... 5511 Virginia Richly Valued by the description of the maine land of Florida her next neigbour: Out of the foure yeeres continuall trauell and discouerie of Don Ferdinando de Soto, etc., written by a Portugall gentleman of Eluas, and translated out of Portuguese by Richard Haklvyt half morocco, Felix Kyngston for Matthew Lownes, 1609 (306) H. Stevens, £6 15s. [The name of the original author, as Hakluyt says in the Epistle Dedicatorie of the volume, "is not set downe." Of his Portuguese text, printed at Evora in 1557, very few copies are known.-Catalogue.] 5512 Virginia. Nova Britannia, Offring Most Excellent fruites by Planting in Virginia. Exciting all such as be well affected to further the same, woodcut of ship on title, morocco, g. e., by F. Bedford, For Samuel Macham, 1609, 4to. (307) B. F. Stevens, £35 [After Smith's "True Relation" of 1608, this is the first printed book relating to the English settlements in Virginia. There are three, if not four, editions or variations. Some copies have not the ship on the title-page, and the third word is differently spelt "offering " or "offring." The dedication is signed R. I. (supposed to be Robert Johnson) in some copies, while in others these initials do not appear. The greatest textual difference occurs on the recto of D4. This copy had only three paragraphs on that page. Another, probably a later edition, has four. This difference was brought about by the omission of the sentence, "As also euery Planter and Adventurer shall be inserted in the Patent by name." The new Charter was not signed by the King until May 23rd, 1609, having been kept open to receive the names of the "Planters and Adventurers." It seems probable, therefore, that the edition or editions without the above sentence were printed after this date. Date cut into, but had the preliminary leaf marked "A." From Almon W. Griswold's collection, with his arms on the front side of the binding.--Catalogue.] the 5513 Virginia. The New Life of Virginia. Declaring the former successe and present estate of that plantation, being second part of Nova Britannia. Published by the authoritie of his Majesties Counsell of Virginea, levant morocco, g. e., Felix Kyngston, 1612, 4to. (308) B. F. Stevens, £40 5514 Virginia. Observations to be Followed for the making of fit roomes to keepe Silke-Wormes in, as also for the best manner of planting of Mulberry trees to feed them. Published by authority for the Benefit of the Noble Plantation in Virginia, morocco extra, g. e., by Zaehnsdorf, Felix Kyngston, 1620, 4to. (309) Quaritch, £20 5515 Virginia. A Declaration of the State of the Colony and Affaires in Virginia. With the Names of the Adventurors, and Summes adventured in that Action. By his Maiesties Counseil for Virginia, 22 Junii, 1620, pagination of some leaves cut into, few leaves mended in the back margin, morocco extra, g. e., by F. Bedford, Printed by T. S., 1620, [Several issues of this book appeared in the same year. The early ones consisted of a number of pieces separately paged and presumably issued at intervals, as the information came to hand. The present copy is of the latest issue, when all the separate pieces were reprinted under one continuous pagination (97pp.) and register.-Catalogue.] 5516 Ward (Nathaniel). The Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America. Willing to help 'mend his native Country lamentably tattered, both in the upper leather and sole, with all the honest stitches he can take. And as willing never to bee paid for his work, by Old English wonted pay, calf, John Dever and Robert Ibbitson, for Stephen Bowtell, 1647, 4to. (312) Maggs, £4 6s. [The rare first edition, ending with two stanzas on page 80 besides "The Clench."-Catalogue.] 5517 Welde (Thomas). A Short Story of the Rise, Reign and Ruin of the Antinomians, Familists and Libertines that infected the churches of New England, and how they were confuted by the Assembly of Ministers there, as also of the Magistrates proceedings in Court against them, uncut copy, but having a few leaves mended, and restored in facsimile where necessary, morocco, g. t., by W. Pratt, Ralph Smith, 1644, 4to. (316) H. Stevens, £4 45. [This book having been printed on paper too small for the page of type, is nearly always found badly cut into. Even in this uncut copy the paper in some leaves is not large enough to take all the type. -Catalogue.] 5518 Welde (Thomas). Antinomians and Familists condemned by the Synod of Elders in New England, with the Proceedings of the Magistrates against them and their apology for the same. Together with a memorable example of God's Judgements upon some of those Persons so proceeded against, uncut copy, crushed levant morocco, g.e., by F. Bedford, Ralph Smith, 1644 (317) Maggs, £6 17s. 6d. 5519 Welde (Thomas). An Answer to W. R. his Narration of the Opinions and Practises of the Churches lately erected in New England, few leaves slightly cut into in sidenotes or catchwords, morocco, g.e., by F. Bedford, Tho. Paine for H. Overton, 1644, 4to. (318) H. Stevens, £5 Ios. [Welde was associated with John Eliot and Richard Mather in the production of the "Bay Psalm Book." A native of England, he went to America in 1632 and was ordained minister at Roxbury.-Catalogue.] 5520 Whitbourne (Captain Richard). A Discovrse and Discovery of Nevv-found-land, with many reasons to prooue how worthy and beneficiall a Plantation may there be made, after a far better manner than now it is, Felix Kyngston for William Barret, 1620-A Discourse containing a loving invitation both honourable and profitable to all such as shall be Adventurers either in person or purse for the advancement of his Majesties Plantation in the NewFound-land, Felix Kingston, 1622, 2 vol. in 1, the first edition of both parts separately issued, fine copies in the original vellum, with silk ties, enclosed in a levant morocco slip case, 1620-1622, 4to. (321) H. Stevens, £33 5521 Whitbourne (Richard). A Discovrse and Discovery of Newfovnd-land, with many reasons, etc., morocco, dull gold edges, by the Club Bindery, Felix Kingston, 1622, 4to. (322) Essex, £3 35. [This second edition comprises the "Discourse," with alterations, together with the "Loving Invitation" appended, instead of being issued separately. It also contains at the end 15 pages of Letters from Newfoundland, dated 1622, including an account of Avolon, the colony founded by Sir George Calvert, and abandoned in favour of Maryland. At the end is a Broadside, one page folio, dated September 16, 1622, signed by the Bishop of London, furthering a request from the Archbishop of Canterbury for all clergymen to take up collections for the reimbursement of Whitbourne, and the advancement of the Newfoundland plantation.-Catalogue.] 5522 Williams (Edward). Virgo Triumphans, or Virginia richly and truly valued, more especially the South-part thereof, viz., the Fertile Carolina and no less excellent Isle of Roanoak. Humbly presented as the Auspice of a beginning year to the Parliament of England and Councell of State, with the blank leaf preceding title, last 4 leaves spliced in the bottom margin, morocco, by W. Pratt, Thomas Harper for John Stephenson, 1650, 4to. (326) Quaritch, £15 5523 Williams (Edward). Virginia, more especially the South part thereof, richly and truly valued, viz., the fertile Carolana, etc., the second edition, with Addition of the Discovery of Silkworms, with their benefit, also the dressing of vines for the rich trade of making wines in Virginia, etc., morocco extra, g. e., by F. Bedford, folding map, mounted on linen and defective, woodcuts of silkworms, etc., last leaf mended and several words restored in facsimile, T. H. for John Stephenson, 1650, 4to. (327) H. Stevens, £17 [The map is very rare. It exists in several states, and the present copy is of the second issue with the imprint at the foot, Domina Virginia Farrer Collegit. Are sold by I. Stephenson at ye Sunn below Ludgate, 1651. At the top is a portrait of Sir Francis Drake, with an inscription relating to his Province of New Albion, which it is stated may be reached in ten days' march.--Catalogue.] 5524 Williams (Roger, of Providence in New England). Mr. Cotton's Letter Lately Printed, Examined and Answered, morocco, Imprinted in the yeere 1644, 8vo. (328) Quaritch, £6 5525 Williams (Roger). The Bloody Tenent Yet More Bloody by Mr. Cotton's endeavour to wash it White in the Blood of the Lambe . . . also as a Testimony to Mr. Clark's Narra tive is added a Letter to Mr. Endicot, Governor of the Massachusetts in N. E., original sheepskin, Giles Calvert, 1652, 4to. (329) Quaritch, £52 [With autographs on fly-leaves, "Thomas Bolgey and Barbery Bolgey Book, April 19th, 1722," also "Thos. Bolgey, 1732."-Catalogue.] 5526 Wilson (Samuel). An Account of the Province of Carolina in America. Together with an Abstract of the Patent and several other necessary and useful Particulars, to such as have thoughts to transporting themselves thither, morocco extra, uncut, by Pratt, corners of some leaves repaired, G. Larkin for Francis Smith, 1682, 4to. (331) H. Stevens, £7 15s. 5527 Winsor (Justin). Narrative and Critical History of America, many illustrations, the 8 volumes complete in the original 24 parts, in printed wrappers, uncut, as issued, one or two wrappers defective, Boston, 1886, etc., imperial 8vo. (332) Edwards, £6 2s. 6d. 5528 Zarate. (Augustine). The Discouerie and Conquest of the Prouinces of Peru, and the Nauigation in the South Sea, arong along that Coast. And also of the ritche Mines of Potosi. [Second title:) the strange and delectable History of the Discouerie and Conquest of the Prouinces of Peru. Translated out of the Spanish tongue by S. Nicholas, large woodcut on title, "The Riche Mines of Potossi," also curious woodcuts in the text, black letter, morocco extra, g. e., Richard Jhones, 1581, 4to. (337) Quaritch, £22 [Zarate lived for some time in Peru, and his book is valuable from its recital of facts by an eye-witness. Prescott particularly calls attention to his accuracy, and other writers have been indebted to him.-Catalogue.] [JUNE LITH AND THREE FOLLOWING DAYS, 1902.] SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE. A SELECTION OF BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS FROM THE LIBRARY OF SIR ANDREW FOUNTAINE, OF NARFORD HALL, NORFOLK, COLLECTED BY HIM DURING THE REIGNS OF QUEEN ANNE AND KINGS GEORGE I. AND II. (No. of Lots, 940; amount realised, £10,732 3s. 6d.) 5529 Æsop. Fables, paraphras'd in Verse and adorn'd with Sculptures, by John Ogilby, first edition, portrait, frontispiece and engravings by J. Clein, old panelled calf, sprinkled edges, T. Warren for A. Crook, 1651, small 4to. (4) Pickering, £7 5s. 5530 Æsop. Fables, with his Life, in English, French and Latin, newly translated, illustrated with 112 sculptures, proofs, and 31 new figures representing his Life, by Francis Barlow (plate 17 intact), with frontispiece, Cavendish arms and engraved title, old russia gilt, m. e., H. Hills for F. Barlow, etc., 1687, small folio (5) Leighton, £5 IOS. 5531 [Agrippa (H. C.)] A Treatise of the Nobilitie and Excellencye of Woman Kynde, translated out of Latine into Englysshe by David Clapam, first edition, black letter, title within woodcut border dated 1534 (some margins cut into), unbound, In ædibus Th. Bertheleti, 1542, 12mo. (6) Ellis, £4 16s. 5532 Albin (Eleazar). Natural History of Birds, 306 figures of birds, coloured by the author and his daughter, from the originals drawn from the live birds, 3 vol., old calf gilt, sprinkled edges, Printed for the Author and sold by W. Innys, 1731-40, 4to. (10) Russell, £5 5s. 5533 Albions Queene. The famous Historie of Albions Queene, black letter (title in roman), contains title dedication to "Edmund Mullineux Esquier" (signed R. G.) and 40 leaves, signatures B-1, inlaid throughout, the head title of Li. defective, otherwise in very good state, russia gilt, m. e., Imprinted by W. White for T. Pavier and are to be sold at his shop in Corne-hill neare to the Exchange at the Signe of the Catte and Parrettes, 1600, small 4to. (12) Wray, £86 5534 Almanacke for XV. Yeres. Here begynneth ye Scycle or Chaunge of ye Mone with ye Coniuncyon & sheweth what daye, houre, mynute, sygne and degre the Mone shall chaunge. Allso ye maye knowe the Eclypse of the Sonne and Mone from the date of oure lord mccccc. & xxv. unto mccccc. and xl., etc., black letter (8 leaves), cut on first leaf, margins cut close, unbound, extremely rare, if not unique, Imprynted by me Rychard Fakes dwellynge in Duram (sic) rente or elles in Poules Chyrcheyarde at the Sygne of the А. В. С. (1525), 12mo. (17) Tregaskis, £30 5535 America. Nova Francia, or the Description of that Part of New France which is one Continent with Virginia, described in the three last Voyages and Plantation made by Monsieur de Monte, M. du Pont-Grand and M. de Poutrincourt, translated out of French into English by F. E(rondelle), a few headlines shaved, otherwise a good copy, unbound, Impensis G. Bishop, 1609, small 4to. (18) Quaritch, £20 5536 Antafor de Barosia. Opera molto delectevole a leger, dove se contiene como Rolando bandito de la Corte de Carlo in Saracina amazo Antafor de Barosia homo potentissimo si de stato como anche de forze de Corpo, printed in small semi-roman letter, in triple columns, title in gothic within woodcut border, containing signatures A-I in 8's, including title, old calf gilt, g. e., Finisse questa opera chiamata Antafor de Barosia, stampata con summa diligentia nela inclita Cita de Milano nel mcccccxviiii. a di viii. Novembre, device below of an angel holding a circular shield, with the |