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616 Fairbairn (J.) Book of Crests, 229 plates, half morocco, g. t., 1892, 2 vol., 4to. (173) J. Bumpus, £2 16s. 617 Faulkner (T.) Historical and Topographical Account of Fulham, including the Hamlet of Hammersmith, map, plates and woodcuts, LARGE PAPER, extra illustrated by the insertion of about 80 views, portraits, maps, original drawings, etc., half morocco, g. t., 1813, 8vo. (67)

Tregaskis, £4 5s. 618 Faulkner (T.) Historical and Topographical Description of Chelsea and its Environs, numerous plates, 2 vol., extra illustrated and extended to 4 vol. by the insertion of about 550 rare portraits, views, original drawings, maps, etc., neatly inlaid where necessary, special title-pages, morocco extra, g. t., by Cobden-Sanderson, the Doves Bindery, 1895, Chelsea, 1829, 8vo. (68) Tregaskis, £40 619 Faulkner (T.) Historical and Topographical Description of Chelsea and its Environs, portraits and views, a few extra ones inserted, 2 vol., loose, sold not subject to return, Chelsea, 1829, 8vo. (69) Edwards, 1 IOS. 620 Faulkner (T.) History and Antiquities of the Parish of Hammersmith, plates, LARGE PAPER, extra illustrated by the addition of numerous views, portraits, drawings, cuttings, etc., half morocco, g. t., uncut, 1839, royal 8vo. (70)

Bain, £5 5s. 621 Faulkner (T.) History and Antiquities of Brentford, Ealing and Chiswick, interspersed with Biographical Notices, illustrations, LARGE PAPER, original boards, uncut, 1845, royal 8vo. (71) Braun, £1 6s. 622 Faulkner (T.) History and Antiquities of Kensington, interspersed with Biographical Anecdotes of Royal and Distinguished Personages, etc., map, plates, pedigrees, etc., extra illustrated by the addition of about 200 portraits and views, autograph letters, manuscript matter, cuttings, printed documents, etc., all neatly mounted or inlaid where necessary, and bound in 3 vol., half morocco, g. t., uncut, 1820, 4to. (174) W. Daniell, £14 5s. 623 Fielding (H.) Works, edited by George Saintsbury, illustrations by Herbert Railton and S. J. Wheeler, 12 vol., one of 150 copies on LARGE PAPER, uncut, 1893, 8vo. (72)

Bruton, £2 16s. 624 Fielding (T. H.) and J. Walton. Picturesque Tour of the English Lakes, 48 coloured plates, half morocco, Ackermann, 1821, 4to. (175) Ellis, £5 7s. 6d. 625 Granger (J.) Biographical History of England from Egbert the Great to the Revolution, 310 portraits, 6 vol., LARGE PAPER, original boards, uncut, 1824, royal 8vo. (73)

Maggs, £3 18s. 626 Goldsmith (O.) The Vicar of Wakefield, a tale supposed to be written by himself, second edition, 2 vol., original calf, F. Newberry, 1766, 8vo. (75) Maggs, £2 16s.

627 Harding (E. and S.) Biographical Mirror, or Connoisseurs

Repertory, 50 portraits, first series, old marbled calf, 1795, 4to. (179) Daniell, £2 95. 628 Hassell (J.) Tour of the Grand Junction, with Historical and Topographical Descriptions, coloured plates, morocco, g. e., 1819, 8vo. (79) H. Cooper, LI 9s. 629 Horæ Diurnæ, Hyemalis partis et Estivalis Diocesis Patavensis, printed in red and black, with rubricated capitals, original pig-skin, stamped, with two Biblical subjects on the sides, clasps, Venet., P. Liechenstein, 1521, 8vo. (84) Karslake, £2 12s. 630 Horsfield (T. W.) History, Antiquities and Topography of the County of Sussex, plates and woodcuts, with the addition of a map of the County, and 12 plates from Daniel's Voyage round Great Britain, 2 vol., half morocco, Lewes, 1835, 4to. (181) Sotheran, £5 2s. 6d. 631 Jameson (Mrs.) The History of Our Lord, as exemplified in Works of Art, continued and completed by Lady Eastlake, illustrations, 2 vol., first edition, original cloth, 1864, 8vo. (89) Ellis, £2 6s. 632 Kelmscott Press. The Poems of William Shakespeare, printed after the original copies, edited by F. S. Ellis, woodcut borders and initials, vellum, uncut, 1893, small 4to. (92) Shepherd, £13 5s. 633 Lafontaine (J. de). Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, portrait, and 83 plates by Eisen, vignettes, etc., 2 vol., uncut, in drop case, 1777, 8vo. (95) Shepherd, £1 19s. 634 Lamb (C.) Works, 3 vol., Moxon, 1838-Poetical Works, Bohn, 1841-Specimens of English Dramatic Poets, plates, 2 vol., Moxon, 1835-Tales from Shakspeare, illustrations, 1838, together 7 vol., uncut, 1835-41, 8vo. (98) Ellis, £2 8s. 635 Lambard (W.) A Perambulation of Kent, conteining the description, Hystorie and Customes of that Shyre, first edition, woodcut map, black letter, calf, R. Newberie, 1576, small 4to. (99) Edwards, £4 636 Thackeray (W. M.) Vanity Fair, a Novel without a Hero, illustrations on steel and wood by the author, first edition, half calf, 1848-The Four Georges, the English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century, portraits, uncut, 1869, 8vo. (106) Hornstein, £2 637 Molière (J. B. P. de). Œuvres avec des remarques Grammaticales des Avertissemens et des Observations sur chaque pièce par M. Bret, plates by Moreau, 6 vol., old French calf gilt, Paris, 1788, 8vo. (108) Ellis, £2 4s. 638 Nuremberg Chronicle (The), half bound, woodcuts, Nurnberg, 1493, folio (212) Sotheran, £11 639 Philipott (J.) Villare Cantianum, or Kent Surveyed and Illustrated, to which is added an Historical Catalogue of the High Sheriffs of Kent, folding map by Hollar, and illustrations, first edition, original calf, 1659, folio (217) Walford, £1 158. 640 Philipott (T.) Poems by T. Philipott, Master of Arts (sometimes) of Clare Hall in Cambridge, first edition, morocco

extra, g. e., London, by R. A. for H. Shepheard and W. Ley, 1646, 8vo. (120) Dobell, £2 12s. 641 Philpot (J.) The Trew Report of the Dysputacyon, had and begonne in the Convocation holden at London among the Clargye there assembled the XVIII. Daye of Octobre, 1554, black letter. Basil., A. Edmonds, n. d.-The Examinacion of the Constaunt Martir of Christ, John Philpot, Archediacon of Winchestre, black letter (without marks, circa 1557), in I vol., old calf, 8vo. (119) Maggs, £3 5s. 642 Reusner (N.) Icones sive Imagines Virorum Literis Illustrium cura B. Iobino, 100 woodcut portraits, and woodcut borders, morocco extra, gilt panelled sides, g. e., by Rivière, Argent., 1587, 8vo. (122) Edwards, £3 35. 643 Scott (Sir W.) Waverley Novels, plates and woodcuts, 48 vol., original cloth, with the paper labels, A. and C. Black, 1859-60, 8vo. (125) Maggs, £4 18s. 644 Shakespeare Illustrated by an Assemblage of Portraits and Views, with Biographical Anecdotes, to which are added Portraits of the Actors, Editors, etc., 148 portraits and views, 2 vol., old morocco, g. e., 1793, 8vo. (126)

Richards, £5 5s. 645 Somersetshire Archæological and Natural History Society. Proceedings, vol. xviii., xix., xxi., xxx., xxxiii. to xliii., numerous illustrations, 10 vol. half morocco, remainder unbound, 1872-97, 8vo. (130) Thorp, £2 10S. 646 Sporting Magazine, or Monthly Calendar of the Transactions of the Turf, etc., vol. i., ii., iii., v., viii., xii., xv., xvi., xvii., together 9 vol., plates, half calf, 1792-1801, 8vo. (131)

Luard, £5 15s. 647 Tattersall (G.) Pictorial Gallery of English Race Horses, 90 plates after Cooper, Herring, Alken, etc., original cloth, uncut, Bohn, 1850, royal 8vo. (139)

Ellis, £2 18s.

648 Tennyson (A.) In Memoriam, first edition, original cloth, uncut, Moxon, 1850, 8vo. (140)

Wise, £4 17s. 6d.

649 Tristram (W. O.) Coaching Days and Coaching Ways, illustrations by Herbert Railton and Hugh Thomson, uncut, 1888, 4to. (199) Sotheran, £135. 650 Tuer (A. W.) Bartolozzi and his Works, a Biographical and Descriptive Account of the Life and Career of Francesco Bartolozzi, plates, 2 vol., vellum, uncut, n. d., 4to. (201) Rimell, £2 14s. 651 Walpole (H.) Anecdotes of Painting in Italy, with some Account of the principal Artists, etc. collected by the late Mr. George Vertue-Catalogue of Engravers who have been born or resided in England, 6 vol., portraits, old calf, Strawberry Hill, 1762-63, 4to. (202) Dobell, £45s.

652 Woodburn (S.) Gallery of Rare Portraits, 200 portraits, 2 vol., old morocco, g. e., 1816, 4to. (204)

Hill, £4

NOVEMBER 13TH AND 14TH, 1901.]



(No. of Lots, 548; amount realised, a number of autograph letters included, £481 12s. 6d.)

653 Addison (J.) Cato, a Tragedy, first edition (unbound), uncut, 1713, 4to. (500) Denham, £2 654 Booker (John). The Dutch Fortune-Teller, discovering Thirty-six several Questions which Old and Young, Married Men and Women, Batchelors and Maids delight to be Resolved of, woodcut on title, and 10 pages of tables, calf extra, Aldermary Church-Yard, n. d., about 1690, folio (270) Dobell, I 15s.

655 Brewer (J. S.) The Reign of Henry VIII., 2 vol., cloth, 1884, 8vo. (392) Edwards, £2 145. 656 British Novelists, edited by Barbauld, 50 vol., calf, 1820, 8vo. (438) Edwards, £4 12s. 657 Chaucer (G.) The Workes of our Antient and Learned English Poet, newly printed with additions, calf (broken), A. Islip, 1598, folio (284) Rimell, £2 4s. 658 Choderlos de Laclos (A. F.) Les Liasons Dangereuses, 2 vol., plates, boards, uncut, Londres, 1796, 8vo. (109)

Rosedale, 1 145. 659 Christian's Defence (The), old English morocco, the sides tooled and gilt to a "Cottage Roof" design, a good specimen of binding, 1675, 8vo. (118) Pickering, £2 45. 660 Cookery. Les Delices de la Campagne, Suitte du Jardinier François, ou est enseigné a preparer pour l'usage de la vie tout ce qui croist sur la Terre et dans les Eaux, plates, original vellum, à Paris, 1656, 12mo. (452)

Cogswell, £1 14s. 661 Edwards (G.) Natural History of Uncommon Birds and of some Rare and Undescribed Animals, 7 vol. in 4, coloured frontispiece and plates, russia gilt, g. e., 1743-64, 4to. (503) Cogswell, £2 145. vol., coloured plates Maggs, £3 10S. 1603 to 1616, 2 vol., Sotheran, £17 Spanish Marriage, Neild, £2 16s.

662 Fielding (H.) History of Tom Jones, 3 by Rowlandson, cloth, 1792, 8vo. (85) 663 Gardiner (S. R.) History of England from cloth, 1863, 8vo. (420)

664 Gardiner (S. R.) Prince Charles and the 2 vol., cloth, 1869, 8vo. (418) 665 Hennepin (L.) A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America, frontispiece and plates (wanted maps), w. a. f., with bookplate of "John Farrington of London, Merchant," 1698, 8vo. (132) Edwards, £1 10S.

666 Johnston (C.) Chrysal, or the Adventures of a Guinea, 3 vol., coloured plates, boards, uncut, 1822, 8vo. (176)

Shepherd, £145.

Shepherd, £3 35. 667 Johnson (Dr.) The Rambler, complete set of the original 208 numbers, 2 vol., half bound, March, 1750 to March, 1752, folio (273) 668 Kipling (R.) Allahabad, n. d., 8vo. (21) Pitcher, Li IS. 669 Kipling (R.) Soldiers Three, first edition, wrappers, Allahabad, 1888, 8vo. (22)

Under the Deodars, first edition, wrappers,

Denham, £2 670 La Fontaine (J. de). Fables Choisies mises en Vers, vignettes, first edition, unbound, à Paris, 1668, 4to. (236)

Pearson, £3 18s. 671 Musée Français et Musée Napoléon, plates and vignettes (some stained), morocco inlaid, Paris, 1803-22, atlas folio (261) Bull, £5 12s. 6d. 672 Ranke (Leopold Von). History of England, principally in the Seventeenth Century, 4 vol., cloth, 1875, 8vo. (406) Sotheran, £2 4s. 673 Rhys and Evans. The Text of the Mabinogion and other Welsh Tales from the Red Book of Hergest, 2 vol., half morocco (one of 500 copies), Oxford, 1887, 8vo. (440)

Quaritch, £2 125.

674 Rocque (J.) Survey of London and Westminster, plans, half bound, 1748, imperial folio (267) Quaritch, £4 4s. 675 Rowlandson (T.) The English Dance of Death, by the Author of Dr. Syntax, 2 vol., coloured plates by Rowlandson, calf (wanted 2 leaves in vol. 2), 1815-16, 8vo. (461)

Cogswell, £5 15s. 676 Ruskin (J.) The Seven Lamps of Architecture, first edition, illustrations, cloth, 1849, 8vo. (460) A. Jackson, £3 6s. 677 Smith (J. T.) Antiquities of London and its Environs, plates, calf, 1791, folio (523) Cogswell, £5 678 Swinburne (A. C.) Atalanta in Calydon, a Tragedy, first edition, cloth, uncut, Moxon, 1865, 8vo. (200)

Dobell, £3 7s. 6d. 679 Tennyson (A.) In Memoriam, printed in red and black, morocco, blind tooled to a special design, t. e. g., uncut, by the Guild of Women Binders, Unicorn Press, 1900, 8vo. (81) Thorp, £1 14s. 680 Thackeray (W. M.) The History of Henry Esmond, 3 vol., first edition, cloth (name cut from half titles), 1852, 8vo. (463) Cogswell, 2 6s. 681 Wales. Bye-Gones, relating to Wales and the Border Counties, from 1875 to 1900, 18 vol. half calf and I vol. unbound, 1875-1900, 4to. (502)

Cogswell, £8

682 Wordsworth (William). Poems, 2 vol., first edition, half calf, 1807, 8vo. (451)

Dobell, 110s.

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