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"complaint when my principal was ruined." After these transactions Mr. Thomas was directed to affift the deputy appointed by Appa to collect the revenues of the remaining part of his country: a task of considerable difficulty; fince the Zemindars, hearing of Appa's detention in the camp of the Mahrattas, had broken out into open rebellion against his authority. To reduce them to obedience, Mr. Thomas marched with about eight hundred men that remained after the heavy service he had lately experienced; promptitude in planning, and vigour in execution, being absolutely neceffary, Mr. Thomas, by his animated exertions, in a very fhort time captured several of the principal places, fome by day affaults, and others by night.

Among others, the capture of Byree appears interesting in the narration. "In the fort, fays Mr. Thomas, "exclufive of the garrifon,

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were three hundred rajepoots and jauts. "Thefe had been hired for the express pur

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pose of defending the place, and it was here "I was in the most imminent danger of lofing "the whole of my party. We had stormed


"the fort, and were beat back with lofs; "one of my firdars was wounded, and, from "the confufion that occurred, left behind in "the hands of the enemy; the danger was, "every moment increafing, the town was on "fire in feveral parts, and our retreat nearly "cut off by the flames that furrounded us.

"In this fituation, we had the additional "mortification to perceive the merciless enemy "feize on the wounded officer, and, with favage barbarity, precipitate him into the fire. Equally animated, as enraged, by this fpectacle, my troops now rushed forward to the "attack, with an ardour that was irrefiftible.

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Having gained entire poffeffion of the fort, "the foldiers, with clamorous expreffions of re66 venge, infifted on the death of every one of "the garrison that remained, and I was not in"clined to refufe; but it coft us dear, the

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enemy to a man made a brave refiftance. "This conteft was continued fo long, as to "afford time to thofe who had retreated, to "return by this means, we were again engaged, and at one time almost overpowered; but, receiving a reinforcement of our own

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party, the enemy, by flow degrees, began

again to retreat which they effected. I "pursued with the cavalry: the enemy once "more made a stand in the jungles adjoining "to the town; when, after a second desperate "conflict, they gave way on all fides, and "most of them were cut to pieces."

Scarcely however had Mr. Thomas completed the objects of his march, when he received letters from Appa, of a tendency most unpromifing: in thefe, Appa, after defcanting on his finances, the low ftate of which did not permit him to retain longer, either Mr. Thomas or his troops, recommended him to dismiss his battalions, and repair to the head quarters, which were now in the country of the Row Rajah.

In answer, Mr. Thomas ftated his utter impoffibility to discharge the men, without previous payment of their arrears. He then marched to join Appa, and found that chief in the vicinity of Alwar. Appa, after expatiating on the ungrateful conduct of those persons who had enjoyed his confidence, informed Mr.

Thomas, in terms of apparent uncasiness, that the Mahratta commanders, who had become acquainted with his influence, and the part he had taken in the business against the mutineers, confidered him as a dangerous perfon; as one who would, if occafion occurred, act against the interefts of Scindia himself: they had therefore requested of him to discharge Mr. Thomas from the fervice.

This information, however, Mr. Thomas found to be incorrect; for in a conference he had with Luck wa on the following day, that chief not only disclaimed all idea of disapproving Mr. Thomas's conduct, but even offered him the command of two thoufand men in the service of Scindia.

Mr. Thomas, for several reasons, declined clofing with this propofal. The districts of Appa's country were now in open rebellion; and, notwithstanding the present deceit on his part, Mr. Thomas confidered himself under obligations which could not be paffed over; that if he now quitted him, it would in all probability prove his utter ruin; he therefore refolved to

adhere to Appakandarow, and endeavour to retrieve his affairs.

Appa excufed himself for his late conduct, and Mr. Thomas now prepared for his march. For the present he was interrupted by a request from Luckwa to afford his affiftance in the reduction of a fort which had refused to pay the usual tribute. Mr. Thomas, with the confent of Appa, joined the forces of Luckwa, and commenced their march.

On their arrival before the place Mr.. Thomas's poft was affigned him; but his foldiers being now fix months in arrears, refused, without payment, to proceed: in this exigency, Mr. Thomas, to fatisfy their demands, was once more compelled to part with his property; having done this, the foldiers returned to their duty.

The enemy, in the hope of compelling the Mahrattas to raise the siege, had taken poffeffion of the ravines in the neighbourhood: several skirmishes took place, with loss on both fides.

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