and sorely censured by that Seven-Headed Church- Macock and sold by Luke Fawne, 1646, 4to. (117) H. Stevens, £22 IOS. 5431 Gray (Robert). A Good Speed to Virginia, few leaves slightly cut into, half russia, Felix Kyngston for William Welbie, 1609, 4to. (119) H. Stevens, £12 IOS. [This seems to be the third piece relating to the Jamestown Colony, having been preceded by "Smith's True Relation," published in 1608, and "Nova Britannia," published in February, 1609. This tract was probably issued in May. The Dedication, "To the Right Noble and Honorable Earles, Barons and Lords, and to the Right Worshipfull Knights, Merchants and Gentlemen, Adventurers for the Plantation of Virginea," is dated "London, April 28. Anno 1609," and is signed R. G.-Catalogue.] 5432 Hakluyt (Richard). The Principall Navigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the English nation, made by Sea or over Land, to the most remote and farthest distant Quarters of the Earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres, morocco extra, g. e., small holes in last two leaves, George Bishop and Ralph Newberie, 1589, folio (120) Edwards, £15 5s. [A good copy of the first edition containing the first issue of "The Ambassage of Sir Hierome Bowes" and the six rare suppressed leaves of Drake's "Voyage round the World." As usual, the map was missing. -Catalogue.] 5433 Hale (John). A Modest Enquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft and how Persons Guilty of that crime may be convicted, etc., first edition, original wooden boards covered with sheepskin, preserved in a morocco slip case, Boston in N. E., printed by B. Green and J. Allen for Benjamin Eliot, 1702, small 8vo. (121) Quaritch, £35 [On the fly-leaf is the autograph inscription: "Johannis Webb, liber 1713." Webb was pastor of the North Church in Boston. This copy also belonged to Samuel G. Drake, the historian, whose autograph is also on the fly-leaf. Catalogue.] 5434 Hale (John). A Modest Enquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft and how Persons guilty of that crime may be convicted, etc., uncut copy, calf, t. e. g., Boston, Kneeland and Adams, 1771, small 8vo. (122) Maggs, £3 35. 5435 Hamor (Ralph). A True Discourse of the present estate of Virginia and the successe of the affaires there till the 18th of June, 1614, crushed morocco, panel sides, g.e., by F. Bedford, John Beale for William Welby, 1615, 4to. (124) H. Stevens, £98 [There are two issues of Hamor's "Virginia," a fact apparently not recorded by any American bibliographer, till Mr. H. N. Stevens pointed it out in 1898. On page 60, the concluding paragraph in this edition contains thirteen lines and consists of a criticism of the clergy, "but I much more muse that so few of our English Ministers that were so hot against the Surplis and Subscription: come hither where neither spoken of," etc. In the other edition this was cancelled and twelve lines of other matter of a noncritical nature substituted.---Catalogue.] 5436 Harcourt (Robert). A Relation of a Voyage to Guiana describing the Climat, Scituation, fertilitie, provisions and commodities of that country, . . . first edition, morocco, by Thibaron-Joly, John Beale for W. Welby, 1613, 4to. Essex, £29 IOS. (126) 5437 Harcourt (Robert). The Relation of a Voyage to Guiana. Now newly reviewed, and enlarged, by addition of some necessary Notes, for the more ample explaining of some things mentioned in the said Relation, original limp vellum, preserved in a neat morocco slip case, Edw. Alde, 1626, 4to. (127) Maggs, £14 [This is the second edition. The first contains only 71 pages of text, while this has 84. The new matter is mainly descriptive of the country and its products.-Catalogue.] 5438 Harrisse (Henry). Notes on Columbus, 13 plates, consisting of a portrait of Columbus and facsimiles of books and MSS., morocco extra, t. e. g., uncut, New York, privately printed, 1865 (129) Quaritch, £5 155. [Only ninety-nine copies were printed-all for private disiribution.-Catalogue.] 5439 Hartlib (Samuel). The Reformed Common-wealth of Bees, presented in severall letters and observations to Samuel Hartlib, Esq., with the Reformed Virginian Silkworm, two parts in one volume, woodcuts, etc. in the text, few sidenotes cut into in the second part, morocco, by Francis Bedford, in the Roger Payne style, Giles Calvert, 1655, 4to. (132) H. Stevens, £10 ["The Reformed Virginian Silk-Worm" has a separate title-page, register and pagination, and is often found separately. In the first part is a long letter from the famous Christopher Wren describing a transparent beehive, with an engraving of it from his design. The last leaf of the second part is entitled, "A comparison between the gain and labor of Tobacco and Silk."-Catalogue.] 5440 Hayman (Robert). Quodlibets, lately come over from New Britaniola, Old Newfoundland. Epigrams and other small parcels both morall and divine, in limp vellum gilt, preserved in a morocco slip case, E. Allde, 1628, 4to. (134) Quaritch, £41 [The first four books (64 pages) are "the author's owne"; the others are translations from John Owen and from Rabelais. Catalogue.] 5441 Haywood (John). The Natural and Aboriginal History of Tennessee, up to the First Settlements therein by White People in the Year 1768, levant morocco extra, g.e., by Stikeman, Nashville, 1823, 8vo. (135) H. Stevens, £13 5s. 5442 Haywood (John). The Civil and Political History of the State of Tennessee, from its Earliest Settlement up to the year 1796, including the Boundaries of the State, morocco, g. e., by Stikeman, Printed for the author by Heiskell and Brown, Knoxville, Tenn., 1823 (136) H. Stevens, £7 15s. 5443 Hazard (Ebenezer). Historical Collections, consisting of State papers and other authentic Documents intended as materials for an History of the United States of America, 2 vol., boards, uncut, Philadelphia, T. Dobson for the author, 1792, royal 4to. (137) H. Stevens, £6 5444 Hellier (Thomas). The Vaine Prodigall Life and Tragical Penitent Death of Thomas Hellier, born at Whitchurch, near Lyme, in Dorset-shire, who for murdering his Master, Mistress and a Maid, was Executed according to Law at Westover, in Charles City, in the Country of Virginia, neer the Plantation called Hard Labour, where he perpetrated the said murders. He Suffr'd on Munday, the 5th of August, 1678, and was afterwards Hanged up in Chains at Windmill Point on James River, morocco extra, g.e., by Gruel Engelmann, Sam Crouch, 1680, 4to. (138) Quaritch, £1 5445 Hennepin (Louis). A New Discovery of a vast country in America, extending above four thousand miles between New France and New Mexico, with a description of the Great Lakes, Cataracts, etc., with the engraved frontispiece, 6 plates and 2 large folding maps mounted on linen, morocco extra, g. e., by F. Bedford, Tonson, 1698, 8vo. (139) Edwards, £13 155. 5446 Hennepin (Louis). A New Discovery of a vast country in America, another edition, frontispiece, 6 plates, and 2 folding maps mounted on linen, morocco extra, g.e., by F. Bedford, 1698, 8vo. (140) Edwards, £14 one [This edition is quite distinct from the "Tonson" described above. The first line of the imprint ends "Н. Bon-". The four plates in the second part are from different coppers to the foregoing "Tonson" edition, as they are reversed and have different letterings, and none of them bear the engraver's name. In the "Tonson" edition they are marked to be placed at page 9, page 33, page 98 and page 161, while in the present "H. Bon" edition they are marked Cont. Pag. 9, Cont. Pag. 33, Cont. Pag. 89, Cont. Pag. 157.-Catalogue.] 5447 Higgeson or Higginson (Francis). New England's Plantation, or a Short and True Description of the Commodities and Discommodities of that Country. Whereunto is added a letter, etter, sent an Enginere out of New England, the second edition enlarged, half russia, T. and R. Cotes for Michael Sparke, 1630, 4to. (142) Quaritch, £46 1 [There are three distinct editions, all printed in 1630, in the first of which Higginson's name does not appear, neither does it include Mr. Graves' letter. The Ashburton copy of the first edition sold for £98.-Catalogue.] 5448 Hooke (William). New Englands Teares for Old England Feares, some rough leaves, morocco extra, by Pratt, with the pictorial bookplate of Henry Stevens of Vermont, 1882, Printed by E. G. for John Rothwell and Henry Overton, 1641, 4to. (147) Essex, £6 [This copy agrees with the first variety mentioned by Sabin.-Catalogue.] 5449 Howgill (Francis). The Heart of New England Hardned through Wickedness: in answer to a book entitled the Heart of New England Rent, published by John Norton, appointed thereunto by the General Court, morocco, g. e., Thomas Simmons, 1659, 4to. (150) Quaritch, £19 10s. 5450 Hubbard (William). A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to this present year 1677. But chiefly of the late Troubles in the two last years, 1675 and 1676, folding map mounted on linen, Boston, printed by John Foster, in the year 1677-The Happiness of a People in the Wisdome of their Rulers Directing And in the Obedience of their Brethren Attending Unto what Israel ought to do: Recommended in A Sermon Before the Honourable Governour and Council, and the Respected Deputies of the Massachusets Colony in New England. Preached at Boston, May 3d, 1676, being the day of Election there. By William Hubbard, Minister of Ipswich, Boston, printed by John Foster, 1676, 2 vol. in 1, morocco extra, g.e., by Francis Bedford, Boston, 1677-76, 4to. (152) Quaritch, £50 [The leaf of licence before the first title mended and the type ornament at the bottom, etc. restored in facsimile. Top of title mended. The map is the first one engraved in New England, and this is a genuine impression, with the "White Hills" so marked. The broad black border line is entirely cut away at the left side and partly cut into at the bottom. The Sermon, which always should accompany the Narrative, was first separately issued in 1676, and until recently was believed to be the first book printed at Boston. The Narrative is sometimes found without the Sermon, but no copy can be considered perfect without it.-Catalogue.] 5451 Hubley (Benrard, sic). The History of the American Revolution, including the most important events and resolutions of the Honorable Continental Congress during that period, and also the most interesting letters and orders of General George Washington, vol. I (all published), half morocco, t. e. g., uncut, by the Club Bindery, Northumberland (Pa.), printed for the author by Andrew Kennedy, 1805, 8vo. (154) Essex, £4 125. 5452 Hutchinson (Thomas). A Collection of Original Papers relative to the History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, half morocco, g. t., uncut, by the Club Bindery, Boston, Thomas and John Fleet, 1769, 8vo. (157) H. Stevens, £4 8s. 5453 Indian Wars in New England. A complete set of the five rare folio tracts published in 1675 to 1677, viz.: 1. The Present State of New England with respect to the Indian War, wherein is an account of the true reason thereof, 1675 -2. A Continuation of the State of New England, being a farther account of the Indian Warr, 1676-3. A New and Further Narrative of the State of New England, being a continued account of the Bloudy Indian War from March till August, 1676-4. A True Account of the most considerable occurrences that have hapned in the Warre between the English and the Indians in New England, 1676-5. The Warr in New England visibly ended; King Philip, that barbarous Indian, now beheaded, etc., 1677, together 5 pieces in one volume, morocco extra, by Pratt (159) Quaritch, £125 [A remarkably fine set, uncut, except for the tops being gilt. The tracts having been printed at different times there is a slight difference in the size of the paper, and only a few of the very largest leaves appear to have been trimmed. Small corners of three or four leaves which were curled up or frayed before binding have been neatly mended or strengthened. The present copy had also the rare threeline Errata slip pasted at the foot of page 20 of the "Continuation." This Errata slip does not appear to be generally known to bibliographers. - Catalogue.] 5454 Indians. Articles of Peace between the Most Serene and Mighty Prince Charles II. and Several Indian Kings and Queens, etc. concluded the 29th day of May, 1677, published by his Majesties Command, large copy, almost uncut, few corners mended, morocco extra, g. t., by F. Bedford, John Bill, Christopher Barker, etc., 1677, 4to. (160) Quaritch, £47 5455 James (Thomas). The Strange and dange-rovs voyage of Captaine Thomas Iames, in his intended Discouery of the Northwest Fassage into the South Sea with an Appendix concerning Longitude, by Master Henry Gellibrand, folding map (slightly cut into) mounted on linen, morocco, John Legatt for John Partridge, 1633, 4to. (161) H. Stevens, £16 [James, a Bristol man of Welsh origin, started in May, 1631, and returned in September, 1632, having met Luke Foxe somewhere in Baffin's Bay. As a good Welshman, James named the region south of Hudson's Bay New South Wales, while Foxe, who was from Hull, called it New Yorkshire.-Catalogue.] 5456 Jefferson (Thomas). Notes on the State of Virginia, written in the year 1781, somewhat corrected and enlarged in the winter of 1782, for the use of a Foreigner of distinction, in answer to certain queries proposed by him, etc., map |