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Page 22.-In the last syllable of the words in this class, in which o occurs, it has the shut sound of u; as in meth'-od, sel'-dom, sounded as if spelled meth'-ud, seb-dum,—in the final syllable ful, the u is sounded like oo,and in the double vowel ou, the o is not sounded, and the u has its shut sound; as if fa'-vour were spelled fa'-vur.

Page 34.-Contrary to the directions respecting i, when the word ends in e, the learner is to be told to give it the shut sound in the final syllables, ice, ile, ine, ise, ite, ive, and pronounce the words as if spelled no'-tis, fer'-til, en'-jin, prom'-is, res'-pit, ac'-tiv. When c or t precedes i with a after it, it has the sound of sh, as if as-so'-ciate were spelled as-so'-she-ate, and in-gra'-ti-ate spelled in-gra'-sheWhen n is after m, and in the same syllable, the n is silent, and the word pronounced as if spelled au'-tum.


In this edition, besides exercises on each lesson and other improvements, several pieces of poetry have been added for the purpose of recitation. They have been selected from the works of some of the best English poets, and are of such a nature as to imbue the young mind with sentiments of pure religion.

A great number of words, as exercises in spelling, forms the concluding part of the present work. So many of them are to be prescribed for a lesson, as the learner is thought capable of committing to memory; and after they have all been carefully learned in this manner, so much of the lesson of the day may be pointed out as an exercise in spelling, as is sufficient to be learned at one time.

The author may here remark, in conclusion, that in the division of words into syllables, he was not guided by the usual rules laid down by those who have written on the subject; but that he always chose the method that seemed to him most easy for the child to make out the word.


Printed by Oliver & Boyd,

Tweeddale Court, High Street, Edinburgh.




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