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inscription "Jo. Jacomo et Fratelli de Legnano," small 4to.
Leighton, £16 IOS.

[The original edition of this Romance of Chivalry.Catalogue.]

5537 Aretinus (Leon.) De Bello Italico adversus Gothos, roman letter, long lines, 30 to a full page, without marks, old English russia extra, gilt ornamental frame sides, large copy, but having a few small wormholes, "Hoc libellum Emilianus de Orfinis (sic) Fulginas et Johannes Numeister theutunicus eiusque Sotii feliciter impresserunt Fulginei in domo eiusdem 1470," small folio (27) Ellis, £17 IOS.

[The first book printed at Foligno, and the first specimen of Numeister's Press. -Catalogue.]

5538 Ascham (Roger). A Report and Discourse written by Roger Ascham of the affaires and state of Germany and the Emperour Charles his Court, during certaine yeares while the said Roger was there, black letter. J. Daye, 1552-The Eight Bookes of Caius Julius Cæsar conteyning his martiall exployts in the realme of Gallia, etc., translated out of Latin into English by Arthur Golding, black letter. Thomas Este, 1590, in 1 vol., half russia gilt, r. e., small 4to. (39)

Sotheran, £4 5539 Ashmole (Elias). Institution, Laws and Ceremonies of the most noble Order of the Garter, portrait of Charles II. by Sherwin, and numerous views, habits, coats-of-arms, etc., old calf gilt, J. Macock for N. Brooke, 1672, folio (40)

Bain, £3 Ios.

5540 Auctores Classici edidit Maittaire, viz., Ovidius, Q. Curtius, Cæsar, Sallust, Terentius, Horatius, C. Nepos and Juvenal and Persius, 15 vol., all ruled throughout in red, and uniformly bound in old English morocco gilt, Typis J. Brindley, 1745, etc., 12mo. (41)


Sotheran, £5 15s. B. (T.) Love will finde out the Way, an excellent Comedy, by T. B., as it was acted at the Phoenix in Drury Lane, first edition, unbound, J. Cottrell for S. Speed, 1661, small 4to. (47) Pickering, £2 8s. 5542 Barckley (Sir Richard). A Discourse of the Felicitie of Man, or his Summum Bonum, first edition, complete with the 2 floreate leaves and errata, MS. notes in margins, half russia gilt, W. Ponsonby, 1598, small 4to. (53)

Peters, £9 15s.

5543 Barnes or Berners (Dame Juliana). The Bokys of Hawkyng, Hunting and also Fysshyng with an Angle, and also a ryght noble Treatyse of Cotarmoures, black letter (red and black), woodcuts of arms, mostly emblazoned, etc., 74 leaves (the first leaf before a i. containing woodcut on each page, the last leaf containing the Royal Arms and Caxton's device and 6 leaves of text, wanting and supplied from Haslewood's reprint, 1810), the remainder genuine and in excellent order, russia super extra, g.e., Enprynted at Westmestre by Wynken the Worde, the yere 1496, small 4to. (56) Quaritch, £120 [The rare second edition of Dame Juliana Barnes's book -the first in which the "Treatyse of Fysshynge with an Angle" appeared. The leaves of this treatise, which begins on verso of g iii., are all genuine. The leaves supplied in facsimile, besides the first and last, are a 5, & iii. and iiii., b i. and ii. in the "Blasing of Armis," and d 5, the last leaf slightly mended. Sold not subject to return.-Catalogue.] 5544 Beaumont and Fletcher. Works, revis'd and corrected, with some account of the Life and Writings of the Authors, first collected edition in 8vo., LARGE PAPER, 2 portraits by Vertue and 52 plates, 7 vol., old russia gilt, J. Tonson, 1711, imperial 8vo. (63)

Maggs, £3 145.

5545 Berain (Jean). Œuvre d'Ornemens. Ornements inventez par J. Berain et se vendent chez le dit Autheur aux Galleries du Louvre, Desseins de Cheminées, etc., portrait after Vivien by Susanna Silvestre and Ch. Duflos, and 141 plates, fine impressions (some at end mounted), old calf, Paris, Thuret, s. d., atlas folio (72)

Quaritch, £39

5546 Biblia Sacra Armenica. The Bible in Armenian, woodcut title, cuts in the text and ornaments, oaken boards, morocco, with gilt borders and ornaments au pointillé, crucifixion device in centres, g. e., presentation copy, with inscription on fly-leaf, "Donum Reverendissimi Thomae Wardupiet Archiepiscopi S. Crucis in Gocthan Perso-Armeniæ 22 Martii, 170" [1706?], thick 8vo. (78)

Cotton, £3

5547 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editio Vulgata, cum Prologis S. Hieronymi et Interpretationibus Hebraicorum Nominum, lit. goth., double columns, 51 lines, with signatures and running titles, 2 illuminated historiated miniature initials and I ornamental, ornamental pen letters, capitals painted in blue and red, large and clean copy, old English russia extra, gilt ornamental back and borders, rough edges, Venet., Fr. de Hailbrun, 1480, small 4to. (79) Quaritch, £14

5548 Biblia (Sacra Latina, Editio Vulgata) cum pleno apparatu, summariorum, concordantiarum et quadruplicis repertorii sive indicii, etc. [Prologis S. Hieronymi, Interpr. Heb. Nom., etc.], lit. goth., double columns, full-page woodcut of a scriptorium within a border containing figures of patriarchs, prophets, apostles and saints, and numerous ornamental woodcut initials, S. Vostre's device on title, Paris, Opera ac arte Philippi Pigouchet impensis Symonis Vostre, 1512, xxviii. Jan., small folio (80) Bull, £3 3s.

5549 Biblia Sacra (Latina), ad optima quæque Veteris, ut vocant, tralationis exemplaria summa diligentia parique fide castigata, Hæbraicarum, Græcarum, cæterarumque peregrinarum vocum interpretationes, Indices insuper tres, etc., double columns, ornamental woodcut initials, 2 vol., old French morocco, full gilt ornamental backs, with crowned double L, line sides with royal French arms (Louis XIV.), g. e., Lugd., S. Gryphius, 1550, folio (82) Tregaskis, £5 2s. 6d. 5550 Biblia Sacra Italiana. La Sacra Biblia, tradotta in lingua Italiana e commentata da Giovanni Diodati, seconda edizione, migliorata, engraved title, contemporary German binding, oaken boards, covered in polished russia, gilt ornamental back, the sides richly tooled in ornamental panellings, perforated and chased metal corners, clasps and rosettes, the arms of John George Elector of Saxony chased on metal in centres, g. e., with gauffred ornaments, in russia leather slip case, Geneva, per P. Chouët, 1641, folio (84)

Peters, £12 IOS.

[This copy was a present from John George II., Elector of Saxony (1656-80), and had the following autograph inscription on fly-leaf: "Diese Bibell habe Ich mein treuer Diener Gabriel Angelo Batistini geben anno 1670 am Advent, Johannes Georgius Elector." - C Catalogue.]

5551 Bible. The Byble in Englishe, that is the Olde and New Byble Testament, after the translacion appoynted to be read in the Churches (a reprint of Cranmer's "Great" Bible in smaller size), black letter, divided into 5 parts, with woodcut titles to the second and thyrd parts and the N. T. short copy, several leaves including titles defective, mended and mounted, folio xxiii. of the first part printed on 2 separate leaves on one side of page only, bound in 2 vol., half calf, vellum sides, r. e., E. Whitchurche, 1549, small folio (85)

Tregaskis, £6 6s.

5552 Bible (Holy). King James's or Authorised Version, newly translated out of the Original Tongues, etc., with the Book of Common Prayer, Speed's Genealogies, and Whole Book of Psalms in metre by Sternhold and Hopkins, with apt notes, ruled throughout in red lines, in I vol., richly embroidered binding in silver and various coloured threads, g. e., Barker and Assigns of Bill, and Stat. Co., 1633, small 4to. (86) Pickering, £42

5553 Bible (Holy). King James's or Authorised Version (Cromwellian edition), ruled in red throughout, engraved title with view of Old London below, bound in 2 vol., contemporary English morocco, full gilt ornamental backs, the sides covered with elaborate gilt tooling of flower ornaments within diamond frame centres, the outside corners being filled with ornaments au pointillé, gilt and gauffred edges, a fine specimen of old English binding in the most perfect state of preservation, By John Field, one of his Highness's printers, 1658, 12mo. (87)

Peters, £19 10s.

5554 Bible (Holy). King James's or Authorised Version, ruled throughout in red lines, engraved title by Vaughan, old English morocco, gilt ornamental back, borders and centre ornaments, silver clasps and corners, g.e., Cambridge, J. Field, 1661, 8vo. (88)

W. Brown, £3 155.

5555 Bible Illustrations. La Vie de Moise representee par Figures, title and 71 woodcuts by Le Petit Bernard, within ornamental scroll borders, original separate edition, with quatrains in French, old russia gilt, g. e., à Lion par Jan de Tournes, 1560, small oblong 4to. (94)

Quaritch, £3

5556 Blundeville (Thomas). The Theoriques of the Seven Planets,

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leaf, black letter, calf, red edges, Henrie Bynneman for
Thomas Hacket, 1568, 4to. (294)
E. G. Allen, £40

[The first translation into English, and perhaps one of the most interesting of the early English books relating to America. It is, in fact, the earliest relating to Canada. The author gives a long account of that country, which he derived from Cartier, whom he calls "James Quartier.”— Catalogue.] 5507 Thomas (Gabriel). An Historical and Geographical Account of the Province and Country of Pensilvania, and of WestNew-Jersey in America. . . two parts in one volume, folding map, piece cut out of title mended in, first few leaves of text mended at the bottom inner corner, morocco, floriated borders, with doublure of blue morocco, broad gold border, by David, enclosed in a morocco slip case, A. Baldwin, 1698, small 8vo. (295) Quaritch, £109

[The first dedication begins with "Friend William Penn, I here present thee with a succinct (yet compleat) Account of the late Improvement, and present State of the Noble Province." . . . In the preface to the reader, the author says, "Nor is there the least question or doubt to be made but this Noble Spot of Earth will thrive exceedingly.”— Catalogue.]

5508 Thorovvgood (T.) Jevves In America, or Probabilities That the Americans are of that Race. With the Removall of some contrary reasonings and earnest desires for effectuall endeavours to make them Christian, morocco, g. e., W. H. for Tho. Slater, 1650, 4to. (297) Essex, £6 6s.

[Mr. Field remarks: "This is the first dissertation in English on that fertile subject of controversy and hypothesis, the origin of the American Indians. In 1652, Thorowgood's treatise was answered by Hamon L'Estrange, in a tract entitled 'Americans no Jewes,' London, 1652."-Catalogue.] 5509 Vaughan (Sir William). The Golden Fleece. Divided into three Parts... Translated from Cambrioll Cochos, out of the Southernmost Part of the Iland, commonly called Newfoundland, by Orpheus Junior, small hole in page 115, with the folding map of Newfoundland, frequently missing, morocco, g. e., by F. Bedford, Francis Williams, 1626, 4to. (304) Quaritch, £14 5510 Verardus-Columbus. In laudem Serenissimi Ferdinandi Hispaniar [um] regis Bethicæ & regni Granatæ obsidio victoria aud triumphus, Et de Insulis in mari Indico nuper inuentis, 36 unnumbered leaves, the Letter of Columbus filling the last seven and a half, 6 woodcuts, morocco, g. e., Basle, J. Bergman de Olpe, 1494, 4to. (305) Quaritch, £50

[Of the seven early Latin editions known of the Cosco translation of this celebrated Letter of Columbus, only two bear an actual date. This edition is doubly interesting by reason of the woodcuts. The Columbus Letter is here appended to a relation by Verardus of the capture of Granada by Ferdinand from the Moors.-Catalogue.]

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