| Myers & co., booksellers, London - 1655 - 334 pages
...Five Moneths Trauells in France, Sauoy, Italy, Rhetia, commonly called the Orisons Country, Heluetia, alias Switzerland, some Parts of High Germany and the Netherlands, newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcombe in the County of Somerset, & now dispersed to the nourishment of the trauelling Members... | |
| Acton Frederick Griffiths - 1815 - 628 pages
...in five Moneths trauells in France, auoy, Italy, Rhetia comonly called the Orisons country, Heluetia alias Switzerland, some parts of high Germany, and the Netherlands ; Newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcombe in the County of Somerset, & now dispersed to the nourishment of the trauelling Members... | |
| Longman (Firm), Thomas Park - 1815 - 481 pages
...five Moneths trauells in France, Sauoy, Italy, Rhetia comonly called the Grisons country, Heluetia alias Switzerland, some parts of high Germany, and the Netherlands ; Newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcombe in the County of Somerset, & now dispersed to the nourishment of the trauelling Members... | |
| 1816 - 692 pages
...hastily gobbled up in five moneth's Tranels in France, Sauoy, Italy, Rhetia, commonly called the Orison's country, Helvetia, alias Switzerland, some parts of...and the Netherlands, newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcombe, &c 77 Conrs d'Economie Polltiqne, on Exposition des Principe* <iui determlnent la... | |
| Tobias Smollett - 1816 - 674 pages
...five Monelhs Travels in France, Sauoy, Italy, Rhtt/a, comonly called the Grisons Country, Heluttia alias Switzerland, some Parts of High Germany, and the Netherlands ; newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcomhe, in the county of Somerset, and now dispersed to the nourishment of the trauelling... | |
| 1834 - 614 pages
...gobbled up in Five Months' Travells in France, Savoy, Italy, Rhetia, (commonly called the Orisons' country,) Helvetia, alias Switzerland, some parts...and the Netherlands, newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcombe in the county of Somerset, and now dispersed to the nourishment of the travelling members... | |
| 1822 - 658 pages
...hastily glob'd (gobbled ?) up in five months' Travels in France, Savoy, Italy, Rhetia. Helvetia, or Switzerland, some parts of high Germany and the Netherlands, newly digested in the hungry air of Odcomb, in Somersetshire." This work, though full of nonsense, has been reprinted, 1778, and has proved... | |
| 1834 - 604 pages
...gobbled up in Five Months' Travells in France, Savoy, Italy, Rhetia, (commonly called the Orisons' country,) Helvetia, alias Switzerland, some parts...and the Netherlands, newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcombe in the county of Somerset, and now dispersed to tlie nourishment of the travelling... | |
| Royal Society (Great Britain) - 1841 - 282 pages
...hastily gobled up in five moneths travells in France, Savoy, Italy, Rhetia comonly called the Grisons country, Helvetia alias Switzerland, some parts of...and the Netherlands; newly digested in the hungry aire of Odeombe in the county of Sommerset (a most elegant oration first written in the Latin tongue... | |
| Octave Joseph Delepierre - 1852 - 414 pages
...gobled up in five moneths travells in France, Savoy, Italy, Rhetia commonly called the Grisons country, alias Switzerland , some parts of high Germany, and the Netherlands; newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcombe in the county of Somerset etc. now dispersed to the nourishment of the travelling members... | |
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