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neceffity of bringing this affair to a speedy conclusion, in the evening of the fame day gave orders for an affault, and carried the place by storm. The commandant, his fon, and moft of his adherents, were cut to pieces.

Having arranged the affairs of Samli, and appointed a civil governor on the part of the Mahrattas, Mr. Thomas repaired to the camp of Bappoo Scindia, with whom, by order of Appakandarow, he now acted in concert.

Bappoo Scindia, when joined by Mr. Thomas, was employed in the reduction of Lucnowty, a place of confiderable strength. A practicable breach being effected, preparations were made for ftorming; when the commandant, seeing he was likely to be unsuccessful in defending the fort, to fave a further effufion of blood, came privately to Mr. Thomas's tent, and there made terms for the delivery of the place, which, on the enfuing morning, were performed with punctuality.

A circumstance now arofe which had confiderable effect not only with regard to the im

mediate fituation of Mr. Thomas's affairs, but in changing the future fortune of his eventful life.

Two days previous to the reduction of Samli, he received a letter from Appakandarow, in which that chief informed Mr. Thomas, that from continued illness his pains were augmented to a degree which had now become intolerable, and no hopes appearing of recovery from the cruel diftemper under which he laboured, he had determined to put a period to his mifery by a voluntary death! For this purpofe he was on his way to the Ganges, but requefted of Mr. Thomas to come and fee him once more before the fcene was clofed for ever.

On receipt of this intelligence, Mr. Thomas fet out immediately to meet, and, if poffible, afford confolation to his desponding chief; but he had not advanced far, when the melancholy intelligence reached him of Appakandarow's having voluntarily drowned himself in the river Jumna.

Such was the end of Appakandarow, a chief

intrepid and enterprizing, who, amid the tranfactions of later times, and the various revolutions of Mahratta politics in Hindooftan, had borne an active and distinguished part.

The death of Appa was on feveral accounts unfavourable to Mr. Thomas's interefts. Vavon Row, his nephew and fucceffor, was a youth vain and inexperienced, and better adapted to the life of an accomptant than that of a general.

Inftigated by the fuggeftions of persons who furrounded him, the incautious youth was perfuaded to demand reftitution from Mr. Thomas of the districts which had been given him by his uncle, as an honorable reward for the fervices he had performed. Agreeably to this refolution, he had the weakness to order his troops to take poffeffion of the districts in queftion.

Mr. Thomas, indignant at a conduct he fo little merited, peremptorily refused compliance with the order. He reprefented to that chief, by letter, the impropriety of his present proceeding; declared his firm resolution to main

tain poffeffion of the diftricts; pointed out to him the fatal effects that muft neceffarily arife to both parties if the quarrel was pursued further; and, finally, for the fake of peace, and to prevent future disagreements, acquainted Vavan Row that he was willing to pay a fum of money if left in quiet poffeffion,

These remonftrances, however founded on reafon or justice, were of no avail: Vavon Row would listen to no terms but the implicit ceffion of the whole. The matter could there. fore only be decided by an appeal to the fword.

On Mr. Thomas's arrival at Hoffellee, a large village forming part of his poffeffions, he perceived it in the hands of the enemy; and Va von Row, prepared to defend it, encamped under the walls of the fort.

Unwilling to push matters to an extremity, if by any means it could be avoided, Mr. Thomas drew off his force to a small distance, and gave particular orders to his own people to forbear all acts of hoftility on their part. This mode of conduct was of no avail; for the

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troops of Vavon Row coming daily from their own camp, infulted and fired upon Mr. Thomas's men, by which feveral of them were severely wounded.

The enemy, reinforced by a large body of the peasantry, and headed by the zemindars of their respective villages, were now become fo formidable, that Mr. Thomas refolved to bring the business to an iffue. He accordingly attacked them. The affair was quickly decided; the enemy fled in all directions; and the greater part, having taken shelter in the fort of Kuffollee, were followed by Mr. Thomas, who immediately commenced the fiege of that place. Having erected batteries, he ordered the grates for heating shot to be got in readiness; which being done, he fired so fuccessfully with red-hot fhot, that he quickly compelled them to furrender at difcretion.

It was now agreed that an interview be twixt Mr. Thomas and Vavon Row fhould take place at Kanond, whither the former had marched for that purpose. On his arrival, however, Vavon Row, pretending to be fearful

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