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5822 Virgilius. Opera, cum Commentariis Servii Honorati et Variorum, castigationibus et annotationibusque, etc. (edidit Seb. Brandt), full-page and smaller German woodcuts, title in red and black within woodcut compartmental border (coloured by hand), the last preliminary leaf and the leaf with colophon at end defective and mended, old Lyonnese calf, back and sides covered in semis of triple dots, dots. sides with inlaid cornerings and large centre ornamental cartouches in red and blue, with coat of arms in centre of upper cover, edges gilt and gauffred, with arabesque ornaments, Paris, venundatur via Jacobæa ap. Jo. Parvam [Petit's device on title], 1529, folio (901) Leighton, £70


[The xiii. Book of the Æneis has separate pagination and signatures, and the colophon bears the imprint of "Jo. Grüninger, Argent., 1502." Sold not subject to return.Catalogue.]

5823 Virgil. The Nyne Fyrst Bookes of the Eneidos converted into Englishe Vearse by Thomas Phaer, Doctour of Phisike, with so muche of the tenth Booke as since his death could be founde in imperfite papers at his house in Kilgarran Forest in Pembroke Shyre, second edition, black letter, Rowland Hall for Nicholas Englande, 1562, small 4to. (904) Quaritch, £31

5824 Vitruvius. De Architectura lib. x., woodcuts and figured initials, contemporary Venetian morocco, y. e., illuminated shield of arms on fly-leaf, Lugd. Jo. Tornaesius, 1552, small 4to. (908) Maggs, £3 185.

5825 Voragine (Jac. de). Legenda Aurea, that is to saye in English the Golden Legende, translated by John Capgrave, black letter, double columns, small woodcuts, De Worde's large device at end, wanted all before folio xxii., also folio cccxlvi., 5 leaves supplied from a shorter copy, corners of two or three leaves defective, sold not subject to return, old calf, old signatures (Elizabethan), Thomas Smythe, Henry Holdiche, 1590, on last leaf, etc., old calf, Imprynted in Flete Strete at the Sygne of the Sonne by Wynkyn de Worde, 1527 (914) Leighton, £14 55.

5826 Webster (John). The Devil's Law Case, or When Women goe to Law the Devill is full of Businesse, the true and perfect copie from the Originall, first edition, a few leaves stained, otherwise a good large copy, A. M. for John Grismand, 1623-The Dutchesse of Malfy (margins shaved), J. Raworth for J. Benson, 1640-Appius and Virginia (soiled), 1655-Cure for a Cuckold, by Webster and W. Rowley (margins cut into), 1661-The White Devil, G. Miller for John Playfere, 1665, all unbound, together 5 pieces, small 4to. (920)

Sabin, £30 IOS.

5827 Wesley (Samuel, A.M.) History of the Old and New Testament attempted in Verse, adorned with 330 sculptures by J. Sturt, 3 vol., old English morocco, gilt ornamental backs, line sides, with corner and centre ornaments, g.e., C. Harper,

T. Ward, etc., 1704-17 (engraved titles, J. Hooke, 1716, etc.), small 8vo. (921) Pickering, £8 10s. 5828 Willan (Leonard). Astræa, or True Love's Myrrour, a Pastoral, first edition, portrait by T. Cross (mounted), some margins shaved, R. White for H. Cripps and L. Lloyd, 1651 [Harington (Sir John).] The History of Polindor and Flostella, with other Poems, by J. H., first edition, frontispiece by Droeshout, T. Roycroft for Tho. Dring, 1651, in I vol., calf extra, g. e., 8vo. (926) Sabin, £15 10s. 5829 Wine, Beer, Ale and Tobacco, contending for Superiority, a Dialogue, woodcut frontispiece (corners of 2 leaves slightly defective), J. B. for John Grove, 1658-Swetman, the Woman-hater, Arraigned by Women, cut on title, poor copy much cut down, R. Meighen, 1620-The Valiant Scot, by T. W. Gent, T. Harper for J. Waterson, 1637-Tom Tyler and his Wife, an Excellent Old Play, 1661, 4 pieces, all unbound, small 4to. (931) Sabin, £29 10s. 5830 Wither (George). Abuses Stript, and Whipt, or Satyricall Essayes devided into two Bookes, reviewed and enlarged, with Prince Henry's Obsequies and the Scourge (with cut of a satyr), old panelled calf, H. Lownes for F. Burton, 1617, small 8vo. (932) Sotheran, £6 158. 5831 Wither (George). The Schollers Purgatory, discovered to the Stationers' Commonwealth and described in a Discourse Apologeticall, etc., first edition, Imprinted for the Honest Sationers, n.d. [1625-6]-Wing (V.) and Leybourn (W.) Ens fictum Shakerlæi, or the Annihilation of Mr. Jeremiah Shakerley, his in-artificiall Anatomy of Urania Practica, R. Leybourn, 1649—The Rebellion of Naples, or the Tragedy of Massenello, folding frontispiece, 1649-Religio Jurisconsulti (by J. Botrie), [not in Lowndes], Henry Hood, 1649, in 1 vol., old calf, small 8vo. (933) Pickering, £31 5832 Wits Interpreter. The English Parnassus, containing Love Songs, Epigrams, Drollery, etc. The Muses Elizium, Games and Sports used among the Gentry of England, etc., the third edition, with many Additions by J. C., frontispiece in compartments, a few headlines shaved, old calf, N. Brook, etc., 1671, 8vo. (934) Pickering, £5 155. 5833 Wycherley (William). Miscellany Poems, as Satyrs, Epistles, Love Verses, Songs, Sonnets, etc., first edition, LARGE PAPER, mezzo portrait after Lely, J. Smith fecit, 1703, old calf, gilt back and frame sides, g. e., C. Brome, etc., 1704, folio (938) Pickering, £105

[Presentation copy, with inscription on fly-leaf, "For ye Right Honble. The Earle of Radnor, from his most obligd and most humble servant, W. Wycherley."-Catalogue.] 5834 Zeiller (Mart.) Typographia Galliæ, oder Beschreibung und Contrafaitung der vornehmbsten und bekanntisten Erter in Frankreich, maps, plans and views of Parisian cities, old calf gilt, Franckf. a M., C. Merian, 1655, small folio (940) E. Parsons, £6




(No. of Lots, 1063; amount realised, £1,387 19s.)

morocco, n. d., 8vo. (6)

printed, 1887, imperial 4to. (14)

5835 Amhurst and Osbaldeston Inscriptions, facsimiles, half Gray, £1 18s. 5836 Armorial China. Illustrations of Armorial China, plates in gold and colours, half bound (one of 100 copies), Privately Thorp, £1 19s. 5837 Arundel. Yeatman (J. P.) Early Genealogical History of the House of Arundel, cloth, 1882, folio (16) Quaritch, £1 5838 Bagshawe (W. H.) The Bagshaws of Ford, a Biographical Pedigree, plates, cloth (extra matter inserted), For private circulation, 1886, 4to. (21)

Gray, £4 5839 Barton Family Pedigree, compiled by Rev. T. S. Hill, half bound, Privately printed, 1888, 4to. (27) Walford, £1 5840 Bedfordshire. Blaydes (F. A.) Genealogia Bedfordiensis, 1538-1700, facsimiles, half bound, uncut (one of 100 copies), Privately printed, 1890, imperial 8vo. (32) Gray, £1 4s. 5841 Berkshire. Ashmole and Bysshe. The Visitation of Berkshire, 1664-6, edited by W. Metcalfe, cloth, 1882, imperial 8vo. (35)

Gray, £1 75. 5842 Berkshire. Registers of St. Mary, Reading, transcribed by G. P. Crawfurd, 2 vol., half vellum, Reading, 1891, imperial

8vo. (37)

Walford, £I IS. 5843 Berry (William). Pedigrees of Families of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Surrey, boards, uncut, 1837, folio (41) Walford, £5 12s. 6d.

folio (49)

5844 Bewick Gleanings, edited by Julia Boyd, plates and woodcuts, morocco, g.e., presentation copy from the authoress, on LARGE PAPER, Newcastle, 1886, 4to. (42) F. C. Smith, £2 5845 Blount and Croke Pedigrees, in a volume, half vellum, imperial Bumpus, £1 185. 5846 Blore (E.) Monumental Remains of Noble and Eminent Persons, with Historical and Biographical Illustrations, plates on India paper, proof impressions, morocco, g. e., 1826, 4to. (50)

Hornden, £1 125.

5847 Bolles (J. A.) Genealogy of the Bolles Family in America,

half morocco, Boston, 1865, 4to. (55)

Quaritch, £I Is.

5848 Bolton (R.) Genealogical Account of the Family of Bolton, Essex, £1

woodcuts, New York, 1862 (56)

5849 Boutell (Rev. C.) The Monumental Brasses of England, plates on India paper, half morocco, LARGE PAPER, 1849,

royal folio (62)

Thorp, £2 1s. 5850 Bright (J. B.) The Brights of Suffolk, England, represented in America by the Descendants of Henry Bright, jun., portraits and plates, morocco, g.e., Privately printed, Boston, 1858 (65) Crossfield, £1

5851 Bristol. Fox (F. F.) Account of the Ancient Fraternity of Merchant Taylors of Bristol, half vellum (one of 50 copies for private circulation), 1880, 4to. (70) Sotheran, £I IS. 5852 Brodrick. Genealogical Memoranda relating to the Family of Brodrick, autograph letters and bookplates inserted, cloth (one of 100 copies), Privately printed, 1872, 4to. (74) Walford, £1 8s. 5853 Brydges (Sir E.) Stemmata Illustria, plates of arms, half bound, uncut, Paris, privately printed, 1825, folio (78)

A. R. Smith, £2 10s. 5854 Buckingham. Catholic Registers of Weston Underwood, vellum (one of 25 copies), Privately printed, 1887, folio (80) Quaritch, £1 25.

5855 Bucks. Gyll (G. W. J.) History of the Parish of Wraysbury, Ankerwycke Priory, and Magna Charta Island, with the History of Horton and Town of Colnbrook, cloth (extra matter inserted), 1862, 4to. (81)

Hill, £1 25.

5856 Buckingham. Lipscomb (G.) History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham, 4 vol., plates, several ancient MS. documents relating to the County loosely inserted, half morocco, t. e. g., 1847, 4to. (82) Rimell, £ II 5857 Buckler (C. A.) Bucleriana. Notices of the Family of Buckler, boards, For private circulation, 1886, 4to. (84)

Walford, £1 4s.

5858 Burke (Sir B.) Landed Gentry, 2 vol., cloth gilt, 1898 (87) Col. Montague, £1 155. 5859 Cambridgeshire Visitation, by H. St. George, 1619, edited by Sir Thomas Phillipps, half bound, Typis Medio-Montanis,

1840, folio (98)

Quaritch, £2 25. 5860 Carleton (Captain P. A.) Memorials of the Carletons, portraits and numerous plates of arms in gold and colours, half morocco, Privately printed, 1869, 4to. (100)

Quaritch, £1 16s. 5861 Carlisle (N.) Collections for a History of the Ancient Family of Carlisle, cuts of arms, calf gilt, long autograph letter of N. Carlisle inserted, Privately printed, 1822, 4to. (IOI)

Walford, £2 I2S. 5862 Carr (Colonel R. E.) The History of the Family of Carr of Dunston Hill, Co. Durham, 3 vol., plates (one coloured),

cloth, 1893, folio (103)

F. Thorne, £2 IOS.

5863 Cheshire. Beaumont (W.) A Calendar of Ancient Family Charters preserved at Arley Hall, Cheshire, numerous MS. pedigrees, drawings of arms, etc., inserted, cloth, 1866, royal 4to. (107)

Gray, £4 75. 6d. 5864 Cheshire. Earwaker (J. P.) East Cheshire, Past and Present, or a History of the Hundred of Macclesfield in the County Palatine of Chester, 2 vol., portraits and plates, cloth, 1877, 4to. (110)

Walford, £1 25.

5865 Cheshire. Hall (Joseph). History of the Town and Parish

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