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from Henry IV. to Queen Elizabeth.


municate his intentions to his envoys. Different letters, which were addressed He thought also to be nearer Abbeville, because he was going to succour Cambray this instruction is dated Oct. 5. Cambray surrendered on the 9th, and the King, who was on the road, received the news before his arrival.

By another letter of Henry Queen Elizabeth, which was brought by Wil. liams, upon his return to England, it appears that the Queen took it ill, that he had granted a truce to the Duke of Mayenne, and had treated with him and other leaguers who wished to return to his government. I have given directions, (he says) to the Sieur Williams, to tell to you the reasons which dispose me to open my arms to the Duke de Mayenne, and others of my subjects who desire my favour, and wish to return to my service.

Lomenie, besides his instructions and credentials, brought with him different letters of the King, addressed to the Earl of Essex, to the Lord High Trea surer and Lord High Admiral of Eng land, and the Sieur de la Fontaine, chargé des affaires for France to this nation. [Such a correspondence of members of the council would now be the cause of impeachment, but it appears from Phil. de Commines, vol. ii. passim, to have been usual, and the means by which a former French king kept perpe tual peace with Edward IV.] In the MS. all these letters appear, the object of which is to order the Sieur de la Fontaine to concert matters with Lomenie, and to beg the English to back his requests to the queen. The Earl of Essex was in the interests of France, but as the negociation became very delicate, through the refusal which the king made of satisfying Elizabeth on the subject of Calais, we see by a letter of the Earl of Essex to M. de Lomenie, that he could not treat with him but mysteriously, and by the intervention of a third person, in order, he says, to avoid the jealousies of Our court. [This important passage shows the dangerous indiscretion of Essex, and that he was not merely sacrificed to the statements of his enemies. Elizabeth charged him with tampering with Tyrone, in Ireland, and his ambition of popularity and consequence produced that distrust concerning his integrity in the mind of his sagacious mistress, which in the end ruined him.]

The Sieur de Lomenie, who had left Paris, Oct. 7, for his voyage to England, quitted London the 23d of the same month,without having obtained any thing.

to Dover by the Sieur de la Fontaine, in the hope that the winds would have de tained him there some time, show us that the court of England was in fact exces sively agitated, and very irresolute on the subject of the propositions of Henry,sometimes the Earl of Essex carried it in favour of France; sometimes the contrary party triumphed. "I see, says the Sieur de la Fontaine, in one of his letters, much surprise (l'etonnement) and distraction in this court, to which I have added every new engine in my power; nor should I have desired this delay unless in the hopes of making you the bearer of better news.' "1 In another letter of the 30th of October, he says, "All things are changed in this court; and, in short, they will do nothing which we have asked. M. le Comte d' Essex sends on purpose and by command this gentleman: I think, that if you stay two days longer, they will send some one to you, who may be with you the partaker and bearer of better news. If my office did not detain me, I would come to you in order to explain what the shortness of the time does not to permit me to write."

In another letter of the 8th of No. vember following, the affairs of this court, says the Sieur de la Fontaine, are not the gospel (ne sont pas l'Evangile) for they are often yea and no. At present, there is no further talk on the subject, but a demie-bouche, announced with much mystery. In short, this negociation of M. de Lomenie had no effect.

[This memoir, though barren of incident, and indeed interest, except in one view of displaying the politics of Elizabeth, (for which reason some passages are put in italics) is yet in that view very important. It palpably demonstrates her views respecting expeditions. First, that they should have a specific and private advantage to the succouring party. Secondly, that they should never be carried to an extent which bestows power, or the means of independence in the party assisted. It is strange to see the ridiculous complaints of the ambas sador. Lomenie held out no lure, as a contre-projet, to salve the disappointment concerning Calais, or even made a display of danger from the common adversary! Elizabeth's policy was always to assist party against party, in order to weaken each, but never to elevate either: this, Heylyn shows, was her uniform policy in respect to her domestic religious parties.]


Extracts from the Portfolio of a Man of Letters.


F this island, which will furnish so much matter for the future historan, poet, and dramatist, the description by SWINBURNE is the fullest in our lan guage; it therefore merits to be transferred to the pages of the Monthly Magazine, as Swinburne's Travels are now become scarce, and are very dear.

"The season of the year being far advanced, and the Alps covered with snow, I thought it unadvisable with a family to undertake a journey into Italy by land; and therefore, in company with Sir Thomas Gascoigne, hired a French polacre at Marseilles, and embarked for Naples on the 27th of December, 1776.

The getting under sail was tedions, as the currents obliged us to tow out from buoy to buoy; but, when once clear of the land, we went at a prodigious rate, before a brisk north-west wind, which in the evening increased to a storm.

near their base.

All that night, and the ensuing day, the gale continued, and drove us on very fast. As the sea was rough, and the waves short, the irregular jerks and tossings of our ship kept us in perpetual alarms; but fortunately it was tight and well built. The Alps, immersed in snow, appeared on the left hand, about four leagues off, rising cat of the waters to a wonderful height: the sea ran so high, that we could discern nothing About sun-set, we got under the shelter of Cape Corso, the N.E. point of Corsica, and lay-to all night in still water. By this delay, we lost the opportunity of passing throngh the straits of Piombino; for, before morning, the boisterous Maestral sank into a very dull zephyr, which faintly brought us to the island of Elba, and there left us in a dead calm. We were towed into the harbour of PortoFerraio, where Mons, de Langres, the governor, a native of Lorraine, received us with great politeness, and contributed every thing in his power to make our involuntary visit to his port less irksome.

The island of Elba, known to the Greeks by the name of Aithalia, and to the Romans by that of Ilva, has been renowned for its runes from a period beyond the reach of history. Aristotle speaks of them as opened from time immemorial, and Virgil brings a succour to Eneas of300 men from

- Ilva, Insula inexhaustis chalybum generosa metallis.*

It lies about ten miles S.W. from Toscany, in latitude 42° 50'. Its figure is that of an equilateral triangle. Pliny gives it a circuit of an hundred miles. Late geogra‹ Eiba, an island rich in inexhaustible

nines of steel."

phers allow only sixty to its circumference; but, as no map has yet been made upon exact observations, and as the circuit would be much more considerable if every creek and inlet were measured, perhaps the Roman mensuration may come nearer the truth than the modern one. The difference might even be accounted for by the encroachments of the sea, and by the tumbling in of the rocks, which are, in many places, of a mouldering contexture.

Being extremely mountainous, Elba affords but scanty room for cultivation, and produces little more than six months' pro

vision of corn for its seven thousand inhabitants. It is said to have been peopled from Voltera, in very ancient times, the capital of Tuscany, and perhaps of all Italy. The property is at present divided between the Prince of Piombino, who possesses the largest share; the King of Naples, to whom Porto-Longone belongs; and the Great Duke of Tuscany, who is master of

Porto Ferraio.

The climate is much milder than that of the adjacent continent; for Elba produces many plants and fruits that cannot stand the Tuscan winters.

The south-west part of the island is, the most elevated, and consists of lofty unfruitful mountains, composed of black and white granite susceptible of a fine polish. In an old quarry, on the south shore, may be seen several pillars and basons roughly hewn, and left unfinished. The columns of the cathedral of Pisa are said to have been cut out of these rocks. Under this granite is a stratum of slate.


The N.E. and S.E. parts are chiefly argillaceous slate and iron-stone, with a quarry of grey marble, and some veins of ser pentine. Amianthus is frequent among the shivery rocks. Near the N.E. point is the hill, or mine, of iron ore, belonging to Rio, which supplies most of the forges of Italy. At the S.E. cape is the Monte della mita, so called from the loadstone with which it abounds. This is the magnes colore fusco rubente of the mineralogists, and ap pears to be a ferruginous substance that has passed through a very violent fire with out vitrification. The efficient of magnetism still remains in the unfathomed depths of nature's first causes. Buffon defines it, a constant effect of electricity produced by the interior heat, and the rotation of the globe; but, if it depended on no other cause, we should not experience such variation in the compass. The best magnets in Elba are found near the sea: but, to come at strong ones, the ground must he dug into; because the air, or the rays of the sun, eat out the force of those that lie long exposed to them on the surface. The earth, mixed with these

Mons. de


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Swinburne's Account of the Island of Elba.

stones, is full of martial particles, which stick to the pick-axe in the shape of little tufts of bristles. The layer, that supports the magnetic heaps is a blue whetstone slate, with a small mixture of calcareous stones. At the bottom of the mountain is found a bole, vulgarly named white loadstone, not from any real attractive virtue, but from a roughness that causes the tongue to adhere to it. It was formerly much worn as a charm by lovers, and supposed to draw, with great force, the affections of the beloved object towards the wearer.

The soil of Elba is very shallow, with few places level enough for corn. The wine is good, if made with care, and properly kept; the fruit of its standard-trees is said to be exquisite; orange and lemon-trees seem to thrive very well in the sheltered vallies and other plains near the sea.

About 4000 tons of salt are made near Porto Ferraio, which has likewise a tunny fishery, worth annually to the Grand Duke 1300l. sterling. The Prince of Piombino


has another at Marciana, that clears 10007, per annum.

Porto-Ferraio is a very pretty town, built on a shelving rock that closes in a large circular bay; the land all around is high and woody; the entrance of the bay wide, and easy to hit; but so open to the N.E. winds, that, when they blow with violence, there are few anchoring-places where a ship can ride in security. The streets and fortifications rise one above ano ther, like rows of seats in an ancient amphitheatre, and present a most beautiful spectacle to those that approach by water. To the sea, nothing appears but the two citadels, Stella and Falcone. All the upper range of works is cut out of the rock into vaults and intricate communications. In the centre of the semicircle, is a smaller port or darsena for boats and gallies, defended by a couple of bastions, and shut up every evening with a boom. A commodious quay communicates with all the streets, by means of large flights of steps.

PORTO FERRAIO AND PART OF ELBA.† Elba was held with Piombino by the Appiani as a fief of the empire, till Charles the Fifth thought proper to transfer it to Cosmo the first Duke of Florence, that he might secure it and the adjacent coast from the insults of the Turks and Freuch, which the preceding feudatory was not in a condition to repel. The duke built Ferraio in 1548; but it was not brought to the present state of perfection before the reign of Cosmo the Second, who completed these fortifications in 1628, with a magnificence equal to that displayed by the old Romans in their public undertakings. The gates are decorated with sculpture, and the rings for fastening cables to are of carved bronze. The garri son is small, and the artillery trifling, for so large a fortress; but the neutrality of its master is its present security, and renders a stronger force unnecessary.

ing shrubs. The summit of these mountains is bare of wood, but not of verdure.

On a shaggy rock stands the tower of Voltoraio, where six soldiers defend the frontiers of the Tuscan state, marked out by stones placed in angular directions along the top of the ridge that encompasses the hay of Porto-Ferraio. The view from this tower is wonderfully fine every way, as the eye overlooks the whole island, that of Corsica, many scattered islets, the channel of Piombino, and a great range of continent.

There being no appearance of a favorable change in the wind, we made an excursion to the iron mines.

We crossed the bay, and ascended the mountain by a very rugged path. The gullies that seam its sides are full of orchards, with some few orange trees, cut to pieces and stunted by the N.W. wind. The waste is covered with myrtle, laurustinus, lentiscus, arbutus, and many other lower MONTHLY MAG. No. 255.

We descended on the east side of the mountain to Rio, a poor village inhabited by miners. Under it breaks out the only rivulet in Elba, which does not run above a mile

*It was called Portus-Argous from Argo, the ship of Jason, which the confused tradi tionary legend of the ancients brought out into the Mediterranean, that Medea might have an opportunity of communing with her sister sorceress Circé. Homer, in his Odyssey, informs us, that, by the particular favor of Jove, this celebrated ship passed unhurt through the Straits of Scylla and Charybdis,

† Copied, by permission, from one of four coloured aquatintas lately published by Mr. Dickson.

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a mile before it falls into the sea; but the water gushes out of the rock in such abun dance, that it turns seventeen mills in that short course. We followed this pretty stream down a narrow vale, cultivated with great nicety, and planted with orange and other fruit trees, till it brought us to the celebrated iron mine.

This mine is not, like most others, composed of ferruginens strata, or of pieces of ore dispersed among heterogeneous substances, in horizontal streaks or accidental lumps, which are come at with difficulty, by means of galleries, engines, and deep pus; on the contrary, it forms one large hill of solid ore, worked in three terraces, after the manner of a fine quarry of stone, by clearing away the top, and hewing or blasting the rock, till it drops in shivers into the area, from whence it is whceled to the place of sale. The circumference of this iron hill is near three miles, and the depth of the ore to the slaty foundation about 300 feet. Where it has not yet been touched, or has lain undisturbed many years, vines and other plants grow tolerably well on the surface, and are said by Koest in to contain particles of iron in their leaves and stems, as may be discovered by calcination. If this were really the case, which I very much doubt, it would give a greater degree of credibility to the stories fold in Hungary, where bits of gold are shewn adhering to the stalks and grapes of the Tokay vines, supposed to have been drawn out of the ground by the plant in the course of vegetation.

The place where the present works are carried on resembles a funnel with one side broken down. About 700 pounds weight of gunpowder are consumed annually in blasting, and 106 men constantly employed with the pickaxe or barrow. From a scarcity of wood, none of the ere is smelted on the island, but is sold to the agents of the Tuscan, Roman, Corsican, and Neapolitan furnaces, at the rate of fifty-one crowns per conto; a weight consisting of 33,333 pounds and an half each. The Corsicans and Tuscans have a right to pick the ore, for which they pay an additional price. All others take it unsorted, and, with every parcel of large ore, are obliged to take a tenth part of the refuse: the two privileged traders have a fifth.

This ore is beautiful, abounding in rain bow shoots and crystallisations; but, al though it appears to the eye and to the feel to be almost one solid mass of iron, it is by no means so rich as many iron ores in the north of Europe, and hardly yields half its weight in pure metal.

It is a doubt, whether this mine of Rio be the same mentioned, by Aristotle and other ancient authors, to have been open in their time, but it is generally believed to be so. Pini, who in 1777 gave a dissertation on Elba, makes a calculation to prove, that it is possible these mines may Have been continually wrought since that

very distant period, without being more exhausted than we see them. He supposes the present area, where the ore is dug, to be a cylinder of 5000 feet in circumference, upon a depth of 200 feet, capable of con taining 397,727,000 cubic feet of earth or ore, of which, only one-third part, or 132,575,666, is to be assigned to the solid mineral; that each cubic foot of ore weighs 408 pounds; and therefore, that the whole weight of the ore hitherto dug ont amounts to 54,090,872,000 pounds. Now, for many years back, the annual exportation has not exceeded 41,666,250 pounds weight; by which computation it appears, that it would require 1,298 years to work out a quantity equal to what may be contained in the above-mentioned area. But as the steward assured me, he did not sell, upon an average, more than 35,000,000 of pounds weight a year, the allowance made by Pini is too great by near a seventh. Besides, much more copper was used anciently in arms and utensils than at present; gunpowder was unknown, and consequently greater difficulties attended the miner's art. The ore of Elba was probably smelted at no other place than that from which it derived its name, Populonium, and therefore we may believe, that a much smaller quantity than 55,000,000 was annually extracted; consequently the mine could not be worked down to its actual state in so short a term as 1,298 years. The extent of the part yet untouched will afford em, ployment for many ages to come, notwithstanding the greater expedition used in modern metallurgy. The Prince of Piombino, to whom these treasures belong, receives from the sale, communibus annis, about 40,000 Roman crowns (9,5231. sterling), clear of all expences."

The ancients were of opinion, that the ore was reproduced in a course of years by a species of vegetation; and such has been the sentiment of some moderns, who allege, that many pickaxes, and other implements, have been found in old workings, covered with an incrustation of iron. As none of these tools have been met with in the heart of the virgin rock, but always in the trenches, where the shiver of old grooves


Lobarde, in a note upon this passage of his translation, doubts the accuracy of my calculations; he thinks 3,380. sterling, (which is nearly the amount of what I state as the expences of working, &c.) much too small an allowance for 106 miners, beside officers, overseers, and the expence of car riage. In answer to this it must be observ. ed, that part of the 106 workmen wheel the ore to the boats, which is all the carri age required, while the remainder break down the blocks of ore; and I imagine that the pay of these 106 labourers does not exceed 2000l. per annuin; and as the officers are few in number, the remainder of the 3,3801. is more than sufficient for their salaries and the wear and tear of tools.

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Swinburne's Account of the Island of Elba.

has been thrown, the crust gathered round them is no proof of the regeneration of iron. It is plain, that this coat is not produced by the same causes that create an increase of bulk in plants, viz. the accession of proper food and juices assimilating themselves to the plant, and becoming part of it. This incrustation is no more than the junction of innumerable minute particles of iron dis persed in the rubbish of the works, which run together, and by length of time consolidate into a mineral mass.

On the 22d, a faint breeze carried us out of the harbour of Porto-Ferraio, into the channel that divides Elba from the Tuscan coast.

The captain assured me, that the compass was of no use in steering a ship within four leagues of Elba, as the needle veered about continually with great irregularity. Some authors deny the existence of any such at traction in the island, or even its possibility; others are of opinion, that if this attractive power exist, it can be perceptible only on the side where the mines lie, and that a vessel must be very near the island to be within the reach of its magnetic action. Without attempting to argue the point, I shall content myself with mentioning, that I perceived the utmost confusion and váriation in the needle most part of the day, though we constantly kept at the distance of a league from Elba.

The wind was low and unsettled, and twenty-four hours passed in tacks. This delay, and the fineness of the weather, af forded leisure to examine the coast of Tuscany, which is flat and woody, backed at a great distance by the mountains of Sienna; those of Montenero, near Leghorn, bound the horizon to the north; and, on the south quarter, the ridge behind Orbitello, with the insulated promontory of Monte Argentato, closes the prospect. The channel is about ten miles wide; but, from the clearness of the atmosphere, does not appear to be more than five. Some small islands dispersed in the passage, the high lands of Elba, the city of Piombino, and a great variety of vessels sailing in all directions, composed a most delightful marine piece, worthy of the pencil of a Claude or aVernet. Piombino, built on the point of a little bay, is the capital of a principality formerJy belonging to the republic of Pisa, and, on the destruction of that commonwealth, occupied by private usurpers. From the fifteenth century, it was possessed by the Appiani family, which became extinct in the reign of the Emperor Ferdinand the Second. He seized upon it as an imperial escheat; and, in 1634, sold it to Nicholas Ludovisi, nephew to Pope Gregory the Fifteenth. A grand-daughter of Nicholas carried the estate and honors into the house of Buoncompagno, Duke of Sora.

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Not far from hence stood the ancient city Populonia, a colony of the Volterrans, and one of the first cities built in Italy near the sea-coast, After the fall of the Roman


empire, this place became a prey to the Goths and Lombards; and, at last, Charlemagne made the Pope a present of it, who did not long enjoy the advantages of the donation; for, in 809, some lawless tribes of mountaineers levelled Populonia with the ground.

In the morning of the 23d, só strong a gale sprang up in the S.E. that we were glad to run into Porto Longone, to avoid being blown through the channel back to

the coast of France.

Porto Longone is a considerable fortress, begun in 1606, and completed in thirty years. Cardinal Mazarin, with a view of disturbing the Spaniards in their communis cation with Italy, and of mortifying the Pope, whom he knew to be a zealous partis san of Spain, sent the Marechal de la Meilleraie, in 1646, with a fleet and army, to attack Piombino and Porto Longone. The former was carried in a few days, and the latter obliged to capitulate after a fortnight's siege. Both places were retaken, in 1650, by Don John of Austria.

It is now garrisoned by Neapolitan troops, as being annexed to the crown of the Two Sicilies, with the rest of the Tuscan Presidii, since Philip the Fifth ceded to his son Don Carlos all his claims upon that kingdom. It stands upon the north-east promontory of a large bay. At the bottom of this bay, a projecting rock, with a small castle upon it, defends and hides the entrance of the harbour, a pleasant and wellsheltered cove. At the foot of the hills are small vallies full of cottages and vineyards, intersected with gravel paths, and inclosed with hedges of arbatus, which, at this season of the year, are rendered particularly beautiful by the scarlet herries that almost cover the bushes. side is a fine well under the rock, where ships send their boats to take in water."

On the south

The inexhaustible credulity of the public has been fed, during the past month, by certain London, papers, and their Parisian counterparts, with fables about the beha viour of Napoleon, during his journey to Elba, forgetting that in giving currency to such trash they proved too much, for, if he was so weak and pusillanimous as these knaves would now make us believe, of what standard of intellect must theirs have been who have so long been subdued by him? All we know en credible authority is this, that on the 19th of April he left Fontaine bleau, embarked at Frejus on the 30th in the Undaunted British fiigate, and landed at Elba on, the 4th of May. The stories of the objection of the inhabitants to receive a man who was about to spend a quarter of a million sterling per annum among them, and to fill their island with tourists and wealthy visitors, were printed in the Londen and Paris papers, even before it could be known in Eba, that Napoleon had fixed on that island for his residence.

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