2059 Ellis (Sir H.) Original Letters, 4832 Encyclopædia Britannica, 1571, 2320, 2587, Engineers. Proceedings of the Institution Erasmus (Desid.) Novum Testamentum. Erasmus (Desid.) Paraphrase, 3590 Erasmus (Desid.) Praise of Folie (Essex Erasmus (Desid.) Precepts of Cato, 5587 Essai Geographique sur les Isles Britan- Essay on Hunting (1733), 4664 Estampes en Couleurs, 6872 Estat de la Grande Bretagne (1648), 1078* Euclid. Elements (1570), 4179 Euclid. Liber Elementorum: (1482), 1685, 2858*, 4178, 5650* (n. d.), 1687 Eusebius. Ancient Ecclesiastical His- Eusebius. Chronicon (1483), 4181 Eutropius. Breviarium Historia Ro- Evangelia Quatuor (MS.), 4183*-5* Fabian (R.) Chronicle, 5652 Fabretti (A.) Corpus Inscriptionum, 2588 Falconer (W.) The Shipwreck (1804), 3595 Fane (Sir F.) Love in the Dark (1675), 2720 Merry Songs and Ballads, Farquhar (Geo.) Comedies (1st ed.), 5654 Fasciculus Temporum. See Rolewinck (W.) Faulkner (T.) Brentford, Ealing and Fitzgerald (E.) King Edipus, 2960* 2954 Readings in Crabbe, 2118, Fitzgerald (E.) Rubáiyát. See Omar Fitzherbert (A.) La Nouvelle Natura Flamsteed (Jno.) Historia Coelestis (1712), Flatman (T.) Poems and Songs (1674), Flaubert (G.) Herodias (Vale Press), 3090 Flaubert (G.) Une Coeur Simple (Vale Flaxman (J.) Outline Compositions, 4835 Fletcher (John). Monsieur Thomas (1639), 729 Florio (J.) Anna's New World of Words, Florio (J.) Florio's Second Frutes (1591), Florist, Fruitist and Garden Miscellany, Florus (L. A.) Epitoma (1471), 1688* Foley (H.) Society of Jesus, 2634 Folk Lore Society. Publications, 283, Fonblanque (E. B. de). Annals of the Forbes (E.) British Mollusca, 2186 Fores Coronation and Marriage Proces- Fores' Sporting Notes and Sketches, 3936 2722 Forrest (Lt. Col.) Tour along the Ganges Förster (E.) Monuments d'Architecture, Forster (Jno.) Life of Dickens, 5136 Forsyth (J. S.) Antiquary's Portfolio, 1086 1577 Fortnum (C. D. E.) Catalogue of Maiolica Foss (E.) Judges of England, 4836 Foster (N.) Rebellion in Barbados (1650), 5421 Foucquet (J.) L'Euvre (Heures de B. V. Mariæ, etc.), 4191 Fouilloux (Jacques). La Venerie, 4631-2, 5354 Fowler (Canon). Coleoptera, 1015 Fox (Caroline). (1882), 6242 Memories of Old Friends Fox (C. J.) Speeches, 6136 Merchant Tailors of Bristol, A Battle-Door for Teachers Fox (Geo.) Cæsar's Due Rendered (1679), Fox (Geo.) New England Fire-brand Fox (Geo.) Secret Workes of a Cruel Fox (John). Acts and Monuments: Fox (John). Rerum in Ecclesia Gestarum Foxe (Luke). North-West Fox (1633), 5425 Fragmenta Genealogica, 5925 2493 Franco (G.) Habite Venetiane, 4633 Frankland (R.) Representations of Shoot- Franklin (B.) Cicero's Cato Major (1744), Franklin (B.) Education of Youth in Pen- Franklin (B.) Massacre in Lancaster Franklin (B.) Sauce for a Goose (1764), Franklin (B.) Way to Wealth (1795), 6585 Fuller (Thos.) Abel Redivivus (1651), 2119, Fuller (Thos.) Pisgah Sight of Palestine, Fuller (Thos.) Worthies of England (1662), Fulwood (W.) The Enemy of Idleness Funnyshire Fox-Chace, The, 6943 Gaiete de Paris, 2630* Gailhabaud (J.) L'Architecture, 1437 Galen. Certaine Workes (1546), 1538* Galérie du Musée Napoleon, 32 Galérie du Palais du Luxembourg, 5784 Gambado (G.) Academy, 961, 1438, 6944 Garcia (Don). Sonne of the Rogue (1638), Garden, The (Journal), 2017, 4461 Gardiner (S. R.) Oliver Cromwell, 287 Garnet (H.) Actio in Henricum Garnetum Garrick (D.) Dramatic Works (1798), 3616 (1575), 2329 (1587), 5154 Gaudin (J.) Flora Helvetica, 2189 Gay (John). Beggar's Opera, 5666 Gay (John). Bibliographie des Ouvrages Gay (John). Fables: (1727), 5665, 6519 (1779), 596 (1793), 3281, 3426 Gay (John). Miscellaneous Works, 3618 Gay (John). The Shepherd's Week (1714), Gay (John). Trivia, 5664 Gayot de Pitaval. Causes Célèbres, 3619 Geber. Philosophie Alchimista Libri Gedde (W.) Book of Sundry Draughtes, Gelli (J. B.) Fearfull Fancies of the Genlis (Mdme. de). Adèle et Théodore Gent (T. W.) The Valiant Scot (1637), Gentleman's Magazine, 895 Gentleman's Magazine Library, 2062 4637 Witches and Witchcrafts, Gift for all Seasons, A, 6884 Gilliers. Le Cannameliste Français, 1093* Gillow (Jos.) History of English Catholics, 5930 Gillray (J.) Caricatures, 2063, 2495, 2592, 2638, 5031 Gioseppe di S. Teresa (P.) Guerre del tibus Rerum (Nuremberg, 1483), 1690 Glanville (B.) Le Proprietaire des Choses (1518), 3323. Glapthorne (H.) Plays and Poems (1874), 3622 Glapthorne (H.) Wit in a Constable, 1775 Glasse (Mrs.) Art of Cookery (1747), 4638 Glover (J. H.) Stuart Correspondence, 3849 Godfrey of Boloyne (Kelmscott), 396 Goetzmann (M. de). Histoire Politique, 3623 Goff (T.) Three Excellent Tragedies, 1094* Golden Legend, The. See Voragine 3625, 4642 Goldsmith (O.) 4650 Goldsmith (O.) Poetical Works (1846), 3624 Goldsmith (O.) Polite Learning in Europe, 4639*, 4647 Goldsmith (O.) Prospect of Society, A (1763?), 3148* Goldsmith (O.) Romance of Scarron, 4648, 6825 Goldsmith (O.) She Stoops to Conquer, 2969 Goldsmith (O.) Vicar of Wakefield: (1766, Salisbury), 1515*, 2967, 4644, 4840, 5158-59 (1766, London), 626 (1817), 2671, 2968 (1823), 3011 Goldsmith (O.) Vicar of Wakefield (Westall's Plates only), 6765 Goldsmith (O.) Works: (1837), 4841 (1854), 6139 Goldsmith and Parnell. Poems (1795), 160, 3374 Gomara (F. L. de). Historia de las Indias -Cronica de la Nueva-España, 1703 Gomberville (M. de). Polexandre (1645-38), 2777 Gomme and Wheatley. Chap-Books and 5429 Gorton (S.) Simplicities Defence (1646), 5430 Gospels of the fower Euangelistes (1571), 6248 Gough (R.) Sepulchral Monuments, 6141* Gould (F.) Freemasonry, 200 Gould (John). Birds of Asia, 1095, 1301, 6716 Gould (John). 5032*, 6717 Gould (John). Birds of Australia, 1304, Birds of Great Britain, 1303, 6416, 6720 Gould (John). Birds of New Guinea, 1302, 6715 Gould (John). Mammals of Australia, 6719 Gould (John). Monograph of the Trochilidæ, 1096, 1844, 6718 Gould (John). Ramphastidæ, 542, 2398 Great Historic Gower (Lord Ronald). Northbrook Gallery, The, 1639 Index. Gray (T.) Elegy: (1751), 1100* (n. d., undescribed), 3152* Gray (T.) Elegy (Essex Press), 3066 Gray (T.) Ode performed in the Senate House, Cambridge, 6808 Gray (T.) Odes (1757), 1776, 3626*-27, 4476*, 6654 Gray (T.) Poems: (1768), 1098, 1864, 2253, 3628, 6655 (1775), 3629 Grazebrooke (H. S.) Visitation of Staf fordshire, 6052-53 Green (E. B.) Prophecy of André (1782), 2970 Green (J. R.) History of the English Greene (R.) Farewell to Folie (1617), 6249 Greene (R.) Newes from the Dead (1651), 3631 Greene (R.) Orlando Furioso (1599), 5671 Greffier (C. G.) Entree de Prince Philipes en la Ville d'Anvers (1550), 3153 Grego (J) Rowlandson the Caricaturist, 2064 Gregorio (S.) Morali in Lingua Toscana (1486), 897 Gregorius (S.) Decretales: (1473), 6741 (1529), 201 Gregorius (S.) Dialogo (1475), 4204 Gregson (M.) Portfolio of Fragments, 5977 Grelot (M.) Voyage de Constantinople (1681), 4651 Grenier (F.) Victoires et Conquêtes, 202 Greville (C.) Journal of George IV. and William IV., 203, 4842 Greville (R. K.) Cryptogamic Flora, 2195 Grey. Biography of the Prince Consort, etc., 544 Gribelin (S.) New Book of Ornaments (1704), 5672 Griffiths (A. F.) Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, 6250 Griffiths (John). Paintings in the Buddhist Caves, 1483 Grimble (A.) Deer Stalking, 2330 Guest (Lady C.) Mabinogion, 735, 4844 Guevara (L. V. de). El Diablo Cojuelo (1646), 5675* Guild (Dr. W.) Antidote agaynst Poperie (1639), 5676 Guillim (J.) Display of Heraldry (1724), 5677, 6520 Gunpowder Plot. A True and Perfect Relation (1606), 3634 Guzman (J. de). Curiosidades del Obras del Rev. Don Pedro de Bergamo, 899 Gyll (G. W. J.) Parish of Wraysbury, etc., 5855 Gyraldo (L. G.) De Deis Gentium Historia (1548), 497 Gyron le Courtoys. Les Chevaliers de la Table Ronde (1501), 2593* Hale (no.) Enquiry into Witchcraft Hale (Thos.) Social Harmony, 3939 |