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20 seconds, with a series of small north and south oscillations. My daughter, who was sitting in the second story of my house, at the same time (as proved by her mantel clock) felt the floor quiver, and heard the windows rattle. As the explosion, according to the New York papers, occurred at 11.13 ± some uncertain number of seconds, and as the seismoscope registered no other shock between 11.00 and 11.20, when traffic was resumed, there can be no doubt that we caught the explosion wave, which was much more vigorous than I had expected, at a distance of fully 50 miles. I suppose we did not get the beginning of the disturbance, which probably began gently and rose to a maximum like any other earthquake.

The delay of 13 minutes at New York was very unfortunate, and caused the total or partial loss of many valuable observations. One cannot suppose that it was intentional; but it put all other observers at a great disadvantage, as compared with those of the engineer corps, who received a telegraphic signal from the firing key. The officers in charge, knowing of the elaborate preparations made for observations along other lines than the two occupied by their own men, ought to have taken great pains to prevent it. C. A. YOUNG. Princeton, N. J., Oct. 12.

False report of the fall of a meteorite in western Pennsylvania.

On the afternoon of Saturday, September 26, at a little after four o'clock, loud detonations were heard over a considerable area of western Pennsylvania, and circumstantial reports were subsequently given in the press of the fall of a large meteorite, which was described as being half buried in the ground and visited by numbers of people. On examination, these latter reports appeared to me to be unfounded, and I should have given the matter no further attention but for the numerous inquiries which are being addressed to this observatory with requests for specimens. To settle the question, I sent a competent observer, Mr. J. E. Keeler, to the scene of the alleged fall near the West Virginia boundary in Washington county. After an investigation on the spot, he finds that no meteorite has been found.

A meteorite undoubtedly passed over, and was seen by Mr. Buckston and others to burst in a southerly direction from the town of Independence. The report, according to Mr. Buckston, was heard a minute or more after the explosion was seen, and from this and the apparent height at which he saw the meteor burst, Mr. Keeler infers that the actual explosion occurred twelve or fifteen miles to the southward, when the meteor was still two or more miles above the earth. In spite of statements to the contrary, no fragments are as yet known to be found. S. P. LANGLEY.

Allegheny, Oct. 7.

Spectrum of the great nebula in Andromeda.

A week or two since, the finding of bright lines in the spectrum of the great nebula in Andromeda, found place in your columns. Since then by the aid of the spectrum of 8 Lyræ and y Cassiopeiae certain results have been obtained.

The line described in the last notice as crossing the

spectrum is H B, and is due to the brightening of the aurora as a whole.

The two lines described as appearing as bright knots have wave lengths 5312.5 and 5594.0. Thus agreeing well within the limits of error with 1250 +20 and 1474 of the solar corona, lines which are also found in the auroral spectrum, and in the spectrum of a solar protuberance (Schellen. 2.136).

In spite of the uncertainties natural to the observation and identification, the resulting suggestion of a similar origin for the light of the new star is not without considerable interest. O. T. S.

Yale college observatory, Oct. 5.

Science in common schools.

Your notes on teaching science to children need qualifying, so far as inference is concerned. The boy of nine years was evidently badly managed, but a boy of nine with a good head is capable of comprehending physiology, botany, geology, biology, if properly taught. The chief difficulty with the case in hand was that his information led to a cuteness of intellect. He would be set down for a 'smart' boy. Of all the text-books for the young the one that best suits me is Shaler's 'Geology for beginners.' This I have allowed my nine-year-old to use during the past summer. He has talked over each chapter with me, and we have discussed matters as if both were boys, using simple words, but no tricks of illustration, such as your boy seems to have been indulged with. Occasionally he has been exercised in an attempt to tell the contents of a few pages where these together make one picture. In no case has he verbally memorized, except to clearly comprehend the division of protozoa, mollusks, articulates, vertebrates, and that of orders, species, etc. Having once finished a chapter, we reviewed it to call out new points and illustrations. This book has been his story book; he will not read an ordinary story when such material is at hand. To say he fully comprehends the theories advocated by Professor Shaler is not to say too much. As he is four-fifths of his time out of doors or working with his tools, it has been easy to make the soil and the stones under foot illustrate his book. Now, if any one will write as good a biology, the nine-year-old shall have that next; then botany and physiology. I am suspicious of penwork at this early age. It is a precocious, unnatural cramping of a boy's knowledge into formal artistic shape. It involves the art of expression and the art of restraint, or a skill in leaving out as well as putting in. The boy would best be left to talk the subject over in free language.

But when shall pen work begin? Later; at about about twelve years or fourteen. Then let the lad have a portfolio and write something on any topic he is thinking about each day of his life. Nothing spoils a mind so quickly as composing, as nothing so assists if wisely managed. I should decidedly prefer that the first efforts of composition should be in the dramatic form. Let him set his characters talking, and put in their mouths the notions he has of them. For instance, Garibaldi, King Victor, Cavour, Louis Napoleon, or President Cleveland and his cabinet talking over the Indian question. Contemporaneous history being his regular historical study, his characters should be living characters, or mainly so.

The composition on iron ores is, however, a most excellent specimen of descriptive writing for a very

young pupil. It is, I take it, by a girl, though your article says a boy. But is there much real value in the exercise even when such clearness is attained?

I make it a conscientious matter from the first to answer all child questions about nature in a truthful manner. They are never put off with false theories involving supernatural or other agencies. For instance, what child fails by three to five years of age to ask how do the stars stay up there? How easy to put him off with some farcical or miraculous supposition. On the contrary, the simplest possible attempt should be made to give him the real explanation. Will he understand it? If not entirely, he will be on the right road. There will not be something to undo by and by. Why can he not understand attraction as well as you or I? Only he must have it explained by what he is familiar with.

We are getting on the right track. Science furnishes studies infused with romance. No novel has the fascination for young people of a well-told geology or biology. E. P. POWELL.

The care of pamphlets.

Every scientific library, public or private, contains pamphlets by the thousand, and nothing is more necessary for the accommodation of those who use it than some available system of binding which shall preserve from destruction and at the same time be accessory to a convenient system of classification.

The bookbinders, with

Some system of permanent individual bindings is needed which shall afford 1°. permanent protection; 2. the possibility of a perfect classification, and the intercalation of new material from day to day; 3. opportunity for perfect labelling and cataloguing; 4°. the greatest convenience to the reader. The best endowed publie libraries can perhaps afford to pay a book binder to put separate covers on pamphlets, and it is the practice of many of them thus to care for the most important. The cost is, however, very considerable. What the private individual needs is a binding-case much more inexpensive-one in which he can himself insert his pamphlets. Feeling sure that it was possible to meet this need, I undertook an investigation. their skilled workmen and their expensive binder's board, did not seem to be in a position to supply this demand. I found upon inquiry that the simplest form of binding-case cost from twelve to fifteen cents. I next turned to the paper-box manufacturers, who employ unskilled laborers, and who use less expensive materials. I found that binders for octavo pamphlets, when ordered in considerable quantities, could be made for $4.50 a hundred, and quarto binders for $7.50 a hundred. These binders are made with sides of thick paper-pulp board, which is not likely to warp, and with backs of binder's muslin, and are covered with binder's paper. They have muslin stubs, upon which the pamphlets may be glued, and may be made of varying thickness. The most useful sizes will doubtless be one-eighth, onequarter, one-half, three-quarters and one inch. The sizes I use are, octavo, 63-4x10 inches; quarto, 10x12 inches. The octavo covers are made larger than the ordinary octavo page, to include papers in imperial octavo; duodecimo pamphlets may also be put in these covers, for the sake of uniformity, and convenience in classification. Each binder has a blank label on one of its upper corners, upon which the name of its contents are written. I arrange these in paper

boxes, upon ordinary book shelves, so placed that the contents of each box may be handled in the same manner as the cards in a card catalogue, the position of the title labels facilitating this operation. A system of deep drawers would be equally convenient.

I also use these pamphlet-cases for filing letters, photographs, newspaper clippings and other literary material. A stout manilla envelope being glued to the stub with its opening to the right, and next to the back, is covered and protected by the sides of the binder, and may be filled with loose papers, their character being indicated upon the label outside. The binder may then be arranged with the pamphlets or elsewhere. Classified scrap-books may very easily be made by fastening a few sheets of book paper to the stubs, and bundles of letters may be bound in in a similar manner. I have for years used binding-covers of a still cheaper and simpler form, which are simply sheets, 9 1-2x13, made of the stout, thick paper used in herbaria for genus covers. These are fastened to the pamphlets by the use of the patent staple-like paper fasteners, sold by stationers. They are labelled and arranged in the same manner as the binders, as described above, and serve an excellent purpose, the paper, though less indestructible than is desirable, being very stiff and durable. It is simply waste of time to use even the thickest of ordinary manilla paper for this purpose. This note is sent in the hope that it may draw forth descriptions of other methods of caring for pamphlets. G. BROWN GOODE.

U. S. national museum, Washington.

Color and other associations.

In Science for the 18th of September, I was much interested in the letters on 'color and other associations,' for I have always experienced similar illusions. According to my fancy, the months have always appeared as below.

The days of the week are in the form of a circle, Sunday on top, Thursday below; the days rotating from right to left. Sunday appears yellow, Monday pale straw, Tuesday green, Wednesday yellow, Thursday orange, Friday black, and Saturday whitish The numbers arrange themselves as follows:


[blocks in formation]

In committing prose or verse to memory, the positions of the paragraphs fix themselves in my mind so firmly that when I recite I almost read the words from the air before me, unless I have learned them by ear, in which case there is no illusion at all. THATCHER T. P. LUQUER.

Bedford, N. Y., Sept. 28.

The matter of forms in series of numbers, months and days seems of considerable philosophical interest. Is there not herein a hint that, although to broad features, the great principles of mental states and operations are every where the same, yet the minutia may be utterly incongruous and irreconcilable; and hence, that in the minute analysis of these things philosophers must always in a measure fail, because the assumption on which all philosophy is built, that minds act alike, proves to be not wholly reliable? What seems a necessity of thought, or at least a constant accompaniment of thought to one, seems ridicu lous and unthinkable to another. Such forms have existed in my own mind from my earliest remembrance, yet I never thought of them as other than naturally common to all, till within a few years,

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Some notes on color in Science recently recalled a study made by me when in Chicago a few years since. I was made president of the Kindergarten association when it was formed in 1875. This gave me occasion for several very curious lines of inquiry. Only one of these will be appropriately recalled now. A casual remark of that able teacher, Mrs. Putnam, led me to ask her which gift the children under seven first chose. She answered yellow. I said, "What, in preference to red or blue!" "Yes," she repeated. "with only one exception, invariably yellow." I then inquired of Miss Eddy, whose fine powers of observation were unequalled, and her answer was yellow. I could hardly believe it: but from every teacher there; or elsewhere, I have received the same answer, a few adding that they have had in charge a few children who were exceptions. This tallies with my recollections of my own childhood, and is confirmed by others. If it be an established fact, which I will not aver, to what shall we attribute it? Is it improbable that there is an unconscious relation between the growing child and the ray most concerned in growth, as there seems to be between old age and the red ray? We certainly outgrow at an early age our preference for the yellow.

Clinton, N. Y.


Ball of electric fire.

MR. J. V. WURDEMAN says that a ball of fire, as large as a child's head, came into his room at Leavenworth, hopped across the floor like a soap bubble rolling on a carpeted floor, went out through the side of the house at the corner opposite to where first seen, with a sort of explosion, or rather puff, not nearly so loud as a pistol shot nor so sharp, and tore off the rain pipe of tin. It looked like an electric brush, not brilliant nor like the electric spark. His son, a little child, was playing on the bed his mother snatched up the boy and was half way down stairs before the ball disappeared. The ball seems to have been like the St. Elmo lights, which I have seen on a vessel's yard arm, in the Gulf of Mexico, a pale brush of light, spherical in form, like the brush issuing from a metallic point in the prime conductor of the frictional electric machine.


Voss-Holtz electrical machine.

A few days ago I accidentally received a pamphlet on the theory of the Voss-Holtz electrical machine, by E. B. Benjamin, dealer in physical apparatus, New York City.

The article states that "no perfectly satisfactory explanation of all the phenomena manifested by this machine has yet been made public in this country," and then gives the theory that was published in Science, for June 20, 1884. In many places the sentences are the same, almost word for word, except that he has lettered the parts of the machine, and used the letters for the names of the parts.

Mr. Benjamin gives no credit either to Science or to the author, and further copyrights, by itself, the part of the pamphlet containing the theory, the date of the copyright being 1885.

Louisville, Ky., Oct. 2.


Carnivorous habits of the striped squirrel.

As the carnivorous habits of the musk-rat and other rodents have been under discussion during the past year, I wish to record a rather remarkable instance, which came to my notice in New Hampshire, May 27, 1883, in case of the striped or ground squirrel, Tamias striatus (L) Baird.

The chipmunk is usually regarded as a harmless vegetarian, living chiefly, if not wholly, upon nuts, fruits, and the seeds of grain and various plants; but this is probably not the whole truth of the matter. at least in the following case, for an account of which I am indebted to the Rev. F. M. Gray, of Plymouth, N. H.

On the morning of the day in question, he was in the woods, and stopped to listen to some bird, when his attention was called to a white-footed or deer mouse (Hesperomys leucopus, (Raf.) LeC.), which ran hurriedly past, carrying something in its mouth.

Suddenly a chipmunk, which had watched proceedings from a stump near at hand, pounced down upon the mouse, caught up what she had carried in her mouth, but had dropped through fright, and returning to his stump began to devour it greedily.

The captured prey could now be seen to be a young mouse, which the squirrel ate as he would a nut or a piece of apple, in this case beginning with the head.

To further verify the fact, he frightened the chipmunk, and brought home the half eaten young mouse, which I examined, and found to be of the species above mentioned.

Writers on our natural bistory have much to condemn in the carnivorous propensities of the red squirrel (Sciurus Hudsonius Pallas), of the flying squirrel (Sciuropterus volucella, (Pall) Geoff), the rats and shrews, but the chipmunk escapes without vituperation.

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Speaking of the food of the striped squirrel, Audubon says, in Quadrupeds of North America,' "it prefers wheat to rye, seems fond of buckwheat, but gives preference to nuts, cherry-stones, the seeds of the red gum or pepperidge (Nyssa multiflora), and those of several annual plants and grasses." He mentions the case, reported to him by a Boston lady, of a ground squirrel which was seen taking young robins from the nest. This, he thinks, was an unnatural propensity in the individual," and did not indicate "the genuine habit of the species."

Dr. C. Hart Merriam, in his 'Vertebrates of the Adirondack region,' says "the striped squirrel feeds upon a variety of nuts and roots, and is fond of corn and several kinds of grain." It is especially fond of beech nuts, and stores up the seeds of various plants, as of the buttercup; eats the tubers of the ground nut (Aralia trifolia), and the yellow kernels' of squirrel-corn (Dicentra Canadensis). He quotes from a writer in the American naturalist, who saw a chipmunk "busy nibbling at a snake that had been recently killed. He could hardly be driven away, and soon returned to his feast when his tormenters had withdrawn a short distance."

It is commonly known that the red squirrel is carnivorous to the extent of eating coccoons of insects in the spring, devouring bird-eggs, and even taking the young birds from the nest; and it is quite possible that the chipmunk, which is rarely seen in trees, may become emboldened to treat the smaller groundbuilding birds in a similar fashion. The wholesale destruction of birds, which is often rightly attributed to the red squirrel, may be shared in to some extent, at least, by the no less active Tamias.


Recent Proceedings of Societies.


Academy of natural sciences, Philadelphia Oct. 6. Mr. Charles Morris made a communication on the subject of attack and defence, as determining agents in animal evolution. In considering the developmentof the dermal skeleton of animals, with its various modifications, we are led almost to the conception that nature has been controlled at successive periods by special ideas, each dominant during a long period and then abandoned in favor of a new one. are quite sure that the first appearance of fossils in the rocks does not indicate the first appearance of life upon the earth. Early fossilization is due to the preservation of the dermal skeletons of animals of considerably advanced organization, and these were very probably preceded, during a long era, by softbodied forms of low organization, which could leave no trace of their existence, except in the case of the barrowing worms. The development of an external skeleton seems to have come like a new idea to nature, and was adopted simultaneously, as it seems, though probably at considerable intervals by the

various types of life. At a later era, the prevailing tendency is not to assume armor but to throw it off. The labyrinthodont amphibians were clothed in armor, their heads in particular being protected by hard, bony plates. Modern amphibians are nakedskinned animals. The reptiles are usually scaled, but with the exception of the crocodiles and turtles and some few fossil types, they do not seem to have been clothed in bony armor, while in the birds and mammals all defensive armor is lost. The same tendency to pass from the armored to the unarmored state is seen in invertebrate life. These changes were held to have taken place in consequence of the reciprocal influence of attack and defence. If a food animal gained some structural feature which gave it an advantage over its carnivorous foes, the latter would be at a disadvantage until they had gained equivalent features. So, if a carnivorous animal gained some habit, motion, or weapon, which gave it an advantage in destroying, this must have acted as an incitement to a corresponding development in food animals. Illustrative facts were freely given to support the belief that four successive ideas emerge into prominence in the development of the animal kingdom. In the primeval epoch it is probable that only soft-bodied animals existed, and the weapons of assault were the tentacle, the thread cell, the sucking disk, and the like unindurated weapons. At a later period, armor became generally adopted for defence, and the tooth became the most efficient weapon of attack. Still later, armor was discarded, and flight or concealment became the main methods of escape, and swift pursuit the principle of attack, while claws were added to teeth as assailing weapons. Finally, mentality came into play, intelligence became the most efficient agent both in attack and defence, and a special development of the mind began. As a culmination of the whole, we have man, in whom mentality has replaced all other agents in the struggle for existence. But side by side with man all the other types exist, the soft-bodied, the armored, the swift moving, and those in which cunning precedes the higher mentality. In the existing conditions of life on the earth, we have an epitome of the whole long course of evolution. Prof. Heilprin, while agreeing in the main with Mr. Morris's arguments and deductions, remarked the occurrence of certain conditions among early organic forms, which, from the position defined, would be anomalous. The Cambrian trilobites, the largest organisms apparently of their time, were already clad in very perfect armor. Was this the result of evolution without the necessity for defence? The most highly armored ganoid fishes are those of the shortest period of existence. The huge carboniferous amphibians are cased in armor, without the existence of contemporaries at all powerful enough to inflict damage on them; while at the present time the unprotected ant eater lives side by side with such armored forms as the armadillo.- Mr. Redfield called attention to the fact that in the vicinity of Mt. Desert the traces of glacial action were very obscure, and stated that this had been accounted for by the theory that the region had been submerged for a sufficient length of time to remove the striæ from the softer rock. the hard quartz veins the scoring was evident, while farther inland the slates and softer deposits bore clear traces of glacial scratching. The subject was further considered by Mr. Aubrey H. Smith and Prof. Heilprin, the latter holding that the geologists were apt to


push the theory of submergence too far in accounting for such phenomena.

Calendar of Societies.

Boston society of natural history. Oct. 7.-Dr. S. Kneeland, The family-life of the Norwegian Lapps, and the habits of the reindeer.

Society of Arts, Boston.

Oct. 8.-Prof. W. T. Sedgwick, The relative poisonous properties of (illuminating) coal and watergas.

Cambridge entomological club.

Oct. 9.-George Dimmock, An account of his mode of rearing larvae of Coccinellidae.

American academy of arts and sciences, Boston. Oct. 9.-Mr. Seth C. Chandler, Jr., On the square bar micrometer.-Prof. Arthur Searle, On the apparent position of the zodiacal light.-Messrs. Chas. R. Cross and James Page, The measurement of the strength of telephone currents.-Prof. Charles R. Cross, The thermal telephone.

Publications received at Editor's Office, Oct. 5-10.

Allgemeine naturkunde. Das leben der erde und ihrer geschöpfe. Heft i. Leipzig, Bibliogr. inst., 1885. 80 p., illustr. (New York, Stechert.)

Billings, J. S. Report on the mortality and vital statistics of the United States. Part i. Washington, Government, 1885. 64+767 p., illustr., 2 pl. 4°.

Candolle, A. de. Histoire des sciences et des savants depuis deux siècles Genève-Bale, Georg, 1885. 16+594 p. 8°. (New York, Christern, $3.)

Dammer, O. Illustrirtes lexikon der verfälschungen und verunreinigungen der nahrungs- und genussmittel der kolonialwaren, u.s.w. Leipzig, Weber, 1885. 160 p., illustr. 8°. (New York, Stechert).

Denifle, P. H. Die universitäten des mittelalters bis 14c0. Band i. Berlin, Weidmann, 1885. 48+815 p. 8°. (New York, Christern, $8.*0.)

Deutscher fischerei-verein. Mittheilungen der section für küsten- und hochseefischerei. No. 1, June, 1885. (Berlin, Moeser, 1885. m. 20 p. 8°.

Donnat, L. La politique expérimentale. Paris, Reinwald, 1885. (Bibl. sc. contemp.) 8+488 p. 12°. (New York, Christern, $1.75.)

Engelhardt, L. v. Ferdinand von Wrangel und seine reise längs der nordküste von Sibirien und auf dem eismeere. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1885. 14+212 p., portr., map. 8°. (New York, Christern, 31.85.)

Fall, D. Syllabus of the instruction in biology, with references to sources of information, at Albion college. Albion, Mich., Recorder st. pr., 1885, 24 P. 12°.

Gilson G. and Carnoy, J. B. La cellule; recueil de cytologie et d'histologie générale. Tome i. Etudes sur les arthropodes. I. Etude comparée de la spermatogénèse chez les arthropodes; II. La cytodiérèse chez les arthropodes. Lierre, Van In, 1885. 188 p., 8 pl. 4°. (New York, Christern, $5.50.)

Gouguenheim, A. and Lermoyez, M. Physiologie de la voix et du chant. Paris, Delahaye & Lecrosnier, 1885. 208 p. 12°. (New York, Christern,$1.)

Guggenheim, M. Die lehre von apriorischen wissen in ihrer bedeutung für die entwicklung der ethik und erkenntnisstheorie in der Sokratisch-Platonischen philosophie. Berlin, Dümmler, 1885. 79 p. 8°. (New York, Christern, 75 cents.) Guyot, Y. Lettres sur la politique coloniale. Paris, Reinwald, 1885. 18+432 p., 2 pl., map. 12°. (New York, Christern, $1.35.)

Kaiserlichen gesundheitsamte, arbeiten aus dem. Band i, heft 1 and 2 Berlin, Springer, 1885. 139 P., 5 pl. 4°. (New York, Stechert.)

Kuekenthal, W. Die mikroskopische technik im zoologischen praktikum. Jena, Fischer, 1885. 37 p., illustr. 16°. (New York, Stechert.)

Lindstroem, G. List of the fossils of the Upper Silurian formation of Gotland. Stockholm, Norstedt, 1885. 20 p. 8°. Philippon, G. Cours de zoologie; l'homme et les animaux. Paris, Doin, 1885. 481 p., illustr. 12. (New York, Christern, $1.50.) Pickering, W. H. Photography of the infra-red region of the solar spectrum. Boston, Amer. acad. arts and sc., 1885. [5] p., illustr. 8°. Methods of determining the speed of photographic exposers. Cambridge, Wilson, pr., 1885. [5] p. 8°. Principles involved in the construction of photographic exposers. Cambridge, Wilson, pr., 1885. [9] p., illustr., 2 pl.


Prel, C. du. Die philosophie der mystik. Leipzig, Günther, 1885. 12+548 p. 8°. (New York, Christern, $3.70) Redard, P. Transport par chemin de fer des blessés et malades militaires. Paris, Doin, 1885. 12+187 p., 36 pl. 8°. (New York, Christern, $2.65.).

Richter, K. Die botanische systematik und ihr verhältniss zur anatomie und physiologie der pflanzen. Wien, Faesy, 1885. 4172 p. 8°. (New York, Stechert.)

Romanes, G. J. Die geistige entwicklung im tierreich. Leipzig, Gunther, 1885. 8+456 p. 8°. (New York, Stechert.) Schleich, G. Der augengrund des kaninchens und des frosches. Tubingen, Laupp, 1885. 16 p., 3 pl. 8°. (New York, Stechert.)

Schlitter, H. Die beziehungen Oesterreichs zu America. Theil i. Die beziehungen Oesterreichs zu den Vereinigten Staaten (1778-1787). Innsbruck, Wagner, 1885. 12+237 p. 8°. (New York, Stechert.)

Southern geologist, the. Vol. i., No. i., Oct. 1885. Nashville, Tenn., 1885. 8 p. 4°.

Standard classical atlas. Taylor & Co., 1885. 8°.

New York, Ivison, Blakeman,

Terremotos de Andalucía. Informe de la comision nombrada para su estudia dando cuenta del estado de los Trabajos, Marzo, 1885. Madrid, Tello, pr., 1885. 8+105 p., illustr. 8°.

Thornton, W. Rationalism in medical treatment, or the restoration of chemism, the system of the future. Boston, The author, 1885. 46 p. 12°.

Whitman, C. O. Methods of research in microscopical anatomy and embryology. Boston, Cassino, 1885. 10+255 p., illustr. 8°. $3.

Wundt, W. Philosophische studien. Band ii., heft 4. Leip zig, Engelmann, 1885. [163] P, 2 pl. 8°. (New York, Stechert.) Wurtz, A. Introduction à l'étude de la chimie. Paris, Masson, 1885. 5+276 p., illustr. 8°. (New York, Christern, $2.35.)

Ziegler, E. Lehrbuch der allgemeinen und speciellen pathologischen anatomie, 2 bände. Band i.: Allgemeine pathologische ar atomie und pathogenese. Jena, Fischer, 1885. 10+383 P., illustr. 8°. (New York, Stechert.)

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12°. (New York, Christern, GUSTAV E. STECHERT,

Hartmann, E. v. Philosophische fragen der gegenwart. Leipzig, Friedrich, 1885. 8+298 p. 8°. (New York, Stechert.) Holzapfel, L. Römische chronologie. Leipzig, Teubner, 1885. 6364 p. 8°. (New York, Christern, $2.20.) Internationale electrische ausstellung, Wien, 1883. Bericht über die. Wien, Seidel, 1885. 8+581 p., illustr. 8°. (New York, Stechert.)

766 Broadway, New York.

Importer of Scientific Books and Periodicals. Branches Leipzig, Hospital Str. 16; London, 26 King William Str., Strand.

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