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6225 Cowley (A.) Verses written upon several Occasions, morocco, gilt edges, from Joseph Haslewood's library, 1663, 8vo. (112)

Stevens, £4 125. 6226 Daniel (S.) Civile Warres, betweene the Houses of York and Lancaster, engraved title containing portrait by Cockson, morocco extra, with borders of gold, gilt edges, 1609, 4to. (208) Holmes, £46 6227 Davenant (Sir W.) Works, portrait by Faithorne, first collected edition, calf extra, by Bedford, 1672, folio (236) Edwards, £4 2s. 6d. 6228 Davies (John, of Hereford). The Muses Teares for the Losse of their Hope-Heroick and nere-too-much praised Henry Prince of Wales, etc., russia extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, Printed by G. Eld for J. Wright, 1613, 4to. (533A) Sotheran, £4 15S6229 Davies (Sir John). Nosce Teipsum-Hymns of Astrea in Acrosticke Verse-and Orchestra, or a Poem on Dancing, calf extra, gilt edges, by Pratt, 1622, 8vo. (114) Dobell, £3 6230 Day (J.) The Blind Beggar of Bednal-Green, first edition, morocco extra, gilt edges, 1653, 4to. (210) Maggs, £6 10s. 6231 Defoe (D.) The Fortunate Mistress, or a History of Mademoiselle Beleau, afterwards known as Lady Roxana, portrait, first edition, calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 1724, 8vo. (119) Quaritch, £12 6232 Dekker (T.) The Wonder of a Kingdom, sewed, uncut, 1636, 4to. (213) Pickering, £4 6233 Dialogues of Creatures Moralized, applyably and edificatyfly to every mery and jocunde Mater, edited by Joseph Haslewood, curious woodcuts, black letter, russia, gilt edges (binding broken), 1816, 4to. (217) Maggs, £9 10S.

[This is Haslewood's own copy, printed on one side only, having the woodcuts from the rare first edition, and India proofs of the facsimiles used in the reprint; specimens of the work before finally determined on for press; proofs and tracings of the capitals used in the original edition; Herbert's autograph description of the original volume; Douce's autograph description of the various Latin editions, etc. Only 98 copies printed, all of which, except 40, were destroyed by fire.-Catalogue.]

6234 Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, plates, 3 vol., morocco extra, gilt edges, 1821, 4to. (122) Maggs, £5 15s. 6235 Digby (K. H.) The Broad Stone of Honour, morocco extra, tooled sides, gilt edges, 1828, 8vo. (127) Brown, £2 8s. 6236 Dodsley (R.) Collection of Old English Plays, with the Notes of all the Commentators, edited by W. C. Hazlitt, 15 vol., Whatman paper, of which only 10 copies were printed for presents, calf extra, uncut, top edge gilt, 1874, 8vo. (130) Edwards, £10 5S.

6237 Donne (Dr. John). Poems, portrait by Marshall, morocco extra, gilt edges, 1635, 8vo. (131) Tregaskis, £6 IOS. 6238 Drayton (M.) Poems, vellum, 1605, 8vo. (133) Maggs, £13

6239 Drayton (M.) Poems, portrait by Hole, morocco extra, gilt edges, John Smethwicke, n. d., folio (239)

Pearson, £17 10s. 6240 Faithorne (W.) The Art of Engraving and Etching, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Rivière, 1662, 8vo. (280) Bain, £6 6241 Fielding (F.) Miscellanies, 3 vol., half morocco, uncut, 1743, 8vo. (283) Pickering, £6 15s. 6242 Fox (Caroline). Memories of Old Friends. Extracts from her Journals and Letters, edited by H. Pym, 2 vol., illustrated with 101 portraits, vellum, uncut, 1882, 8vo. (286) Hollings, £4 2s. 6d. 6243 French Revolution. 145 Portraits and Plates of Scenes during the Revolution, after Bulthius, by Vinkles and Vrydig, 2 vol., boards, uncut, Amst., 1795, 8vo. (289) Jackson, £4 2s. 6d. 6244 Freneau (P.) Poems, written between 1768 and 1794, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, Monmouth, N. J., 1795, 8vo. (290) Edwards, £3 7s. 6d. 6245 Geyler (J.) Navicula sive Speculum Fatuorum, woodcuts, morocco extra, with borders of gold, gilt edges, Argent., 1500, 4to. (437) Parsons, £7 6246 George a Green, The Pinder of Wakefield, black letter. morocco extra, gilt edges, 1632, 4to. (436) Miller, £10 [Only three copies of this early romance are known; one is in the British Museum.-Catalogue.]

6247 Gibbon (E.) History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 8 vol., LARGE PAPER (50 copies printed), morocco extra, gilt edges, Oxford, 1827, 8vo. (296) ` Perman, £7 5s. 6248 Gospels of the Fower Evangelistes, translated in the olde Saxons Tyme out of Latin into the Vulgare Toung of the Saxons, by J. Foxe, black letter, morocco extra, gilt edges, John Daye, 1571, 4to. (442) Pearson, Liz 55. 6249 Greene (R.) Farewell to Folie, sent to Courtiers and Scholers as a President to warne them from the vaine Delights that drawes Youth on to Repentance, calf extra, gilt edges, 1617, 4to. (445) Pearson, £9 5s. 6250 Griffiths (A. F.) Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, a Descriptive Catalogue of a rare Collection of Early English Poetry, LARGE PAPER (50 copies printed), in 2 vol., extensively illustrated with 220 portraits, half morocco extra, with joints, uncut, 1815, 8vo. (301) Jackson, £20 IOS.

6251 Hell upon Earth, or the Town in an Uproar, calf, gilt edges, 1729, 8vo. (310) Thurgate, £2 45. 6252 Heywood (T.) Pleasant Dialogues and Dramas, selected out of Lucian, Erasmus, Ovid, etc., with sundry Emblems from J. Catsius, etc., first edition, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 1637, 8vo. (313) Quaritch, £4 6s. 6253 Heywood (T.) The Wise Woman of Hogsden, a Comedie, first edition, calf extra, gilt edges, 1638, 4to. (465) Pickering, £10 6254 Horæ Dive Virginis Marie secundum Usum Romanum, with woodcut borders, 16 full-page woodcuts within borders,

bound in pigskin with plaque inserted in the cover, bosses and clasps, Parisiis, T. Kerver, 1510, 8vo. (316)

Tregaskis, £13 6255 Horæ. Ces Presentes Heures à lusage de Paris toutes au long sans rien requirir (Latine et Fr.), lit. goth., red and black, Kerver's device on the title, the astrological man, 12 large oval woodcuts within borders in the calendar, 46 large woodcuts with French verses underneath, every page surrounded with historiated or ornamental woodcut borders, with device on the last leaf, morocco extra, by Bedford, Paris, Thielman Kerver, 1525, 4to. (468) Maggs, £28 10s. 6256 Jesse (J. H.) George Selwyn and his Contemporaries, portraits, 4 vol., uncut, 1843, 8vo. (329) Hollings, £7 15s. 6257 Jeux de Cartes Tarots et de Cartes Numérales du Quatorzième

et Dix-huitième Siècle, publiés par la Société des Bibliophiles Français, 100 plates, some coloured, LARGE PAPER (50 copies printed), morocco extra, gilt edges, Mr. Utterson's copy, Paris, 1844, 4to. (473) Karslake, £4 10s. 6258 Johnson (Captain). Lives and Actions of the most famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street Robbers and Pirates, with their Trials, etc., plates (the original drawing of Captain Lowther, by Sherwin, inserted), morocco, gilt edges, 1734, folio (243) Bain, £16 6259 Johnson (Dr. Samuel). Works, with the Parliamentary Debates, 11 vol.-Boswell (J.) Life of Dr. Johnson, 4 vol., together 15 vol., LARGE PAPER (75 copies printed), morocco extra, gilt edges, Oxford, 1826, 8vo. (334) Perman, £11 10s. 6260 Jonson (Ben). A Particular Entertainment of the Queen and Prince, their Highnesses to Althorpe at Lord Spencer's, morocco, gilt edges, 1604, 4to. (479) Pickering, £31 6261 Junius. Letters, with Notes by Dr. Good, 3 vol., LARGE PAPER, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Clarke, 1812, 8vo. Brown, £4 10s.

(338) 6262 Keats (J.) Works, edited by H. B. Forman, 4 vol., 1885, 8vo. (339) Quaritch, £7 15s. 6263 Killigrew (Thomas). Comedies and Tragedies, portrait of Killigrew with his Dog, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 1664, folio (244) Sabin, £17

["The Two Prisoners," 1663, and "Claricilla," 1663, by Killigrew, are inserted at the end of the vol.-Catalogue.] 6264 Kit-Cat Club. Portraits of the Members of the Kit-Cat Club, done by J. Faber, 48 portraits and title, engraved in mezzotint by Faber, after Sir G. Kneller (the engraved subscription ticket inserted), morocco extra, gilt edges, by Rivière, 1735, folio (245) Bumpus, £37

6265 La Fontaine (Jean de). Les Amours de Psiche et Cupidon, first edition, morocco, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet, Paris, 1669, 8vo. (343) Harper, £3 5s.

6266 La Fontaine (Jean de). Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, plates after Eisen, 2 vol., with 2 portraits and 41 additional plates after Fragonard and others inserted, half morocco extra, gilt edges, Paris, 1777 (344) Young, £4 17s. 6d.

6267 Landor (W. S.) Poems, first edition, morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt, 1795, 8vo. (347) Pearson, £21 6268 Latimer (Hugh). A most faithful Sermon preached before the Kynge's most excellent Maiestie and hys most honorable Councel, in hys Court at Westminster, black letter. first edition, morocco extra, the sides and back blindtooled, gilt edges, by Bedford (title and some leaves mended), J. Day, 1550, 8vo. (352) Sotheran, £35s. 6269 Lilly (J.) Sixe Court Comedies often acted before Queene Elizabeth, old morocco, gilt edges, 1632, 8vo. (358) Dobell, £19 15s 6270 Linschoten (J. Huighen van). His Discours of Voyages into ye East and West Indies, illustrated with 30 plates from the Dutch edition, russia extra, gilt edges, by Bedford (title mended), J. Wolfe, 1598, folio (246) Young, £8 10s. 6271 Luther (M.) Commentarie upon St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, black letter, contemporary calf, tooled sides, gilt edges, T. Vautroullier, 1588, 4to. (492) Tregaskis, £3 55. 6272 Lytton (Lord). The Pilgrims of the Rhine, LARGE PAPER, 27 plates after David Roberts, India proofs, 33 plates after Captain Batty, and 70 other illustrations, India proofs, morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt, 1834, 8vo. (364) Young, £3 6273 Marston (John). Works (Tragedies and Comedies), morocco extra, with borders of gold, gilt edges, 1633, 8vo. (365) Pickering, £19 6274 Massachusetts Bay. Charter granted by King William and Queen Mary, to the Inhabitants of the Province of Massachusetts Bay-with the Acts and Laws of the Province, morocco extra, with borders composed of leaves on the sides, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf, Boston, 1726, folio (247) Pearson, £12 6275 Massinger (Philip). The Roman Actor, a Tragedie, acted at the private Play House in Black-Friers by the King's Servants, first edition, calf extra, gilt edges, 1629, 4to. (499) Pickering, £4 10s. 6276 Massinger (Philip). A New Way to Pay Old Debts, a Comœdie as acted at the Phoenix in Drury Lane by the Queene's Majestie's Servants, first edition, morocco extra, gilt edges, 1633, 4to. (500) Pickering, £7 105. 6277 Massinger (Philip). Plays, with Notes by W. Gifford, 4 vol., LARGE PAPER, morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt, 1813, 8vo. (369) Bumpus, £5 6278 Massinger (Philip). Plays, with Notes by W. Gifford, 4 vol., LARGE PAPER, calf gilt, 1813, 8vo. (370) Maggs, £2 8s. 6279 Mennis (Sir J.) and J. Smith. Musarum Deliciæ, or Muse's Recreation, the second edition, morocco extra, tooled sides, gilt edges, by Bedford, 1657, 8vo. (375) Quaritch, £4 10s. 6280 Middleton (T.) Works, with Life and Notes by Rev. A. Dyce, portrait, with a copy of Marshall's portrait executed in pen and ink added, 5 vol, LARGE PAPER, calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 1840, 8vo. (376) Sotheran, £6 5s.

6281 Midnight Rambler, or New Nocturnal Spy, containing a Description of the Modern Transactions of London and Westminster from Nine in the Evening till Six in the Morning, illustrated with cuttings from old newspapers, views of London and portraits and plates, some coloured, old morocco, n. d., 8vo. (378) Bumpus, £11 IOS. 6282 Molière. Dramatic Works, translated by H. Van Laun, with a Memoir and Notes, 6 vol., LARGE PAPER, portrait and 33 etchings by Lalauze, in three states, proofs on Japan paper, on India paper and after letters, extensively illustrated with 117 additional plates, proofs on Japanese paper, and after letters, morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt, Edinburgh, 1875, 8vo. (383) Maggs, £11 15s. 6283 Monk (Maria). Awful Disclosures of, first edition, original cloth, uncut, in a morocco case, New York, 1836, 8vo. (384) Sotheran, £2 8s. 6284 Montaigne (Michel Seigneur de). Essais, the third issue of the original sequences of the first issue of the Essays, vellum, Paris, Jean Richer, 1587, 8vo. (385)

Maggs, £3 10S. 6285 Morris (W.) Love is enough, or the freeing of Pharamond, a Morality, LARGE PAPER (25 copies printed), boards, uncut, 1873, 8vo. (388) Hollings, £10 6286 Motley (J. L.) The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 3 vol., 1856 -History of the United Netherlands, 4 vol., 1867-Life of John Barneveld, 2 vol., 1874, together 9 vol., with a series of small etchings illustrating Dutch history inserted, morocco extra, with joints, uncut, 8vo. (389) Sotheran, £19 5s. 6287 Musarum Deliciæ, or the Muses' Recreation-Wit Restored and Wits' Recreations, woodcuts, 2 vol. (150 copies printed), morocco extra, with borders of gold, gilt edges, 1817, 8vo. (391) Quaritch, £4 7s. 6d. 6288 Nichols (J.) Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, 9 vol. Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century, 8 vol., together 17 vol., portraits, calf extra, uncut, top edge gilt, 1812-68 (399)

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Edwards, £11 158. 6289 Ovid. All the Elegies by C. M(arlowe). Epigrams by J. D(avis), morocco extra, gilt edges, At Middlebourgh, n. d. (1596), 8vo. (402) Quaritch, £20 IOS. [This volume was ordered to be burnt by order of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London, dated 1599-Catalogue.]

6290 Pardoe (Miss). Works. Life of Marie de Medicis, 3 vol.— Court and Reign of Francis I., 2 vol.-Louis XIV. and the French Court, 3 vol., together 8 vol., portraits and plates, half morocco, 1847, etc., 8vo. (534) Sotheran, £7 155. 6291 Pettie (George). A Petite Pallace of Pettie, his Pleasure, black letter, calf gilt, from the Roxburghe and Heber Collections, with a long and interesting note by Mr. Heber on the fly-leaf, G. Eld, 1608, 4to. (670) Pearson, £6

6292 Philobiblon Society's Publications. Miscellanies, 14 vol.

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