title, fine copy, calf gilt, gilt edges, by Pratt, London, P. Short, 1600, 4to. (540) Quaritch, £3 5376 Prymer of Salysbury use is set out along without any serching, with many Prayers and goodly Pyctures in the matyns of our Ladye, and newly emprynted at Rouen, printed in red and black, woodcuts (many leaves imperfect), sold not subject to return, calf (one cover loose), Venundantur Rothomagi apud Robertum Valentinsi in particu bibliopolarum prope edem beate Marie, 1555, 12m0. (53) Quaritch, £7 5377 Richard (Abbé). Description Historique et Critique de £2 l'Italie, 6 vol., calf, Dijou, 1766, 8vo. (361) 5378 [Rowlands (Samuel).] A New Yeeres Gift, the Courte of civill Courtesie, fitly furnished with a plesant porte of stately phrases and pithie precepts, etc., black letter, large copy, several leaves stained, unbound, London, R. Jhones, 1582, 4to. (543) 5379 Sebright (Sir J. S.) Observations upon Hawking, half bound, 1828, 8vo. (371) Pickering, £41 Hornstein, £2 185. 5380 Seymour (R.) New Readings of Old Authors. As You Like it-Coriolanus-Cymbeline-King Henry IV., parts I and 2-Hamlet-Henry V.-Henry VIII.-Julius Cæsar-King John-Love's Labour Lost-Macbeth-Merchant of Venice -Othello-Pericles - Richard II.- Romeo and Juliet Taming of the Shrew-The Tempest-Titus AndronicusWinter's Tale-Rob Roy-The Giaour, 204 coloured plates, bound in 4 vol., half roxburghe, 1830, 12mo. (363) 1874, 8vo. (487) Shepherd, £2 95. 5381 Street (G. E.) Gothic Architecture in Spain, illustrated, cloth, 1869, 8vo. (334) Edwards, £2 8s. 5382 Thiers (A.) Histoire du Consulat et de l'Empire, 21 vol., portraits and plates, half morocco, and 4to. Atlas of Maps, G. H. Brown, £2 55. 5383 Throsby (J.) Select Views in Leicestershire with Historical Relations, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol., plates, calf, 1789, 4to. (222) Franks, £1 125. 5384 Vues des Ceremonies du Couronnement de l'Empereur Nicholas I., plates, 1828, atlas folio (309) Rimell, £1 35. 5385 Wallis (Captain). Australian Views, by Captain Wallis, 12 plates, engraved by W. Preston, half morocco, Ackermann, 1820, folio (573) Sotheran, £6 10s. 5386 Wedmore (F.) An Exposition of the Work of Turner from the Writings of Ruskin, edited by F. Wedmore, 2 vol., plates, uncut, 1900, folio (586) G. H. Brown, £3 155. 5387 Williams (S. W.) The Middle Kingdom, a survey of the Chinese Empire and its inhabitants, 2 vol., illustrated, 1883, G. H. Brown, £I IS. 8vo. (332) 5388 Wits' Magazine and Attic Miscellany, vol. 1, coloured plates by Cruikshank and Rowlandson, wanted text after page 288, with all faults, half calf, T. Tegg, n. d., 8vo. (485) Hornstein, £11 105. 5389 Woodward (G. M.) Attempts at Humour, Poetical and Physiognomical, coloured caricature plates, in the original wrapper, 1803, small 4to. (528) Roche, £5 2s. 6d. [JUNE 9TH AND 10TH, 1902.] SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE. THE REMAINING PORTION OF THE COLLECTION OF AMERICANA FORMED BY MR. MARSHALL C. LEFFERTS, OF NEW YORK. (No. of Lots, 337; amount realised, £3,802 5s. 6d.) 5390 Acosta (Joseph). The Naturall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies, written in Spanish and translated into English by E. G. (Edward Grimstone), levant morocco, g. e., by Bedford, Val. Sims for Edward Blount, etc., 1604, 4to. (2) Quaritch, £7 [Had the rare preliminary leaf “A” before the title and blank leaf at the end. The only edition in English of this scarce and interesting work.-Catalogue.] 5391 Allen (Ethan) and Jonas Fay. A Concise Refutation of the Claims of New Hampshire and Massachusetts-Bay to the Territory of Vermont, with occasional remarks on the long disputed claim of New York to the same, morocco, t. e. g., by the Club Bindery, uncut, Hartford (Conn.), Hudson and Goodwin (1780), 8vo. (5) Maggs, £7 12s. 6d. [Published by order of the Governor and Council of Vermont. A copy in the Brinley sale (1878) realised 50 dollars. -Catalogue.] 5392 Belknap (Jeremy). The History of New Hampshire, uncut copy, 3 vol., map in vol. ii., half blue levant morocco, t. e. g., Philadelphia and Boston, 1784-92, 8vo. (23) Quaritch, £5 [First edition of each volume. The imprints are: Vol. i., Philadelphia, for the Author, by Robert Aitken, 1784; vol. ii., Boston, for the Author, by Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1791; vol. iii., Boston, for the Author, by Belknap and Young, 1792.-Catalogue.] 5393 Beverley (Robert). The History and present State of Virginia, in Four Parts. By a Native and Inhabitant of the Place, first edition, engraved frontispiece by Gribelin and 14 plates reduced from De Bry, morocco, g. e., by Stikeman, R. Parker, 1705, 8vo. (25) Brown, £10 2s. 6d. 5394 Bible. Eliot (John). The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New. Translated into the Indian Language and ordered to be printed by the Commissioners of the United Colonies in New England, at the charge and with the consent of the Corporation in England for the propagation of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England, levant morocco extra, g. e., enclosed in a morocco case, lined with velvet, by Francis Bedford, Cambridge (Mass.), printed by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson, 1663, 4to. (27) B. F. Stevens, £370 [This is the Bible translated into the Algonquian Indian tongue by John Eliot, "the apostle to the Indians." It is one of the 20 copies sent to England for presents. Mr. Wilberforce Eames describes it in his Bibliographical Notes on Eliot's Indian Bible (Washington, 1890) as "an unusually large and fine copy, with many rough leaves. It remained in the original binding of dark blue morocco, gilt edges, and in the finest condition until after 1870, when it was rebound in olive (brown] levant gros-grained morocco by F. Bedford. Size of the leaf, 7% by 5 inches. With the diamond-shaped figure on the Indian New Testament title. As originally bound this copy did not contain the leaf of contents, and therefore was, like No. 17 of this list, described as a fifth variety. The leaf, however, was afterwards inserted from another copy, so that it conforms now with the description of the third variety." Collation: Title in English, 1 leaf; Dedication to King Charles II., 2 leaves; Contents, I leaf (inlaid); Text, Genesis to Malachi, signatures A-L1111 in 4's; Mmmmm, 2 leaves ; New Testament title in Indian, with the diamond-shaped type ornament in the centre, I leaf; Text, New Testament, A2-L and Aa-Xx in 4's, the last leaf blank; Psalms in Metre, A-N2 in 4's; "Rules," I leaf; blank leaf. This copy is of the third variety described by Eames, in which the Indian general title-page, the English New Testament title, and the Dedication of the New Testament were omitted.-Catalogue.] 5395 Bishop (George). George New England Judged, not by man's but the Spirit of the Lord, and the sumine sealed up of New England's Persecutions, Robert Wilson, 1661-An appendex to the book entituled New England Judged, together with a short relation of the Tryal, sentence and execution of William Leddra, ib., 1661-New England Judged, the Second Part, being a Relation of the cruel and bloody sufferings of the Quakers in the jurisdiction chiefly of the Massachusetts, Printed in the year 1667, Part i. and the Appendix in one volume, morocco extra, by Pratt; Part ii., in separate volume, bound nearly to pattern of Part i., by Stikeman, title to Part i. mended, and the marginal rules restored in places, Part ii. few side-notes cut into, and few letters restored in facsimile (pp. 83, 89, etc.), 1661-1667, 4to. (29) Quaritch, £17 [A set of the three parts, forming the complete work, is of the rarest occurrence. The Menzies' copy brought $130 in 1875, the Brinley copy $210 in 1880.-Catalogue.] 5396 Bonoeil (John). His Maiesties graciovs letter to the earle of four sovthhampton, Treasurer, and to the Councell and Com- Quaritch, £67 [The author, John Bonoeil, informs us that he was a native of Languedoc, and that several of his fellow-countrymen were then in Virginia employed in the cultivation of the vine in the service of the Virginia Company. Prefixed is the Proclamation of James I. concerning mulberry trees and the cultivation of silkworms in Virginia.-Catalogue.] 5397 Book of Common Prayer [in Mohawk] and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England, etc. A new edition, to which is added The Gospel of St. Mark, translated into the Mohawk Language by Captain Joseph Brant, an Indian of the Mohawk Nation, nineteen engraved plates, morocco extra, g. e., by Bedford, C. Buckton, 1787, 8vo. (33) Essex, £5 [The Indian and English are on opposite pages, and at the end are several "Singing Psalms" in both languages.Catalogue.] 5398 Broadside. By the Governour, Council and Representatives, convened in a Great and General Court, or Assembly of Their Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. Held at Boston the 8th of June, 1692, I page folio, folded in half, mounted on silk and bound in levant morocco, by the Club Bindery [Boston], 1692, 4to. (37) Quaritch, £9 [Early and interesting Thanksgiving-Day Proclamation. "It having pleased Almighty God, in his rich mercy to preserve the Persons of Their Majesties, and to continue peace within Their Three Kingdoms: As also to grant a safe arrival to his Excellency our Gouvernor and the Reverend Mr. Increase Mather, who have industriously endeavoured the Service of this People and have brought over with them a Settlement of Government, It having likewise pleased God to vouchsafe a great measure of Health, and comfortable hopes of an Harvest, it is ordered that Thursday the Fourteenth Day of July next be held as a Day of solemn Thanksgiving unto God," etc. — Catalogue.] 5399 Budd (Thomas). Good Order Established in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, in America. Being a true account of the Country, with its Produce and Commodities there made Likewise, several other things needful to be understood by those that are or do intend to be concerned in planting in the said Countries, uncut copy, but two leaves (A 2 and 3) in facsimile, title mended, crushed levant morocco, t. e. g., by F. Bedford [Philadelphia, William Bradford], Printed in the year 1685, 4to. (41) Quaritch, £125 [This volume has the distinction of being the first book printed in America by William Bradford. The evidence as to this is set forth in an extended note in Mr. Hildeburn's "Issues of the Press in Pennsylvania," where this book is given the second place. In calling it the "first book," we must except, of course, the little Almanack of 1685, which was printed by Bradford earlier in the same year. Budd himself had settled in Burlington, N. J., in 1678, and owned 5,000 acres of land, which cost him £100. His book is not a religious treatise, as are so many books of the period, but it is a good account of the country and its resources, written with a view of inducing settlers to make their homes in the country. At the end is the translation of "The Dying Words of Ockanichon," who died in Burlington; also an account of a Conference with the Indians at Burlington and other places. Catalogue.] 5400 Bullock (William). Virginia Impartially examined, and left to publick view, to be considered by all Judicious and honest men, crushed levant morocco, with doublure of citron levant, gilt edges, by F. Bedford, John Hammond, 1649, 4to. (42) Quaritch, £27 5401 Burk (John). The History of Virginia, from its First Settlement to the Present Day, vol. i.-iii., Petersburg, Virginia, printed for the Author by Dickson and Pescud, 1804-1805The History of Virginia, commenced by John Burk and continued by Skelton Jones and Louis Hue Girardin, vol. iv., Petersburg, Virginia, printed by M. W. Dunnavant for the Proprietors, 1816, together 4 vol., morocco, t. e. g., vol. i.-iii. uncut, vol. iv. (said never to have been issued uncut) stilted to size, 1804-1816, 8vo. (43) Maggs, £10 15s. [The fourth volume is the rarest, a large portion of the edition having been destroyed by fire. This copy contained the original engraved portrait of Captain John Smith, from the map in his "History of Virginia," London, 1627; also an original water-colour portrait of L. H. Girardin, who assisted in the completion of the work. A written account of the circumstances leading to the duel in which Burk lost his life was also inserted.--Catalogue.] 5402 Burrough (Edward). A Declaration of the Sad and Great Persecution and Martyrdom of the People of God, called Quakers, in New England for the worshipping of God, . title in red and black, good copy in olive morocco, t. e. g., by Rivière, Robert Wilson [1660], 4to. (44) Stevens, £10 [Contained the first printed account of the persecution and martyrdom of Mary Dyer, with a copy of a letter sent by her to the rulers of Boston, after she had received sentence of death; also a relation of the persecution of Williamson Robinson and Marmaduke Stevenson, with the manner of their execution at Boston.-Catalogue.] 5403 Byfield (Nathaniel). An Account of the late Revolution in New England. Together with the Declaration of the Gentlemen, Merchants and Inhabitants of Boston and the |