Scotland. Views (Clark), 1627 Seine. Picturesque Tour (Sauvan), 1818 Sketches from Nature (Rowlandson), 1522 Thames, The (Westall and Owen), 6705 Westmoreland Illustrated (Fielding),6649 Berkshire (Ashmole), 5841 Cornwall, 5880 Derbyshire, 5884-85 Voyages and Travels (continued): America. Travels from N. Hampshire America. Voyages (Josselyn), 5458 Amérique Occidentale. Voyage de M. Bucaniers of America (Esquemeling),2951 to Carolina. New Voyage (Lawson), 5462 Cevennes Travels with a Donkey Chamouni. Voyage aux Glaciers, 582 Circumnavigation (Cook), 4131 Circumnavigation (Drake), 4826 Great Mogul and other Works, 4135-36 Voyages and Travels (continued): Scotland, Voyage Round (Daniell), 536 Sicily. Voyage Pittoresque (Houel), 4241 Surinam, Description of (Warren), 4580 260 Book-Prices Current. [OCTOBER 21ST AND TWO FOLLOWING DAYS, 1901.] PUTTICK & SIMPSON. A PORTION OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE PROFESSOR (No. of Lots, 869; amount realised, £775 6s.) 1 America. A List of Charters from the Commissioners for Trade and Plantations: Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode-Island, Pensylvania, Massachusets and Georgia, half calf, 1741, folio (596) H. Stevens, £1 18s. 2 America. The Case of Mr. John Gordon with respect to certain Lands in East Florida, 1772-The Opinion of Daniel Horsmanden on the Moheagan Indians, 1769-A Collection of Papers relating to Quebec, by F. Maseres, 1772, 4to. (567) H. Stevens, £9 10s. 3 Annals of Sporting, by Caleb Quizem and his Various Correspondents, vignette title and 28 coloured plates by Woodward and Rowlandson, original boards, uncut, 1809, 8vo. (345) Hornstein, £6 4 Astrology. Registrum Guidonis Bonati de forlivio, gothic letter. in double columns, many curious woodcuts and horoscopes, old oaken boards (wanted last leaf), August vind. E. Ratdolt, 1491, small 4to. (204) Ridler, £2 25. 5 Atkyns (Sir R.) Ancient and Present State of Gloucestershire, second edition, map and plates, calf, 1768 (807) Bensley, £5 10S. [Another copy of this same edition, but on large paper, realised £75s. (russia), and a third copy, also on large paper, £6 (russia), both at this same sale. The first edition was published in 1712, folio.-ED.] 6 Beckford (William). An Arabian Tale (Vathek) from an unpublished Manuscript, with Notes, calf, London, 1786, 8vo. (444) Denham, £195. 7 Bentley's Miscellany, vol. 1 to 23, illustrations by Cruikshank and Leech, half calf gilt, 1837-48, 8vo. (719). Maggs, £4 7s. 6d. [A series of 22 vol., in half morocco, realised £2 10s. at this same sale.-ED.] 8 Blair (R.) The Grave, first edition, plates by W. Blake, boards, uncut, 1808, 4to. (199) Karslake, I IOS. |