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6166 Smollett (T.) Works, edited by Moore and Browne, 8 vol., portrait, calf gilt, m. e., 1872, 8vo. (380) Maggs, £5 15s. 6167 Stafford (Thomas). Pacata Hibernia. Ireland appeased and

reduced, or a Historie of the late Warres of Ireland, portrait of Queen Elizabeth, and of the Earl of Totnes, and maps, including the rare one of Munster, morocco super extra, g. e., by F. Bedford, 1633, folio (495) Bain, £11 16s. 6168 Strype (John). Works, with General Index, 21 vol. in 27, calf gilt, r. e., uniform, Oxford, 1822-8, 8vo. (389)

Bull, £3 155. 6169 Stubbs (W.) The Constitutional History of England, in its Origin and Development, 3 vol., library edition, tree-calf extra, m. e., by Rivière and Son, 1880, 8vo. (390)

Quaritch, £2 15s.

6170 Surtees Society's Publications, vol. xiv. to lxxxvi., original cloth, 1842-1889, 8vo. (391) Harding, £15 158. 6171 Swift (Dean). Works, containing Additional Letters, Tracts and Poems, not hitherto published, edited, with Notes and a Life of the Author, by Sir Walter Scott, second and best edition, 19 vol., portrait, sprinkled calf, Edinburgh, 1824, 8vo. (392) Quaritch, £12 6172 Tytler (P. F.) History of Scotland, 7 vol., calf gilt, m.e., Edinburgh, 1845, 8vo. (404) Johnstone, £2 4s. édition, précédée de

6173 Voltaire. Oeuvres complètes, nouvelle

la Vie de Voltaire par Condorcet, 50 vol., portrait, half calf gilt, m. e., 1883, 8vo. (411) Edwards, £4 4s. 6174 Walpole (Horace). Letters, including many now first published [1735-1797], 6 vol., 1846-Letters to Sir Horace Mann (concluding series), [1760-1786], 4 vol., 1843, portraits, calf gilt, m. e., together 10 vol., 8vo. (412)

Young, £2 18s.

[JUNE 18TH, 19TH AND 20TH, 1902.]



(No. of Lots, 785; amount realised, about £2,300.)

6175 Adams (F. O.) History of Japan, illustrations, 2 vol., morocco extra, uncut, 1874, 8vo. (1) Parsons, £135. 6176 American Broadsides, issued in New York, between the Years 1769 and 1775. Answer to Citizen's Address to the Public by Plebeian-Meeting of the People of Boston, to prevent the unlading of English Tea-Meeting of the Citizens of New York -General Lee's Resignation--Proclamations against the Supply of Arms-Addresses to the Inhabitants of New York-Advertisement of C. O. Bruff of Swords for

Gentlemen who are forming themselves into Companies in Defence of their Liberties-Testimony of the People called Quakers, etc., in all 50 Broadsides, loosely inserted in a vol. with blank leaves, old morocco, with a companion vol. in similar binding, folio (223) Sabin, £150 6177 Ancient Metrical Tales, edited by C. H. Hartshorne, thick paper (12 copies printed), with the "Demaundes Joyous," morocco extra, by Hayday, 1829, 8vo. (6) Maggs, £1 145. 6178 Apuleius. Metamorphosis, or Golden Ass, and Philosophical Works, translated by Taylor, with the suppressed passages, half morocco, uncut, 1822, 8vo. (10) Hollings, 1 16s. 6179 Arabian Nights. The Book of the Thousand and One Nights, done into English Prose and Verse by J. Payne, 9 vol., Printed for the Villon Society, 1882, 8vo. (11)

Sotheran, £8

6180 Arthur of Little Britain. History of that Valiant Knight Arthur of Little Britain (edited by E. V. Utterson), plates in outline, with a duplicate set illuminated in gold and colours by J. Harris, LARGE PAPER (25 copies printed), morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt, 1814, 4to. (143)

Sabin, II IOS. [A similar copy realised £8 1OS. Lot 144.-ED.] 6181 Arthur (King). The Byrth, Lyf and Actes of King Arthur and his Knyghtes of the Rounde Table, their mervyllous Enquestes and Adventures, etc., with Introduction and Notes, by R. Southey, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, half morocco extra, uncut, by Bedford, 1817, 8vo. (145) Maggs, £2 25. 6182 Ascham (Roger). Toxophilus, Abell Jeffes, 1589-Report and Discourse of the Affaires and State of Germany and the Emperor Charles his Court, John Daye (1552)—The Schoolemaster, A. Jeffs, 1589, 3 vol. in 1, black letter, fine copies, morocco extra, by Zaehnsdorf, the Osterley Park copy, 8vo. (146) Quaritch, £8 10s.

6183 Ascham (Roger). The Scholemaster, black letter. morocco, gilt edges, J. Daye, 1571, 8vo. (147) Quaritch, £8 6184 Ashmole (Elias). Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, plates by Vaughan and Cross, and woodcuts (portrait inserted), morocco extra, gilt edges, 1652, 8vo. (148) Bain, £5 15s. 6185 Bacon (Lord). Essaies. His Religious Meditations, Places of Perswasion and Diswasion, sixth edition, morocco extra, gilt edges, John Jaggard, 1613, 8vo. (16)

Tregaskis, £14 IOS. 6186 Bale (J.) The First two Partes of the Actes or unchast Examples of the English Votaries, black letter, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, A. Vele, 1551, 8vo. (20) Tregaskis, £4 4s. 5187 Baron (R.) Apologie for Paris for rejecting Juno and Pallas, and presenting of Ates Golden Ball to Venus, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Rivière, 1649, 8vo. (23)

Tregaskis, £5 7s. 6d.

6188 Beaumont and Fletcher. Wit without Money, a Comedie, first edition, calf gilt, 1639, 4to. (159) Sabin, £6 155.

6189 Behn (Mrs.) Poems, with a Voyage to the Island of Love, morocco, gilt edges, 1684, 8vo. (30) Bumpus, £5 105. 6190 Berkley (Sir William). The Lost Lady, with some old MS. corrections, morocco extra, gilt edges, 1639, folio (226)

Hazlitt, £13 [Sir W. Berkley was governor of Virginia in 1666. He made a collection of the laws of that province, and wrote its history. Catalogue.] 6191 Bewick. Select Fables, woodcuts by T. and J. Bewick, LARGE PAPER, morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt, Newcastle, 1820, 8vo. (34)

Spencer, £3 6192 Bibliotheca Curiosa. A Collection of curious Tracts, etc., edited by E. Goldsmid, 64 vol., LARGE PAPER (75 copies printed), (36) Young, £45s. 6193 Boccaccio. Decameron, translated by Dubois, bound in 2 vol., and illustrated with 4 portraits, 188 plates and 34 vignettes, after Gravelot, Cochin, Eisen and Stothard, morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt, 1820, 8vo. (41)

Sotheran, £10

6194 Bodenham (J.) Wits Theater of the Little World, morocco extra, gilt edges, 1599, 8vo. (42) Sotheran, £6

6195 Booke of Common Prayer, R. Barker and J. Bill, 1620Psalmes in Meeter, by T. Sternhold, J. Hopkins and others, with Music, Printed for Companie of Stationers, 1621, 2 vol. in 1, black letter, contemporary English morocco, with the device of James I. (the crowned Rose) stamped in gold on sides, 4to. (166) Maggs, £6 6196 Booke of Christian Prayers, collected out of the Auncient Writers, black letter, with woodcut borders (including Dance of Death), with portrait of Queen Elizabeth praying on the reverse of the title, morocco extra, by Rivière, John Daye, 1578, 4to. (167) Maggs, £14 6197 Borrow (George). Works. Bible in Spain, 3 vol., 1848— Zincali, an Account of the Gipsies of Spain, 2 vol., 1841 Lavengro, 3 vol., 1851-Romany Rye, 2 vol., 1857-Wild Wales, 3 vol., 1862, together 13 vol., calf extra, 8vo. (46) Bain, £13

6198 Borrow (George).

Romantic Ballads, translated from the Danish, first edition, half calf, uncut, Norwich, 1826— Wyn (Elis). The Sleeping Bard, translated from the Welsh by G. Borrow, uncut, 1860-The Turkish Jester, translated by G. Borrow (150 copies printed), Ipswich, 1884, together 3 vol., 8vo. (47) Edwards, £6

6199 Braithwaite (R.) Barnabees Journal under the Names of Mirtilus and Faustulus shadowed, frontispiece by W. Marshall, first edition, morocco extra, gilt edges, n. d., 8vo. (48) Leighton, £8 10s. 6200 Braithwaite (R.) Essaies upon the Five Senses, second edition, engraved title by Marshall, morocco extra, with gold borders, gilt edges, 1635, 8vo. (49) Bain, £6 10s. 6201 Brandt (S.) Stultifera Navis, numerous woodcuts, first edition,

russia, blind-tooled, Basiliæ, J. Bergman de Olopa, 1497, 4to. (168) Sabin, £17 6202 British Poets. A set of the Illustrations to Sharpe's edition, after Westall, etc., 102 plates, proofs (many in two states, proofs and etchings), 2 vol., morocco extra, gilt edges, from the Beckford Collection, 1803-6, 8vo. (52)

Sotheran, £14 IOS. 6203 Browne (Sir T.) Works, edited by S. Wilkin, 4 vol., large PAPER, calf extra, gilt edges, 1836, 8vo. (55) Bain, £5 6204 Bunyan (John). Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ, or a Plain and Profitable Discourse upon the Sixth of John, 37 Verse, title restored, morocco extra, gilt edges, Printed for B. Harris, 1678, 8vo. (58)

6205 Burlington Fine Arts Club. Illustrated bindings, illustrations, 1891, 4to. (175) 6206 Burnet (Bishop). History of his Own

Pearson, £12 Catalogue of BookLeighton, £II IOS. Time, 6 vol., LARGE

PAPER (50 copies printed), morocco extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis, Oxford, 1823, 8vo. (61) Sotheran, £6 15s. 6207 Burney (Miss). The Wanderer, 5 vol., first edition, morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt, 1814, 8vo. (64) Quaritch, £7 10s. 6208 Burns (Robert). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, portrait after Nasmyth, tall copy, with rough leaves, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Rivière, Edinburgh, 1787, 8vo. (65) Brown, £13 10S. 6209 Burns (Robert). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, portrait after Nasmyth, first Edinburgh edition, old treemarbled calf gilt, Edinburgh, 1787, 8vo. (66)

Edwards, £3 IOS. 6210 Burns (Robert). Letters addressed to Clarinda, etc., half morocco, suppressed, Glasgow, 1802, 8vo. (67) Quaritch, £2 6211 Cartwright (W.) Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, with other

Poems, portrait by Lombart, with the cancelled leaves, portrait of Sir R. Stapylton by Marshall, and 2 portraits of Cartwright inserted, morocco extra, gilt edges, 1651, 8vo. (73) Young, £7 6212 Castilis (Count B.) The Courtier, done into Englyshe by Thomas Hoby, title within woodcut border, black letter. morocco extra, gilt edges, W. Seres, 1561, 4to. (179)

Hazlitt, £16 6213 Celebrated Trials and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence, portraits, 6 vol., boards, uncut, 1823, 8vo. (91) Brown, £6 5s. 6214 Celebrated Trials and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence, portraits and plates, 6 vol., half calf gilt, uncut, 1825, 8vo. (92) Turner, £8 6215 Champlain (S.) Voyages et Decouvertures faites en la Nouvelle France, depuis l'année 1615, jusques à la fin de l'année 1618, engraved title and 6 plates, first edition, morocco, the sides elaborately tooled, by Lortic, in a morocco box, with clasps, the first issue, Paris, Claude Collet, 1619, 8vo. (97) Sabin, £76

6216 Church of Scotland. A Collection of 116 Tracts relating to

the "Solemn League and Covenant,” uniformly bound in morocco extra, by Zaehnsdorf, together 61 vol., 4to. (183) Bull, £60

[One of the volumes had Hollar's rare print of the "Solemn League and Covenant" and his rare portrait of Alexander Henderson; also autograph letter from George Chalmers referring to the collection.-ED.]

6217 Collier (John Payne). Catalogue of Early English Literature in the Library at Bridgewater House (100 copies privately printed), the author's own copy, with numerous MS. notes in pencil, and duplicate impressions of the woodcuts on India paper, 1837, 4to. (190) Pearson, £4 10S. 6218 Collier (John Payne). An Old Man's Diary Forty Years ago, for 1832 and 1833 (25 copies printed strictly for private circulation), 4 parts, with extensive MS. additions on the margins (in pencil) by Mr. Collier, and a Collection of Autograph Letters, Documents, etc. loosely inserted, many of which are alluded to in the work, with an enlarged Manuscript Index to the Diary in the handwriting of the author, 1871-72, 4to. (191) Pearson, £175

[The catalogue gives a very long description of the autograph letters and documents.-ED.]

6219 Collier (John Payne). History of English Dramatic Poetry and Annals of the Stage, 3 vol., illustrated with a quantity of rare portraits, autograph letters, signatures, scarce views, title-pages, frontispieces, etc. loosely inserted, with a MS. list of the insertions in each vol. in the handwriting of J. P. Collier, uncut, 1879, 4to. (192) Pearson, £24

6220 Collins (William). Odes on several Descriptive and Allegoric Subjects, first edition, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 1747, 8vo. (104)

Maggs, £4 6221 Common Prayer (Book). A Brieff Discours of the Troubles begonne at Franckford in Germany, Anno Domini 1554, abowte the Booke off Common Prayer and Ceremonies and continued by the Englishmen there, black letter, russia extra, blind tooled, gilt edges, Printed abroad, 1525, 4to. (195) Maggs, £4 10s. 6222 Copy of a Letter sent out of England and to Don Bernardin Mendoza, Ambassador in France for the King of Spain, declaring the State of England contrary to the Opinion of Don Bernardin and all his partizan Spaniards, morocco extra, gilt edges, in morocco case, L. Vautrollier, 1588, 4to. (201) Edwards, £15 6223 Coryat (T.) Crudities hastily gobbled up in Five Months' Travels in France, Savoy, Italy, Switzerland and Germany, plates, 3 vol., morocco extra, gilt edges, 1776 (110) Quaritch, £9 105.

6224 Cotton (John). Abstract of Laws and Government, wherein as in a Mirrour may be seen the Wisdome and Perfection of Christ's Kingdome, morocco extra, the edges entirely uncut, 1655, 4to. (203) Stevens, £5

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