traliensis, 2008 Boissier (E.) Flora Orientales, 2164 Catalogue of Trees, Shrubs, etc. in the Grevillea, 2172 Curtis (W.) Botanical Magazine, 2012 Florist, Fruitist and Garden Miscellany, Fuchsius (L.) De Historia Stirpium, Garden, The (Journal), 2017 Greville (R. K.) Scottish Cryptogamic Harvey (W. H.) Phycologia Australica, Boxing: Egan (P.) Boxiana, 280 Chippendale (T.) Cabinet Maker's Jacquemart (A.) History of Furniture, 297 Richardson (Geo.) Ceilings, 1814 Richardson (Geo.) Chimney Pieces, 1153 work, 327 Sheraton (T.) ing Book, 1525 Cabinet-Maker's Draw- Cards. See Playing Cards Card Games: Gayton (E.) Chartæ Scriptæ, 3620 Jeux de Cartes Tarots, 6257 Carpets. See Tapestry Catalogues. See General Index Charts. See also Atlases Le Pautre (P.) Plans, etc. de la Chapelle du Chasteau de Versailles, 2200 2927 Chronicle begynnynge at the VII. Ages Chronique de Normandie, 4109 Cronica del Rey Rodrigo, 1367 Froissart's Chronicles, 193, 359 Heimskringla, The (Laing), 915 Lanquet's Chronicle, by Cooper, 1237 Recuyell of the Histories of Troye(Kelms- cott), 384-85 Rolewinck (W.) Fasciculus Temporum, Coaching (continued): Reynardson (C.) Down the Road, 6980 Roadster's Album, The, 6915 Tristram (W. O.) Coaching Days, 649 Conchology: Jeffreys (J. G.) British Conchology, Reeve (L.) Conchologia Iconica, 138 Cookery: Delices de la Campagne, Les, 660 Coronation Literature: Charles II., Coronation of (1651), 2107 2628 George IV., Coronation of. 5127 James II., Coronation of, 2674, 3336 Louis XV., Sacre de, 2806 Victoria, Coronation of, 2626-27, 2965 Costumes See General Index (Costumes) Crests. See Heraldry Crime and Criminals: Dekker (T.) Belman of London, The, Cruising. See Yachting Cyclopædias: Britannica, 1571 Of Painters (Champlin), 1434 Dancing: Ballets et Mascarades de Cour de Henry III. à Louis XI., 2296 Caroso (F.) Il Ballarino, 5321 Negri (C.) Inventioni di Balli, 5330 Fine Art Deer-Stalking, etc.: Collyns (C. P.) Chase of the Wild Red Grimble (A.) Deer-Stalking, 2330 Designs. See also Cabinet-Making, 5054 Shaw (H.) Illuminated Ornaments, 5001 Drama, The. See also Plays British Drama, Ancient and Modern, British Theatre (Bell), 594 Doran (Dr.) Their Majesties' Servants, Geneste (J.) The English Stage, 2120 Terry (D.) British Theatrical Gallery, 3902 Entomology: Barrett. Lepidoptera, 1896 Buckler (W.) Larvæ of Butterflies and Butler (A. G.) Lepidoptera Exotica, Curtis (J.) British Entomology, 106 Lang (H. C.) Butterflies of Europe, 122 Hemiptera of the British Islands, 1946 Smith (J. E.) Lepidopterous Insects of Wilson (O. S.) Larvæ of British Lepi- Ethnology. See Anthropology Falconry: Arcussia (C. D.) Fauconnerie, 5343 Berners (Juliana). Booke of Haukyng, Latham (S.) Faulcon's Lure and Cure, Sebright (Sir J. S.) Observations on Turberville (Geo.) Book of Falconrie, 5335 Farming. See Agriculture Angelo (H.) Fencing Positions, 5342 Angelo (H.) School of Fencing, 1346 Fabris (S.) De lo Schermo, 3137 Vezzani (A.) L'Esercizio di Picca, 5267 Fiction: Abbot, The (Scott), 6691 Christopher Tadpole (Albert Smith), 6995 Chrysal (Johnston), 666 Clarissa (Richardson), 5225 Comédie Humaine, La (Balzac), 264 783, 1825 Daltons, The (Lever), 1793 Diablo Cojuelo, El (Guevara), 5675 Emile (Rousseau), 3788 English Rogue (Head), 5701 English Spy, The (Westmacott), 807 Evelina (Burney), 6911 Fabliaux, or Tales (Le Grand), 3674 Ferdinand, Count Fathom (Smollett), 2149 Finish to Life in London, 2042 Fiction (continued): First Day's Entertainment at Rutland House (Davenant), 1067 Fortunes of Glencore (Lever), 2260 Fortunes of Nigel (Scott), 6694 Frank Fairleigh (Smedley), 2522 George à Greene. Pindar of Wakefield, George St. George Julian (Cockton), 2470 Great Expectations (Dickens), 3575 Gulliver's Travels (Swift), 1185 Gunnlang the Worm Tongue (Morris), lett), 3836 House of the Wolf (Weyman), 95 Inheritance, An (Ferrier), 4628 Jack Sheppard (Ainsworth), 2029 Jorrocks's Jaunts and Jollities (Surtees), Joseph Andrews (Fielding), 3599 to Lisbon, 911 Julie (Rousseau), 3787 King and Queen of Hearts, The (Lamb), King Florus (Kelmscott), 300 Lewis Arundel (Smedley), 1526 Master Humphrey's Clock (Dickens), 3193 Our Mess (Lever), 2597 Our Mutual Friend (Dickens), 877 Plain or Ringlets (Surtees), 2092 Real Life in London (Egan), 1371 Romany Rye, The (Borrow), 1037 Rose and the Ring (Thackeray), 1528 Saint James's (Ainsworth), 2031 Sentimental Journey, A (Sterne), 806 Sir Brook Fosbrooke (Lever), 1867 Soldiers Three (Kipling), 669 Specimens of German Romance (Soane), Sponge's Sporting Tour (Surtees), 2089-90 5142 Sylvie and Bruno (Carroll), 2922-23 Tale of Beowulf, 302 Tale of the Emperor Coustans, 301 Tales of My Landlord (Scott), 1164 Tales of the East (Weber), 1334 Tales of the Hall (Fitzgerald-Crabbe), Tales of the Trains (Lever), 6785 Ten Thousand a Year (Warren), 2156 Three Northern Love Stories (Morris), 3327 Valentine Vox (Cockton), 4121 Vathek (Beckford), 6 Vicar of Wakefield (Goldsmith), 626 Wanderer, The (Burney), 6207 Wild Wales (Borrow), 1747 Windsor Castle (Ainsworth), 2574 Woman in White, The (Collins), 1511 Woodstock (Scott), 1163 Zapolya (Coleridge), 6500 Fine Art. See also Views (a) Engraving. ings, 1477 Constable (John). English Landscape, Fine Art (continued): Cotman (J. S.) Etchings to illustrate Cruikshank's Works. Reid's Descriptive Cupid and Psyche. Woodcuts (Burne Scenes in the Dighton (R.) Prints to illustrate Tris- tram Shandy, 1974 Dürer (A.) Apocalypsis, 5646 Fagan (L.) Engraving in England, 281 Hamerton (P. G.) Etching and Etchers, |