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vocal and instrumental music was composed by Dr. Charles
Coleman, Capt. Henry Cook, Mr. Henry Lawes, and Mr.
George Hudson. This piece contains curious notices of
London localities. Rutland House was in Aldersgate
This so-called opera was first acted on
Nov. 22, 1656, and the price of admission was five shillings,
four hundred were expected but only one hundred and
fifty came. The piece consists of four long speeches by
Diogenes and Aristophanes and by a Parisian and an
Englishman respectively on the propriety of dramatic

1068 De Liancourt (S.) Le Maistre d'Armes ou l'Exercise de l'Epée seule, dans sa perfection Dédiée à Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne, frontispiece, and 14 plates engraved by Perelle, original calf, Paris, 1686, oblong 4to. (736)

Rimell, £10 10S. 1069 [Dickens.] Sergeant Bell and his Raree Show, first edition, numerous engravings on wood by G. Cruikshank and others, original cloth, Tegg, 1839, 16mo. (762)

Shepherd, £4 12s. 6d. [Slater says: "Dickens wrote a portion of a work entitled 'Sergeant Bell and his Raree Show,' which was illustrated by George Cruikshank. London: Tegg, 1839, pp. viii.-447, square 16mo. This book is very scarce, a clean copy in the original gilt cloth selling by auction for about £9." A copy sold in December last for £13.-Catalogue.] 1070 Dickens (C.) The Battle of London Life, or Boz and his Secretary, first edition, illustrations by G. A. Sala (including a full-length portrait of "Boz" in his study), calf extra, by Zaehnsdorf, t. e. g., the original covers bound in, 1849, 8vo. (763) Craddock, 1 18s. 1071 Dickens (C.) Oliver Twist, or the Parish Boy's Progress, 3 vol., first edition (p. 5 vol. iii. mended), plates by G. Cruikshank, including the cancelled plate of Rose Maylie and Oliver, original cloth, uncut, 1838, 8vo. (766)

Hornstein, £1 45. 1072 Dickens (C.) No Thoroughfare, a Drama in five acts (altered by Wilkie Collins from the Christmas Story for performance on the stage), first edition, calf extra, original wrapper bound in, by Rivière, 1867, 8vo. (769)

Denham, £5 12s. 6d. 1073 Dictionary. Sex Linguarum, Latinæ, Gallicæ, Hispanicæ, Italicæ, Anglicæ & Teutonicæ dillicidissimus dictionarius, miram quam utilis nec dicam necessarius omnibus linguarum studiosis, old half calf, Nurnberg, 1548, 8vo. (771)


[One of the earliest dictionaries of English and foreign languages. Catalogue.]

1074 Doran (Dr.) London in Jacobite Times, first edition, 2 vol., morocco extra, t. e. g., uncut, 1877, 8vo. (776)

Collier, £11 5s. [Extra illustrated by the insertion of many Autograph Letters of distinguished persons, including Lord Lansdowne

(the Dramatist), Sir Edward Northey (to the Duchess of Marlborough), Voltaire, Duke of Grafton, Shenstone, James Hogg, T. Dibdin, Mrs. Fitzherbert, Mrs. Piozzi, Benjamin West, William IV. (to George IV.), John Wesley, Lord Liverpool, J. G. Lockhart, and others. The whole of the above were autograph letters signed.-Catalogue.] 1075 Dublin. Twelve Original Coloured Views in Dublin in 1820, designed by S. F. Brocas and engraved by H. Brocas, crushed morocco, super extra, floreate ornaments, inside borders, by Morrell (Dublin), 1820, royal oblong folio (986) Edwards, £7 10s.

1076 Effigies Poeticæ; or, the Portraits of the British Poets, illustrated by Notes, biographical, critical and poetical, LARGE PAPER, 138 portraits, India proofs, 2 vol., half morocco, t. e. g., uncut, Carpenter, 1824, royal 4to. (728)

A. Jackson, £5 5s. 1077 Elliott (D. G.) Monograph of the Tetraonidae, or Family of the Grouse, 25 plates of coloured life-size figures, morocco super extra, g. e., New York, published by the author, 1865, atlas folio (988) Sotheran, £6 15s. 1078 Estat de la Grande Bretagne Restably en Gloire, ou La Juste Esperance Conceve dans le Livre suivant cruellement frustrée, renouvellée par les motifs contenus dans le précédent. Avec les trois tailles douces representant les trois Chambres du Parlement d'Angleterre, etc., portraits of Charles II. and Queen Henrietta Maria, and 3 folding plates by Moncornet, calf, 1648, 4to. (732) Sotheran, £10 [This extraordinarily scarce volume appears to be a wholly undescribed re-issue intended for publication, and, perhaps, withdrawn, of a tract with the same plates printed in 1648 under the title of "Discours du bon et Loial Sujet." In the imprint occurs, "Le tout se vendra par l'ordre de l'Auteur rue (blank) l'Enseigne de (blank)." No other copy seems to be known.-Catalogue.]

1079 Evangiles (Les) des Dimanches et Fêtes de l'Année, avec l'Appendice, printed within illuminated borders, with miniatures after ancient MSS. and numerous other illustrations, 2 vol., half morocco, g. e., Paris, Curmer (1862), 4to. (733) Edwards, £7 5s. 1080 Evelyn (John). Silva, a Discourse of Forest-Trees, and the Propagation of Timber, with Notes by Dr. Hunter . . to which is added the Terra, 2 vol., portrait and numerous plates, calf gilt, m. e., York, 1812, 4to. (734) £2 25. 1081 Fénélon. Les Avantures de Télémaque fils d'Ulysse, 2 vol., portrait by Duflos and numerous plates, first edition, tall copy in the original calf binding, Paris, F. Delaulne, 1717, 8vo. (793) J. L. White, £2 11S. 1082 Ferne (John). The Blazon of Gentrie; devided into two parts; the first named The Glorie of Generositie; the second, Lacyes Nobilitie, LARGE PAPER, the coats-of-arms emblazoned, russia extra, g. e., 1586, 4to. (737) Bayley, £17 1083 Fielding (H.) Works, with an Essay on his Life and Genius

by A. Murphy, 10 vol., best edition, portrait after Hogarth, calf gilt, 1821, 8vo. (794) Sotheran, £4 8s. 1084 Fitzgerald (Edward). Euphranor, a Dialogue on Youth, first edition, in the original cloth, Pickering, 1851 (796) Shepherd, £5 7s. 6d. [Very rare. The author's first publication, of which only a very small number of copies were printed.—Catalogue.] 1085 Fitzherbert (A.) La Nouvelle Natura brevium, compose par Guilliaume Rastell, black letter, title within woodcut border, old calf, Imprinted at London by Rycharde Tottell dwelling in Fleet Streat, at the signe of the hand and starre within Temple barre, 1567, 8vo. (798) Adams, £1 12S.

[With autograph on title of Sir William Cornwallis, author of “Essays," 1600, and "The Praise of King Richard the Third," 1617; also autograph of Richard Huxley and a few MS. notes.-Catalogue.]

1086 Forsyth (J. S.) The Antiquary's Portfolio, or Cabinet Selection of Historical and Literary Curiosities, extra illustrated with over 300 portraits and other engravings, 2 vol., half morocco gilt, t. e. g., uncut, by Larkins, G. Wightman, 1825, 8vo. (801) Tregaskis, £4 1087 Freemasonry. The Secret Revealed!! and the Mystic Beauties of Free Masonry Developed!! by an ancient Brother, uncut, 1820-An Epistle from Dick Poney, Esq., Grand-Master of the Right Black-Guard Society of ScaldMiserable Masons, from his House in Dirty Lane, Westminster, to Nick P-n, Esq., Grand-Master of the Scoundrel Gazetteer Legion at his Chambers in Newgate, 1742, 8vo. (803) Maggs, £3 7s. 6d. 1088 Carrick (D.) Catalogue of his Engravings, etc. sold by Mr. Christie, 1825, 8vo. (808) Pearson, £1 [Contains Shakespeare Relics, including the famous Cup from Shakespeare's Mulberry Tree, presented to Garrick at the Stratford Jubilee.-Catalogue.]

1089 Gerarde (John). The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes, engraved title and portrait by W. Rogers, title torn and mended, and some leaves of index mended, last leaf of English index wanted a few words at bottom corner, it had the leaf of Supplement to English index so often wanting, first edition, calf, 1597, folio (993) Tregaskis, £8 17s. 6d. 1090 Gerarde (John). The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes, very much enlarged and amended by T. Johnson, engraved title by Jo. Payne, and numerous woodcuts, old calf, A. Islip, etc., 1633, folio (994) Tregaskis, £8 2s. 6d. 1091 Gilchrist (A.) Life of William Blake, with Selections from his Poems and other Writings, 2 vol., first edition, portrait and numerous illustrations, original cloth, 1863, 8vo. (813) Sotheran, £125. 1092 Gildon (C.) Measure for Measure, or Beauty the Best Advocate, as it is Acted at the Theatre in Lincoln's-Inn Fields, first edition, calf extra, g. e., 1700, 4to. (937)

Stone, £1 14s.

[According to Steevens, this is the only alteration of "Measure for Measure." It is said, on the title-page, to have been "written originally by Mr. Shakespear, and now very much altered with additions of several entertainments of musick." The prologue was written by Oldmixon, and spoken by Betterton. The epilogue was also by Oldmixon. -Catalogue.]

1093 Gilliers.

Le Cannameliste Français, frontispiece and 13 folding plates by Lotha, after Dupuis, contemporary morocco extra, the sides and back elaborately tooled, with device in centre surmounted by a ducal coronet, gilt leaves, A Nancy, 1751, 4to. (938) B. F. Stevens, £9

[The dedication copy. The volume contains fine illustrations of old French silver plate.-Catalogue. and inferior edition appeared in 1768.-ED.]

A later

1094 Goff (Thomas). Three Excellent Tragedies, viz., The Raging Turk, or Bajazet the Second-The Courageous Turk, or Amurath the First-The Tragoedie of Orestes, written by Thomas Goff, Master of Arts and Student of ChristChurch in Oxford, and Acted by the Students of the same House, calf, 1656, 8vo. (817) Maine, £4 6s.

[At the end is the Catalogue of Books, printed for Bedell and Collins; amongst those advertised is "The Merry Wives of Windsor," by Shakespeare. No copy of this edition (if ever printed) is known.—Catalogue.]

1095 Gould (John). Birds of Asia, parts 1 to 20, numerous large coloured plates, in the original boards, Published by the author, 1850-68, folio (995) Sotheran, £10 1096 Gould (John). Monograph of the Trochilidae, or Humming Birds, with 360 coloured plates, 5 vol., morocco extra, gilt backs and edges, 1861, folio (996) Young, £51 1097 Gravelot (H. F.) Iconologie par Figures ou traité complet des Allégoires, Emblemes, etc. ouvrage utile aux artistes, aux amateurs, et pouvant servir à l'éducation des jeunes personnes, plates by Gravelot and Cochin, LARGE PAPER, 4 vol., original boards, uncut, Paris, chez Le Pau, s. d., 8vo. (820) Hayley, £6 10s. 1098 Gray (Thomas). Poems, first edition, with half-title, original calf, Dodsley, 1768, 8vo. (821) Dupre, £125. 1099 Gronow (Captain). Reminiscences, the four series, all first editions, 4 vol., half calf gilt, 1862-66, 8vo. (822)

Hornstein, £2 8s. 1100 [Gray (Thomas).] An Elegy written in a Country Church Yard, half morocco extra, uncut, Dodsley, 1751, 4to. (940) Dobell, £2 2s.

[The fourth edition, corrected. Printed in the same year as the first edition and contains a stanza not included in the first edition, rare in uncut state.-Catalogue.] 1101 Harper (C. G.) The Bath Road, Dover Road, Exeter Road, Great North Road, and Portsmouth Road, together 6 vol., full-page and other illustrations by the author, and from old prints and pictures, uncut, 1895-1901,8vo.(826) Maurice, £2

1102 Harris (Stanley). Old Coaching Days, illustrated by John Sturgess, original cloth, 1882, 8vo. (829)

J. Bumpus, £2 10s. 1103 Hawker (P.) Instructions to Young Sportsmen, first edition, original boards, uncut, 1814, 8vo. (831) Sotheran, £4 8s. 1104 Hayley (W.) Life of George Romney, Esq., portraits and plates after Romney, including portraits of Lady Hamilton, the imprint on two plates cut into, half calf, with ex-libris of Sir B. Hobhouse, Chichester, 1809, 4to. (946)

Edwards, £3 18s. 1105 [Haywarde (Sir John).] The First Part of the Life and Reign of Henry the IIII., written by I. H., calf extra, g. e., J. Wolfe, 1599, small 4to. (947) Dodsworth, £ 6s.

[The rare first issue before the title was changed to read, "The Life and Reign" (etc.) No second part appeared. "This history, dedicated to the Earl of Essex, highly irritated Queen Elizabeth, and she employed Bacon to search the book for treason."-Lowndes. For a long account of the proceedings taken against the author see Index Expurgatorius Anglicanus," page 35 et seq.—ED.] 1106 Helps (Sir A.) Thoughts in the Cloister and the Crowd, first edition, original boards, uncut, 1835, 8vo. (912)

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Stone, £15s. [Very scarce, having been suppressed by the author. was his earliest work, and was printed at Cambridge during his residence at Trinity College, where he followed shortly after Thackeray, Hallam and Tennyson, whose poem of Enone is quoted in this little volume.-Catalogue.] 1107 Henry VIII. at his Parlyament holden in London the XV. April XIIII. yere of his reygne for the Weale and Profyte of this his Realme . . . both made and enacted certayne statutes and ordinaunces in manner and form following (concerning the Worsted Weavers of Yermouth and Lynne, concerning Physitions, the Welde of Kent, Huntynge the Hare, etc.), black letter, large clean copy, unbound, T. Berthelet, n. d. (1540), folio (998)

Hazlitt, £5 7s. 6d. 1108 Herrera (Ant. de). Historia General de los Hechos de los Castellanos en las Islas I Tierra Firme del Mar Oceano, Decades Ocho, primera edicion, engraved titles and maps, 4 vol., old marbled calf gilt, r. e. (the Descripciones de las Indias Occidentales at end of vol. iv.), Madrid, Imprenta Real, 1601-15, folio (999) Vivian, £2 5s.

1109 Higden (Ranulph). Polychronicon (translated out of Latin into English by John of Trevisa), black letter [contains text, folios i.-cccxvi. (should have cccxlvi.) and I leaves of Tables only, gg and hh], all the leaves being sound and in very good condition (sold not subject to return), calf [Westminster, by Wynkyn de Worde, 1495], folio (1000) Leighton, £7 10S. [Extremely rare, and a fine production of de Worde's

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