(1664), 2764* (1764), 3542, 6126 Corneille (P.) (Euvres (1817), 6409 Cornelius Nepos. Vitæ (1471), 4133. Cornwallis (Sir W.) Essayes (1600), 5081* (1611), 354*, 2936, 3543, 4134, 4610, (1776), 3544, 4807, 6223 Coryat (Thomas). Greeting, from the Costeri (F.) Meditations de la Vie de la Album Amicorum, 3433 British Military Library or Journal, Costumes, Works on (continued): Turkey, 1971, 2310 Turkish Military, 1971, 3225 Venetian (Franco), 4633 See also Ferrario (J.), Hefner (J. de), Cotgrave (R.) Dictionarie, 353 Cotman (J. S.) Architectural Remains, 534 Cotman (J. S.) Etchings to illustrate Cotman (J. S.) Sepulchral Brasses, 6020 Cotton (John). Abstract of Laws and Cotton (John). Laws of New England Cotton (John). Resident Song Birds, 3131 Couch (J.) Fishes, 105, 1565, 4457. Courses des Testes (1670), 1760 Court of England, Private History, 3548 Cousin (C.) Racontes Illustrés, 2311 Cowley (A.) Poems: (1656), 4137 (1668), 6859 Cowley (A.) Poetical Blossoms (1633), 6846 Occasions, 6225 Cowley (A.) Works: (1693), 4611 (1700), 2111, 4739 Cowper (W.) Olney Hymns (1st ed., 1779), 1860 Cowper (W.) Poems (1782), 3549, 4138, Cowper (W.) Works, with Life (Southey, Cox (D.) Landscape Painting, 1972 Cox (R.) Actæon and Diana (n. d.), 5613* Coxe (W.) Memoirs of Walpole, 1907 Crabbe (W. R.) Monumental Brasses of Cranmer (Thos.) Defence of the Sacra. ment, 1861, 4139. 6643 Craven (Lady). The Sleep Walker, 4495* Cries of Paris. Arts Métiers et Cris de Paris (1819), 2937 Cries of Paris. Paris qui Crie (1890), 6674 Crim. Con. Gazette, The, 2473 Crisp (F. A.) Parish of Stutton, 6065 Cristianus ad Solitarium quendam de Ymagines Mundi, 4141 Cromek (R. H.) Select Scottish Songs (1810), 4813 Cronica Cronicarum (1501), 4110 of Titian, 172 Life and Times Crowe and Cavalcaselle. Painting in Italy, 2474 Crowquill (A.) Absurdities in Prose and Verse, 6887 Crowquill (A.) Guide to Watering Places, 6599 Crowquill (A.) Paris and Dover, 2475 Cruikshank (G.) Bertram, 6927 Cruikshank (G.) Blood Conspiracy (the Portrait), 1065 Cruikshank (G.) Busy Bee, The, 2482 Cruikshank (G) Comic Almanack, 715, 1295, 1566, 1973*, 3274, 3370 Cruikshank (G.) Der Freischutz Travestie, 1761 Cruikshank (G.) Descriptive Catalogue of his Works (Reid), 957 Cruikshank (G.) Fairy Library, 717 Cruikshank (G.) Gaiete de Paris, 2630* Cruikshank (G.) German Popular Stories, 1441, 1979, 2581, 3632, 4814 Cruikshank (G.) Greenwich Hospital, 6630, 6758, 6930 Cruikshank (G.) Hans of Iceland, 22 Cruikshank (G.) Humourist, The, 716, 2175 Dagley (R.) Takings, 2484 Dallaway (J.) Rape of Arundel, 2113, 6128 Dallaway (J.) Western Division of Sussex, 4612, 6128, 6513 Dampier (Wm.) Voyages, 4815 Dance of Death, The British, 2485 Daniel (G.) Merrie England (1842), 3554 Daniel (H. A.) Thesaurus Hymnologicus, 491, 796 Daniel (S.) Civile Warres (1609), 5616, 6226 Daniel (S.) Works: (1623), 3555 (1718), 4816 Daniel (T.) Oriental Scenery, 2714 Daniell (Sam.) African Scenery, 4143 Daniell (W.) Views of Scotland, 175. Daniell (W.) Voyage round G. Britain, 4144, 6644 Daniell (W.) Voyage round Scotland, 536 Dansey (J. C.) The English Crusaders, 176 Dansomanie, La (n. d.), 6931 Dante Alighieri. Commedia : (1477), 5617 (1481), 1567, 5618*, 6356* Dante Alighieri. Commedia (continued): (1487), 3132, 5619 (1491), 1681*, 6357* (1497), 872, 1682 (1515), 5620-21 (1520), 873 (1529), 1683, 4146 (1536), 874 (1544), 4147* (1861-8, Doré), 3556 (1862), 492 Dante Alighieri. Il Convivio (1490), 4148 Dares Phrygius. Historia (1518), 3557 Daru (P.) République de Venise, 4817 Davenant (Sir W.) First Days Enter tainment at Rutland House (1657), 1057* Davenant (Sir W.) Gondibert (1651), 2177 Davenant (Sir W.) Siege of Rhodes (1656), 2938 Davenant (Sir W.) Works, 2178, 3133, 4818, 5622, 6227 D'Avennes (P.) L'Art Arabe, 4819 Davenport (J.) Aphrodisiacs-Curiositates Chine, 107 Davies (Sir John). 6299 Davies (Sir John). (1602), 2940* Davies (Sir John). 6228 Davies (Sir John). (1599), 2942 Les Oiseaux de la Epigrammes (1870), Mirum in Modum Muses Teares (1613), Nosce Teipsum: Davies (Sir John). Wittes Pilgrimage (1605), 2941, 5130* Davies (T.) Memoirs of Garrick, 4198 Davis (Jno.) The Seaman's Secrets, 6514 Dawe (G.) Life of a Nobleman, 5351* Dawkins (W. B.) Cave Hunting, 2179 Dawkins (W. B.) Early Man in Britain, 2582 Day (J.) Blind Beggar of Bednal-Green (1653), 6230 De Bry (T.) See Bry (T. de) Decay of Christian Piety, 5597 Decker (P.) Architectura Civilis (1711-16), 5625 Decker (T.) See Dekker Dee (Dr. John). Spirits, 4151 Dr. Dee and some Defence of Tabaco (1602), 2546 Defensorum inviolate Virginitatis, etc., 3559 De Foe (D.) Farther Adventures (1719), (n. d.), 3215 De Gheyn (J.) Scenes in the Life of Christ, 6359 D'Eisenberg (Baron). L'Art de Monter à Cheval, 189 Dekker (T.) Belman of London, 5352 Dekker (T.) Dramatic Works (1873), 178, 3568 Dekker (T.) North-ward Hoe (1607), 5626 Dekker (T.) Satiro-Mastix (first edition, 1602), 5132* Dekker (T.) The Honest Whore (1616), 2943 Dekker (T.) West-ward Hoe (1607), 5627 Dekker (T.) Wonder of a Kingdom (1636), 5133*, 6232 Delange (C.) Euvre de Bernard Palissy, 1297 De La Serre (Sr.) L'Entree de Marie de Medici dans la Grande Bretagne (1639), 2809 De Laune (T.) Present State of London (1681), 4821 Delaunel (J.) Le Romant Satyrique, 3569 Delectable Demandes and Pleasant Questions, 1479 Delgasto (M.) A Joyful New Tidynges, 6516 De Liancourt (S.) Le Maistre d'Armes (1686), 1068 Delices de la Campagne, Les (1656), 660 De l'Orme (P.) Nouvelles Inventions, 5628 De Melfort (Le Comte). Traité sur la Cavalerie (1776), 3209 De Moleville (B.) Costume of the Hereditary States of Austria, 3210 Denham (Sir J.) Poems and Translations, Diarama Anglais, 2488 Diaz del Castello (B.) Historia de la Conquista de la Nueva-España, 5633 Dibdin (C.) Professional Life, 179 Dibdin (T. F.) Edes Althorpianæ, 2044 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliographical Decame ron, 4159, 6130, 6790 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliographical Tours: France and Germany (1821), 2768, 3277, 4160, 4620, 6234 Northern Counties (1838), 719, 4621* Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliomanía, 720, 3134, 4619 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliotheca Spenceriana, 4158, 6131, 6791 Dibdin (T. F.) Library Companion, 4161 Dibdin (T. F.) Lincolne Nosegay, 721 Dibdin (T. F.) Typographical Antiqui Dickens (C.) Master Humphrey's Clock, 2052 Dickens (C.) Master Humphrey's Clock (Sibson's Illustrations), 6935 Dickens (C.) Nicholas Nickleby, 724, 2051, 2583, 2716, 5135*, 5139 Dickens (C.) No Thoroughfare, 1072 Dickens (C.) Oliver Twist, 723, 1071, 2048-49, 5141, 6936 Dickens (C.) Our Mutual Friend, 877 Dickens (C.) Pickwick Papers, 537, 1514, 1763, 2045-46, 2717, 5134" Dickens (C.) Pic-Nic Papers, 725 Dickens (C.) Pictures from Italy, 729* Serjeant Bell, 1069*, 2944* Dickens (C.) Dickens (C.) Dickens (C.) 5142, 6932 Sketches by Boz, 2050, 6933 Sunday under Three Heads, Dickens (C.) Tale of Two Cities, 180-81 2056-57, 2248, 5137 Dickens (C.) Uncommercial Traveller, 27, 2316 Dickens (C.) Village Coquettes, 2317 (Edition de Luxe), 6645, 6754 (Library Edition), 276, 614, 2249 Dictionary of National Biography, 355, 538, 3576, 6581, 6646 Digby (Sir K.) Broad Stone of Honour (1828), 6235 Digby (Sir K.) Private Memoirs (1827), Digges (T.) Defence of Trade (1615), Diogenes Laertius. phorum, 5635 De Vitis Philoso Diomedes. De Arte Grammatica (1491), 6360 Dionysius Areopagita. Opera (1572), 6361 Don Juan in London (Thornton), 7005 Donne (John). Letters to Several Persons of Honour: (1651), 2769, 4622, 4824 Donne (John). Poems (1635), 3580, 6237, 1839), 4823 Donovan (E.) British Insects, 28 Donovan (E.) Insects of China, 1007 Donovan (E.) Insects of India, 1007 Doran (Dr.) Doran (Dr.) 1074* Doran (Dr.) London in Jacobite Times, Drury Lane, 5027 Their Majesties' Servants, being Annals of the Stage (1864), 182, 1299 Dorat (J.) Fables Nouvelles (1773), 2632, 3579*, 6363 Dorat (J.) (1771), 183 La Déclamation Theâtrale Dorat (J.) Les Baisers, 2489, 3578, 5143, 6362* Dorat (J.) Euvres, 2490 D'Orbigny (A.) Aves de Cuba, 109 Douglas (G.) Bukes of Eneados (1553), 4987* Douglas (G.) 5144 Palis of Honoure (1553), Douglas (Lord Alfred). Poems, 1975 Doves Press. Publications, 731, 1335, 3135, Drake (W. R.) Devonshire Notes, 5890 Drant (T.) Horace, his Arte of Poetrie (1567), 5694 Drawings at Christ Church, Oxford, by the Old Masters, 880 Drawings at Windsor, by the Old Masters, 879 Drayton (M.) Battaile of Agincourt (1627), 356, 5637 Drayton (M.) Muses Elizium (1630), 2946* Drayton (M.) Nimphidia (Vale Press), 3094 Drayton (M.) Poems: (1605), 6238 (1610), 2947 (1619), 356, 2181, 6815 (n. d.), 816, 4827, 5637, 6239 Drayton (M.) Polyolbion (1613-22), 3136, 3582, 4828, 6811 Drayton (M.) Various Poems, 6860 Dresser (H. E.) Birds of Europe, 4555 Dresser (H. E.) Meropidæ, 110 Drummond (Jas.) Sculptured Monuments, 1466 Drury (D.) Exotic Entomology, 2318 Dryden (Jno.) Absolom and Achitophel, 1521 Dryden (Jno.) Censure of the Rota (1673), 6851 Dryden (Jno.) 5145*, 6849 Dryden (Ino.) 1521, 6852 5638 Conquest of Granada, Hind and the Panther, Dryden (Jno.) Miscellany Poems (1684-85), Dryden (Jno.) Cromwell, 6848 Poem on the Death of 734 Earwaker (J. P.) East Cheshire, 5864 Eastern Counties Collectanea, 886 2771 Eden (R.) West and East Indies, 4679 Edgeworth (Miss). Tales and Novels, 187, 279, 1436, 3588 Edmondson (Jos.) Baronagium Genealogicum, 887 Edward III. Year Book (c. 1490), 1344 Edwards (G.) Histoire Naturelle d'Oiseaux, 6133 Edwards (G.) Natural History of Birds, 661, 5648 Edwards (S.) Botanical Register, 2015, |