oblong folio), plates and mezzotint portraits of S. and N. Buck, 1774, folio (226) Bain, £40 6113 Bouchon (J. A.) Collection des Chroniques Nationales Françaises du Troizième au Seizième Siècle, 47 vol., half calf gilt, m. e., 1826-28, 8vo. (50) Maggs, £5 7s. 6d. 6114 Buckle (H. T.) History of Civilization in England, second edition, 2 vol., tree calf gilt, m. e., 1858-61, 8vo. (51) Quaritch, £2 45. 6115 Buckle (H. T.) Miscellaneous and Posthumous Works, edited by Helen Taylor, 3 vol., tree calf gilt, m. e., 1872, 8vo. (52) Quaritch, £2 6s. 6116 Burnet (Bishop). History of the Reformation of the Church of England, 3 vol. in 6, LARGE PAPER, illustrated by the insertion of 62 India proof portraits from Lodge, morocco extra, g. e., Oxford, 1816, 8vo. (57) Sotheran, 11 5s. 6117 Burnet (Bishop). History of his Own Time, with the Suppressed Passages of the first volume, and Notes, hitherto unpublished, 6 vol. in 7 (50 printed, 25 for sale), Oxford, 1823-The Additional Annotations in the second edition of Bishop Burnet's History, with Notes, accommodated to the pages of the First Edition (25 copies printed), n. d., illustrated by the insertion of 371 scarce portraits and views, etc., morocco super extra, g.e., imperial 8vo. (58) Maggs, £61 6118 Byble (The whole), faythfully translated into Englyshe by Myles Coverdale, and newly oversene and correcte MDL., black letter, woodcut initials, title to Old Testament and 3 leaves at end (The Table) in facsimile, a few leaves mended, some headlines and many of the side-notes cut into, wanted title to New Testament, modern stamped morocco, g.e., sold not subject to return, Prynted for Andrewe Hester (Zurich, Froschover), 16 Aug., 1550, 4to. (169) Bull, £14 15s. 6119 Cabinet Satyrique, ou Recueil de Vers Piquans et Gaillards, 2 vol. in I, uncut copy in morocco extra, by Bozérian, Au Mont Parnasse, l'année satyrique (1620), 8vo. (59) Hill, £I IS. 6120 Campbell (Lord). Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, 7 vol., calf gilt, m.e., 1846-47, 8vo. (62) Shepherd, £2 10S. 6121 Carlyle (Thomas). History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great, 6 vol., portraits, calf gilt, m. e., by Hayday, 1858-65, 8vo. (66) Quaritch, £2 18s. 6122 Choderlos de Laclos. Les Liaisons Dangereuses, 2 vol., frontispieces and 13 plates after Monnet, Gérard, etc., engraved by Baquoy, Duplessis-Bertaux, Langlois and others, in the original mottled calf, g. e., Londres (Paris), 1796, 8vo. (70) Quaritch, £2 10S. 6123 Cicero. Lettres de Ciceron à Atticus, 6 vol., 1714-Oraisons, 8 vol., 1732-Lettres Familières, 5 vol., 1745-Entretiens sur la Nature des Dieux, 2 vol., 1766-Tusculanes, 2 vol., 1766-Les Offices, 1768-De la Vieillesse, de l'Amitiá, etc., 1768-Philippiques, 1772-Traduction du Traité de l'Orateur, XVI. 40 1768, contemporary morocco, g. e., with the arms of MarieJosephine-Louise de Savoie Comtesse de Provence on the sides, together 27 vol., 8vo. (73) Peters, £19 6124 Clarendon (Earl of). History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England [edited by Dr. Bandinel], 8 vol., LARGE PAPER, one of 50 copies, morocco extra, g. e., Oxford, 1826, 8vo. (74) Young, £5 10s. 6125 Cock Lane Ghost. The Mystery Revealed, a Series of Transactions and Authentic Testimonials respecting the supposed Cock Lane Ghost, which have hitherto been concealed from the Public, text neatly inlaid, and illustrated by the insertion of satirical prints, portraits, extracts and cuttings, etc., including The Cock Lane Uproar, English Credulity, portrait of Dr. Johnson after Reynolds, rare mezzotint portrait of Bamfylde Moore Carew (by Faber, after R. Phelps), the Breeder of Rabbits (1727), rare mezzotint portrait of Mary Tofts of Godalming, the Pretended Rabbit Breeder (by Faber, after Laguerre), the Doctors in Labour, etc., half bound, in 1 vol., folio (232) Peters, £7 10s. 6126 Corneille (Pierre). Théâtre, avec des Commentaires (par Voltaire), etc., 12 vol., frontispiece and plates after Gravelot, old French calf gilt, r. e. (Genève), 1764, 8vo. (79) 6129 Defoe (Daniel). Toovey, £2 8s. 6127 Curtis (John). British Entomology. Descriptions of the Genera of Insects found in Great Britain and Ireland, 16 vol., numerous coloured engravings of insects, with, in many instances, the plants on which they are found, in the original boards, uncut, with the paper labels, 1824-39, 8vo. (83) Bain, 15 10s. 6128 Dallaway (James). History of the Western Division of the County of Sussex. Rape of Chichester, 1815-Rape of Arundel, with Additions by E. Cartwright, 1832-Rape of Bramber, by E. Cartwright, 1830, maps and numerous portraits, views, etc., morocco extra, g. e., by W. Pratt, in 3 vol., 4to. (189) Maggs, £34 Novels and Miscellaneous Works, with Memoir and the Notes, etc. of Sir Walter Scott, 20 vol., portrait, half morocco gilt, m. e., Oxford, Talboys, 1840-41, 8vo. (94) Bain, £9 15s. 6130 Dibdin (T. F.) The Bibliographical Decameron, or Ten Days Pleasant Discourse upon Illuminated Manuscripts, etc., 3 vol., partly interleaved, engravings, some of which are on India paper, morocco super extra, g. e., by Hayday, 1817, 8vo. (97) Bain, £11 10s. 6131 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliotheca Spenceriana, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the Fifteenth Century, 4 vol., numerous facsimile illustrations, morocco extra, g. e., 1814, imperial 8vo. (193) Hill, £6 15s. 6132 Dodsley (R.) Select Collection of Old Plays, 12 vol., best edition, with Additional Notes and Corrections, by Reed, Gilchrist and J. P. Collier, 1825-27-Supplement to Dodsley's Old Plays, 4 vol., 1853, tree calf gilt, yellow and marbled edges, binding not uniform, together 16 vol., 8vo. (103) Quaritch, £9 1OS. 6133 Edwards (George). Histoire Naturelle d'Oiseaux peu communs, et d'autres Animaux rares et qui n'ont pas été Décrits, 7 vol., original impressions of the coloured plates, morocco gilt, g. e., Londres, 1751, 4to. (195) Ridler, £7 10s. 6134 Eyton (R. W.) Antiquities of Shropshire, 12 vol. in 6, illustrations, morocco extra, g. e., by Bedford, 1854-60, imperial 8vo. (198) Young, £25 [Only 300 copies were printed of this work.-ED.] 6135 Fielding (Henry). Works, with Life of the Author, 10 vol., portrait and frontispieces, old tree-calf gilt, 1784, 8vo. (117) Hill, £310s. 6136 Fox (C. J.) Speeches, 6 vol., portrait, half russia, 1815, 8vo. (121) Roche, £2 18s. 6137 Froude (J. A.) History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth, 12 vol., calf gilt, m. e., 1862-70, 8vo. (124) Sotheran, £6 7s. 6d. 6138 Gibbon (Edward). History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, "Oxford English Classics," 8 vol., portrait (stained), LARGE PAPER, calf gilt, g.e., Oxford, 1827, imperial 8vo. (131) Maggs, £2 14s. 6139 Goldsmith (Oliver). Works, edited by Peter Cunningham, 4 vol., vignettes, calf gilt, m. e., by Hayday, 1854, 8vo. (136) Bain, £2 6s. 6140 Gordon (John, of Glencat, Aberdeenshire). Memoirs, 2 vol. in I, frontispiece, William Bedford's copy, with 2pp. of MS. notes by him, original calf, 1733, 8vo. (137) Peters, £2 16s. 6141 Gough (Richard). Sepulchral Monuments in Great Britain, 5 vol., numerous engravings, russia extra, g. e., 1786-96, folio (255) Hill, £25 [Many copies of this work were destroyed by fire, particularly the third volume.-Catalogue.] 6142 Green (J. R.) History of the English People, 4 vol., maps, 1878-80, 8vo. (140) Edwards, £2 4s. 6143 Holinshed (Raphaell). Chronicles of England, Ireland and Scotland. now newlie augmented and continued to the year 1586, by John Hooker and others, second edition, 3 vol. in 2, black letter, with all the original castrations except Scotland, pages 433 to 436, a few of the marginal references are slightly shaved, else a sound copy in morocco extra, g. e., 1586-87, folio (259) Tregaskis, £11 5s. 6144 Hore beate Marie virginis secundum usum insignis ecclesie Sarisburiēsis, black letter, long lines, woodcuts and numerous initial letters and headings, in morocco super extra, g. e., by Thompson of Paris, Rothomagi (Rouen) apud Florentium Valentinum (1555), 8vo. (160) Peters, £30 6145 Hume, Smollett and Adolphus. History of England, together 17 vol., portraits (stained), calf gilt, m.e., uniform, 1841, etc., 8vo. (262) Sotheran, £2 10s. 6146 Johnson (Dr. Samuel). Works, "Oxford English Classics," 9 vol., portrait, calf gilt, m. e., Oxford, 1825, 8vo. (268) Bain, £3 4s. 6147 Journal of the Statistical Society of London, vol. i. to xxiv.and General Index to the first 15 vol., half calf (vol. xx., xxi. and xxii. not quite uniform), vol. xxx., xxxi., xxxiv. and xlvii. complete in parts, and 39 parts (odd)—Jubilee volume, 1885 (unbound), 1839-91, 8vo. (271) Walford, £14 5S. 6148 Lecky (W. E. H.) History of England in the Eighteenth Century, third edition, revised, 6 vol., calf gilt, m. e., 1883-87, 8vo. (284) J. Bumpus, £4 5s. 6149 Lucretius de Rerum Natura, libri sex, 2 vol., printed upon vellum, plates after F. van Mieris, morocco, full gilt backs, silk linings, g. e., by Derome, Lut. Par., A. Coustelier, 1744, 8vo. (296) Bain, £17 6150 Macaulay (Lord). History of England, from the Accession of James II., 5 vol., calf gilt, m. e., 1849-61, 8vo. (299) J. Bumpus, £1 135. 6151 Marat (J. P.) L'Ami du Peuple. Journal politique et impartial [No. 1 to 685], bound in 14 vol. (the first number inlaid), 12 Septembre, 1789-21 Septembre, 1793-The same [No. 110-161], Mars 25-Mai 20, 1790, in 1 vol.— Journal de la République Française [No. 1 to 244], 1792-93, bound in 5 vol., half morocco gilt, uniform, together 20 vol., 8vo. (305) Quaritch, £39 6152 Marlowe (Christopher). Works, edited, with Notes and Life, by Alex. Dyce, 3 vol., calf gilt, m. e., Pickering, 1850, 8vo. (308) Maggs, £2 16s. 6153 Marot (Clement). Euvres, 6 vol. in the original calf, with the arms of Madame de Pompadour on the sides, r. e., La Haye, 1731, 8vo. (309) Quaritch, £7 6154 Mecure de France, January to August, 1747, contemporary morocco, g. e., with the arms of Marie Leczinska on sides, and fleurs-de-lis on the backs, in 9 vol., 8vo. (315) Quaritch, £21 6155 Muratorus (L. A.) Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, ab anno 500 ad annum 1500, cum Notis, Indice, etc., 25 vol. in 28, vellum, uncut, Mediol., 1723-51, folio (479) Bull, £15 5s. 6156 Napoleon. Correspondance de Napoléon I., publiée par ordre de l'Empereur Napoléon III., 32 vol., half calf gilt, 1858-70, 8vo. (335) Edwards, £3 155. 6157 Ovid. Les Métamorphoses d'Ovide, en Latin et en François, de la Traduction de M. l'Abbé Banier . . avec des Explications Historiques, 4 vol., frontispiece, plates and vignettes, morocco extra, g. e., by Doll of Paris, Paris, chez le Clerc, 1767, 68, 69, 70, 4to. (441) Quaritch, £300 ... [Unique copy, containing engraved title by Choffard, with a portrait of Ovid, in three states; proof, proof before all letters, and the etchings, "encadrement to dedication, in three states; the complete series of 140 plates, designed by Boucher and others, with four exceptions, in two or more states, proofs before all letters, proofs, and the etchings. The following are only in one state (proof): Du Cahos, Les Sœurs de Phaeton, Thésée, Vénus et Adonis sur un gazon (several of the proofs and etchings inlaid); vignettes designed and engraved by Choffard and Monnet. Proofs of eleven of the vignettes "tirages à part" (inlaid) bound up at the end of vol. iv.-Jupiter amoureux d'Io, in three states, proof, proof before all letters, and the etching, the two latter "découvertes"; Calisto, in two states, proof and the etching, the latter "découverte"; Diane au Bain, in two states, proof and the etching, the latter "découverte " Persée délivre Andromède, in two states, proof before all letters and the etching, the latter "découverte"; Céphale et l'Aurore, in, three states, proofs and the etchings, the first proof "découverte"; Glaucus et Scylla, proof and the etching, and a reversed plate, proof before all letters.— Catalogue.] 6158 Petitot et Monmerqué (M. M.) Collection des Mémoires relatifs à l'Histoire de France, depuis le Règne de PhilippeAuguste, jusqu'à la Paix de Paris, conclue en 1763, both series, together 130 vol., half calf gilt, m. e.,_uniform, 1819-20, 8vo. (342) Bain, £18 6159 Planché (J. R.) Cyclopædia of Costume, or Dictionary of Dress, 2 vol., plates in gold and colours, and numerous illustrations in the text, morocco extra, inside borders, joints, g. e., 1876, 4to. (446) Edwards, £7 2s. 6d. 6160 Plutarchus. Vitæ Parallelæ, a diversis Interpretibus Latinæ factæ, 2 vol. in 1, large initial letter on the first leaf illuminated in gold and colours, and numerous capitals painted in red and blue, a large copy, old oak boards, covered with stamped leather, Venet., N. Jenson, 1478, folio (484) Maggs, £10 6161 Rabelais (François). Oeuvres, 2 vol., russia, g. e. (Hollande, Elzevir), 1666, 8vo. (354) Bain, £1 16s. 6162 Rawlinson (Professor G.) The Sixth Great Oriental Monarchy, map and illustrations, uncut, 1873, 8vo. (358) Bickers, £5 10S. 6163 Saint-Simon. Mémoires complets et authentiques, sur le Siècle de Louis XIV. et la Régence, 21 vol., half calf gilt, m. e., 1829-30, 8vo. (365) Lady Hope, £3 15s. 6164 Shakspeare (W.) Plays, with the corrections and illustrations of various Commentators, and Notes by Dr. S. Johnson and George Steevens, fourth edition, revised and augmented (by Isaac Reed), 15 vol., portrait, illustrated by the insertion of 181 character and other portraits, chiefly after Stothard and Smirke, views, etc., morocco extra, g. e., 1793, 8vo. (369) Sotheran, £19 10S. 6165 Shakspeare (W.) Dramatic Works, revised by George Steevens, "Boydell's Fine Edition," 9 vol., with the series of engravings after Stothard, Westall, Smirke, etc., stamped russia, with the Harborough arms on sides, gilt gaufré edges, Bulmer, 1802, folio (491) Maggs, £9 5s. |