Country Adjacent, April 18th, 1589, uncut copy, calf, t.e.g., by F. Bedford, Ric. Chiswell, 1689, 4to. (46) Quaritch, £9 1OS. 5404 Calef (Robert). More Wonders of the Invisible World, or the Wonders of the Invisible World Display'd in Five Parts. . . To which is added a postscript relating to a book entitled The Life of Sir William Phips, with the leaf of Errata (inlaid), morocco super extra, g. e., by Rivière, Nath. Hillar, etc., 1700, 4to. (47) Quaritch, £29 ["This contains the only copy of the 'Errata' that has ever come under my observation-from collations given, it was not in Brinley, Ives or Menzies copies."-Note by Mr. Lefferts. This book was written in reply to Cotton Mather's "Wonders of the Invisible World, being an Account of the Tryals of Several Witches, Lately Executed in New England." Calef was a merchant in Salem, and opposed Mather's views in regard to witches. His book was burned at Harvard College by order of President Increase Mather.-Catalogue.] 5405 Calef (Robert). More Wonders of the Invisible World, another copy, but without the leaf of Errata, top margin of title cut off above the rule, two leaves very slightly shaved in the headline, morocco extra, by the Club Bindery, Nath. Hillar, etc., 1700, 4to. (48) Quaritch, £17 5406 Carolina. A Brief Description of the Province of Carolina on the Coast of Floreda, and more particularly of a New Plantation begun by the English at Cape-Feare on that River now by them called Charles River, the 29th of May, 1664, uncut copy, with the folding map in perfect condition, levant morocco extra, t. e. g., by F. Bedford, in a morocco slip case, Robert Horne, 1666, 4to. (53) Stevens, £42 [The earliest printed tract relating to Carolina.--Catalogue.] 5407 Carolina. The Two Charters Granted by King Charles II. to the Proprietors of Carolina. With the First and Last Fundamental Constitutions of that Colony, uncut copy, morocco super extra, t. e. g., by Pratt, Printed and are to be sold by Richard Parker, 1704, 4to. (54) H. Stevens, £26 [Excessively rare in this state. At the end is bound (also uncut) a rare piece of 8pp., “An act lately passed in Carolina," with "Queries upon the foregoing act." This, as Mr. Lefferts points out in a pencil note, is rarely found with the book-Catalogue.] 5408 Casas (Bartholomew de Las). The Spanish Colonie, or Briefe Chronicle of the Acts and gestes of the Spaniardes in the West Indies, called the Newe World, for the space of xl. yeeres, written in the Castilian tongue, and nowe first translated into English by M. M. S., black letter, border round title, crushed levant morocco, g. e., by F. Bedford, the two last leaves in facsimile, Imprinted at London for William Brome, 1583, 4to. (59) Quaritch, £30 [This copy formerly belonged to S. L. M. Barlow and Brayton Ives, and passed through their respective sales, but without any mention of the facsimile leaves being made in the catalogues.-Catalogue.] 5409 Casas (Bartholome de Las). The Tears of the Indians, being an Historical and true Account of the Cruel Massacres and Slaughters of above Twenty Millions of Innocent People, Committed by the Spaniards in the Islands of Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica, etc. As also, in the Continent of Mexico, Peru, & other Places of the West-Indies, few leaves stained and a few wormed in bottom margin, name on title, otherwise good copy in the original sheepskin binding, frontispiece, J. C. for Nath. Brook, 1656, small 8vo. (60) Quaritch, £8 [The folding frontispiece is in four compartments, depicting the various tortures applied to the Indians. This copy had the rare end leaf containing the half title in two lines printed up the centre of the page.—Catalogue.] 5410 Castaneda (Hernan Lopez de). The First Booke of the Historie of the Discouerie and Conquest of the East Indias enterprised by the Portingales in their dangerous navigations in the time of King Don John, the Second of that name, which Historie conteineth much varietie of matter, very profitable for all Navigators and not unpleasant to the readers. Translated into English by N. L. (i.e., Nicholas Lichefield), black letter, russia, g. e., Thomas East, 1582, 4to. (62) Quaritch, £7 5411 Castell (William). A petition of W. C. exhibited to the High Court of Parliament now assembled, for the propagating of the Gospel in America, and the West Indies; and for the setling of our plantations there; which Petition is approved by 70 able English Divines. Also by Master Alexander Henderson and some other worthy Ministers of Scotland, fine copy, crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford [London], printed in the year 1641, 4to. (63) Quaritch, £23 5412 Connecticut. "Saybrook Confession and Platform." A Confession of faith owned and consented to by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches in the Colony of Connecticut in New England, assembled by Delegation at Say-Brook, September 9th, 1708, the text in original state, few leaves slightly frayed in the headline, re-sewn into the original wooden boards covered with sheepskin, back mended, preserved in morocco slip case, New London in N.E., Thomas Short, 1710, small 8vo. (69) Quaritch, £36 [The first edition of the Saybrook Platform, and the first book printed in Connecticut.-Catalogue.] 5413 Copland (Patrick). Virginia's God be thanked, or a sermon of Thanksgiving for the Happie Successe of the affayres in Virginia this last yeare, preached before the Honorable Virginia Company, Thursday, 18 of April, 1622, calf, g.e., I. D. for William Sheffard, etc., 1622, 4to. (71) Quaritch, £22 545 5414 Cotton (John). An Abstract of the Laws of New England as not the case. They were not [Notwithstanding the title-page states that these laws "are now established," such was were "presented to the General Court," but adopted. Some leaves in this copy are uncut-Catalogue.] 5415 Cotton (John). The Bloudy Tenent, washed and made white in the bloud of the Lamb, being discussed and discharged of bloud-guiltinesse by just Defence added a Reply to Mr. Williams's Answer to Mr. Cotton's Letter, levant morocco, dull gold edges, by the Club whereunto is Bindery, Matthew Symmons for Hannah Allen, 1647, 4to. (76) Quaritch, £13 . [A large, fine and sound copy of this scarce book. 5416 Cresap (Captain Michael). Life of Captain Michael Cresap, calf extra, g. e., by F. or may be a Pattern to stirre up all Heroicke and active [The first collected edition of Drake's Voyages. The 5418 Drake (Samuel A.) Historic Fields and Mansions of Middle- [A choice copy. Extra-illustrated and extended to 2 XVI. Quaritch, £55 [The first three parts were written in Dutch by the Buccaneer, Exquemeling. The translator's name is not known. The fourth part was written by the English Buccaneer, Basil Ringrose. A complete copy of the first edition is not often seen. What usually occurs is vol. i. of the first edition alone, or vol. i. of the second edition combined with vol. ii. of the first. This copy was of especial rarity and interest because it contained four leaves bound up at the end of vol. i. which are said to be unique. They are entitled "An Amendment, or Correction of the History of the Bucaniers in relation to the actions of Sir Henry Morgan, Knyght." This is the publisher William Crooke's apology, printed by order of the Court, for calling Morgan a pirate.-Catalogue.] 5420 Florida. A Relation of the Invasion and Conquest of Florida by the Spaniards under the Command of Fernando de Soto, written in Portuguese by a gentleman of the Town of Elvas, now Englished. With some discoveries made by the Spaniards in the Island of California in the year 1683, calf, r. e., John Lawrence, 1686, small 8vo. (100) H. Stevens, £7 12s. 6d. 5421 Foster (Nicholas). A Briefe Relation of the Late Horrid Rebellion acted in the Island of Barbadas in the West Indies, anno 1650, fine copy, morocco, gilt over marbled edges, by David, I. G. for Richard Lowndes, 1650, small 8vo. (101) Essex, 10 15s. 5422 Fox (George, and others). The Secret Workes of a Cruel People made manifest, whose little finger is become heavier than their persecutors the bishops Loyns, who have set up an Image amongst them in New England, which all that will not bow down unto, and worship, must undergo all such sufferings as can be invented and inflicted by the hearts and hands of such men whose tender mercies are cruel. . . . uncut copy, first leaf of text re-margined on the fore-edge, levant morocco extra, by Lortic, Printed in the year 1659, 4to. (103) Quaritch, £29 5423 Fox (George). Cæsar's Due Rendered unto Him according to his Image and Superscription and God and Christ's Due rendered unto their Image, and Superscription, etc., morocco, g. e., by Zaehnsdorf, Printed in the year 1679, 4to. (105) H. Stevens, £19 10s. [Partly an answer to "Roger Williams his Slanderous Book of Lyes concerning Cæsar and of giving Cæsar his due."-Catalogue.] 5424 Fox (George, and John Burnyeat). A New-England Fire Brand Quenched, Being an answer unto a Slanderous Book, Entituled, George Fox digged out of his Burrowes, etc., Printed at Boston in 1676 by Roger Williams, of Providence, in New-England, 2 parts in 1 volume, fine copy, morocco, tooled to a Roger Payne pattern, g. e., by Francis Bedford, Printed in the year 1679, 4to. (106) Quaritch, £30 [The second part has a separate title dated 1678.—Catalogue.] 5425 Foxe (Luke). North-West Fox, or Fox from the North-West passage with briefe Abstracts of the voyages of Cabot, Frobisher, Davis, Waymouth, Knight, Hudson, Button, Gibbons, Bylot, Baffin, Hawkridge . . . Mr. Iames Hall's three Voyages to Groynland, etc., fine copy, with the leaf of the sphere before the title, and a fine and perfect impression (mounted on linen) of the rare map with the Fox in the corner, morocco super extra, by F. Bedford, enclosed in a morocco slip case, B. Alsop, etc., 1635, 4to. (107) Quaritch, £20 5426 Franklin (Benjamin). M. T. Cicero's Cato Major, or his Discourse of Old Age, with Explanatory Notes, original marbled boards, leather backs and corners, entirely uncut, in slip case, Philadelphia, printed and sold by B. Franklin, 1744, 4to. (109) Hawkins, £87 [This volume is the most celebrated example of Benjamin Franklin's press. He wrote the preface, and in it says that he has printed the book, "in a large and fair Character, that those who begin to think on the Subject of Old Age (which seldom happens till their Sight is somewhat impair'd by it's Approaches) may not, in Reading, by the Pain small Letters give the Eyes, feel the Pleasure of the Mind in the least allayed."-Catalogue.] 5427 Franklin (Benjamin). What is Sauce for a Goose is also Sauce for a Gander. Being a small Touch in the Lapidary Way, or Tit for Tat, in your own Way. An epitaph on a certain great man. Written by a departed spirit, and now most humbly inscrib'd to all his dutiful sons and children, who may hereafter choose to distinguish him by the name of a Patriot, portrait of Franklin inserted, morocco extra, g.e., by Bedford, Philadelphia [A. Armbruster], 1764, small 8vo. (111) H. Stevens, £8 [By Hugh Williamson. "The publication of this brutal attack on Franklin was one of the incidents of the political contest in Philadelphia in 1764, when the proprietary party succeeded in defeating, by a small majority, Franklin's election as representative in the Assembly.” The above note was appended to this copy in the Brinley sale in New York in 1880. No copy, it is believed, has appeared at public auction since that time.-Catalogue.] 5428 Gibson (James). Journal of the Late Siege by the Troops from North America, against the French at Cape Breton, the City of Louisbourg, etc. Surrendered to the English on the 17th June, 1745, after a siege of Forty Eight Days, large folding engraved plate, engraved by B. Cole-"A Prospect of the City of Lewisbourg, also the Harbours and Garrisons on the Island of Gaspey," morocco extra, by Bedford, J. Newbery, 1745, 8vo. (115) Quaritch, £11 5429 Gordon (William). The History of the Rise, Progress and Establishment of the Independence of the United States of America, including an account of the late war and of the thirteen colonies from their origin to that period, uncut copy, 4 vol., maps, half morocco, t. e. g., Printed for the Author, 1788, 8vo. (116) Quaritch, £2 12s. 5430 Gorton (Samuel). Simplicities Defence against Seven-Headed Policy, or Innocency Vindicated, being unjustly accused |