THE QUARTERLY CHRISTIAN SPECTATOR: CONDUCTED BY AN ASSOCIATION OF GENTLEMEN. VOLUME IX. - 1837. NEW HAVEN: PUBLISHED BY STEPHEN COOKE, NO. 21 EXCHANGE PLACE. SOLD BY JOHN S. TAYLOR, NEW YORK; WEEKS, JORDAN, & CO., BOSTON; Printed by Hitchcock & Stafford. ART. I. Religious Education of Children, II. Memoir and Remains of Dr. Nevins, - VI. The Spirit of the Age viewed in relation to the Duties and Trials of the Christian Ministry, ERRATA. The following errors escaped our notice till too late for correction:- On page 24, line 27, for lives read airs. On page 496, line 13, for bear read boar. On page 511, line 11 from bottom, after the word "subject," insert "as Au- In Table of Contents, No. 1, line 19, in some copies is Thomas A. Skinner, |