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whatsoever to the French Government, during the different wars which have taken place since 1792.

His Most Christian Majesty, on his part, renounces every claim which he might bring forward against the Allied Powers on the same grounds. In execution of this article, the high contracting parties engage reciprocally to deliver up all titles, obligations, and documents, which relate to the debts they may have mutually cancelled.

Art. XIX. The French Government engages to liquidate and pay all debts it may be found to owe in countries beyond its own territory, on account of contracts, or other formal engagements be tween individuals, or private establishments, and the French authorities, as well for supplies, as in satisfaction of legal engagements.

Art. XX.—The high contracting par ties, immediately after the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty, shall name commissioners to direct and superintend the execution of the whole of the stipulations contained in the 18th and 19th Articles. These commissioners shall undertake the examination of the claims referred to in the preceding Articles, the liquidation of the sums claimed, and the consideration of the manner in which the French Government may propose to pay them. They shall also be charged with the delivery of the titles, bonds, and the documen's relating to the debts which the high contracting parties mutually cancel, so that the approval of the result of their labours shall complete that reciprocal renunciation.

Art. XXI.-The debts, which in their origin were specially mortgaged upon the countries no longer belonging to France, or were contracted for the support of their interual administration, shall remain at the charge of the said countries. Such of those debts as have been converted into inscriptions in the great book of the public debt of France, shall accordingly be accounted for with the French Government after the 22d of December, 1813.

The deeds of all those debts which have been prepared for inscription, and have not yet been entered, shall be delivered to the governments of the respective countries. The statement of all these debts shall be drawn up and settled by a joint commission.

Art. XXII.-The French Government shall remain charged with the reimburse ment of all sums paid by the subjects of the said countries into the French coffers, whether under the denomination of surety, deposit, or consignment.

In like manner all French subjects, employed in the service of the said countries, who have paid sums under the deMONTHLY MAG, No. 256.


nomination of surety, deposit, or consignment, into their respective territories, shall be faithfully reimbursed.

Art. XXIII. The functionaries holding situations requiring securities, who are not charged with the expenditure of pub lic money, shall be reimbursed at Paris, with the interest, by fifths and by the year, dating from the signature of the present treaty. With respect to those who are accountable, this reimbursement shall commence, at the latest, six months after the presentation of their accounts, except only in cases of malversation. A copy of the last account shall be transmitted to the government of their countries, to serve for their information and guidance.

Art. XXIV. The judicial deposits and consignments upon the "caisse d'amortissement" in the execution of the law of 28 Nivose, year 13, (18th January, 1805) and which belong to the inhabitants of the countries France ceases to possess, shall, within the space of one year from the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty, be placed in the hands of the authorities of the said countries, with the exception of those deposits and consign. ments interesting French subjects, which last will remain in the “cuisse d'amortissement," and will only be given up on the production of the vouchers, resulting from the decisions of competent autho rities.

Art. XXV. The funds deposited by the corporations and public establishments in the "caisse de service," and in the "cuisse d'amortissement," or other "caisse,” of the French government, shall be reimbursed by fifths, payable from year to year, to Commence from the date of the present treaty; deducting the advances which have taken place, and subject to such regular charges as may have been brought forward against these funds by the creditors of the said corporations, and the said public establishments.

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Art. XXVI. From the 1st day of January, 1814, the French Government shall cease to be charged with the payment of pensions, civil, military, and ecclesiastical; pensions for retirement, and allowances for reduction, to any individual who shall cease to be a French subject.

Art. XXVII-National domains acquired for valuable considerations by French subjects in the late departments of Belgium, and of the left bank of the Rhine and the Alps beyond the ancient limits of France, and which now cease to belong to her, shall be guaranteed to the purchasers

Art. XXVIII.-The abolition of the "droits d'Aubaine," de "Detraction," and other duties of the same nature, in the countries which have reciprocally made that stipulation with France, or which 4.C


kave been formerly incorporated, shall be expressly maintained.

Art. XXIX. The French Government engages to restore all bonds, and other deeds which may have been seized in the provinces occupied by the French armies or administrations; and, in cases where such restitution cannot be effected, these bonds and deeds become and continue void.

Art. XXX. The sums which shall be due for all works of public utility not yet finished, or finished after the 31st of December, 1812, whether on the Rhine, or In the departments detached from France by the present treaty, shall be placed to the account of the future possessors of the territory, and shall be paid by the commission charged with the liquidation of the debts of that country.

Art. XXXI - All archieves, maps, plans, and documents whatever, belong ing to the ceded countries, or respecting their administration, shall be faithfully given up at the same time with the said countries; or, if that should be impossible, within a period not exceeding six months after the cession of the countries them selves.

This stipulation applies to archieves, maps, and plates, which may have been carried away from the countries during their temporary occupation by the different armies.

Art. XXXII.-All the Powers engaged on either side in the present war, shall, within the space of two months, send Plenipotentiaries to Vienna, for the purpose of regulating, in general Congress, the arrangements which are to complete the provisions of the present treaty.

Art. XXXIII. The present treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged within the period of fifteen days, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed and affixed to it the seals of their arms.

Done at Paris, the thirtieth of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. (L.S.) CASTLEREAGH, (L.S.) ABERDEEN. (L.S.) CATHCART.



Art. 1. His most Christian Majesty, concurring, without reserve, in the sentiments of his. Britannic Majesty, with respect to a description of traffic repug nant to the principles of natural justice and of the enlightened age in which we live, engages to unite all his efforts to those of his Britannic Majesty, at the approaching Congress, to induce all the Powers of Christendom to decree the

abolition of the Slave Trade, so that the said trade shall cease universally, as it shall cease definitively, under any circumstances, on the part of the French Govern ment, in the course of five years; and that, during the said period, no slave nierchant shall import or seli slaves, except in the Colonies of the State of which he is a subject.

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Art. II.-The British and French Governments shall name, without delay, Commissioners to liquidate the accounts of their respective expences for the main tenance of prisoners of war, in order to determine the manner of paying the balance which shall appear in favour of the one or the other of the two powers.

Art. III. The respective prisoners of war, before their departure from the place of their detention, shall be obliged to discharge the private debts they may have contracted, or shall at least give sufficient security for the amount.

Art. IV. Immediately after the ratification of the present Treaty of Peace, tlie sequesters which, since the year 1792; (one thousand seven hundred and ninetytwo) may have been laid on the funds, revenues, debts, or any other effects of the high contracting parties or their subjects, shall be taken off.

The commissioners mentioned in the 2d article, shall undertake the examination of the claims of his Britannic Majesty's subjects upon the French Government, for the value of the property, moveable or immoveable, illegally confiscated by the French authorities, as also for the total or partial loss of their debts or other property, illegally detained under sequester since the year 1792, (one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two.)

France engages to act towards British subjects in this respect, in the same spirit of justice which the French subjects have experienced in Great Britain; and his Britannic Majesty, desiring to concur in the new pledge which the Allied Powers have given to his most Christian Majesty, of their desire to obliterate every trace of that disastrous epocha, so happily ter minated by the present peace, engages on his part, when complete justice shall be rendered to his subjects, to renounce the whole amount of the balance which shall appear in his favour for the support of the prisoners of war, so that the ratification of the report of the above commissioners, and the discharge of the sums due to British subjects, as well as the restitution of the effects which shall be proved to belong to them, shall complete the renunciation.

Art. V. The two high contracting parties, desiring to establish the most friendly relations between their respective subjects, reserve to themselves, and pro mise to come to a mutual understanding



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On the 13th instant, the Chancellor
of the Exchequer laid before the House
of Commons, the Budget of the year,
independently of the consolidated fund of
about forty millions, which he considered
as appropriated by the interest of the
public debt.

Done at Paris, the thirtieth day of May,


20,575,011 Navy, (exclusive of Ordnance Sea-Service).

18,926,537 Army, (including Ireland) with Barracks and Commissariat
9,500,000 Extraordinary (England)

200,000 Ditto


4,662,797 Unprovided ditto, last Year

5,101,294 Ordnance (including Ireland).

2,500,000 Miscellaneous

6,000,600 7 Vote of England

200,000 Credit Ireland

Subsidies voted

Ditto to be voted
Bills of Credit •







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260,000 Grant to Sinking Fund in respect of Exchequer ?

Bills unprovided


Repayment of Exchequer Bilk




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No credit was taken for any surplus of consolidated fund, it having fallen short of what was expected; and hence it was not deemed adviseable to rely upon it for this year. In the taxes there has been a deficiency in one branch alone, the customs, about one million in the old duties, and eight hundred thousand pounds in the new. But the deficiency in the customs is more than balanced by the surplus in other branches of the revenue. In the excise, one million; in the stamp and postoffice duties; in the assessed taxes, a milHons in the property tax, two millions.


200,000 3,000,000


22,000,000 18,500,000


He stated the terms of the loan to be as favourable to the public as could be expected, and as likely to be favourable also to the contractors. The charge of the loan is to be met by cancelling redeemed stock. The general view taken of the state of our finances was, in his opinion, extremely gratifying. For nearly twenty years we have been engaged in the most arduous and expensive struggle that this or any other country ever knew; and yet a loan of twenty-four millions has been raised at less than five per cent. interest, or less than the legal interest of money! 4C2


Before the last loan of twenty-four millions, the total of the public debt, as originally funded, was 993,077,608/. 2s.74d. and the debt unredeemed, and due to the public creditor, was 717,509,556. Os. 44d. The interest on the debt unredeemed, was 24,397,2671. 14s. 84d. and the total charge of debt, being interest, and life, and other annuities, charges of manage ment, and amounts for redemption, was 39,337,216. 3s. 84d. Of course the WAR TAXES of twenty-one millions, and further loans, are the only means of supporting the peace establishment!

The visit of the Emperor of Russia and the King of Prussia, forms a feature of the times honourable to them and to the English people. They came among us, particularly Alexander, for the ostensible purpose of cementing the peace of Europe, and of profiting by those institutions which have been nurtured in England by that public spirit which is the consequence of pulic liberty. Whether similar effects can be expected to arise without the aid of similar causes -whether the MAGNANIMOUS ALEXANDER proposes to confer on his subjects greater public privileges or whether he supposes that the institutions and spirit of freemen can be forced, like other exotics, on the soil of Russia, we shall not stop to determine; but nothing is more indubitable than that, for every thing enjoyed by Britain more than is enjoyed by her neighbours, she is indebted primarily to the independence of her people, arising from her insular si. tuation to their independence, arising from the enjoyment and exercise of an enlarged degree of public liberty-and to that public spirit, which grows out of the sense of personal independence, felt, more or less, by all her inhabitants. LIBERTY, and nothing but LIBERTY, the talisman which produces the moral and social effects that make Britain the theme of admiration among other nations; and, though we applaud the benevolent intentions of sovereigns who desire to make their countries as much as possible like Britain, yet they will want that which is more essential than power the spirit of liberty among their subjects and though they may do much good, yet they can render no country like a land of liberty without that independence of the people, which can only be created by a house of representatives, freely and independently chosen, and by trial by juries of their pairs impartially called to that duty. Such are the true


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causes of Britain's glory, such the springs of her industry, and such the basis on which arises the personal character of her people. Yet it is at the same time too true, that all Englishmen are not freemen, that many of them are slaves in spirit and in practice, nuisances on a free soil, and fitter subjects for Turkey than for England. Our forefathers, however, left us the legacy of freedom, and through not cherished as it ought to be, and often basely sold and compromised, yet we enjoy many of its moral and political effects, and there remain among us a numerous and resolute band, who duly appreciate it, and who, if needful, would spill the last drop of their blood in its defence and preservation.

These observations are drawn from us at this time, by the nauseating and loathsome language of many, very many, of the London papers, the editors of which make sport of the best feelings of Englishmen, and set at nought all that is sacred in the great causes of humanity and liberty. Practised in the arts of de clamation, they pollute and poison the fountains of truth, which flow, or ought to flow, through the medium of the public press, confounding agent and patient, cause and effect, vice and virtue, truth and falsehood, with a degree of dexterity and effrontery, that astound and overwhelm the multitude, while they fill with grief and dismay those who compre hend the illusions of their sophistry, and the artifices of their eloquence.

To avoid details, for which we have not room, we have subjoined, in chronological order, the dates of the progresses of these sovereigns during their memora ble visit.

On the afternoon of Monday, the 6th of June, the Emperor Alexander, and Frederick-William, King of Prussia, landed at Dover, having been conveyed thither from Boulogne in the Impregnable man-of-war, commanded by the Duke of Clarence, as, admiral of the fleet.

perial and royal strangers entered London, Sleeping that night at Dover, the imin a private manner, on the afternoon of Tuesday the 7th; the Emperor lodging at the Pulteney Hotel, Piccadilly, previously occupied by his sister the Duchess of Ol denburgh; and the King of Prussia, in apartments prepared for him in the Stable Yard, St. James's.

On the following morning, the 8th, the minster Abbey and Hall, the British Mu Emperor visited Kensington Gardens, Westscum, &c. and in the afternoon was presented, as was the King of Prussia, to her



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Public Affairs in June.

Majesty, in full court, at the Queen's Palace, and splendidly entertained by the Regent.

On Thursday the 9th, the Emperor rode along Westminster-bridge, and through Southwark by London-bridge, into the city. Passing by the Mansion-house, the Royal Exchange, &c. the party proceeded through Finsbury-square into the City road, which carried them to Tavistock and Russell Squares, and Paddington, whence they returned to the hotel. They after wards visited St. Paul's and the London Docks. In the afternoon, the Emperor and the King were admitted Knights of the Garter, at Carlton House, and the absent Emperor of Austria was likewise declared a companion of the same order.

On Friday the 10th, both sovereigns, with their suite, proceeded by way of Richmond and Hampton Court, to Ascot races, and afterwards dined with her Majesty at Frogmore.

On Saturday the 11th, Alexander paid a visit to the Bank; and, in the afternoon, gave audience to Lords Erskine, Grenville, Grey, Holland, and other distinguished statesmen: after which, both he and Frederick-William received addresses of congratulation from the lord mayor and the whole corporation of London. In the evening, both parties appeared in the Opera-house. On Sunday the 11th, the King of Prussia, with his family and suite, attended divine service in Westminster Abbey; as did Alexander at the chapel of his ambassador in



with the usual formalities in the afternoon. The evening was set apart for a most superb entertainment and ball, provided by the members of White's club, in Burlington-house and gardens, at a cost of nearly 40,0002.

Tuesday the 21st, was employed in ta king leave of the royal family, and in other preparations for departure.

On Wednesday morning the 22d, both sovereigns left London, the Emperor previously viewing the Tower of London, to be present at the naval exhibition prepa red at Portsmouth; from whence to pro ceed along the coast to Dover, there to embark on their return to the continent. The expence to the government of the visit, has exceeded 100,000l., in fetes, novelties, and reparations.

We feel it due to the Emperor Alexander and the duchess of Oldenburgh to state, that, during their residence in London, they won the affections and acquired the esteem of all classes of the people by their amiable manners, their rational pursuits and their enlightened curiosity. Nothing frivolous occupied their attention; but they were indefatigably engaged day after day, or rather hour after hour, except when called on to accept the civilities of hospitality, in examining whatever is useful and meritorious in our public or private establishments. The fatigues of a campaign could not have

been Both sovereigns afterwards rode for a considerable time in Hyde Park, amidst at least 150,000 people.

Monday the 18th was set apart for an ex cursion down the river to visit the dock-yard and arsenal at Woolwich, Greenwich, &c.

Tuesday the 14th and Wednesday the 15th, were employed in an excursion to Oxford, Blenheim, Stowe, &c. of which an account is given under the head Oxfordshire, in our Provincial Occurrences.

On Thursday the 16th, the sovereigns were present in St. Paul's, at the annual assembly of 8000 charity children of the metropolis! and, in the evening, they visit ed Drury-lane Theatre.

On Friday the 17th, they dined in great magnificence with the city merchants, at Merchant-taylors' Hall, at a cost of 10,000l. On Saturday the 18th, they accompanied the Prince Regent, in grand procession, to a most splendid banquet given by the city of London in Guildhall, which cost nearly 30,000l.

On Sunday afternoon, the 19th, they dined at Oatlands, with the Duke of York and the Duchess, sister of the King of Prussia.

The forenoon of Monday the 20th, was employed in viewing 10,000 troops, drawn up in Hyde Park to fire a feu-de-joie, in honour of the PEACE, which was proclaimed

greater than those endured by Alexander during his sojourn in London; and any man of less temperate habits, and less energy of character, could not for so many days have undergone the same incessant pursuits of curiosity and pleasure, without injury to his health. Peter the Great, or Napoleon himself, could not have pursued what is great and useful with more ardour than this Prince; while the Regent of England, famed as he is for the grace of his manners, found a rival in Alexander, in whatever adds the fascinations of person to those of rank, fame, and power. Of the King of Prussia we have seen and heard less, but the modesty and amenity of his cha racter, leads us to wonder how, in 1805, he permitted his ministers to assert those claims on Hanover which led to the fatal battle. of Jena, and to all the wars which have since desolated the Continent of Europe. Happy would it be for mankind if their destinies depended more on the personal character of such princes, as these we have been describing; but, unfortunately, the good intentions of princes are constantly frustrated by wicked, corrupt, and selfish ministers, who deceive their sovereigns to screen



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