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nine o'clock, after breakfast, but I propose with diffidence, left publick prayers even only once a day fhould be obtained with difficulty.

As fome of the out lots will be distant about two miles from the centre of the township, it may perhaps be more expedient to commence the rateable daily labour even half an hour fooner ftill, than I have laft propofed, viz. at half paft four in the cool of the morning, whereby all publick labour will end at half paft two in the afternoon, which will allow. time for labourers in the diftant lots to repair to the general affembly of the township, at evening prayer. And an officer from every dozen may be ordered to be prepared, by a previous examination, at the publick bank of all the indents in course for each day's labour; that after being discharged in the publick books, they may be cancelled, and


moft expeditiously returned to those who have fulfilled them; all which, by the happy fyftem of Frankpledge, may be moft eafily effected with very little lofs of time; fo that the labourers may return from the centre of the township to their own private lots, and have near five hours of leisure to themselves to cultivate their own land, even if they work no later than eight at night, which will allow them ample time for rest, especially as the mid-day feftoo will render less sleep neceffary at night.

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A feventh part of the year fhall be appropriated more particularly to God's fervice, and fhall be duely obferved and kept holy, on the penalty of feven weeks, or forty-two days labour in the publick lots for every breach of this univerfal law of God, either in buying, felling, or working for pecuniary profit; or for travelling, unless a very urgent neceffity can be proved: and this penalty to be doubled on a repetition or continuance of the offence.J

Two more days fhall be appropriated to a religious commemoration of our Lord's birth and expiatory death, at the ufual feafons; and a third day to the great annual view of Frankpledge, to be appointed at fome convenient feafon, after the greatest and most general harvest of the year, the remembrance of which fhall also be solemnized on that day by religious thanksgiving both at the opening and conclufion of the view of Frankpledge; fo that the 365 days of the year will be further reduced - by the reduction also of

The abovementioned Sundays and holidays, amounting to fiftyfive days, being deducted from the year, there will remain only

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The days of labour fhall be rated throughout the new fettlement only at



eight hours actual labour each day, in all agreements or contracts for labour, as well of apprentices and indentured fervants as of those who are hired by the day; that all labourers may have fome leisure hours every day to cultivate their own private lots of land. And only fix hours labour are to be required by law on Saturdays, without any deduction from the labourer's profit for the deficiency, because it is for the publick benefit that the people fhould have leifure to attend the courts and folkmotes (to be held on Saturdays) in order that they may gradually improve that natural faculty of reafon or knowledge which is inherited by all men from our first parents, and may "have their understanding exercised by babit to difcern both good and evil.”


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Limitation of Indentured Service: An injured Indentured Servant to be turned over to the Publick Exchequer.-Fugitive Slaves to be protected and allowed to purchafe Land by Labour, and after due Time of Probation to be admitted to the Rank of Deciners. As foon as a flave fhall fet his foot within the bounds of the new fettlement, he fhall be deemed a free man, and be equally entitled with the reft of the inhabitants to the protection of the laws, and to all the natural rights of humanity. And the fervice even of indentured fervants fhall be ftrictly limited, viz. no perfon to be bound for a longer term than five years after the age of twentyone, or of feven years if bound after the age of fourteen years, or of ten years if


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