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5707 Latimer (Bishop Hugh). The Fyrste (to the Seventh) Sermon, Preached before the Kynges Maiestie (Edward VI.), first edition, black letter (woodcut title to first and second Sermons), margin of one leaf defective, old calf gilt, Day and Seres, 1549, small 8vo. (490)

Maggs, £2 155. 5708 Lavater (J. C.) Essays on Physiognomy, translated from the French by H. Hunter, engravings, chiefly by T. Holloway, complete in 3 vol., subscriber's copy, russia extra, g. e., J. Murray, 1789-98, royal 4to. (492) E. Parsons, £4 145. 5709 Legende (La) des Flamens, Artesiens et Haynuyers, ou autrement leur cronique abregee, première édition, lettres bâtardes, title in red and black, woodcuts and ornamental initials, old calf, Paris, en la rue Sainct Jacques a lenseigne Sainct Claude (Fr. Regnault), 1532, May 24, small 4to. (495) Pickering, £13 135.

5710 Lilly. Lyllie (John, Master of Arts, Euphuist). The Woman in the Moone, as it was presented before her Highnesse, first edition, unbound, title soiled, last leaf defective, Wm. Jones, at the Signe of the Gun neere Holborn Conduict, 1597, small 4to. (506)

Maggs, £120

5711 Liturgia Græca. Leitourgikon sun Theo Agio, printed in red and black, engraved title and ornamental woodcut initials, old Italian morocco, with the arms of Card. Fr. Maria de Medicis in centres, g. e., Roma, J. B. Bussottus, 1683, folio (509)

Leighton, £6

5712 Loggan (David). Oxonia Illustrata, engraved title, 4 engraved plates of letterpress and 40 plates, early impressions, old French morocco, g.e., Oxon., 1675, folio (514)

Leighton, £14

5713 Longus. Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et de Chloë, an original set of the 29 illustrations of the Regent Philippe d'Orleans, engraved by Audran, taken on LARGE PAPER, old English morocco, g. e., Paris, 1718, small 4to. (515)

Edwards, £9

5714 Louis XIV. La Guerre des Suisses traduite du I Livre de Jule Cesar par Louys XIV. Dieu-Donné, Roy de France et de Navarre (age de treize ans), LARGE PAPER, 4 plates, old French morocco, fleurs-de-lis and crowned double Lon back, line sides, with royal French arms in centre, r. e. (probably bound for a present from the King), Paris, de l'Impr. Royale, 1651, folio (519)

Quaritch, £10 5715 Lower (Sir William). The Phaenix in her Flames, a Tragedy, T. Harper for M. Young, 1639-Horatius, a Roman Tragedy, G. Bedell and T. Collins, 1656-Polyeuctes the Martyr, T. Roycroft for G. Bedell (date cut off), [1655], all first editions, unbound, small 4to. (522) Pickering, £7 5716 Lucanus. De Bello Civili lib. x., King Edward VIth's copy, old English calf, with royal arms and initials E. R. on sides, plain edges, rebacked and worn, signatures of Roger North, 1724 and 1727, on fly-leaf and title, Paris, S. Colin, 1543, 12mo. (523) Pickering, £13 IOS.

5717 Lycosthenes (Conr.) Prodigiorum ac Ostentorum Chronicon, quæ præter naturæ ordinem motum et operationem, etc., cuts of Monsters, extraordinary Occurrences, etc., old signature of W. Stonehouse on title, old calf, Basil., Henricus Petrus, 1557, small folio (531)

Pickering, £4 155. 5718 Magna Charta. The Artycles of the Chartoure and lybertyes of Englande called Magna Carta, that is to saye the Great Chartour, with the Chartour of Foresta, black letter (16 leaves), cut of royal arms on title, and ornamental initials, unbound, Imprynted by me Robert Wyer, n. d., 12mo. (534)

Cotton, £14 IOS.

5719 Manwood (John). Treatise of the Lawes of the Forest, a Treatise of the Pouralee, the Statutes of the Forest, etc., black letter, limp vellum, Printed for the Society of Stationers, 1615, small 4to. (538)

Quaritch, £10

5720 Marguerite de Valois, Reyne de Navarre. L'Heptameron, title within ornamental borders, ornamental woodcut initials, etc., old English russia gilt, m. e., Paris, pour Gilles Gilles, 1560 (a printed colophon pasted on last leaf, "Imprimé à Paris par Benoist Prevost," etc., 1560), small 4to. (541)

Cotton, £4

5721 Markham (Gervase). Hungers Prevention, or the Whole Arte of Fowling by Water and Land, first edition, woodcuts (some leaves wormed), old calf, A. Math. for Anne Helme, 1621 (date cut off), 12mo. (544)

Hornstein, £4 16s.

5722 Markham (Gervase) and William Sampson. The True Tragedie of Herod and Antipater, with the Death of faire Miriam, first edition, G. Eld for M. Rhodes, 1622-A Pleasant Conceited Comedy, wherein is shewed how a man may choose a Good Wife from a Bad, as it hath beene sundry times acted by the Earle of Worcester's Servants (attributed to Markham and Sampson), both unbound, J. Norton, 1634, small 4to. (545)

Pickering, £4 145.

5723 Marlowe (Chr.) Tragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta (title defective), J. B. for N. Vavasour, 1633-Mason (John). Mulcasses the Turke, T. P. for F. Falkner, 1632-The Religious-Rebell, or the Pilgrim-Prince, Printed 1671The Ungrateful Favourite, a Tragedy, written by a Person of Honour, J. Cottrel for Sam. Speed, 1664-The Unfortunate Usurper, a Tragedy, 1663, 5 pieces, unbound, small 4to. (546)

Pickering, £12 55.

5724 Marmion (Shackerley). Holland's Leaguer, an Excellent Comedy, acted by Prince Charles his Servants at the Private House in Salisbury Court, first edition, J. B. for John Grove, 1632-A Fine Companion, acted before the King and Queene at Whitehall, etc., first edition, A. Mathewes for R. Meighen, 1633-The Antiquary, a Comedy, acted by her Majesties Servants at the Cock-pit, F. K. for J. W. and F. E., 1641, all unbound, small 4to. (547)

Pickering, £12 155.

5725 Marot (Jean). Le Magnifique Chasteau de Richelieu, en General et en Particulier, ou les Plans, les Elevations et Profils Generaux et Particuliers du dit Chasteau, etc., 20 plates, original impressions, vellum, s. 1. ou d. [1637], oblong folio (548) Cotton, £2 18s. 5726 Marston (John). The Malcontent, augmented by Marston, with the Additions played by the Kings Maiesties Servants, written by John Webster (dedication in Latin to Ben Jonson), signature of "Kathrene Throckmorton" on reverse of title, unbound, headline cut into (af), V. S. for William Apsley in Paules Churchyard, 1604, small 4to. (550)

Pickering, £18 10S.

5727 Marston (John). What you Will, first edition (headlines cut into), G. Eld for T. Thorpe, 1607-The Insatiate Countess, a Tragedie, acted at White-Fryers, J. N. for H. Perrie, 1631, both unbound, small 4to. (551) Pickering, £6 Ios. 5728 Martial. Epigrammata, nova editio, ex Museo P. Scriverii cum animadversionibus, 3 vol., old English morocco, g. e., Lugd. Bat., Jo. Maire, 1618-19, 12mo. (552) Quaritch, £3 5729 Martial. His Epigrams translated, with Sundry Poems and Fancies, by R. Fletcher, first edition, portrait of Martial by Vaughan (small hole in it), original calf, T. Mabb for W. Sheares, 1656, small 8vo. (553)

Sabin, £10

5730 Mary Queen of Scots. Collections relating to the History of, containing a great number of Original Pieces never before printed, etc., revised and published by James Anderson, LARGE PAPER (oval head by Vertue pasted on fly-leaf of vol. i.), 4 vol., old calf gilt, r. e., Edinburgh and London, J. Mosman, etc., 1727-8, 4to. (558)

J. Bumpus, £6

5731 Massinger (Philip). The Picture, a Tragecomedie, as it was often presented with good allowance at the Globe and Black-friers Play-houses by the Kings Maiesties Servants, first edition, unbound (wanted A j, a blank), J. N. for Thomas Walkley, 1630, small 4to. (563) Pickering, £3 IOS.

5732 Massinger (Philip). The Maid of Honour, as it hath beene often presented with good allowance at the Phoenix in Drurie-Lane, by the Queenes Majesties Servants, first edition, unbound, J. B. for R. Allot, 1632, small 4to. (564)

Jackson, £18

5733 Massinger (Philip). The Emperour of the East, a TragæComoedie, as it hath bene divers times acted at the Blackfriers and Globe Playhouses by the Kings Maiesties Servants, first edition, unbound, T. Harper for J. Waterson, 1632, small 4to. (565)

Pickering, £4 2s. 6d.

5734 Massinger (Philip) and N. Field. The Fatall Dowry, a Tragedy, as often acted at the Private House in Blackefryers by his Majesties Servants, written by P. M. and N. F., first edition, unbound, J. Norton for F. Constable, 1632, small 4to. (566) Sabin, £14 5s.

5735 Massinger (Philip). A New Way to pay Old Debts, a Comœdiæ, as often acted at the Phoenix in Drury-Lane by the Queenes Maiesties Servants, first edition, unbound, E. P. for H. Seyle, 1633, small 4to. (567)

Sabin, £20 5736 Massinger (Philip). The Great Duke of Florence, a Comicall Historie, as often presented with good allowance by her 38


Maties Servantes at the Phoenix in Drurie Lane, first edition (Aj and 4, blanks, wanting), unbound, J. Marriot, 1636, small 4to. (568) Maggs, £3 75. 5737 Massinger (Philip). The Unnaturall Combat, a Tragedie, as it was presented by the Kings Majesties Servants at the Globe, first edition, unbound, E. G. for John Waterson, 1639, small 4to. (569) A. Jackson, £19 5738 Massinger (Philip), Thomas Middleton and William Rowley. The Excellent Comedy called The Old Law, or a New Way to Please you, with a Perfect Catalogue of Playes, unbound, E. Archer, 1656, small 4to. (570) Pickering, 19 105. 5739 Mayne (Jasper). The Amorous Warre, a Tragi-Comedy, first edition (lower margins uncut), Printed in the yeare 1648 -Two Plaies, The City Match and the Amorous Warre, both long since written, both unbound, Oxford, H. Hall for R. Davis, 1658, small 4to. (577) A. Jackson, £31 5740 Médailles sur les Principaux Evenements du Règne de Louis Le Grand, avec des Explications Historiques (avec la préface), frontispiece, folding plate of portraits of Louis XIV., 286 plates of medals taken on one side only, and Table, all printed within ornamental borders, old French morocco, with the Royal French arms, g. on m. e., Paris, Impr. Roy., 1702, folio (580) Maggs, £5 5741 Meriton (Thomas). Love and War, a Tragedy, first edition, Printed for C. Webb, 1658--The Wandring Lover, a Tragy Comedie, first edition, T. L. for T. C. and W. Burden, 1658 -May (Thomas). The Heire, a Comedie, as acted by the Company of Revels, 1620, A. Matthewes for T. Jones, 1633 -The Old Couple, a Comedy, J. Cottrel for S. Speed, 1658, four pieces, all unbound, small 4to. (584) Pickering, 23 5742 Merry Devill of Edmonton (The), as it hath beene sundry times acted by his Maiesties Servants at the Globe, on the banke-side, unbound, with the blank leaf forming Aj written on, otherwise a very fine and clean copy, H. Ballard for Arthur Johnson dwelling at the signe of the Whitehorse in Paules Church Yard over against the great North doore of Paules, 1608, small 4to. (585) A. Jackson, £300

[The first edition of a play which has been attributed to Shakespeare. The Perkins copy sold for £14. See BOOKPRICES CURRENT, vol. iii., No. 6520.-ED.]

5743 Middleton (Thomas). Your fine Gallants, as it hath been often in Action at the Blackfriers, first edition, unbound, good copy, Imprinted for Richard Bonian dwelling at the Signe of the Spread Eagle over against St. Paules Church, n. d. (1607), small 4to. (591) Sabin, £100

[At the Roxburghe sale in 1812 a good copy realised LI 6s.-ED.] 5744 Middleton (Thomas). Michaelmas Terme, newly corrected (imprint defective), R. H. for R. Meighen, 1630-The Phoenix (title defective), (1630)-A Mad World my Masters, J. S. for Jas. Becket, 1640-The Mayor of Quinborough, H. Herringman, 1661-The Spanish Gipsie, by Middleton and

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