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subject to return), old calf, W. Dight, Shoe Lane, 1615, small 4to. (365) Quaritch, £2 105. 5670 Gower (John). Confessio Amantis, English illuminated Manuscript on vellum (213 leaves, 171⁄2 by 124 inches), written in old English black letter, rubrics in Latin, in double columns of 46 lines, with 99 finely painted and illuminated miniatures of subjects connected with the text, including the signs of the Zodiac and 14 landscapes connected with positions of the principal stars (the miniatures apart from the Zodiac signs and the starry landscapes measure 34 by 3% inches), the MS. had originally 108 miniatures, but 10 have been cut out and one is loose, many hundred large and small illuminated ornamental initials with marginal decorations, and pen ornaments and capitals (first leaf defective), old russia, xiv. Cent., large folio (378) Quaritch, £1,550

[A very interesting Codex of Gower's "Confessio Amantis." The miniatures are very valuable for the costume and armour and domestic habits of the period. A rubric on folio iii. reads, "Anno domini millesimo CCCmo novagesimo quia tuc erat ecclia divisa," indicating the MS. was written after that date. There is a table of contents at end occupying 6 leaves.—Catalogue.] 5671 [Green (Robert).] The Historie of Orlando Furioso, one of the Twelve Peeres of France, as it was playd before the Queenes Majestie (second edition) (containing A-H in 4's, H 4 blank), unbound, S. Stafford for C. Burley, 1599, small 4to. (382) Cotton, £39

5672 Gribelin (Samuel). A New Book of Ornaments useful to all Artists, 12 plates, including title, original impressions, bound in front is a slip containing an original drawing of an ornamental coat-of-arms, having on the reverse an autograph letter of thanks of the designer, S. Gribelin, old English morocco, ornamental gilt panel sides, excudit 1704, oblong 4to. (384) Quaritch, £41 5673 Grisoni (Federico). Ordini di Cavalcare et modi di conoscere le nature de' Cavalli emendari e vitii loro, et ammaestrargli per l'uso della guerra et commodita degli huomini, contemporary Italian calf, the sides covered with gilt and coloured intersected Grolieresque scrolls, edges gilt and gauffred in ornaments, well preserved, Venet., V. Valgrisi, 1551, small 8vo. (385) Pickering, £20 5674 Guazzo (Stefano). The Civile Conversation, written first in Italian, divided into four Bookes, the first three translated out of French by G. Pettie . . . the fourth translated out of Italian into English by Barth. Young, black letter, T. East, 1586-Castilio (Castiglione) (Count B.) The Courtier, divided into foure Bookes, translated into English by Tho. Hobby, black letter. T. Creede, 1603, in 1 vol., half russia, y. e., small 4to. (387) Edwards, £9

5675 Guevara (L. Velez de). El Diablo Cojuelo; Novela de la

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portraits and plates, 6 vol., old calf gilt, Jer. Batley, 1725-6, 8vo. (409) Pickering, £7 155. 5684 Heywood (Thomas). The Iron Age (Part i.), containing the Rape of Helen, etc., first edition (corner of title torn off and margins cut into), N. Okes, 1632-A Pleasant Comedy, called a Maydenhead Well Lost, first edition, cut on title (repeated in the text), margins cut into, N. Okes for J. Jackson, etc., 1634-A Challenge for Beautie, first edition (good copy), R. Raworth, 1636-The Royall King and the Loyall Subject, first edition, N. and J. Okes for J. Becket, 1637-Loves Mistresse, or the Queenes Masque, J. Raworth for J. Crouch, 1640, together 5 pieces, all unbound, sold with all faults, small 4to. (412) Pickering, £19 5685 Holbein (Hans). Imagines Mortis, 51 woodcuts, including the cuts of cupids playing, etc., a small original (?) drawing by Holbein of 4 figures inserted in fly-leaf, old morocco, gilt ornamental back, line frame sides, red paper doublures with gilt flower scrolls, g. e., Lugd., sub scuto Coloniensi, 1547, 12mo. (415) Edwards, £21 5686 Holbein (Hans). Imitations of Original Drawings in the Collection of his Majesty, for the Portraits of Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII., with biographical tracts, published by John Chamberlaine, 80 portraits, with those of Holbein and wife, and 2 coloured miniatures of the young Dukes of Suffolk, chiefly by Bartolozzi, original impressions on full-size tinted paper and tinted paper of a smaller size mounted on thick white paper, russia extra, y. e., W. Bulmer, 1792, atlas folio (416) Sabin, £43 10s. 5687 Holinshed (Raphael). Chronicles, comprising the Description and History of England, Ireland and Scotland, now newlie augmented and continued to the year 1586 by John Hooker, (John Stow) and others (second edition, supervised by A. Fleming, with Castrations), black letter, woodcut initials and ornaments, 3 vol. bound in 4, old calf, r.e., Harrison, Bishop, Newberrie, etc., 1586-87, folio (418) Edwards, £10 10s. 5688 Homerus. Opera Omnia, cum Vita ex Herodoto, Dione et Plutarcho, Græcè, Editio Aldina Prima, with numerous painted and illuminated ornamental initials, modern morocco extra, g. e., Venet., Aldus, 1504, small 8vo. (421)

Riglett, £42

[John Grolier's copy, and evidently illuminated for him. The lower margin of A iii. in each volume had his arms and device painted upon it, with an inscription round the shield, "Jehan Grolier Conseillier du Roy, Tresorier," etc. It was originally bound in green velvet, but much worn.—Catalogue.]

5689 Homer a la Mode, a Mock Poem upon the First and Second Books of Homer's Iliads, by James Lord Scudamore, original calf, Oxford, H. H. for R. Davis, 1664, 12mo. (422) Sulim, £5 5690 Hopton (Arthur). Baculum Geodæticum, sive Viaticum, or

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bound, uncut, J. and P. Knapton, 1743, super imperial folio (443) Sabin, £5 5696 Hurtado de Mendoça. Lazarillo, or the Excellent History of Lazarillo de Tormes, the Witty Spaniard, both parts, the first translated by David Rowland, and the second by Jean de Luna, and done into English by the same Authour, old calf gilt, W. Leake, 1653, 12mo. (449) Sabin, £3 5697 Hutten (Ulrich von). Of the Wood Called Guaiacum that healeth the French Pockes, and also helpeth the goute in the feete, the stoone, the palsey, lepree, dropsy, fallynge evyll and other dyseases (translated by Thomas Paynell Chanon of Martin Abbey), black letter, ornamental woodcut initials, old calf gilt, T. Berthelet, 1539, small 8vo. (450) Pickering, £7 10s. 5698 Jonson (Ben). Works, first collected edition in 8vo., portrait and plates, 6 vol., old russia gilt, sprinkled edges, J. Walthoe, etc., 1716, imperial 8vo. (464) Pickering, £13 5699 Jovius (Paulus). A Shorte treatise upon the Turkes Chronicles. drawen out of the Italyen tong into Latyne by Franciscus Niger Bassianates, and translated into Englysh by Peter Ashton, black letter, ornamental woodcut initials, old calf gilt, E. Whitchurche, 1546, 12mo. (465) Leighton, LA 5700 Kaempfer (Eug.) History of Japan, written in High Dutch and translated from the Original MS. by J. G. Scheuchzer, with Life of the Author, plates, 2 vol., old calf gilt, r. e., T. Woodward, 1728, folio (470) Hill, A 5701 Kirkman (Fr.) The English Rogue continued in the Life of Meriton Latroon and other Extravagants, first edition. "Licensed February 22, 1668,” 2 plates, old calf, Printed for Fra. Kirkman, 1668, small 8vo. (473) Maggs, £3 35. 5702 Knevet (Ra.) Rhodon and Iris, a Pastorall as it was presented at the Florists Feast in Norwich, May 3, 1631, unbound, good copy, M. Sparke, 1631, small 4to. (474) Pickering, £7 10s. 5703 Knight (R. Payne). Account of the Remains of the Worship of Priapus lately existing at Isernia in the Kingdom of Naples, etc., original edition, plates, half russia, y. e., Privately printed, T. Spilsbury, 1786, 4to. (475)

5704 Lactantius.

Tregaskis, £2 18s. De Divinis Institutionibus adversus gentes, roman letter, long lines, 38 to a full page, without marks (Hain *9809), 9 painted and illuminated scroll initials, contemporary MS. notes in margins in purple ink, painted red and blue capitals, old russia extra, large copy with rough edges, mcccclxxi. Adam, folio (478) Maggs, £5 5705 Lambard (William). A Perambulation of Kent, first edition, black letter, title within ornamental woodcut border, and woodcut initials, map, large copy, old calf gilt, H. Middleton for R. Newberie, 1576, small 4to. (482) Quaritch, £9 10s. 5706 Latham (Simon). Falconry, or the Faulcons lure and cure, in two Books, woodcuts, 2 vol. in 1, old calf, T. Harper for John Harrison, 1633, small 4to. (489) Pickering, £8

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