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Bulaeus (C. E.) Historia Universitatis Parisiensis (1665-73), 1278

Bulengerus (J. Č.) De Theatro (1603), 2898*

Bull (Hy.) Christian Praiers (1570), 4081* Buller (W. L.) Birds of New Zealand,


Bullock (W.) Virginia impartially examined (1649), 5400

Bulwer (John). View of the People of the whole World (1654), 5320* Bulwer-Lytton. See Lytton (Lord) Bunbury (H. W.) Academy, 5109 Bunbury (H. W.) Shakespeare Illustrated, 1969

Bunyan (John). Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ (1678), 6204

Bunyan (John). Holy War (1682), 2903, 5108*

Bunyan (John). Meditations on Man's Life (1700-1701), 2904*

Bunyan (John).

lican (1685), 1044*

Pharisee and the Pub

Bunyan (John). Pilgrim's Progress:

(1678), 2899*

(1681), 2900*

(1682), 1046

(1688), 1360*

(1796), 2382*

(1846), 1751*

Bunyan (John). Pilgrim's Progress (second

part), 1361, 2901-2

Bunyan (John).

(1688), 1045*

Work of Jesus Christ

Burchell (W. J.) Travels in S. Africa,

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(1652), 5577

(1676), 2106

Burton (R.) The Wars in England, 1279* Burton (W.) Leicestershire, 5023

Bury (T. J.) Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 1753*

Busby (T. L.) Costume of the Lower Orders, 2306

Butler (A. G.) Foreign Finches, 104, 2386
Butler (A. G.) Lepidoptera Exotica, 2623
Butler (S.) Genuine Remains (1759), 3494
Butler (S.) Hudibras:

(1663, spurious ed.), 3497
(1663-4-78), 3495, 4084, 4085
(1663-64), 3496

(1664), 6839

(1744), 3494, 4791

(1810), 2307

(1819), 2168

(1822), 15, 607, 857

Byfield (N.) Revolution in New England,

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Byron (Lord). Works:

(1832-3), 272, 1754

(1839), 3498

(1898-1900), 273

Byron (Lord). Works (Various), 3502

C. (R.) Copie of a Letter (1586), 4792*, 3675

C. (T.) Hospitall for the Diseased, 6712
C. (W.) Polimanteia (1595), 5578
Cabinet Choiseul, Le, 3115
Cabinet Crozat, 5579

Cabinet des Fées, 2467*, 3506, 6407
Cabinet des Modes (1786-7), 5112
Cabinet of Genius, 168, 608, 2709
Cabinet Poullain, 3115, 6349

Cabinet Satyrique (1620), 6119

Cæsar (Julius). Commentarii (1651, Louis XIV. Trans.), 5714

Cæsar (Julius). Opera:

(1469, Ed. Princeps), 4087
(1635), 1859*

(1712), 1236, 5580

(1755), 3659

Calandras (P.)


De Arithmetrica (1491),

Caldecott (R.) Bracebridge Hall (original drawings), 1658

Caldecott (R.) Visitors to Buxton (original sketches), 1657

Calef (R.) More Wonders of the Invisible

World, 5404-5.

Calendars of Wills, 14, 16

Callaway (C.)

Amazulu, 2387

Religious System of the

Calmet (A.) Maison du Chatelet, 858

Cambridge (and Dublin) Mathematical

Journal, 2388

Camoens (L. de). The Lusiad (1580), 5581 Campaign of Waterloo, 3241, 3375

Campbell (J., Lord). Lives of the Chancellors, 4088, 6120

Campbell (T.) Life of Mrs. Siddons, 6309 Campbell (T.) Poetical Works (Turner's Illustrations to), 4430, 6753

Campion (T.) Fifty Songs (Vale Press), 3102

Camus (J. P.) Nature's Paradox (1652), 5113*

Canada. Expedition from Canada (Lt.Gen. Burgoyne), 3205

Canada. Views of Military Operations (1840), 3206

Canones et Decreta (1564), 2759

Canterbury. Register Book of St. Dunstan's, 3928

Canti Carnescialeschi (1559), 859*
Cantorinus Romanus (1513), 4129

Capgrave (Jno.) Nova Legenda Angliæ, (1516), 4089*

Capoferro (R.) Lo Scherma (1610), 5114 Caradoc. History of Cambria (1584), 4090, 5583

Caradoc Press. The Collects (1901), 3125 Cardonell (M.) Chroniques de España, 860 Carew (Lady E.) Miriam the Faire Queene

of Jewry, 5584

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Crowquill (A.) Absurdities in Prose and Verse, 6887

Crowquill (A.) Guide to Watering Places, 6599

Crowquill (A.) Paris and Dover, 2475 Cruikshank (G.) Bertram, 6927 Cruikshank (G.) Blood Conspiracy (the Portrait), 1065

Cruikshank (G.) Busy Bee, The, 2482 Cruikshank (G) Comic Almanack, 715, 1295, 1566, 1973, 3274, 3370 Cruikshank (G.) Der Freischutz Travestie, 1761

Cruikshank (G.) Descriptive Catalogue of his Works (Reid), 957

Cruikshank (G.) Fairy Library, 717 Cruikshank (G.) Gaiete de Paris, 2630* Cruikshank (G.) German Popular Stories, 1441, 1979, 2581, 3632, 4814 Cruikshank (G.) Greenwich Hospital, 6630, 6758, 6930

Cruikshank (G.) Hans of Iceland, 22 Cruikshank (G.) Humourist, The, 716, 6929

Cruikshank (G.) Illustrations of Time, 2477

Cruikshank (G.) Illustrations to Scott's
Demonology, 1063

Cruikshank (G.) Illustrations to "The
Great Exhibition," 1062
Cruikshank (G.) Life in London. See

Cruikshank (G.) Life in Paris. See Carey (D.)

Cruikshank (G.) Life of Falstaff, 3553 Cruikshank (G.) Life of Napoleon, 174, 2038, 2479

Cruikshank (G.) More Mornings at Bow Street, 3552

Cruikshank (G.) Mornings at Bow Street, 3552

Cruikshank (G.) My Sketch Book, 713, 870, 1296, 2476

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(1639), 5593

Charles I.


Book of Sports (1633), 3519,

Charles I. Confessions of Richard Brandon (1649), 3522

Charles I. Eikon Basiliké, 532, 1005, 2760, 2949, 3521, 4101-2*, 4797*, 5594 Charles I. Tragicum Theatrum Actorum (1649), 3520

Charles II. Boscobel, 3523, 4798

Charles II. Eikon Basiliké Deutera (1694), 3524

Charles II. Forme and Order of the Coronation (1651), 2107

Charnocke (S.) Existence and Attributes of God (1682), 4103

Chatham (Earl of). Act for Settling the Troubles in America (1775), 2542 Chatterton (T.) The Rowley Poems (1st ed., 1777), 1055

Chatterton (T.) The Rowley Poems (Vale

Press), 1340, 3096

Chatto on Wood Engraving

See Jackson

Chaucer (G.) Canterbury Tales:

(1526), 1056*

(1822), 533, 1904, 3528, 4799 Chaucer (G.) Minor Poems (1846), 3529, 4800 Chaucer (G.) Works (Burne-Jones's original drawings, re-drawn by Catterson Smith), 439*

Chaucer (G.) Works:

(1542), 3126*. 3526, 5117*

(1561), 1057-8, 4104, 4607, 5118, 6814 (1598), 657

(1602), 2928, 3400, 3527, 4105

(1687), 863

(1721), 864, 5595,

(1845, Pickering), 865

(1894-7, Skeat), 1756

(1896, Kelmscott), 299, 437, 3127-8,

5288, 6491

(1896, Kelmscott, on vellum), 438,

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Chesterfield (Lord).

(1845-53), 1757, 2308

Letters and Works

Chesterfield (Lord). Letters to his Son (1774), 1281

Chiarini (G.) Questo di Mercatanti, 1678* Chidwick (J. N.) Index Nominum, 6016 Child (J.) Trade and Interest of Money, 2543

Chippendale (T.) Cabinet Maker's Director, 1282, 4608

Chirurgia è Græco in Latinum Conversa (1544), 814

Choderlos de Laclos (A. F) Les Liaisons Dangereuses (1796), 658, 3530, 6122 Christian Sacrifice, The (1671), 5598 Christian's Defence, The (1675), 659 Chronica Llamada (1586), 1394

Chronicle begynnynge at the VII. Ages of the Worlde (Wyer, n d.), 5601 Chronicle of St. Albans (1483), 1227* Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland, 1597

Chronicles of England (Various), 1758, 4801 Chronique de Normandie, 4109

Chrysostom (S) Opera (1839), 488 Chrysostom (St.) Homiliæ (1466-7), 4111 Church of Scotland, Tracts relating to the, 6216*

Churchill (C.) Poems:

(1763), 4112 (1844), 4802

Cibber (Colley). Apology for his Life, 3533 Cibber (Colley). Dramatic Works (1736), 3532

Cicero. Ad Quintum Fratrem (1470), 1679 Cicero. Cato Major (Philadelphia, 1744),

5119, 6864 Cicero.

De Natura Deorum (1471), 4114 Cicero. De Officiis (1560), 4115 Cicero. Opera (1826-37), 489 Cicero.


(1471), 2929 (1472), 4116 (1520), 835

(1642), 4113

Cicero. Rhetoricum Libri (1475), 4117 Cicero. Tusculanarum Quaestionum Libri,

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Claudianus. Opera (1523), 6352

Clavell (J.) Recantation of an ill-led Life

(1634), 169

Clement (Pope).


Constitutiones (1476)


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Clio and Euterpe, or British Harmony, 5120*

Clouet (F.) Three Hundred French Portraits, 1284

Clutterbuck (R.) History of Hertfordshire, 708, 1564, 4120, 4609, 5121, 5954 Clyomon and Clamydes. History of the two Valiant Knights, 5602

Cobbett (W.) State Trials, 1906, 6408 Cochlæus (Jo.) Antiqua Regum Italiæ Gothicum, etc., 2762

Cockayne (Sir A.) The Obstinate Lady (1657). 5603

Cocker (E.) Arithmetic, 6596*

Cocker (E.) Young Clerk's Tutor, 5359
Cock Lane Ghost. Tracts, 6125
Cockton (H.) George St. George Julian,

Cockton (H.) Valentine Vox, 4121
Cohen (H) Monnaies de l'Empire Ro-
main-Médailles Impériales, 1475, 2931
Coleman (E. T.) Snow Fields of Mont
Blanc, 3930

Coleridge (S. T.)

Christabel and other Poems (Kelmscott), 429

Coleridge (S. T.) Christabel and other

Poems (1816), 3537, 6508

Coleridge (S. T.) Constitution of Church

and State, 6511

Coleridge (S. T.) (1794), 6506 Coleridge (S. T.)

6507 Coleridge (S. T.)


Coleridge (S. T.)

Fall of Robespierre

Fears in Solitude (1798),

Notes on Shakespeare,

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(1592), 3539

Colonna (F.) Plantarum aliquot Historia (1592), 4123

Colonna (F.) Songe de Poliphile, 3540 Columbus. Epistola (Basle, 1494), 5510* Columna. See Colonna

Colynet (A.) Civil Warres of France (1591), 1435

Combe (W.) Dance of Death, 611, 2513, 3009, 4127

Combe (W.) Dance of Life, 612, 2512, 3272 Combe (W.) Dr. Syntax's Tours, 19, 1366,

1535, 2171, 2514, 3932, 4126, 5348, 6354, 6598, 6916

Combe (W.) Johnny Quæ Genus, 3273 Combe (W.) Life of Napoleon, 2479, 6917 Combe (W.) Six Poems (1813), 1290 Comic Almanack. See Cruikshank (G.) Comicus, Dr., or the Frolics of Fortune,

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(1796), 2108*, 2933*, 3536

(1797), 1759, 4994, 6597, 6778

(1578), 6196

Poems (1896, Kelms

(1581), 4368

cott), 430

(1590), 4369

Coleridge (S. T.) Poems:

(1591), 3763

(1608), 1244, 4370*

(1616), 1356

(1621), 6195

Works (1877), 709

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Coleridge (S. T.) Poetical and Dramatic

Coleridge (S. T.) Sibylline Leaves (1817), 6510

Coleridge (S. T) Statesman's Manual, 2109 Coleridge (S. T.) The Friend, 170 Coleridge (S. T.) Watchman, The, 1060 Coleridge (S. T.)

Zapolya, 6509

Collectanea Topographia et Genealogica, 5874

Collectio Weigeliana, 275

Collection Spitzer, La, 1285, 1478, 3294,


Collects, The (Caradoc Press), 3125 Collier (J. P.) An Old Man's Diary, 6218* Collier (J. P.) Early English Literature, 6217 Collier (J. P.) 6219 Collier (J. P.) Shakespeare's Library, 710*, 5122*

English Dramatic Poetry,

Collins (A.) Historical Collections of the
Families of Cavendish, Holles, etc., 2110
Collins (A.) Peerage of England, 3931,
4805, 6030
Collins (W.)

An Epistle to Sir Thomas

Hanmer, 2934 Collins (W.) Odes (1747), 6220 Collins (Wilkie). The Woman in White,


Collinson (J.) Harwich and Dovercourt,


(1717), 1029

(1787, Mohawk), 5397*
(1864), 3766

See Breviarium, Hour Bocks, Missals,

Complete Peerage, The, 6919

Concilia Generalia Ecclesiæ Catholicæ,

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