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(No. of Lots, 330; amount realised, £473 15s.)

473 Ackerman (R.) Microcosm of London, or London in Miniature, coloured plates by Rowlandson and Pugin, 3 vol., half calf, 1808-10, 4to. (263) Maggs, £21 474 Allibone (S. A.) Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors, with Supplement by J. F. Kirk, 5 vol., 1884-91, super imperial 8vo. (264)

Edwards, £3 5s. 475 Archæologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity, published by the Society of Antiquaries of London, numerous plates, vol. i. to lvi., part i., Index vol. i. to 1. and duplicate vol. 1., part 2, wanted vol. xlv., xlvi., xlvii., xlviii. and liv., part 2, 44 vol., half calf, g. t., uncut, remainder in cloth, fine set, 1779-1898, 4to. (267) Quaritch, £28 10s. 476 Augustinus (S.) Opera Omnia, opera et studio Monachorum Ordinis Sancti Benedicti, II vol. in 15, vellum, Parisiis, Gaume, 1836-8, 4to. (269) Bain, £4 15s. 477 Bacon (F.) Works, Letters and Life, collected and edited by J. Spedding, R. L. Ellis and D. D. Heath, portrait, 14 vol. in 19, half morocco, m. e., contents lettered, 1857-74, 8vo. (7) Quaritch, £6 15s. 478 Bentham (J.) Works, published under the superintendence of his executor, John Bowring, 11 vol., half calf gilt, m. e., fine set, 1839-43, 8vo. (13) Hill, £7 12s. 6d.

479 Bible.

The Holy Bible, with an Explanatory and Critical Commentary and a Revision of the Translation by Bishops and Clergy of the Anglican Church, edited by Canon F. Cooke, 12 vol. in 13, original cloth, Murray, 1871-88, 8vo. (15) Bull, £4 5s. 480 Bona (J.) Rerum Liturgicarum, Epistolæ Selectæ, cum notis et observationibus D. Roberti Sala, 4 vol., vellum, Augustæ Taurinorum, 1753-5, folio (322) Baker, £3 481 Bradshaw (H.) Society Publications, illustrations and facsimiles, vol. i. to xviii., 15 vol. 8vo. and 3 vol. 4to., uncut, 1891-9, 8vo. (24) Sotheran, £9 2s. 6d. 482 Brooke (H.) The Fool of Quality, or the History of Henry Earl of Moreland, plates, 4 vol., calf, 1776, 8vo. (33)

Bain, £6 10s.

[This copy, which formerly belonged to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, contained numerous marginal notes in his autograph.--Catalogue.]

483 Browne (Sir T.) Works, including his Life and Correspondence, edited by Simon Wilkin, portrait, 4 vol., uncut, Pickering, 1836, 8vo. (36) Hill, 1 125.

484 Brydges (Sir E.) British Bibliographer, portraits, 4 vol., tree calf gilt, m. e., 1810-14, 8vo. (37) Hopkins, £1 125. 485 Buckle (H. T.) History of Civilization in England, 2 vol., uncut, 1857, 8vo. (38) J. Grant, £15s. 486 Carlyle (T.) Works, with Index, Library Edition, portraits and plates, 34 vol., original cloth, uncut, Chapman and Hall, 1869-71, 8vo. (45) Bain, £13 10S. 487 Causes Célèbres et Intéressantes avec les Jugements qui les ont décidées, recueillies par Mr. Gayot de Pitaval, 26 vol., half calf gilt, 1775, 8vo. (47) Maggs, £3 18s. 488 Chrysostomus (S.) Opera Omnia quae exstant, opera et studio D. Bernardi de Montfaucon, 13 vol., vellum, Parisiis, Gaume, 1839, 4to. (282) Wesley, £5 17s. 6d. 489 Cicero. Opera quæ supersunt omnia ac deperditorum Fragmenta, etc., ed. J. C. Orellius, 12 vol., russia extra, contents lettered, g. e., Turici, 1826-37, 8vo. (51)

Hunt, £1 490 Corpus Juris Canonici editio Lipsiensis secunda post Aemilii Ludovici Richteri curas, instruxit, 2 vol., Lipsiae, 1879-81, 4to. (284) Baker, £1 14s. 491 Daniel (H. A.) Thesaurus Hymnologicus sive Hymnorum Canticorum Sequentiarum circa Annum MD. usitatarum Collectio Amplissima, 5 vol. in I, half morocco, m. e., 1862-56, 8vo. (59) Nutt, £4 15s.

492 Dante.

La Divina Commedia, ricorretta sopra quattro dei più autorevoli testi a penna da Carlo Witte, portrait, morocco, g. t., by Rivière, 1862, 4to. (286) Scotti, £2 493 De Quincey (T.) Works, portraits and illustrations, 15 vol., original cloth, A. and C. Black, 1862-3, 8vo. (68)

Dobell, I IS. 494 Dryden (J.) Works, with Notes and Life, by Sir Walter Scott, portrait, 18 vol., calf extra, m. e., contents lettered, 1808, 8vo. (73) Maggs, £2 16s. 495 Frazer (J. G.) The Golden Bough, a Study in Magic and Religion, frontispiece, 3 vol., uncut, 1900, 8vo. (82) Holderness,

1 7s. 496 Gibbon (E.) History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, with Notes by Dean Milman and M. Guizot, edited with additional Notes by W. Smith, portrait and maps, 8 vol., tree-calf gilt, m. e., Murray, 1855, 8vo. (86)

J. Bumpus, £1 135. 497 Gyraldo (L. G.) De Deis Gentium varia et multiplex Historia, old black morocco, gilt arabesque border on sides enclosing the royal arms of England and initials E. R., Queen Elizabeth's copy, g. e., binding rebacked and repaired, Basil., I. Oporinum, 1548, folio (326) Maggs, £4 4s. 498 Hastings (J.) Dictionary of the Bible, dealing with its Language, Literature and Contents, including the Biblical Theology, illustrations, 3 vol., 1898-1900, 4to. (295)

C. Brown,

2 10s. 499 Heine (H.) Sämmtliche Werke, 22 vol., half calf gilt, best edition, Hamburg, 1861-9, 8vo. (104) 500 Julian (J.) Dictionary of Hymnology, setting forth the Origin

Quaritch, £2 35.

and History of Christian Hymns of all Ages and Nations, uncut, 1892, 8vo. (120) Robson, 111S. 501 Larousse (P.) Grand Dictionnaire Universel du XIXe Siècle, with Supplement, 16 vol., half morocco, n. d., 4to. (298) Edwards, £12

502 Lightfoot (J. B.) The Apostolic Fathers, S. Clement of Rome, 2 vol.-S. Ignatius, S. Polycarp, 3 vol., together 5 vol., uncut, 1890, '89, 8vo. (133)

Wesley, £2 8s. Française, 2 vol., half Edwards, £1 16s. 504 Lockhart (J. G.) Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, portrait and plates, 10 vol., original cloth, uncut, 1839, 8vo. (138) Edwards, 1 7s. 505 Missale ad usum insignis et praeclare Ecclesiae Sarum, labore a studio F. H. Dickinson, 4 parts complete, Burntisland, 1861-83, 8vo. (161) Quaritch, £2 10S. 506 Plato. Opera Omnia, recensuit et Commentarum instruxit G. Stallbaum, in 12 vol., half calf gilt, contents lettered, Gotha et Erfordia, 1858-60, 8vo. (182) Bain, £3 35. 507 Plato. Dialogues, translated into English, with Analyses and Introductions by B. Jowett, 5 vol., uncut, 1892, 8vo. (183) Quaritch, £2 IIS. 508 Pope (A.) Works, with Introduction and Notes by Rev. W. Elwin and W. J. Courthope, portraits and illustrations, 10 vol., original cloth, uncut, 1871-86, 8vo. (188)

503 Littré (E.) Dictionnaire de la Langue morocco, m. e., 1863, 4to. (302)

Ellis, £2 8s. 509 Pulpit Commentary, edited by the Rev. Canon H. D. M. Spence and by the Rev. J. S. Exell, 28 vol., various, Kegan Paul, 1886-97, imperial 8vo. (191) Bull, £I IS. 510 Rock (D.) The Church of our Fathers as seen in St. Osmund's Rite for the Cathedral of Salisbury, plates, 4 vol., original cloth, uncut, Dolman, 1849-53, 8vo. (201) Baker, £3 7s. 6d. 511 Rossetti (D. G.) The Early Italian Poets, from Ciullo d'Alcamo to Dante Alighieri, in the original metres, together with Dante's Vita Nuova, original cloth, uncut, 1861, 8vo. (202) Maggs, £2 6s. 512 Sadler (M. F.) Commentaries on the New Testament, with Notes critical and practical, Introduction and Excursuses, maps, 12 vol., 1882-7, 8vo. (203) Dickenson, I IIS. 513 Shakespeare (W.) Plays and Poems, with the Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators, comprehending a Life of the Poet, etc. by the late Edward Malone, portrait, 21 vol., tree-calf extra, g. t., contents lettered, uncut, by Rivière, fine set, 1821, 8vo. (214) Quaritch, £17 IOS. 514 Shakespeare (W.) Works (Eversley Edition), edited with Introduction and Notes by C. H. Herford, 10 vol., uncut, Macmillan, 1899, 8vo. (215) Quaritch, 1 4s. 515 Smith (Dr. W.) Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, illustrations, 2 vol., uncut, 1875-80, 8vo. (218) 516 Smith (Dr. W.) and Dr. H. Wace. Biography, Literature, Sects and 4 vol., uncut, 1877-87, 8vo. (219)

Baker, 1 16s. Dictionary of Christian Doctrines, illustrations, Wesley, £3 145.

517 Standard Dictionary of the English Language, numerous illustrations, 2 vol., morocco, m. e., Funk and Wagnalls, 1895, 4to. (316) J. Bumpus, LI 14s. 518 Stanhope (E.) Life of the Rt. Hon. W. Pitt, portraits, 4 vol., uncut, presentation copy to Geo. Scharf, with inscription and two autograph letters from the author, 1861-2, 8vo. (230) A. Jackson, £i 6s. 519 Strype (J.) Works, Historical and Biographical, with General Index, 27 vol., calf extra, m. e., contents lettered, Oxford, 1822-8, 8vo. (234) Sotheran, £4 17s. 6d. 520 Tallemant des Reaux. Les Historiettes de Tallemant des Reaux troisième édition, entièrement revue par MM. Monmerqué et Paulin Paris, 9 vol., half calf gilt, m.e., Paris, Techener, 1854-60, 8vo. (239) Sotheran, £2 4s. 521 Vasari (G.) Le Vite de più eccellenti Pittori, Scultori e Architetti, portrait, 14 vol. in 7, half calf extra, m. e., Firenze, Le Monnier, 1846-70, 8vo. (246) Dulau, £15s.

[NOVEMBER 6TH, 7TH AND 8TH, 1901.]



(No of Lots, 944; amount realised, £1,010 18s.)

522 Alexander (W.) The Monarchicke Tragedies - Croecus, Darius, etc., V. Simmes, 1607-A Parænesis to the Prince, and Aurora (imperfect at end), R. Field, 1604, in 1 vol., with bookplate (all faults), small 4to. (409)

Quaritch, £29 10S. 523 Almack (E.) A Bibliography of the King's Book, or Eikon Basiliké, coloured plates and facsimiles, LARGE PAPER (150 copies so printed), 1896, 8vo. (580) Tregaskis, £2 11s. 524 Archæologia Cantiana, being Transactions of the Kent Archæological Society, plates, vol. 1 to 17, cloth, 1858-87, 8vo. (553) £5 55. 525 Billings (R. W.) The Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland, plates (a few in vol. 3 on India paper), 4 vol., LARGE PAPER, cloth, uncut, Printed for the Author by W. Blackwood and Sons [1845-52], 4to. (873) J. Bumpus, £7 5s. 526 Blair. The Grave, portrait and 12 plates by Schiavonetti after W. Blake, 1808, 4to. (577) Powell, £2 25. 527 Blomefield (F.) An Essay towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk, portraits, plates and pedigrees (a few leaves repaired), 11 vol., LARGE PAPER, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, 1805-10, 4to. (871) 528 Boccaccio. Decameron, translated by John Payne and illustrated by Louis Chalon (174 copies printed on Japanese

Bull, £11

vellum), 2 vol., Lawrence and Bullen, 1893, imperial 8vo. (179) Quaritch, £6 7s. 6d. 529 Bowman (H.) and J. S. Crowther. The Churches of the Middle Ages, lithographs, 2 vol., half morocco, G. Bell, folio (899) Roche, £2 45. 530 Budge (E. A. Wallis). The Book of the Dead and the Papyrus of Ani in the British Museum, cuts, half morocco, gilt top, 1895, folio (647) Menken, £ 14s. 531 Burchell (W. J.) Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa, large map, numerous coloured folding plates and woodcuts, 2 vol., half bound, uncut, 1822, 8vo. (587) Roche, £8 532 Charles I. Eikon Basiliké. The Portraiture of his Sacred Majesty in his Solitudes and Sufferings, portrait and folding plate, old calf, s. l., 1648, 12mo. (548) Maggs, £1 16s. 533 Chaucer (G.) Canterbury Tales, with Notes by Tyrwhitt, portrait, 5 vol., uncut, Pickering, 1822, 8vo. (747) Maggs, £3 12s. 6d. 534 Cotman (J. S.) and T. Rickman. Specimens of Architectural Remains, with the Liber Studiorum, numerous etchings, the five series, in 2 vol., half morocco, gilt tops, Bohn, 1838, imperial folio (896) Thorp, £2 10s. 535 Cuitt (G.) Etchings of Ancient Buildings in the City of Chester, 53 plates, mounted in an imperial folio vol., Published by the Author, 1816 (925) Daniell, £1 18s. and North-West Coast of Scotland, 24 coloured plates, half morocco, gilt edges, W. Lewis, royal 4to. (591) Maggs, £2 2s. 537 Dickens (C.) Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, plates by Seymour and " Phiz" (spotted), first edition, in the original numbers (one wrapper missing), 1837, 8vo. (760) Karslake, £10 538 Dictionary of National Biography, edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee, 63 vol., with the Supplement, portrait, 3 vol., together 66 vol., half morocco, m. 1., 1885-1901, 8vo. (842) Fitzgerald, £49 539 Dryden (John). Works, with Life and Notes by Scott, portrait, 18 vol., old calf, 1808, 8vo. (531) Cory, £1 15s. 540 Fisher (R. T.) Three Poems, Author's presentation copy to William Wordsworth, with MS. Dedication and Wordsworth's autograph in three different places, 2 vol., 1842, 8vo. (468) Maggs, £2 1IS. 541 Galerie de Florence et Du Palais Pitti-Tableaux, Statutes, etc. par Wicar, et Explications par Mongez, plates (one page mended), 4 vol., half morocco, 1819, imperial folio (622) Roche, £3 12s. 6d. 542 Gould (J.) A Monograph of the Ramphastidæ, or Family of Toucans, 34 coloured plates, half bound, Published by the Author, 1834, imperial folio (923) Cory, £3

536 Daniell (W.) Voyage Round the North

543 Green (W.) Views of the English Lakes, 60 tinted plates (no title), 1815, 4to. (592) Maggs, £3 5s. 544 Grey. Biography of the Prince Consort, photo. plates, For private circulation, 1866-Early Years of the Prince

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