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Hold, I. ii. 62, stronghold; John, | Male, V. v. 18, male parent.

V. vii. 23.

Homely, II. iv. 23, humble.
Honestie (honesty), III. ii.
Horizon, IV. vii. 102, stress
first syllable.



Horse, I. iv. 137, perhaps plural,
the plural sign coalescing in
sound with the 's' of horse.
Houre (hour), II. v. 27, 28, 32, etc.,
two syllables.

Impale, III. iii. 216, encircle.
Impaled, III. ii. 196, three syllables.
Impeach, I. iv. 64, impeachment,

In, I. i. 27, 97, II. vi. 105, V. vii.
3, on; in place; IV. i. 117, vi.
34, present.

Indigested, V. vi. 54, shapeless.
Inferring, II. ii. 47, bringing for-

Injurious, III. iii. 93, insulting;
117, unjust.

Inly, I. iv. 182, adjective, inward.
Invironned (environed), I. i. 273,
four syllables.

Irkes (irks), II. ii. 9, grieves.
Is, II. i. 12, IV. iii. 3, IV. 28, 'be'
is regularly used as auxiliary for
the perfect tense of neuter verbs.

Lade, III. ii. 164, ladle, bale out.
Laund, III. i. 4, lawn, glade; Ven.
& Ad., 1. 813.

Levell (level), II. ii. 22, aim; 2
Hen. VI, III. i. 169.
Lewis, III. iii. 195, two syllables,
elsewhere pronounced in the time
of one syllable.

Limed, V. v. 16, two syllables,
caught by birdlime.
Long of, IV. vii. 41, because of;
1 Hen. VI, IV. iii. 36.
Looke (look) upon, II. iii. 32, look
on, be spectators.
Lyme (lime), V. i. 96, cement,
as with mortar.


Machevill (Machiavel), III. ii. 218,
crafty politician.
Magnanimitie (magnanimity), V.
iv. 44, heroism, bravery.
Malapert, V. v. 37, saucy, forward;
Tw. Night, IV. i. 44.

Man at armes (arms), V. iv. 45,
knight in armour.

Manhood, IV. ii. 23, boldness,

Marches, II. i. 148, border-lands.
Margaret, II. vi. 79, III. iii. 38.
93, etc., three full syllables.
Maskers (masquers), III. iii. 252,

Meedes (meeds), II. i. 39, merits,

Meese (mess), I. iv. 80, set of four,
as arranged at dinners.
Misdoubteth, V. vi. 17, mistrusts;
Mer. Wives, II. i. 168.
Mis-thinke (misthink), II. v. 113,
misjudge, think ill of.

Moe, II. i. 178, old plural of more ;
Hen. VIII, II. iii. 119.
Motion, III. iii. 273, proposal; 1
Hen. VI, V. i. 10.

Mought, V. ii. 49, imperfect of
'may'; might.

Mountague (Montague), I. ii. 66,
II. i. 175, etc., three syllables,
stress on the first.

Naked, V. iv. 45, unarmed.
Napkin, I. iv. 86, 170, II. i. 68,

Narrow Seas, IV. viii. 5, English

Neat, II. i. 16, horned cattle; Wint.
Tale, I. ii. 153.

Newes (news), III. iii. 197, for the
plural use, see I Hen. IV, III.
ii. 128, 2 Hen. VI, III. ii. 408.
Nice, IV. vii. 74, scrupulous.

Obdurate, I. iv. 152, stress on
second syllable.

Obsequious, II, v. 123, observant of
rites for the dead.

Observation, II. vi. 113, five sylla-

Occasions, III. ii. 210, four sylla-

Of, III. iii. 33, from, from being.
Onely (only), IV. i. 56, alone.
Overgone, II. v. 128, overcome.
Over-peer'd (overpeered), V. i. 17,
overtopped, looked down on ;, I
Hen. VI, I. iv. 13.
Oddes (odds), I. ii. 87, II. i. 156,
inequality, disadvantage.

Pale, I. iv. 110, enclose; Ant. & | Quit, III. iii. 148, requite, reward.
Cleo., II. vii. 80.
Parcell (parcel), V. vi. 41, part,
particular; Hen. IV, III. ii.


Passing, V. i. 118, surpassing, exces-
sive; Two Gen. of Ver., I. ii. 19.
Passion, I. iv. 160, IV. iv. 21, vio-
lent emotion.

Peevish, V. v. 21, childish, foolish;
I Hen. VI, V. iii. 206.
Peremptorie (peremptory), IV. viii.

66, main stress on first syllable.
Perforce, I. i. 40, 160, V. v. 78, by

Period, V. v. 3, end; 1 Hen. VI,
IV. ii. 20.

Pies, V. vi. 51, magpies.
Pincht (pinched), II. i. 18, bitten.
Pittifull (pitiful), III. ii. 35, mer-


Pleaseth, II. vi. 110, impersonal,
'as it pleases him.'
Possessed, II. v. 61, three syllables;
possessed with, in possession of;
I Hen. VI, V. iv. 141.
Possession, II. vi. 115, four syllables.
Poste (post), I. ii. 57, III. iii. 250,
V. v. 95, haste; post, V. i. 3, mes-
senger; I. ii. 66, hasten; posted
off, IV. viii. 43, transitive, put
off carelessly.
Poultroones, poltroons, I. i.



Power, II. i. 185, army; 2 Hen. VI,

IV. ix. 15.

Preachment, I. iv. 79, high-flown

Prepare, IV. i. 149, preparation.
Prescription, III. iii. 110, right
based on long custom.
Presenteth, II. v. 105, represents.
Presently, I. ii. 43, immediately.
Presumption, V. vi. 37, four sylla-


[blocks in formation]

Racking, II. i. 29, moving, floating.
Ramping, V. i. 16, ready to spring.
Raught, I. iv. 75, reached; Hen.
V, IV. vi. 23.

Rebellion, I. i. 151, four syllables.
Renowned, II. 1. 94, III. iii. 46,
242, three syllables.
Rents, III. ii. 200, old form for
'rends,' present tense; Rich.
III, I. ii. 141.

Repayre (repair), V. i. 25, repair-
ing, going.

Resolve thee, I. i. 55, for the re-

flexive use, cf. Macb., III. i. 165.
Respect, V. v. 66, comparison.
Resteth, I. ii. 51, rest, IV. ii. 11,

rests, V. vii. 45, remains, remain.
Retire, II. i. 158, retreat, flight;
Hen. V, IV. iii. 96.

Rid, V. v. 77, destroyed; rids way,

V. iii. 23, disposes of distance.
Rook'd (rooked), V. vi. 47, perched.
Ruinate, V. i. 95, ruin; Tit. And.,
V. iii. 213.

Ruthfull (ruthful), II. v. 100,

Sadnesse (sadness), III. ii. 91, seri-


Scrupulous, IV. vii. 79, sophistical.
Selfe-(self-), III. i. 13, very same;
Hen. V, I. i. 4.

Senet (sennet), I. i. 233, a set of
notes on the trumpet.
Septentrion, I. iv. 146, north.
Service, V. i. 38, feudal service.
Shoot, III. i. 9, shot.

Shrift, III. ii. 125, hearing a con-
fession and granting absolution.
Shriver, III. ii. 108, confessor.
Silly, II. v. 44, helpless; III. iii.
109, insignificant.

Sinow (sinew), II. vi. 96, knit, bind.
Sith, I. i. since.


Sleight, IV. ii. 23, trick, strategem;
Macb., III. v. 29.

Sodaine (sudden), V. v. 97, hasty.
Sometime, II. ii. 33, formerly, at

other times; Mids. Night Dr.,
IV. i. 61.

Soothe, III. iii. 202, countenance,
uphold; Rich. III, I. iii. 311.

Queintly (quaintly), II. v. 25, art- Sort, II. ii. 103, band; 2 Hen. VI,


II. i. 205, III. ii. 301.

Sorts, II. i. 218, suits, is fit; Tro. |
& Cres., I. i. 110; sort, V. vi.
90, find out; Rich. III, II. ii.

Souldiers, I. i. 235,
three syllables.
Spight (spite), V. i. 23, vexation;
spight of spight, II. ii. 8, come
what will.

Spleene (spleen), II. i. 132, spirit.
Sport myself, II. v. 35, take recre-


Stale, III. iii. 291, laughing stock;
Tam. of Shr., I. i. 62.
State, III. ii. 109, rank, station.
Steeped, II. i. 68, two syllables.
Still, IV. vi. 29, always.

Stout, IV. ii. 22, brave.

[blocks in formation]



Stygmaticke, II. ii. hunch-
back; 2 Hen. VI, V. i. 226.
Success, II. ii. 49, result, issue.
Suddenly, IV. ii. 7, quickly.
Suffer'd (suffered), IV. viii. 10,
allowed to go on, cf. 2 Hen. VI,
III. ii. 285, V. i. 163.
Supposed, III. iii. 251, IV. i. 107,
three syllables.
Suspect, IV. i. 161, suspicion; 2
Hen. VI, I. iii. 143.

Tacklings, V. iv. 21, three syllables,
tack-le-ings; rigging.
Tainted, III. i. 43, touched.
Take on, II. v. 109, be furious.
Temper with, IV. vi. 32, are ad-
justed to, in mind and conduct.
That, III. i. 50, so that.
Time, V. i. 55, opportunity.
Too too, I. iv. 113, for the em-
phatic reduplication, cf. Mer. of
Ven., II. vi. 49, Ham., I. ii. 139,

Toward, II. ii. 69, ready, bold.
Triumphs, V. vii. 46, pageants.
Trowest, V. i. 97, one syllable;

Trull, I. iv. 123, harlot.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Waft, III. iii. 283, carry, especially

used of passage by sea; 2 Hen.
VI, IV. i. 115.
Wained (waned), IV. vii. 6, two
Weedes (weeds), IV. i. 119, gar
syllables; declined.
ments; Wint. Tale, IV. iv.

Weeping ripe (weeping-ripe), 1. iv.
183, ready to weep.

When, V. i. 56, an exclamation of
impatience; Rich. II, I. i. 168.
When as, (whenas), I. ii. 90, II. i.
51, V. vii. 36, when.

Winde (wind), III. i. 16, scent.
Winged, I. i. 300, two syllables.
Wittie (witty), I. ii. 50, intelligent.
Witch (witch), III. ii. 175, be-
Wit, IV. vii. 79, wisdom.

witch; 2 Hen. VI, III. ii. 130.
Withall (withal), III. ii. 107, used
forwith' at the end of a clause.
Wot, II. ii. 142, IV. vii. 104, V. iv.
78, know.

Trumpet, V. i. 21, trumpeter; Hen. Yonker (younker), II. i. 26, strip-

V, IV. ii. 70.

ling; I Hen. IV, III. iii. 83.



Grammatical Usage and Pronunciation

A, IV. iv. 89, on; III. vii. 193, a
many, cf. Mer. of Ven., III. v.

A base, I. ii. 272, lower; 2 Hen. VI,
I. ii. 16.

Abate, V. v. 41, blunt; 2 Hen. IV,
I. i. 133.

Abjects, I. i. 112, stress on second
syllable; abject slaves.
Abroach, I. iii. 341, on foot, going;
2 Hen. IV, IV. ii. 15
Accursed, IV. iv. 143, three sylla-

Acquit, V. v. 9, acquitted, done
credit to; cf. As You, I. i. 127.
Acquittance, III. vii. 242, acquit,

Adulterate, IV. iv. 72, adulterous.
Advance, I. ii. 45, V. iii. 300, raise;
I Hen. VI, I. vi. 3.
Advantaging, IV. iv. 340, increas-
Adventure, I. iii. 120, risk.
Adverse, IV. iv. 202, stress on first
syllable; opposing.
Advertised, IV. iv. 533, four sylla-
bles, stress on the second; in-
formed; 2 Hen. VI, IV. ix. 29.
Advis'd (advised), I. iii. 331, II. i.
117, IV. iv. 553, three syllables;
considerate, prudent.
Affected, III. i. 192, disposed.
After supper (after-supper), IV.
iii. 35, dessert after the evening


Almost, II. iii. 46, hardly can.
Amaze, V. iii. 382, frighten.
Annoy, V. iii. 181, molestation.
Answer, IV. ii. 106, be responsible.
Any, III. ii. 80, all places; parti-
tive sensitive.

Ap, IV. v. 17, son of, in Welsh.
Appeared, III. v. 97, three sylla-

Arch, IV. iii. 3, consummate.
Armed, I. i. 45, V. iii. 250, two

As, III. i. 190, as if.
Aspect, I. ii. 26, 174, stress on
second syllable.

Assured, II. i. 43, three syllables.
Attainder, III. v. 37, taint of


Attourney (attorney), V. iii. 95,


Avenged I. iv. 212, three syllables.
Awelesse (aweless), II. iv. 60, in-
spiring no awe.

Ayerie (aery), I. iii. 276, brood.

Baited, I. iii. 114, harassed, as by
dogs; Rich. II, IV. i. 241.
Barbed, I. i. 12, two syllables;

Barre (bar), III. ii. 61, debar.
Basiliskes (basilisks), I. ii. 170,


Battalia (battalion), V. iii. 15,

Battell (battle), V. iii. 100, army in

Beaver, V. iii. 60, helmet.
Betide, I. ii. 126; betide on, iii. 10,

betide to, II. iv. 81, happen to.
Beholding, II. i. 139, III. i. 123,
beholden; Hen. VIII, I. iv. 60.
Bend, I. ii. 105, IV. v. 19, direct;
3 Hen. VI, V. i. 99.

Bett ring (bettering), IV. iv. 125,
making greater.

Bid, IV. iv. 321, imperfect of bide,

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