Page images

roses on sides, the inner compartments filled with gold dots, full gilt back, inside borders, g. e., the original wrappers preserved, by Cobden-Sanderson, the Doves Bindery, 1893, B. Quaritch, 1859, small 4to. (409) Denham, £58 4690 Ovid. Metamorphosis Englished and Represented in Figures. An Essay to the translation of Virgil's Eneis, by G. S(andys), engraved title and plates, old English calf, sides covered with rich gold tooling, Oxford, 1632, folio (414) B. F. Stevens, £60

[On the engraved title: "2nd July, 1675, Given by my Honoured Aunt ye Lady Astely. Nich. Lestrange." The ex-libris of Sir John Fenn, John Frere and the Right Hon. J. H. Frere pasted on fly-leaf.-Catalogue.]

4691 Palmerin of England. The First (and Second) Part of the no lesse rare than excellent and stately History of the famous and fortunate Prince Palmerin of England, translated out of French by A(nthony) M(unday), black letter, 2 parts in 1 vol., morocco extra, g. e., by F. Bedford, 1639, 4to. (416) Sotheran, £6

4692 Penny Histories. Famous History of Hector-Don Bellianis of Greece-Life and Death of St. George-Seven Champions of Christendom (2 parts)-Guy of Warwick-Sir Bevis of Southampton-Jack and the Giants (2 parts)— Thomas Hickathrift (2 parts), and a large number of other Chap-books, nearly all with woodcuts, published at London and York and bound in 4 vol., half calf, 8vo. (427)

W. Brown, £27

[A note on the title of vol. i. states that these chap-books were collected by Mr. Ritson. Subsequently they passed into the possession of the Duke of Roxburghe, and sold at his sale in 1812 for £5 12s. 6d. ; afterwards in the Heber collection.-ED.]

4693 Piranesi (G. B.) Le Antichità Romana, 202 plates (only), 4 vol. (vol. ii. half bound)-Monumenti degli Scipioni, 6 plates (no text) - Sciographia Quatuor Templorum Veterum, 46 plates-Lapides Capitolini, etc., 46 platesRomanorum Magnificentia et Architectura, 51 platesCampus Martius antiquæ urbis, 49 plates-Antichità d'Albano, etc., 53 plates-Vasi, Candelabri Cippi, Sarcofagi, etc., 112 plates, 2 vol.-Colonna Trajana, etc., 29 plates-Ruines extérieures et intérieures de trois Temples Grecs à Pestum, 21 plates-Vedute de Roma, 138 plates, 2 vol.--Statues Antiques, 41 plates-Teatro d'Ercolano, 8 plates-Diverse Manière d'Adornare i Cammini, 69 plates -Raccolta di Alcuni Disegni del Barberi da Cento detto Il Guercino, 28 plates-Schola Italica Picturæ, 40 platesStampe Diverse, 17 plates, together 22 vol., original boards excepting I vol. (sold not subject to return), Roma, v. y., large folio (432) E. Parsons, £24 of 26 lines, com

4694 Pope (Alexander). A Riddle, a poem mencing :

page, 2 half-page outline woodcuts and printer's mark at end, morocco extra, g. e., by Capé, a small hole on first leaf repaired and slightly touching the text, Paris, A. Verard, s. d. (circa 1495), small folio (495) Leighton, £10 4713 Terry (E.) A Voyage to East India, wherein some things are taken notice of in our passage thither, portrait, map and plates, morocco extra, g. e., by Mackenzie, London, 1655, 8vo. (499) Young, £6 5s. 4714 Thackeray (W. M.) The History of Henry Esmond, Esq., a Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty Q. Anne, written by himself, 3 vol., first edition, original cloth, uncut, Smith, Elder, 1852, 8vo. (501) Denham, £6 15s. 4715 Topsel (E.) History of Four-footed Beasts and Serpents, corrected and inlarged by T. R., woodcut illustrations, original calf, re-backed, 1658, folio (507) Tregaskis, £7 4716 Tracts on Witchcraft. Roberts (A.) A Treatise of Witchcraft wherein sundry Propositions are laid downe, plainely discouvering the Wickednesse of that damnable Art, 1616 -A true and exact Relation of the severall Informations, Examinations and Confessions of the late Witches, arraigned and executed in the County of Essex, 1645-Stearne (J.) A Confirmation and Discovery of Witchcraft, 1648-Magomastix (H.) The Strange Witch at Greenwich, 1650The Devil of Deptford, being a true Relation of the strange Disturbances, etc. of an Evil Spirit in the House of Mr. G., living in Back Lane at Deptford, single sheet, 1693—Tryal of Witches at the Assizes held at Bury St. Edmunds on the tenth day of March, 1664-Relation of the Informations against three Witches, Temperance Lloyd, Mary Trembles and Susanna Edwards, who were convicted at the Assizes holden at the Castle of Exon, August 14, 1682, with their several Confessions, 1682, all inlaid to quarto size and bound in 1 vol., calf, 4to. (532) Quaritch, £20 55. 4717 Vecellio (C.) Degli Habiti Antichi et Moderni di diverse Parti del Mondo, libri due, upwards of 400 woodcut illustrations of costumes within borders, by Titian, genuine first edition, old morocco gilt, g. e., Venet., presso Damian Zenaro, 1590 (537) Ellis, £5 5s. 4718 Visitation of Lancashire. The Arms and Pedigrees of the Gentry of Lancashire coppied from another Antient Manuscript for Thomas Penson, Arms Painter, a True Copy of Charles Wiseman's Booke of Lancashire, coats-of-arms in trick, half bound, 1696, folio (543) Harding, £4 8s.

4719 Walton (Izaak). Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir H. Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, first edition, 4 portraits, original calf, T. Newcomb for R. Marriott, 1670, 8vo. (565) Edwards, £6 15s. 4720 Webster (J.) Works, now first collected, with Notes by the Rev. Alexander Dyce, 4 vol., morocco, g. on r. e., by F. Bedford, one of 12 copies on thick paper, Pickering, 1830, 8vo. (570) Sotheran, £6 4721 Whitaker (T. D.) History and Antiquities of the Deanery of

a delicately contemporary colouring. Hondius's map of the Fen Country inserted.- Catalogue.]

4702 Scot (R.) Scot's Discovery of Witchcraft, woodcut frontispiece, diagrams, etc., morocco extra, inside gilt borders, g. e., by Rivière, 1651, 4to. (467) Sotheran, LII 4703 Scott (Sir Walter). The Antiquary, 3 vol., first edition, original boards, uncut, with the paper labels, Edinburgh, 1816 (469) Quaritch, LII IOS. 4704 Scott (Sir Walter). Ivanhoe, a Romance, 3 vol., first edition, original boards, uncut, with the paper labels, Edinburgh, 1820 (470) Quaritch, £19 10s. 4705 Scrope (W.) The Art of Deer Stalking, illustrated by a few days' Sport in the Forest of Atholl, engravings and lithographs after paintings by Edwin and Charles Landseer and by the Author, Murray, 1837-Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing in the Tweed, lithographs and wood engravings, by L. Haghe, T. Landseer and S. Williams, from paintings by Wilkie, E. and C. Landseer, W. Simson and E. Cooke, ib., 1843, first editions, both uniformly bound in morocco extra, g. e., by Hering, from the Perkins Library (£13 17s.), royal 8vo. (472) Sotheran, £19 10S. 4706 Several Treaties of Peace and Commerce concluded between the late King of Blessed Memory Deceased and other Princes and States, old English morocco, g. e., Robert Harley's copy, with his name and arms on sides and his exlibris on back of title-page, 1686, 4to. (474)

Pickering, £5 155. 4707 Smith (J. E.) Natural History of the Rarer Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia, collected from the Observations of Mr. John Abbot, 104 coloured plates, 2 vol., old morocco extra, g.e., 1797, folio (479) Edwards, £5 10S. 4708 Sophocles. Tragœdiæ, Antigone et Trachiniæ, operà T. Johnson, old English morocco, the sides covered with a richly gilt design of flowers and leaves, with centre panel enclosing arabesques and other ornaments, full gilt back, g.e., Oxoniæ, 1708, 8vo. (482) Denham, £40 4709 Staffordshire. Collections for a History of Staffordshire, edited by the William Salt Archæological Society, vol. i. to xviii., in 20 vol.-New Series, vol. i. to iv., together 24 vol., in original cloth, Birmingham and London, 1880-1901 (485) T. Ford, £10 4710 [Steele (Sir R.)] The Tatler, the Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq., first edition, complete in 271 numbers, bound in 2 vol., original panelled calf, 1709-10, 8vo. (487) Quaritch, £11

4711 Sterne (L.) Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, 9 vol., first edition, morocco extra, g. e., by Rivière, 1760-67, 8vo. (489) Sabin, £37 10S.

[With Sterne's autograph on the first page of vol. v., vii.. and ix. Catalogue.]

4712 Sydrach. La fontaine de toutes sciences du philosophe Sydrach, gothic letter, double columns, 37 lines to a full



Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge,

page, 2 half-page outline woodcuts and printer's mark at end, morocco extra, g. e., by Capé, a small hole on first leaf repaired and slightly touching the text, Paris, A. Verard, s. d. (circa 1495), small folio (495) 4713 Terry (E.) A Voyage to East India, wherein some things Leighton, £10 are taken notice of in our passage thither, portrait, map and plates, morocco extra, g. e., by Mackenzie, London, 1655, 8vo. (499) 4714 Thackeray (W. M.) The History of Henry Esmond, Esq., Young, £6 55. a Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty Q. Anne, written by himself, 3 vol., first edition, original cloth, uncut, Smith, Elder, 1852, 8vo. (501) 4715 Topsel (E.) History of Four-footed Beasts and Serpents, Denham, £6 15s. corrected and inlarged by T. R., woodcut illustrations, original calf, re-backed, 1658, folio (507) 4716 Tracts on Witchcraft. Roberts (A.) A Treatise of WitchTregaskis, £7 craft wherein sundry Propositions are laid downe, plainely discouvering the Wickednesse of that damnable Art, 1616 -A true and exact Relation of the severall Informations, Examinations and Confessions of the late Witches, arraigned and executed in the County of Essex, 1645-Stearne (J.) A Confirmation and Discovery of Witchcraft, 1648-Magomastix (H.) The Strange Witch at Greenwich, 1650The Devil of Deptford, being a true Relation of the strange Disturbances, etc. of an Evil Spirit in the House of Mr. G., living in Back Lane at Deptford, single sheet, 1693-Tryal of Witches at the Assizes held at Bury St. Edmunds on the tenth day of March, 1664-Relation of the Informations against three Witches, Temperance Lloyd, Mary Trembles and Susanna Edwards, who were convicted at the Assizes holden at the Castle of Exon, August 14, 1682, with their several Confessions, 1682, all inlaid to quarto size and bound in I vol., calf, 4to. (532) 4717 Vecellio (C.) Degli Habiti Antichi et Moderni di diverse Quaritch, £20 5s. Parti del Mondo, libri due, upwards of 400 woodcut illustrations of costumes within borders, by Titian, genuine first edition, old morocco gilt, g. e., Venet., presso Damian Zenaro, 1590 (537) 4718 Visitation of Lancashire. The Arms and Pedigrees of the Ellis, £5 5s. Gentry of Lancashire coppied from another Antient Manuscript for Thomas Penson, Arms Painter, a True Copy of Charles Wiseman's Booke of Lancashire, coats-of-arms in trick, half bound, 1696, folio (543) Harding, £4 8s.

4719 Walton (Izaak). Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir H. Wotton,
Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, first edition, 4
portraits, original calf, T. Newcomb for R. Marriott, 1670,
8vo. (565)
4720 Webster (J.) Works, now first collected, with Notes by the
Edwards, £6 15s.
Rev. Alexander Dyce, 4 vol., morocco, g. on r. e., by F.
Bedford, one of 12 copies on thick paper, Pickering, 1830,
8vo. (570)
4721 Whitaker (T. D.) History and Antiquities of the Deanery of
Sotheran, £6

Craven, in the County of York, second edition, portrait, map and plates of views, LARGE PAPER, with the aquatint plates worked in colours, old morocco extra, g. e., the Towneley copy, 1812, imperial 4to. (574) Maggs, £7 4722 White (G.) The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, in the County of Southampton, first edition, plates, old marbled calf, full gilt back, y. e., 1789, 4to. (576)

4723 Wigstead (H.)

Pickering, £9 15s. Remarks on a Tour to North and South Wales in the Year 1797, 21 coloured plates by L. Hill, after Rowlandson, etc., morocco extra, g. e., by Rivière, W. Wigstead, 1800, 8vo. (581) Sabin, £13 15s. 4724 Wilton Garden. Le Jardin de Vuilton, construit par Phillippe Comte de Pembrooke et Montgomeri, etc., Isaac de Caus invenit, engraved title, leaf of text and 22 plates, with an additional one inserted, vellum, title and a plate inlaid; as most copies known are imperfect, this was sold not subject to return, vellum, s. d. (about 1640), oblong 8vo. (583)

Quaritch, £6 5s. 4725 Wood (W.) The Bowman's Glory, or Archery Revived, giving an account of the many signal favours vouchsafed to Archers and Archery by those renowned monarchs King Henry VIII., James and Charles I., black letter, 1682— M. (W.) A Remembrance of the Worthy Show and Shooting by the Duke of Shoreditch and his associates, the Worshipful Citizens of London, upon Tuesday the 17th of September, 1583, Printed in the year 1682, in 1 vol., old English morocco, gilt panelled sides, g. e., small 4to. (590) Cottrell, £5 5s.

4726 Wordsworth (W.) The Waggoner, a Poem, to which are added Sonnets, first edition, morocco, gilt panelled sides, full gi back, g.e., by Cobden-Sanderson, the Doves' Bindery, 1900, the original label, back cover and sheet of advertisement preserved, 1819, 8vo. (591) Tregaskis, £21 10s. 4727 Wren (Stephen). Parentalia, or Memoirs of the Family of the Wrens, viz., Mathew Bishop of Ely, Christopher Dean of Windsor, etc., but chiefly of Sir Christopher Wren, mezzotint portrait of the compiler by Faber, other portraits and plates, old marbled calf gilt, r. e., the Stourhead copy, 1750, folio (592) Leighton, £6 4728 Wycherley (W.) Miscellany Poems, as Satyrs, Epistles, Love-Verses, Songs, Sonnets, etc., mezzotint portrait by I. Smith after Sir P. Lely, first edition, original panelled calf, 1704, folio (593) Sabin, £20 10S. 4729 Year Book. Anno regni Regis Edwardi tertii Post Conquestum quadragesimo octavo, black letter, long lines, morocco extra, by F. Bedford, R. Pynson, 1518, small folio (595) Crowder, £14

4730 Young (A.) Travels during the years 1787-'89, undertaken more particularly with a view of ascertaining the Cultivation, Wealth, Resources and National Prosperity of the

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