the Seventh, first edition, woodcut title, portrait by Payne, old morocco, 1622, folio (273) Pickering, £12 55. 4767 Badeslade (T.) Views of Noblemen and Gentlemen's Seats in the County of Kent, 34 double plates by Kip, etc., half calf, H. Chapelle, n. d., folio (274) Batsford, £2 145. 4768 Ballads. A Little Book of Ballads (in the possession of E. V. Utterson, dedicated to the Roxburghe Club), presentation copy from E. V. U., morocco extra, g. e., by Hering, Newport, 1836, 8vo. (53) Ellis & Co., £3 7s. 6d. 4769 Barante (M. de). Histoire des Ducs de Bourgogne de la Maison de Valois, 1364-1477, 12 vol., illustrations, mottled calf gilt, r. e., by Hayday, Paris, 1854, 8vo. (57) Maurice, £3 3s. 4770 Beaumont and Fletcher. Works, with Notes and a Biographical Memoir by Rev. Alexander Dyce, II vol., best edition, portraits, Cambridge calf gilt, r.e., contents lettered, by Hayday, 1843-6, 8vo. (68) Bain, £13 4771 Beckford (W.) An Arabian Tale (Vathek), with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, first edition, sprinkled calf extra, g.e., by F. Bedford, London, 1786, 8vo. (69) J. Bumpus, £4 6s. 4772 Bedford (Duke of). Outline Engravings and Descriptions of the Woburn Abbey Marbles, 48 plates on India paper from drawings by H. Corbould, presentation copy from the Duke of Bedford to Sir Humphrey Davy, and from Lady Davy to William Twopenny, morocco extra, g. e., by Hayday, Privately printed, 1822, imperial folio (279) Young, £3 125. 4773 Beloe (W.) Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books, 6 vol., marbled calf gilt, m. e., 1807-12, 8vo. (73) Ridler, £2 8s. 4774 Bernard (K.) The Whole Proceedings of the Siege of Drogheda, to which is added a True Account of the Siege of Londonderry, calf gilt, r. e., by Holloway, Dublin, 1736, 4to. (237) Maggs, £2 6s. 4775 Bernier (F.) History of the late Revolution of the Empire of the Great Mogul, 4 vol. in 2, map, Cambridge calf gilt, r. e., by Holloway, 1671-2, 8vo. (78) Maggs, £2 45. 4776 Berry (M.) A Comparative View of Social Life in England and France, 2 vol., portrait and plate, presentation copy from the authoress to Mr. Twopenny, with inscription on half-title, mottled calf extra, g. e., by Hayday, 1844, 8vo. (79) Pinto, £2 4s. 4777 Bewick (T.) History of British Land and Water Birds, 2 vol., with the Supplements added at the end of each vol., first edition, LARGE PAPER, woodcuts, morocco, g. t., uncut, Newcastle, 1797-1804-1821, 8vo. (84) Sotheran, £13 55. 4778 Bewick (T.) Works. History of British Land and Water Birds, with the Supplements, 4 vol. in 2, 1821-Quadrupeds, seventh edition, 1820-Fables of Æsop, first edition, 1818Select Fables, first edition, 1820, together 5 vol., LARGE PAPER, with general title-pages, portraits and thumb-mark receipt, morocco extra, Newcastle, 1818-21, 8vo. (87) Sotheran, £14 Sotheran, £5 4780 Blanc (Louis). Histoire de la Révolution Française, 12 vol., mottled calf gilt, r. e., by Ramage, Paris, 1847-62, 8vo. (97) 4779 Biographie Universelle Ancienne et Moderne, avec Supplément, 85 vol. (to Supplément "Vil."), mottled calf gilt, Paris, 1811-62, 8vo. (93) 4781 Blore (T.) History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland, Young, £3 8s. plates, half calf, 1811, folio (288) 4782 Borrow (G.) The Zincali, or an Account of the Gypsies of Spain, 2 vol., first edition, original cloth, with labels, 1841, 8vo. (99) Shepherd, £2 175. 4783 Boswell (J.) Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson, 10 vol., portraits and plates, calf gilt, g. e., by Hayday, 1835, 8vo. (103) Young, £3 35. 4784 British Novelists (The), with an Essay, and Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, by Mrs. Barbauld, 50 vol., russia, gold borders on the sides, m. e., 1820, 8vo. (109) Pinto, £8 10s. 4785 Browne (Sir T.) Works, including his Life and Correspondence, edited by S. Wilkins, 4 vol., portrait, pedigrees, etc., Cambridge calf extra, r. e., Pickering, 1836, 8vo. (113) Bain, £3 10s. 4786 Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire et de l'Amateur de Livres, 6 vol. in 12, facsimiles, calf gilt, r. e., by Holloway, Paris, 1860-5, 8vo. (114) Maggs, £9 4787 Burnet (Bishop). History of his Own Time and Reign of James II., with Notes by the Earl of Dartmouth and Hardwicke, etc., 7 vol., Cambridge calf gilt, r.e., Oxford, 1833-52, 8vo. (121) 4788 Burns (R.) Poetical Works, 3 vol., portrait, calf gilt, g. e., by Holloway, Pickering, 1839, 8vo. (125) Bain, £3 18s. 4789 Burton (J. H.) The History of Scotland, from Agricola's Invasion to the last Jacobite Insurrection, 9 vol., Cambridge calf gilt, r. e., by Rivière and Son, 1867, etc., 8vo. (127) Sotheran, £8 155. 4790 Burton (R.) The Anatomy of Melancholy, fifth edition, engraved title, with leaf of verses facing "The Argument of the Frontispiece," morocco, panelled sides, g. e., by Hayday, Oxford, 1638, folio (294) Ridler, £4 16s. 4791 Butler (S.) Hudibras, by Z. Grey, 2 vol., best edition, portrait and plates by Hogarth, Cambridge, etc., 1744-Remains in Verse and Prose, with Notes, by R. Thyer, 2 vol., 1759, together 4 vol., russia extra, g. e., Cambridge, etc., 1744-59, 8vo. (129) Bain, £2 85. 4792 C. (R.) The Copie of a Letter to the Right Hon. the Earle of Leycester, Lieutenant generall of all her Majesties forces in the United Provinces of the lowe Countreys, with a Report of certaine Petitions and Declarations made to the Queenes Majestie, and her Majesties Answeres, with leaf facing title containing the royal arms, morocco, g. e., C. Barker, 1586, 4to. (252) Sotheran, £3 35. [First edition, published afterwards as "Leicesters Commonwealth."-Catalogue.] 4793 Carte (T.) Life of James Duke of Ormond, with an account of the Remarkable Affairs of his Time, 6 vol., calf extra, by F. Bedford, Oxford, 1851, 8vo. (136) Maggs, £3 18s. 4794 Cartwright (W.) Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, with other Poems, with the starred leaves, portrait by Lombart, with autograph on back, "Richard Lewis his booke, 1653," morocco extra, g. e., H. Moseley, 1651, 8vo. (139) Edwards, £4 45. [The duplicate leaves with the suppressed passages, so often wanting, consist of signatures U 1-11 and iii.-ED.] 4795 Celebrated Trials and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence from the Earliest Records, 6 vol., portraits and plates, calf gilt, by Hayday, 1825, 8vo. (148) Sotheran, £10 4796 Cervantes (M.) History of Don Quixote, translated by Motteux, with Notes and Essays on his Life, 5 vol., calf extra, y. e., by Hayday, Edinburgh, 1822, 8vo. (151) Bain, £3 4797 Charles I. Eikon Basilike, Basilike, the Pourtraicture of his Sacred Maiestie in his Solitude and Sufferings, folding plate by Marshall, old morocco, g.e., no name or place, 1648, 8vo. (158) Maggs, £6 7s. 6d. [Collation: Title, contents, 2 leaves errata, I leaf text B-S. in 8's, last leaf blank (pp. 1-269), with the incorrect paging in sheet G.-Catalogue.] 4798 Charles II. Boscobel, or The Compleat History of his Sacred Majesties most Miraculous Preservation after the Battle of Worcester, third edition with additions, portrait and folding plates, old calf, 1680, 8vo. (165) Maggs, £2 18s. 4799 Chaucer (G.) The Canterbury Tales, with Notes and Glossary by T. Tyrwhitt, 5 vol., portrait, calf gilt, g. e., by Hering, Pickering, 1822, 8vo. (171) Sotheran, £4 4800 Chaucer's Romaunt of the Rose-Troilus and Creseide-and the Minor Poems, with Life by Sir Harris Nicolas, 3 vol., calf gilt, g. e., by Hayday, Pickering, 1846, 8vo. (172) Maggs, £3 4801 Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland, by Holinshed, Grafton, Hall, Fabyan and Harding, 11 vol., russia, g. e., by Hayday, 1807-12, 4to. (517) Bull, £9 10s. 4802 Churchill (C.) Poetical Works, with Notes and Life of the Author by W. Tooke, 3 vol., portrait, calf gilt, by Hayday, Pickering, 1844, 8vo. (176) Bull, £4 135. 4803 Civil War. The Parliamentary Resolution concerning the King's Proclamation for Setting up His Standard, August 22, n. d.--Brave News of the taking of the City of Chitchester by the Parliamentary Forces, 1642-Victory Proclaymed, in an exact Relation of the Siege before Reading, 1643-More Full and Exact Relation from Reading, 1643The Second, Third and Fourth Intelligence from Reading (3 tracts), 1643-A Relation of the Delivering up of Reading, 1643-Relation of the Siege of Glocester, 1643-Good and True Newes from Bedford, 1643-Bloudy Newes from Bedfordshire, 1648-True Relation of the Arrival of Thirty Flemish Ships and six of those revolted before Deale, 1648 -A Fight at Sea, two Ships taken by Prince Charles, and Prince Charles very ill and in Danger of Death, etc., 1648 -Terrible and Bloudy Newes from Windsor, 1648, and others equally rare, in all 22, MS. list of contents, calf gilt, by Holloway, 4to. (519) D. Thorp, £10 155. 4804 Clarendon (Earl of). History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, 8 vol., Oxford, 1826-Life, with Continuation of the Grand Rebellion, 3 vol., ib., 1827, together II vol., portraits, Cambridge calf gilt, g. e., by Hayday, Oxford, 1826-7, 8vo. (179) Sotheran, £9 4805 Collins (A.) Peerage of England augmented, and continued to the present time, by Sir E. Bridges, 9 vol., coats-of-arms, calf gilt, g. e., 1812, 8vo. (190) Maggs, £3 6s. 4806 Connellan (Owen). Annals of Ireland, translated from the original Irish of the four Masters, with annotations by P. MacDermott, autograph letter from Lord Lansdowne inserted, morocco extra, richly gilt sides, g. e., Dublin, 1846, 4to. (526) Maggs, £2 135. 4807 Coryat (T.) Crudities, with his Letters from India, 3 vol., plates, old calf gilt, y. e., 1776, 8vo. (200) Bain, £10 4808 Cotgrave (J.) The English Treasury of Wit and Language, MS. notes, old calf gilt, H. Moseley, 1655, 8vo. (201) Pickering, £12 10S. 4809 Cotton (C.) Poems on Several Occasions, first edition, morocco extra, panelled sides, g. e., by F. Bedford, 1689, 8vo. (202) Young, £4 4810 Cowley (A.) Works, 3 vol., portraits and plates, old calf gilt, with large ex-libris of Robert Vansittart, of London, merchant, 1707-8, 8vo. (204) Bain, £2 145. 4811 Cowper (W.) Works, with Life by R. Southey, 15 vol., portrait and plates, calf extra, g. e., by Hayday, 1836-7, 8vo. (205) Bain, £3 18s. 4812 Crabbe (Rev. G.) Poetical Works, with Letters, Journal, and Life by his Son, 8 vol., portrait and plates, calf gilt, y. e., by Hayday and Mansell, 1835, 8vo. (209) Bain, £275. 6d. 4813 Cromek (R. H.) Select Scottish Songs, Ancient and Modern, with Observations and Biographical Notices by R. Burns, 2 vol., woodcuts, titles printed on India paper, calf gilt, g. e., by Hayday, 1810, 8vo. (211) Young, £14s. 4814 Cruikshank (G.) German Popular Stories, collected by M. M. Grimm from Oral Tradition, 2 vol., first edition, plates by G. C., old calf gilt, Baldwin, 1823- Robins, 1826, 8vo. (213) Edwards, £26 10s. 4815 Dampier (Captain W.) Collection of Voyages, 4 vol., maps and plates, old calf gilt, 1729, 8vo. (313) Bain, £6 4816 Daniel (S.) Poetical Works, with Memoirs of his Life and Writings, 2 vol., calf extra, y. e., by F. Bedford, 1718, 8vo. (314) Bain, £2 4817 Daru (P.) Histoire de la République de Venise, précédée d'une Notice sur sa Vie par M. Viennet, 9 vol., mottled calf extra, by F. Bedford, Paris, 1853, 8vo. (319) Maggs, £3 5s. 4818 Davenant (Sir W.) Works, consisting of those which were formerly Printed, and those which he design'd for the Press, now published out of the author's original copies, portrait by Faithorne, ithorne, calf gilt, r. e., 1673, folio (578) Young, £5 5s. 4819 D'Avennes (P.) L'Art Arabe d'apres les Monuments du Kaire depuis le VIIe Siècle jusqu'à la fin du XVIIIe, plates, many in colours, 3 vol. in 20 parts, in portfolio, and 4to. vol. of Text, numerous illustrations, Paris, 1874-7, folio (579) Rimell, £16 4820 Defoe (D.) Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, engraving after Stothard, morocco extra, g. e., by Hayday, 1820, 8vo. (333) Sotheran, £8 4821 De-Laune (T.) The Present State of London, frontispiece of the Mayor and Court of Aldermen, plates and woodcuts of arms, russia, g. e., 1681, 8vo. (335) Bain, £2 4822 Dodsley (R.) Select Collection of Old Plays, new edition, with Additional Notes by I. Reed, Gilchrist, etc., with Supplement, "Five Old Plays," edited by J. P. Collier, together 13 vol., calf gilt, m. e., contents lettered, by Hering, 1825, Pickering, 1833, 8vo. (345) Sotheran, £4 16s. 4823 Donne (Dr. J.) Works, with Life by Rev. H. Alford, 6 vol., portrait, Cambridge calf gilt, r. e., by Hayday, 1839, 8vo. (346) Bain, £3 4824 Donne (Dr. J.) Letters to Several Persons of Honour, first edition, portrait by Lombart, with autograph on fly-leaf, "Ex libris Tho. Clutterbuck, 1658, pres. 3s.," Cambridge calf extra, g. e., by F. Bedford, 1651, 4to. (542) Quaritch, £4 4825 Dorset (Mrs.) The Peacock at Home and other Poems, first collected edition, calf gilt, g. e., by Hayday, 1809-The Peacock "at Home," The Butterfly's Ball, and The Fancy Fair, coloured illustrations, 1841-another edition, illustrations by Weir, 1854, in I vol., calf gilt, g. e., by Hayday, 2 vol., 8vo. (349) Young, £2 185. 4826 Drake (Sir Francis) Revived, being a Summary and True Relation of foure several Voyages made by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West Indies, 1653-The World Encompassed, 1652-A Summarie and True Discourse of Sir Francis Drakes West-Indian Voyage, 1652, in I vol., portrait, old calf gilt, 1653-2, 4to. (543) Maggs, £5 7s. 6d. 4827 Drayton (Michael). Poems, newly corrected and augmented, engraved title, limp vellum, with ties, Stansby for J. Smethwick, n. d., 8vo. (353) Pickering, £14 155. W. 4828 Drayton (Michael). Polyolbion, a Chorographicall Description of the Isle of Great Britain divided into two Books, 2 vol. in 1, engraved frontispiece by Hole, with leaf in verse facing, printed titles to both parts, portrait of Prince Henry before the inscription, and 30 maps (some leaves repaired, sold not subject to return), scored russia, with ex-libris of the Earl of Derwentwater, dated 1702, on back of frontispiece, 1613-22, folio (585) Pickering, £12 155. |