. STRONG, E. E. The Caroline Islands, map, 287.
Struvé, O., on object glass made by Clark, 306.
vant, E. L., on dandelion, 193; ger- ation, 224; hybridization of plants, , influence of locality on fruit, 193; uce, 193.
arine boat, ill. 394.
, extraction of, 524; industry, 453. tra, petroleum in, 40.
her's Economic essays, reviewed, 111. sh, swimming habits of, ill. 103. ght, effect of, on germs, 475. eys, hydrographic, 118. JONIUS, F. Annuaire géologique uni- rsel, 185.
adling geologist, 408, 453.
38 fish cultural stations, 160; glaciers, owth of, 59.
tzerland, earthquakes in, 59; glacial endulum in, 42; prehistoric remains 1. 20.
1 in man, evidence of, 81, 92.
t's Lectures on physical science, re- iewed, 96; Properties of matter, re- iewed, 96.
mias striatus, 338.
RR, R. S. The English sparrow, 416, 20, 563; natural enemies of oysters, 392. uri (a), occultations of, 489.
USSIG, F. W. Prices from 1873 to 884, 365.
-ylor, W. B., on shrinkage of earth's Crust, 220.
-achers' association, 450; school of science in Boston, 477. eaching as a profession, 529.
ehuantepec ship-railway, ill., map, 33. elegraph, use of, in England, 537.
elephone in Paris, map, 110; use of, for military purposes, ill. 239. elephonic vibrations, 476.
elescopes, small versus large, 381. elpher line, 429. elpherage, ill. 513.
emperature in Austrian Alps, 459; of moon's surface, 412, 443, 541; propo- sition for wholesale change of, in the Atlantic states, 428.
'ertiary deposits, classification and pale- ontology of, 44, 83, 143.
Thames, sanitary condition of, 335.
Theosophical society's censorship of the American society for psychical re- search, 81.
Theosophist in Washington, 453. Thermodynamics, second law of, 212. Thibet, journey in, 18.
THOMAS, C. The Davenport tablet, ill. 564.
Thomas, J. J., on influence of locality on fruit, 193.
Thompson fund, 141, 144, 421.
Thoroddson's explorations in Iceland, 357. Thought-transferrence, ill. 8.
Thurston, Prof. R. H., 79; on cylinder con- densation, 216; Friction and lost work, reviewed, 275; on Prony-brake, 216; on teaching mechanical engineering, 216. Timber, preservation of, 14.
Time, change to civil, 80; legislation as to standard, 62.
Titcomb's Mind-cure, reviewed, 543. Titles, scientific, 44. TODD, D. P. The future of the Lick observatory, 181.
Todd, D. P., on pressure-motor, 214. Toe, the great, in different nations, 452. Tornado at Aden, 58; an unusual, 556. Tornadoes, prediction of, 557; recent, 252. TOY, C. H. The new philology, 366. Transcaspian railway, 360.
Transit instruments, flexure of, 387. Trout and mosquitoes, 197.
TRUE, F. W. The American ferret, ill. 549; the British museum of natural history, ill. 127; a rare dolphin, 44. Turner on human crania, 526.
Turtles, aquatic respiration in, 225, 283. Tuttle's comet, 139, 159. Tyndall fellowships, 45.
Types and their inheritance, 268.
Typhoid-fever in autumn, 374.
Underground wires, 2, 6, 373.
Unit of circular measure, 381.
U. S. coast survey, 158, 349, 491; official scrutiny of, 121; and political scien- tists,' 253; resolutions of American as- sociation concerning, 204; system of longitudes, 474; what has it done for science? 558; who should be superin- tendent, 241; department of agriculture, 453; entomological commission, 315; executive departments, re-organization of, 237; fish commission, 301: geological survey, answer to charges against, 419, 424; unfounded report of irregularities in, 261; mineral products, 99; national museum, entomology in, 445; naval ob- servatory, curious observations at, 279; naval museum of hygiene, 491 recent volcanic eruption in, 46; signal office, advisability of making it a civil bureau, 397; hygrometry in, 536; trouble with students, 397; silk-culture in, 236; tertiary deposits, classification and pale- ontology of, 44, 83, 143. Universities, German, map, 244; mediae- val, 460.
University of Michigan, biology in, 359; a national, 509, 539; of New York, con- vocation of, 61.
Upton, Gen. E., Life of, reviewed, 404. Vaccination in Canada, 533.
Van Ermengem on cholera microbe, re- viewed, 154.
Van Hise. See Irving and Van Hise. VANDERPOEL, S. O. Quarantines and their scientific value, 23. Variable, a new, 498. Vegetable morphology a century ago, 130. Vélain's Theory of volcanoes, reviewed,
Velocity and sediment, 2.
Vertebrates, educational museums of, 222. Vessel, attempt to propel, by explosions, 374.
Vetter, B., on relationships between dino- saurs and birds, 295.
Victoria, B.C., earthquake in, 558. Village communities, Dutch, of the Hud- son, 250.
Vines. See Bower and Vines. Virginias, geology of, 17. Vital statistics, tables for, 531. Vivisection at Oxford, 429. Volcanic activity in the United States, 262; dust east of the Rocky Mountains, 63; eruption, recent, in the United States,
Volcanoes, theory of, 255. Volga, connecting, with Don, 515. Voltmeters, 387.
Voss-Holtz electrical machine, 338, 363.
W. London letter, 334, 382, 429, 493, 537. WADSWORTH, M. E. Volcanic dust east of the Rocky Mountains, 63. Wadsworth, M. E., 59.
Wallace's Bad times, reviewed, 553. WARD, L. F. A convenient system of river nomenclature, 321; a national uni- versity. 539.
Warder, R. B., on laboratory practice, 211. Waring's How to drain a house, reviewed, 39.
Washburn university publications, re- viewed, 461.
Washington, agricultural convention at, 68; monument and lightning stroke of June 5, 63; monument protected from lightning, 383; philosophical society, 387.
Washington, portraits of, 300. Water-supply of Breslau, 34; for New York, 72; relation of, to cholera, 532. Wead, C. K., on combined spectro-pho- tometer and ophthalmospectroscope,
Weather changes of long period, 208; in Russia, 430; signals, ill. 181. Weathercocks and drought, 528. WEBB, J. B. The second law of ther- modynamics, 212.
Webb, J. B., on lathe as instrument of precision, 215; polar co-ordinates, 206; teaching mechanical engineering, 216. Wells, city, 32.
West Virginia, new meteoric iron from, 563.
Western society for psychical research, 78. Whaling catch, Alaskan, 259. Wheat grain, composition of, 415. Whirlwinds in Beloochistan, 118. WHITE, I. C. The geology of natural gas, 42.
White ants in Boston, 477.
White Mountain land-slides, ill. 84, 306. WHITFIELD, R. P. An American Silurian
scorpion, ill. 87, 184; the ginkgo-tree, 4. WHITING, Harold. Maxwell's demons, 83. Whiting, H., on new theory of cohesion, 274.
Wight's Maxims of public health, re- viewed, 75.
Wild animals, effect of settlement of America on, 416.
WILDER, B. G. Educational museums of vertebrates, 222.
Wilder, B. G., on serrated appendages of Amia, 226.
Wiley, H. W., on adulteration of honey, 210; extraction of sugar from sorghum and sugar-cane, 524; laboratory prac- tice, 211; method of estimating potash,
WILKINSON, C. S. Geological changes in New South Wales, 320.
Will-power, experimental study of, 260. Willcox, J., on glacial action in Canada, 388.
Willet's Point, change of latitude of, 118. Williams, H. S., on comparative stratig- raphy, 220.
Wilson, J. M., on railroad-bridges, 14. Winchell, Alexander, on trend and crustal surplusage in mountain structure, 220. Winchell, N. H., on alloy of copper and silver, 231.
Windmill as a prime mover, 258. Winds, artificial, 462.
WINLOCK, W. C. Comets II and III of 1884, ill. 47.
WINSLOW, Arthur. Color and other as- sociations, ill. 243.
Winsor, J., on an Italian portolano of sixteenth century, 250.
Wires, underground, 2, 6.
WOEIKOF, A. Stepniak's Russia under the czars, 478.
Wolff's Windmill as a prime mover, re- viewed, 258.
Women, education and health of, 341. Wood, H. C., on injecting gastric juice in blood, 409.
Woodbury, C. J. H., on automatic sprin- klers, 215.
Woodhead and Hare's Pathological my-
Woolfe exploration of arctic coast of Alaska, 381.
Worthen, A. H, on quaternary deposits of Illinois, 221.
Wrangell, F. von, 417.
struments, 151.
Electrical measuring in-
Wuelker's History of Anglo-Saxon, re- viewed, 487.
Xingu, explorations of, 133.
Y. Boston letter, 384, 476. Yale college observatory, work at, 98. Yellow-fever, 25; inoculation for, 535. Yellowstone Park, game in. 406, Young, A. V. E., on reaction between po- tassic hydrate and alum, 211. YOUNG, C. A. The Biela meteors, 496; Flood Rock explosion observed at Princeton, N.J., 335.
Young, C. A., on astronomical day, 444. Yucca angustifolia, chemical study of, 210.
Z. Washington letter, 314, 361, 383, 453, 491, 536.
Zimmermann's Atlas of plant-diseases, re- viewed, 156.
Zoological gardens in America, 420; jour- nal, new, 486,
Zuñian conceptions of animal forms, ill.
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