Expedition to the Island of Rhe, by Lord Herbert of Cher- 6293 Plays. A Series of the Dramatic Writers of the XVIIth and XVIIIth Centuries, 69 vol., uniformly bound in treemarbled calf, gilt edges, 1718-1858, 12mo. (540) Sotheran, £19 IOS. [A list of the authors (chiefly English) is given in the catalogue.-ED.] 6294 Recreation for ingenious Head-pieces, or a pleasant Grove for their Wits to walk in, engraved title (mounted), morocco extra, gilt edges, 1667, 8vo. (553) Brown, £3 6295 Robertson (Dr. W.) Works, 8 vol., LARGE PAPER (50 copies printed), morocco extra, gilt edges, Oxford, 1825, 8vo. (565) Sotheran, £3 5s. 6296 Roy (William). Rede me and be note wrothe! for I say nothynge but trothe, black letter, with a satirical coat-ofarms for Cardinal Wolsey in the centre in red, and the Pope's arms on the reverse of the last leaf, old russia extra (Worms, 1526?), 8vo. (568) Hazlitt, £40 [The first edition of this severe attack on Cardinal Wolsey and the religious orders. In the second edition, printed at Wessel, 1546, the personalities and allusions to the vices of the clergy were modified.-Catalogue.] 1871-80, 8vo. (574) 6297 Ruskin (John). Works, illustrations, II vol., calf, gilt edges, Young, £5 6298 Savile (Captain H.) A Libel of Spanish Lies, found at the Siege of Cales, discoursing the fight in the West Indies between the English and the Spaniard and of the Death of Sir Francis Drake, etc., morocco extra, gilt edges, 1596, 4to. (691) Pearson, £4 15s. 6299 Shakespeare (W.) Venus and Adonis and The Passionate Pilgrim, from the editions of 1599-Epigrammes, by Sir John Davies-and Certaine of Ovid's Elegies, translated by G. Marlowe, edited by C. Edmonds, printed on vellum (only three this size and three 8vo.), morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt, 1870, 4to. (712) Pearson, £9 Quarto Facsimiles, by W. Griggs and C. Pretorius, with Introductions, etc. by Shakspeare Scholars, edited by Dr. T. J. Furnivall, 44 vol., half morocco, 1886-91, 4to. (713) Brown, £11 6301 Shakespeare (W.) The Rape of Lucrece. The Title-page only, and the very rare frontispiece, containing a medallion of Shakespeare, 1655, 8vo. (584) 6300 Shakespeare (W.) Quarto Fac Gribble, £13 Ios. 6302 Shelley (Mrs.) Rambles in Germany and Italy, 2 vol., morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt, 1844, 8vo. (594) Sotheran, £2 IOS. 6303 Shelley (P. B.) St. Irvine, or the Rosicrucian, morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt, by Bedford, 1811, 8vo. (590) Hornstein, £18 6304 Shelley (P. B.) St. Irvine, or the Rosicrucian, morocco extra, gilt edges, 1811, 8vo. (591) Sotheran, £9 Ios. 6305 Shelley (P. B.) Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson, being Poems found among the Papers of that noted Female who attempted the Life of George III., edited by J. FitzVictor, half morocco extra, uncut, Oxford, 1810, 4to. (517) Sotheran, 12s. [This turned out to be a facsimile copy of the original extremely rare pamphlet, probably worth at the present time from £250 to £300. It is a 4to. pamphlet, containing half title, title, advertisement and text pp. 7-29. See Slater's "Early Editions," p. 251. -ED.] 6306 Sheridan (R. B.) The Rivals, a Comedy, first edition, morocco extra, gilt edges, 1775, 8vo. (598) Tregaskis, £10 155. 6307 Shirley (J.) The Triumph of Peace, a Masque, presented by the Four Honourable Houses or Innes of Court before the King and Queen's Majesties, 1633, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Rivière, 1633, 4to. (717) Hazlitt, £5 6308 Shirley (J.) The Humourous Courtier, a Comedie, first edition, calf extra, gilt edges, by Pratt, 1640, 4to. (720) Hazlitt, £3 IOS. [Following the title is a leaf, "Catalogue of such things as hath beene published by James Shirley, Gent."-Catalogue.] 6309 Siddons (Mrs.) Life, by T. Campbell, 2 vol., illustrated with 2 drawings of Mrs. Siddons in character by T. Stothard (originals of the engravings), autograph letters of T. Campbell, J. P. Kemble, Jephson, C. Kemble, S. Kemble and W. Sotheby, and 130 portraits, character prints and views, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Rivière, 1834, 8vo. (600) Brown, £20 6310 Sir Tristram, a Metrical Romance, by Thomas of Ercildoune, edited by Sir Walter Scott, original boards, uncut, with inscription on the fly-leaf, "John Clerk, Esq., from the Editor," Edinburgh, 1804, 8vo. (604) Brown, £13 Ios. 6311 Smith (J. T.) A Book for a Rainy Day, in 2 vol., inlaid in 4to., and illustrated with 178 portraits and plates, morocco, uncut, 1845, 8vo. (605) Tregaskis, £7 6312 Spenser (Edmund). Works, with Life and Notes, by H. J. Todd, 8 vol., LARGE PAPER, morocco extra, gilt edges, 1805, 8vo. (608) Young, £8 10s. 6313 Stanley (Thomas). Poems and Translations, Privately printed, from the Library of Thomas Park, with his autograph, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 1651, 8vo. Pearson, £10 6314 Stothard (Thomas, R.A.) Life, by Mrs. Bray, inlaid in 3 vol., and extensively illustrated with 609 engravings after his XVI. (611) 41 pictures and drawings, morocco extra, gilt edges, 1851, large folio (260) Brown, £25 6315 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) Annals of the Artists of Spain, portraits, 3 vol., morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 1848, 8vo. (617) Brown, £9 15s. 6316 Suckling (Sir John). Fragmenta Aurea, portrait by Marshall, in the original calf, in a morocco case, 1646, 8vo. (618) Hazlitt, £27 6s. 6317 Taylor (John, the Water Poet). All his Works, being 63 in number, collected into one volume by the Author, engraved title containing portrait of the Author by Cockson, and woodcuts (title mounted), morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 1630, folio (263) Edwards, £9 6318 Thackeray (W. M.) The Paris Sketch Book, illustrations by the Author on copper and wood, 2 vol., original cloth, uncut, 1840, 8vo. (626) Maggs, £8 IOS. 6319 Trials of Notorious Malefactors at the Old Bailey, for near fifty Years past, 4 vol., old calf, 1721, 8vo. (635) Thorp, £1 10s. 6320 Trial of Colonel Burr for High Treason and Misdemeaner, 2 vol., fine paper, boards, uncut, Philadelphia, 1808, 8vo. (636) Sabin, £4 6321 Trials (Celebrated) and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence, portraits, 6 vol., in boards and parts, 1823, 8vo. (637) Hollings, £6 6322 Voltaire. La Pucelle, or the Maid of Orleans, with the Author's Preface and Original Notes, 2 vol. in 1, morocco extra, gilt edges (644) Edwards, £7 [This translation was made by Lady Charleville and was never published. 50 copies on small paper and five on large paper were distributed, and the remainder destroyed by a relation of the translator.-Catalogue.] 6323 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, with Notes by Sir John Hawkins, plates after Wale, title and preface to first edition, and portrait of Housman inserted, morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt, 1784, 8vo. (647) Young, £2 IOS. 6324 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, plates, lates, illustrated with 118 portraits and 22 views, 1823-Lives of Dr. Donne, Sir H. Wotton, R. Hooker and Dr. R. Sanderson, illustrated with 160 portraits and views, etc., fine impressions, 1825, LARGE PAPER, India proofs of the plates, Major's edition, uniformly bound in morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt, together 2 vol., 1823-25, 8vo. (648) Brown, £18 18s. 6325 Walton and Cotton. The Complete Angler, with Notes, a Bibliographical Preface, and Notice of Cotton and his Writings by Dr. G. W. Bethune, plates, 2 vol. in 5, extensively illustrated with 400 portraits and plates, many proofs, including the set after Stothard and Inskipp, India proofs before letters, and the set from Major's edition, in three states, India proofs, proofs before letters, and the etchings, half morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt, New York, 1880, 8νο. (649) Sotheran, £19 6326 Walton (Isaac). Life of Richard Hooker, first edition, morocco extra, gilt edges, 1665, 8vo. (650) Bain, £3 6327 Williams (H. W.) Views in Greece, 2 vol., LARGEST PAPER, Artist's India proofs before letters, with the etchings, morocco extra, tooled sides, gilt edges, 1829, folio (266) Sabin, £4 6328 Winchester (Marquis of). The Lord Marques Idlenes, concerning manifold Matters of acceptable Devise, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Pratt, 1587, 4to. (751) Maggs, £6 5s. 6329 Wither (G.) Collection of Emblemes, Ancient and Modern, quickened with Metrical Illustrations both Moral and Divine and disposed into Lotteries (in foure bookes), frontispiece by Marshall, portrait and 200 plates of emblems by Crispin de Passe, and woodcut of the lottery at the end, morocco extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis (fore-edge of the title mended), 1635, folio (267) Bain, £28 6330 Wood (W.) New England's Prospect, a true and lively experimentall Description of that part of America commonly called New England, map, morocco, gilt edges, 1635, 4to. (753) Stevens, £23 6331 Yarrell (W.) History of British Fishes, woodcuts, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, cloth, uncut, 1836, 8vo. (668) Sotheran, £2 185. 6332 Yarrell (W.) History of British Birds, woodcuts, 3 vol., first edition, with the 2 supplements, LARGE PAPER, morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt, 1843, 8vo. (669) Sotheran, £11 [JUNE 20TH, 1902.] SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE. 6333 Ammianus Marcellinus. Rerum Gestarum libri xviii., ruled in red, contemporary Lyonnese calf, with black and gilt geometrical involved scroll ornaments in the Grolier manner, with date (1552) in each centre, g. e. (well preserved), Lugd., S. Gryphius, 1552, 12mo. (4) Lindsay, £6 6334 Amours de Mirtil (Les), engraved title by Legrand, and 6 plates after Gravelot by Legrand, French morocco, inside dentelles, fore and lower edges quite uncut, top edge rough, by Chambolle-Duru, in marble boarded open case, à Constantinople (Paris), 1761, 8vo. (5) Dawson, £8 6335 Appianus. Delle Guerre Civili et esterne de Romani (da Alessandro Bruccio), (6 leaves damaged by fire), contemporary Italian morocco, the sides covered with inlaid black and gold interlaced ornamental scrolls in the Grolier manner, with the arms of the Duchess of Bracciano, Isabel de Medicis, wife of Jordano Orsini, stamped in gold in centres, gilt edges gauffred with arabesques (well preserved), Vinetia, B. Cesano, 1550, small 8vo. (9) Lindsay, £9 6336 Ariosto (Ludovico). Orlando Furioso, nuova edizione corretta et ricorretta, printed on vellum (originally in 5 vol., 12mo., this copy in 4to. extended to 9 vol.), with a series of 53 original drawings, including portrait, in red and "Camieu," drawn on vellum by Aug. Lapi, from the designs of his father Jean Lapi, in 1787 and 1788, 9 vol., morocco extra, coronetted initials C. G. (C. Gastaldi) in centres, g.e. (Lewis), Parigi, G. Molini, 1788, 4to. (12) Quaritch, £155 [The drawings are very highly finished and have never been engraved. This copy cited by Brunet has passed successively through the libraries of Comte Mac-Carthy Reagh, Hibbe Hanrott and the Comte Gastaldi.-Catalogue.] 6337 Ars Memorandi. Rationarium Evangelistarum omnia in se Evangelia, Prosa, Versu, imaginibus que quam mirifice complectens, 15 full-page woodcuts symbolical of the Four Evangelists, morocco, g.e. (Phorca), Thomas Anshelmus Badensis, 1505, small 4to. (14) Belin, £6 6338 Augustinus (S.) De Civitate Dei, cum Commento, lit. goth., large woodcut on reverse of title (wormhole through a few leaves at end), half vellum, Venet., O. Scotus (with device), 1489, folio (20) Chadwicke, £3 35. 6339 Barnes (Dame Juliana). The Gentleman's Academie, or The Booke of S. Albans, containing three most exact and excellent Bookes, the first of Hawking, the second of Hunting, and the last of Armorie, all compiled by Juliana Barnes in the yere 1486, and now reduced into a better method by G. M. (Gervase Markham), roman letter (not black as Lowndes says), separate titles to Hunting and Armorie (inscription on title, "sum e libris Thomæ Martin [of Spalding] ex dono Johannis Lee"), unbound (rather short copy), (Ashburnham copy realised £24 10s.), Printed for Humphrey Lownes, 1595, small 4to. (24) Pickering, £10 6340 Beresford (James). The Miseries of Human Life, frontispieces, one coloured, 2 vol., old calf, small 8vo., W. Miller, 1806, with the 16 humorous coloured plates by H. Atkinson in a small oblong 4to. vol., ib., 1807 (25) Belin, £2 6341 Bergomensis (J. Phillippus, Foresti). Novissime hystoriarum omnium repercussiones, que Supplementum Supplementi Cronicarum nuncupantur, ab exordio mundi usque in Annum Salutis nostre 1502, full-page Italian woodcuts, ornamental borders, views of cities, initials, etc., vellum, Venet., A. de Lissona Vercellensis, 1503, small folio (27) Quaritch, £5 [A rare edition, and the first which relates the History of the Discovery of America by Columbus.-Catalogue.] 6342 Berquin (A.) Les Idylls, thick Dutch paper, frontispiece and 24 plates after Marillier, both parts in I vol., morocco extra, g. e. (Derome style), by Chambolle-Duru (Paris, Prault, 1775), square 12mo. (29) Quaritch, £5 5s. |