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traliensis, 2008
Bertolonius (A.) Flora Italica, 2163
Besler (B.) Hortus Eystettensis, 6633
Blume (C. L.) Rumphia, 2009

Boissier (E.) Flora Orientales, 2164
Botanical Register, The, 3911
Brookshaw (G.) Pomona Britannica, 268
Buchoz (P. J.) Collections des Fleurs,

Catalogue of Trees, Shrubs, etc. in the
Gardens near London (1730), 4603
Columna (F.) Plantarum Historia, 4123
Cooke (M. C.) British Fungi, 2173
Cooke (M. C.) Fresh Water Algæ, 2174
Cooke (M. C.)

Grevillea, 2172

Curtis (W.) Botanical Magazine, 2012
Curtis (W.) Flora Londinensis, 2013
Desfontaines (R.) Flora Atlantica, 2180
Edwards (S.) Botanical Register, 2015
Elwes (H. J.) The Genus Lilium, 2016
Evelyn (Jno.) Sylva, 1080

Florist, Fruitist and Garden Miscellany,
The. 4460

Fuchsius (L.) De Historia Stirpium,

Garden, The (Journal), 2017
Gardener's Chronicle, The, 3912
Gaudin (J.) Flora Helvetica, 2189
Gerarde (J.) Herball, 896

Greville (R. K.) Scottish Cryptogamic
Flora, 2195

Harvey (W. H.) Phycologia Australica,

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Egan (P.) Boxiana, 280

Chippendale (T.) Cabinet Maker's
Director, 1282

Jacquemart (A.) History of Furniture,


Richardson (Geo.) Ceilings, 1814

Richardson (Geo.) Chimney Pieces, 1153
Sanders (W. B.) Carved Oak Wood-

work, 327

Sheraton (T.)

ing Book, 1525

Cabinet-Maker's Draw-

Cards. See Playing Cards

Card Games:

Gayton (E.) Chartæ Scriptæ, 3620

Jeux de Cartes Tarots, 6257

Carpets. See Tapestry

Catalogues. See General Index

Charts. See also Atlases

Le Pautre (P.) Plans, etc. de la Chapelle

du Chasteau de Versailles, 2200

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Chronicle begynnynge at the VII. Ages
of the Worlde. 5601

Chronique de Normandie, 4109
Chroniques Nationales Françaises, 6113
Cronica Cronicarum, 4110

Cronica del Rey Rodrigo, 1367
Eusebius. Chronicon, 4181
Fabian's Chronicles, 5652

Froissart's Chronicles, 193, 359
Grafton (R.) Chronicle, 1758
Halle (Ed.) Chronicle, 1758
Hardyng's Chronicle, 1230
Hearne (T.) Ancient Monkish Chron-
icles, 5680

Heimskringla, The (Laing), 915
Higden (R.) Polycronycon, 1109
Holinshed's Chronicles, 1758

Lanquet's Chronicle, by Cooper, 1237
Monstrelet's Chronicles, 4325
Nuremberg Chronicle, The, 638

Recuyell of the Histories of Troye(Kelms-

cott), 384-85

Rolewinck (W.) Fasciculus Temporum,

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Coaching (continued):

Reynardson (C.) Down the Road, 6980

Roadster's Album, The, 6915

Tristram (W. O.) Coaching Days, 649


Jeffreys (J. G.) British Conchology,

Reeve (L.) Conchologia Iconica, 138
Reeve (L.) Elements of Conchology, 139


Delices de la Campagne, Les, 660
English and French Cook, The, 1768
Glasse (Mrs.) Art of Cookery, 4638
Platina. Opusculum de Obsoniis, 1408

Coronation Literature:

Charles II., Coronation of (1651), 2107
George IV., Coronation of (1823), 1536
George IV., Coronation of (Nayler), 2142,


George IV., Coronation of. 5127

James II., Coronation of, 2674, 3336

Louis XV., Sacre de, 2806

Victoria, Coronation of, 2626-27, 2965

Costumes See General Index (Costumes)

Crests. See Heraldry

Crime and Criminals:

Dekker (T.) Belman of London, The,

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Cruising. See Yachting
Customs. See Folk Lore, Manners


Britannica, 1571

Of Painters (Champlin), 1434


Ballets et Mascarades de Cour de Henry

III. à Louis XI., 2296

Caroso (F.) Il Ballarino, 5321
Dansomanie, La, 6931

Negri (C.) Inventioni di Balli, 5330
Tabourot (Jean) Orchesographie, 5256
Decorative Art. See Architecture,

Fine Art

Deer-Stalking, etc.:

Collyns (C. P.) Chase of the Wild Red
Deer, 1534

Grimble (A.) Deer-Stalking, 2330
Lyddeker (R.) Deer of all Lands, 6462
Russell (R. F.) Deer-Stalking, 6475
Scrope (W.) Deer-Stalking, 1544
Shirley (E. P.) Deer and Deer Parks,

Designs. See also Cabinet-Making,

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Shaw (H.) Illuminated Ornaments, 5001
Verien (N.) Livre Curieux et Utile, 5821

Drama, The. See also Plays

British Drama, Ancient and Modern,

British Theatre (Bell), 594
British Theatre (Inchbald), 1472
Bulengerus (J. C.) De Theatro, 2898
Corneille (P.) Le Théâtre, 2764

Doran (Dr.) Their Majesties' Servants,

Geneste (J.) The English Stage, 2120
Heath (W.) Theatrical Characters, 6949
Inchbald's British Theatre, 1472
Molière (M. de). Théâtre Choisi, 4324
Oxberry. New English Drama, 2737
Prynne (W.) Histrio-Mastix, 2563

Terry (D.) British Theatrical Gallery,

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Barrett. Lepidoptera, 1896

Buckler (W.) Larvæ of Butterflies and
Moths, 102

Butler (A. G.) Lepidoptera Exotica,

Curtis (J.) British Entomology, 106
Donovan (E.) British Insects, 28
Donovan (E.) Insects of China, 1007
Donovan (E.) Insects of India, 1007
Drury (D.) Exotic Entomology, 2318
Fowler (Canon). Coleoptera, 1915
Humphreys and Westwood. Moths and
Butterflies, 120

Lang (H. C.) Butterflies of Europe, 122
Moore (F.) Lepidoptera of Ceylon, 132
Morris (F. O) British Moths, 1602

Hemiptera of the British

Islands, 1946

Smith (J. E.) Lepidopterous Insects of
Georgia, 4707

Wilson (O. S.) Larvæ of British Lepi-
doptera, 150

Ethnology. See Anthropology
Fables. See Folk Lore


Arcussia (C. D.) Fauconnerie, 5343
Belamy (J. C.) Treatise on Falconry,

Berners (Juliana). Booke of Haukyng,
Hunting, etc., 5543

Latham (S.) Faulcon's Lure and Cure,

Sebright (Sir J. S.)
Hawking, 5379

Observations on

Turberville (Geo.) Book of Falconrie,


Farming. See Agriculture

Angelo (H.)

Fencing Positions, 5342

Angelo (H.) School of Fencing, 1346
Capoferro (R.) Lo Scherma, 5114
De Liancourt (S.) Le Maistre d'Armes,

Fabris (S.) De lo Schermo, 3137
Hope (Sir W.) Fencing Master, 212
Rowlandson (T.) Hungarian and High-
land Broad Sword, 2000

Vezzani (A.) L'Esercizio di Picca, 5267


Abbot, The (Scott), 6691
Actæon and Diana (R. Cox), 5613
Adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys
(Mayhew), 2041
Adventures of Philip (Thackeray), 576
Alice's Adventures Underground (Fac-
simile MS.), 2921
Amelia (Fielding), 3602
Amyntas (Leigh Hunt), 551
Anne of Geierstein (Scott), 1163
Antiquary, The (Scott), 4703
Arabian Nights. See General Index
Arthur O'Leary (Lever), 744
Ask Mamma (Surtees), 1183
Battle of London Life, 1070
Camilla (Burney), 855
Cassandra (Cotterell), 5609
Castle of Otranto (Walpole), 3892
Cecilia (Burney), 1998
Charles O'Malley (Lever), 2072
Christmas Carol (Dickens), 25

Christopher Tadpole (Albert Smith), 6995
Chronicles of the Canongate (Scott), 1163

Chrysal (Johnston), 666

Clarissa (Richardson), 5225

Comédie Humaine, La (Balzac), 264
Comic Tales and Sketches (Thackeray),

783, 1825

Daltons, The (Lever), 1793
Davenport Dunn (Lever), 2073
David Copperfield (Dickens), 2055
Deacon Brodie (Stevenson), 3030
Débacle, La (Zola), 2376
Decameron (Boccaccio), 266
Desperate Remedies (Hardy), 1539
Devereux (Lytton), 1043

Diablo Cojuelo, El (Guevara), 5675
Doctor Birch (Thackeray), 93
Don Quixote (Cervantes), 707

Emile (Rousseau), 3788
Emma (Austen), 3306

English Rogue (Head), 5701

English Spy, The (Westmacott), 807

Evelina (Burney), 6911

Fabliaux, or Tales (Le Grand), 3674
Felissa, or a Kitten of Sentiment, 4556

Ferdinand, Count Fathom (Smollett),


Finish to Life in London, 2042

Fiction (continued):

First Day's Entertainment at Rutland

House (Davenant), 1067

Fortunes of Glencore (Lever), 2260

Fortunes of Nigel (Scott), 6694

Frank Fairleigh (Smedley), 2522

George à Greene. Pindar of Wakefield,

George St. George Julian (Cockton), 2470
German Popular Stories (Grimm), 1441
Gil Blas (Le Sage), 2201

Great Expectations (Dickens), 3575
Greatest Plague of Life (Mayhew), 1066
Greenwich Hospital (Barker), 6630
Gulliver Revived, 3729

Gulliver's Travels (Swift), 1185

Gunnlang the Worm Tongue (Morris),

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lett), 3836

House of the Wolf (Weyman), 95
Humourist, The (Cruikshank), 716
Humphrey Clinker (Smollett), 3835
Hundred Merry and Delightsome Stories,
A, 87

Inheritance, An (Ferrier), 4628
Irish Sketch Book (Thackeray), 826
Ivanhoe (Scott), 4704

Jack Sheppard (Ainsworth), 2029
James the Second (Ainsworth), 2032
Jealous Lovers, The (Randolph), 5224
John Inglesant (Shorthouse), 1950
Jonathan Wild (Fielding), 3603

Jorrocks's Jaunts and Jollities (Surtees),

Joseph Andrews (Fielding), 3599
Journal of a Landsman from Portsmouth

to Lisbon, 911

Julie (Rousseau), 3787
Kenilworth (Scott), 6693

King and Queen of Hearts, The (Lamb),

King Florus (Kelmscott), 300
Lancashire Witches (Ainsworth), 1849
Lazarillo, History of (Hurtado de Men-
doça), 5696

Lewis Arundel (Smedley), 1526
Life in London (Egan), 1537
Life in Paris (Carey), 274
Little Dorrit (Dickens), 876
Lorna Doone (Blackmore), 2616
Luttrell of Arran (Lever), 2074
Martin Chuzzlewit (Dickens), 26

Master Humphrey's Clock (Dickens),

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Our Mess (Lever), 2597

Our Mutual Friend (Dickens), 877
Parish Sketch Book (Thackeray), 6318
Pendennis (Thackeray), 2094
Peregrine Pickle (Smollett), 1171
Peter Schlemihl (Fouqué), 3291
Peter Wilkins (Paltock), 3759
Peveril of the Peak (Scott), 6684
Pickwick Papers (Dickens), 537
Pic Nic Papers, 725
Pilgrims of the Rhine (Lytton), 6272
Pirate, The (Scott), 6696

Plain or Ringlets (Surtees), 2092
Points of Misery (Westmacott), 94
Pride and Prejudice (Austen), 1740
Prince Dorus (Lamb), 6615
Prince of Abyssinia (Johnson), 2647
Professor, The (Bronte), 2304
Queen of the Fishes (Rust), 5312
Quentin Durward (Scott), 3013
Rasselas (Johnson), 2647
Real Life in Ireland, 1012

Real Life in London (Egan), 1371
Rebecca and Rowena (Thackeray), 2610
Recueil de Romances Historiques, 241
Red Rover, The (J. F. Cooper), 1512
Redgauntlet (Scott), 968
Reynard the Fox (1550), 3006
Reynard the Fox (Kelmscott), 388-89
Rob Roy (Scott), 6689
Robinson Crusoe (De Foe), 613
Roderick Random (Smollett), 1170
Romancero General, 6794

Romany Rye, The (Borrow), 1037
Romford's Hounds (Surtees), 2091
Romola (George Eliot), 1632
Rookwood (Ainsworth), 3427
Rosamond Gray (Lamb), 4994

Rose and the Ring (Thackeray), 1528
Roxana (De Foe), 4616

Saint James's (Ainsworth), 2031
Scaramouche, History of the Life of
(Constantine), 2935

Sentimental Journey, A (Sterne), 806
Serjeant Bell and his Raree Show
(Dickens), 1069

Sir Brook Fosbrooke (Lever), 1867
Sir Charles Grandison (Richardson), 2666
Sir Launcelot Greaves (Smollett), 3833
Sketches by "Boz" (Dickens), 2050

Soldiers Three (Kipling), 669

Specimens of German Romance (Soane),

Sponge's Sporting Tour (Surtees), 2089-90

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Sylvie and Bruno (Carroll), 2922-23
Tale of a Tub (Swift), 5255

Tale of Beowulf, 302

Tale of the Emperor Coustans, 301
Tale of Two Cities (Dickens), 180-81
Tales from Shakespeare (Lamb), 5179
Tales of Humour, 1369

Tales of My Landlord (Scott), 1164
Tales of Other Days (Akerman), 155
Tales of Passed Times (Perrault), 6387
Tales of Terror (Lewis), 2500

Tales of the East (Weber), 1334

Tales of the Hall (Fitzgerald-Crabbe),

Tales of the Trains (Lever), 6785
Talisman, The (Borrow), 1034

Ten Thousand a Year (Warren), 2156

Three Northern Love Stories (Morris),

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Valentine Vox (Cockton), 4121
Vanity Fair (Thackeray), 636

Vathek (Beckford), 6

Vicar of Wakefield (Goldsmith), 626
Virginians, The (Thackeray), 2096

Wanderer, The (Burney), 6207
Wandering Jew (Sue), 3295
Waverley (Scott), 968

Wild Wales (Borrow), 1747

Windsor Castle (Ainsworth), 2574

Woman in White, The (Collins), 1511

Woodstock (Scott), 1163

Zapolya (Coleridge), 6500

Fine Art. See also Views

(a) Engraving.

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ings, 1477

Constable (John). English Landscape,

Fine Art (continued):

Cotman (J. S.) Etchings to illustrate
Dibdin's Tour, 712

Cruikshank's Works. Reid's Descriptive
Catalogue, 957

Cupid and Psyche. Woodcuts (Burne
Jones) to Illustrate, 455
De Gheyn (Jacques).
Life of Christ, 6359

Scenes in the

Dighton (R.) Prints to illustrate Tris-

tram Shandy, 1974

Dürer (A.) Apocalypsis, 5646
Dürer (A.) Icones Sacræ, 1228
Dürer Society, Reproductions of the, 357
Estampes en Couleurs (1885-88), 6872
Evelyn (Jno.) Sculptura, 5147

Fagan (L.) Engraving in England, 281
Faithorne (W.) Art of Engraving, 6240
Flaxman (J.) Outline Compositions, 4835
Frankau (Julia) Colour Prints, 2397
Goya (F.), Etchings by, 1377-78
Guercino, Prints after (Bartolozzi), 2724
Haden (Seymour). Etudes à l'eau Forte,

Hamerton (P. G.) Etching and Etchers,

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