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And Doctors learn'd.

With you my

First I began in private,

Lord of Lincolne; you remember

How under my oppression I did reeke

When I first mov'd you.

B. Lin. Very well my Liedge.

Kin. I have spoke long, be pleas'd your selfe to say How farre you satisfide me.

Lin. So please your Highnes,

The question did at first so stagger me,
Bearing a State of mighty moment in't,
And consequence of dread, that I committed
The daringst Counsaile which I had to doubt,
And did entreate your Highnes to this course,
Which you are running heere.

Kin. I then mov'd you,

My Lord of Canterbury, and got your leave
To make this present Summons unsolicited.
I left no Reverend Person in this Court;
But by particular consent proceeded
Under your hands and Seales; therefore goe on,
For no dislike i'th' world against the person
Of the good Queene; but the sharpe thorny points
Of my alleadged reasons, drives this forward:
Prove but our Marriage lawfull, by my Life
And Kingly Dignity, we are contented

To weare our mortall State to come, with her,



(Katherine our Queene) before the primest Creature That's Parragon'd o'th' World

Camp. So please your Highnes,

The Queene being absent, 'tis a needfull fitnesse,

That we adjourne this Court till further day;
Meane while, must be an earnest motion


258. Summons unsolicited: summons: unsolicited-THEOBALD. 264. drives: drive-POPE.

Made to the Queene to call backe her Appeale
She intends unto his Holinesse.

Kin. [Aside] I may perceive

These Cardinals trifle with me: I abhorre
This dilatory sloth, and trickes of Rome.
My learn'd and welbeloved Servant Cranmer,
Prethee returne, with thy approch: I know,
My comfort comes along: breake up the Court;
I say, set on.


Exeunt, in manner as they enter'd.

Actus Tertius.

Scena Prima.

[London. The Queen's apartments.]

Enter Queene and her Women as at worke.

Queen. Take thy Lute wench,

My Soule growes sad with troubles,

Sing, and disperse 'em if thou canst: leave working:


Orpheus with his Lute made Trees,
And the Mountaine tops that freeze,
Bow themselves when he did sing.
To his Musicke, Plants and Flowers
Ever sprung; as Sunne and Showers,
There had made a lasting Spring.
Every thing that heard him play,
Even the Billowes of the Sea,
Hung their heads, then lay by.
In sweet Musicke is such Art,
Killing care, & griefe of heart,
Fall asleepe, or bearing dye.

3-4. I 1.-POPE.


Enter a Gentleman.

Queen. How now?


Gent. And't please your Grace, the two great Cardinals Wait in the presence.1

1 audience-chamber

Queen. Would they speake with me?
Gent. They wil'd me say so Madam.
Queen. Pray their Graces

To come neere: [Exit Gent.] what can be their busines
With me, a poore weake woman, falne from favour?
I doe not like their comming; now I thinke on't,
They should bee good men, their affaires as righteous:
But all Hoods, make not Monkes.

Enter the two Cardinalls, Wolsey & Campian.
Wols. Peace to your Highnesse.

Queen. Your Graces find me heere part of a Houswife, (I would be all) against the worst may happen: What are your pleasures with me, reverent Lords? Wol. May it please you Noble Madam, to withdraw Into your private Chamber; we shall give you The full cause of our comming.

Queen. Speake it heere.

There's nothing I have done yet o' my Conscience 40
Deserves a Corner: would all other Women

Could speake this with as free a Soule as I doe.
My Lords, I care not (so much I am happy

Above a number) if my


Were tri'de by ev'ry tongue, ev'ry eye saw 'em,
Envy and base opinion set against 'em,

I know my life so even. If your busines
Seeke me out, and that way I am Wife in;

21. And't: An't-HANMER. 31. Campian: Campeius-Rowe. 35. reverent: reverend-2-4F

Out with it boldly: Truth loves open dealing.

Card. Tanta est erga te mentis integritas Regina serenissima. |

Queen. O good my Lord, no Latin;

I am not such a Truant since my comming,

As not to know the Language I have liv'd in:


A strange Tongue makes my cause more strange, suspitious: {

Pray speake in English; heere are some will thanke


If you speake truth, for their poore Mistris sake;
Beleeve me she ha's had much wrong. Lord Cardinall,
The willing'st sinne I ever yet committed,
May be absolv'd in English.

Card. Noble Lady,

I am sorry my integrity shoul breed,

(And service to his Majesty and you)

So deepe suspition, where all faith was meant;
We come not by the way of Accusation,

To taint that honour every good Tongue blesses;
Nor to betray you any way to sorrow;
You have too much good Lady: But to know
How you stand minded in the waighty difference
Betweene the King and you, and to deliver
(Like free and honest men) our just opinions,
And comforts to our cause.

Camp. Most honour'd Madam,

My Lord of Yorke, out of his Noble nature,
Zeale and obedience he still bore your Grace,
Forgetting (like a good man) your late Censure
Both of his truth and him (which was too farre)
Offers, as I doe, in a signe of peace,

His Service, and his Counsel.

61. shoul: should-2-4F.



71. our: your-2-4F.

Queen. [Aside] To betray me.

My Lords, I thanke you both for your good wills, 80 Ye speake like honest men, (pray God ye prove so) But how to make ye sodainly an Answere

In such a poynt of weight, so neere mine Honour, (More neere my Life I feare) with my weake wit; And to such men of gravity and learning;

In truth I know not. I was set at worke,
Among my Maids, full little (God knowes) looking
Either for such men, or such businesse;

For her sake that I have beene, for I feele
The last fit of my Greatnesse; good your Graces
Let me have time and Councell for my Cause:
Alas, I am a Woman frendlesse, hopelesse.
Wol. Madam,

You wrong the Kings love with these feares,
Your hopes and friends are infinite.

Queen. In England,


But little for my profit can you thinke Lords,
That any English man dare give me Councell?
Or be a knowne friend 'gainst his Highnes pleasure,
(Though he be growne so desperate to be honest) 100
And live a Subject? Nay forsooth, my Friends,
They that must weigh out1 my afflictions, 1outweigh
They that my trust must grow to, live not heere,
They are (as all my other comforts) far hence
In mine owne Countrey-Lords.

Camp. I would

your Grace

Would leave your greefes, and take my Counsell.
Queen. How Sir?

Camp. Put your maine cause into the Kings protection, Hee's loving and most gracious. 'Twill be much, 110 Both for your Honour better, and your Cause:

93-4. I 1.-POPE.

102. afflictions: misprint IF.

97. colon after profit-2-4F.

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