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the rebel stated that the real amount of the revenues were much larger than what had been acknowledged by Appakandarow, and paid by him to Scindia as his lord paramount. Appa being apprifed of this treacherous correspondence, directed Mr. Thomas without delay to march and attack the rebel. He, on dif closure of his treachery, fled to the mountainous part of the Mewatty country, and there fortified himfelf. The orders for the march had been kept a profound fecret in Mr. Thomas's camp. Arriving fuddenly before the place, by a fuccessful ftratagem Mr. Thomas took Gunga Bifhen prifoner, whom he fent to Appa. The fort was ftill maintained by his nephew, and a garrison of one thousand men; they had abundance of provifions, ammunition, and stores of all kinds; the only inconvenience fuftained by the inhabitants was a fcarcity of water. This article was not to be procured within two miles of the place. Mr. Thomas, in the hope of compelling them to furrender, commenced a blockade; and the better to ensure fuccefs he constructed a chain of redoubts round the fort.

Whilft employed in the erection of these posts he had a narrow efcape for his life. Retired to snatch an hour of fleep and refreshment from the toils of the preceding day, Mr. Thomas was fuddenly awakened in the night by the noise and shouts of the enemy. Repairing to an eminence in the neighbourhood, he had the mortification to perceive that his own people had given way, and the enemy were become mafters of a newly-finished redoubt, together with the arms and ammunition contained within: to add to his diftrefs he perceived a party advancing to the place where he ftood, unarmed and defencelefs, (the hurry of his being awoke not giving him time to fecure either pistols or fide-arms): fortunately however for him, a faithful fervant had followed him with his fword, which taking from the man's hand he prepared for his defence.

From various quarters fpears were thrown, and matchlocks fired at him but without effect. Perceiving a ftand of colours which his own men had left behind, he ftooped to pick them up, which the enemy obferving, concluded by the motion of his body that he had been

wounded; they rushed on him in numbers, and wounded him in feveral places. This compelled him to relinquish the colours and attack the enemy, whom he foon obliged to retreat. Mr. Thomas then afcended an eminence, in order to difcover, if poffible, the direction his own troops had taken in their pufillanimous flight, but in vain. Faint from the wounds he had received in the late encounter, he now retired within his trenches and got them dreffed. The fiege of the place advanced apace, and two mines having been fprung with confiderable effect the garrifon capitulated.

During this fiege Mr. Thomas and his people had undergone great hardship. Whilft the grain remained on the ground he was enabled to procure fupplies from the neighbouring country, but the harvest being got in they were reduced to a fcarcity of provisions. His own tent, the only one in the camp, was converted into an hofpital for the fick and wounded; and the feafon being fevere Mr. Thomas humanely fold his own horfes to pro

cure blankets for the men.

Mr. Thomas next marched to Jyjur: on his arrival at that place, the zemindars who had revolted, not chufing to contest the point, paid their rents, and the troops received their ar


Gopaul Row, the Mahratta general, was about this time fuperfeded in his office of lieutenant-general of the poffeffions of Scindia in Hindoftan. Luckwah Dadah and Jigwah Bapoo were appointed to fucceed him. In this state of Mr. Thomas's affairs, the army of thefe chiefs arrived in the vicinity of Appa's country. That chief determined to pay his respects, and for this purpose repaired to their camp; at firft he was well received, but had not long remained when a fum of money was. required of him under pretext of payment of an old tribute due to Scindia. He was moreover informed, that until this was paid he would be detained in the camp.

Unable to raise the fum demanded, Appakandarow was under the neceffity of refigning the best part of his country into the hands of Bapoo Farnevefe, who had been appointed

by the express orders of the Poona government. Although the fum required was less than two lacks of rupees, and many perfons in Appa's family could eafily have afforded him affiftance in his diftrefs, not a man was to be found who would now part with a rupee. The districts were therefore made over in mortgage; and the fum required by the Mahratta commanders was advanced by Bapoo Farnevefe.

It was moreover ftipulated, that the troops kept up by Bapoo, for the purpose of collection, should be paid from the treasury of Appakandarow. "In fhort (fays Mr. Thomas in terms of indignation) it was plainly to be feen, that whoever might hereafter, by chance of war, obtain poffeffion of the districts in queftion, it was evident that by these conceffions, Appa had for ever done away his own right."

Among these pergunnahs were three in the Mewatty country which belonged to Mr. Thomas. The lofs to him was fevere; but,

as he obferves with a confideration highly to his credit as a foldier, "I had no caufe for

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