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full-page woodcut by Sir E. Burne-Jones, borders and initials, vellum, uncut, ib., February 16, 1895, small 4to. (78) Ellis, £2 18s.


423 Syr Perecyvelle of Gales, printed upon vellum, one of 8 copies, boards, uncut, ib., 1895, small 4to. (79) 424 Morris (William). Life and Death of Jason, 200 copies printed, in black and red, 2 full-page woodcuts by Sir E. Burne-Jones, borders and initials, vellum, uncut, ib., May 25, 1895, small folio (80) Shepherd, £16 425 Morris (William). Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, 600 copies printed, in black and red, woodcut borders and initials, 2 vol., boards, uncut, ib., July 25, 1895, 12mo. (81) Denham, £3 10s. 426 Rossetti (D. G.) Hand and Soul, 525 copies printed, in black and red, with borders and initials, vellum, uncut, ib., October 24, 1895, 12mo. (82) Shepherd, £2 17s. 6d. 427 Herrick (Robert). Poems chosen out of his Works, edited by F. S. Ellis, 250 copies printed, in black and red, with borders and initials, vellum, uncut, ib., November 25, 1895, small 4to. (83) Quaritch, £19 428 Herrick (Robert). Poems, printed upon vellum, one of 8 copies, vellum, uncut, ib., 1895, small 4to. (84) Money, £59 429 Coleridge (S. T.) Christabel and other Poems, edited by F. S. Ellis, 300 copies printed, in black and red, with borders and initials, vellum, uncut, ib., February 5, 1896, small 4to. (85) Shepherd, £7 2s. 6d. 430 Coleridge (S. T.) Poems, printed upon vellum, one of 8 copies, vellum, uncut, ib., 1896 (86) Quaritch, £37 431 Morris (William). The Well at the World's End, 350 copies printed, in black and red, with 4 woodcuts by E. BurneJones, borders and initials, vellum, uncut, ib., March 2, 1896, small folio (87) J. Bumpus, £11 10s. The Well at the World's End, printed upon vellum, one of 8 copies, vellum, uncut, ib., 1896, small folio (88) Sotheran, £56 433 Sire Degravaunt (reprinted from the Thornton MS.), 300 copies printed, in black and red, full-page woodcut by Sir E. Burne-Jones, border and initials, boards, uncut, ib., March 14, 1896, small 4to. (89)

432 Morris (William).

£1 16s.

Quaritch, £18

434 Sire Degravaunt, printed upon vellum, one of 8 copies, boards, uncut, ib., 1896, small 4to. (90) 435 Morris (William). The Earthly Paradise, 225 copies printed, in black and red, with borders and initials, 8 vol., vellum, uncut, ib., May 7, 1896-September 27, 1897, 8vo. (91) Denham, £23 436 Morris (William). The Earthly Paradise, another copy, with a leaf inserted in vol. i. containing a facsimile woodcut and text of the earliest authentic engraving of London, from the "Chronicle of England," 1510, 8 vol., vellum, uncut, ib., 1896-7, small 4to. (92) Zaehnsdorf, £23 437 Chaucer (Geoffrey). Works, edited by F. S. Ellis, 425 copies printed, in black and red, with 87 designs by Sir E. Burne

Jones, ornamental borders and initials, etc., full white tooled pigskin, executed at the Doves' Bindery, under Mr. Cobden Sanderson's direction from Morris's design, with clasps, g. e., printed verses by Sebastian Evans, autograph letters of Professor Skeat and others inserted, ib., May 8, 1896, large folio (93) Leighton, £112 438 Chaucer (Geoffrey). Works, printed upon vellum, one of 13 copies, oak boards, half red pigskin, clasps (Doves' Bindery), ib., 1896, large folio (94) Quaritch, £510 439 Chaucer (Geoffrey). Works, the original ink drawings of the 87 designs of Sir E. Burne-Jones, for the edition of Chaucer's Works issued by the Kelmscott Press, by R. CattersonSmith, mounted on cardboard, with upper mounts, and enclosed in 6 wooden cloth drawer boxes (95)

Quaritch, £800

[These original designs of Sir E. Burne-Jones for the Kelmscott Chaucer were nearly all drawn by him in pencil, and re-drawn in ink chiefly by R. Catterson-Smith, under the continual personal supervision of the artist. They were then transferred to the wood by means of photography. These are the developments of Mr. Catterson-Smith from the original pencil drawings. Mr. Catterson-Smith, in a communication to a daily newspaper in November, 1896, declares that "these drawings are more absolutely BurneJones's, than if he had done them with his own hand.”Catalogue.] 440 Laudes Beatae Mariae Virginis, edited by S. C. Cockerell, 250 copies printed, in three colours, black, red and blue, borders and initials, with the ship of the Rev. E. S. Dewick's Note, boards, uncut, July 7, 1896, large 4to. (96)

£7 441 Floure and the Leaf (The) and the Boke of Cupide God of Love, or the Cuckoo and the Nightingale, edited by F. S. Ellis, 300 copies printed, in black and red, with large initials, velium, uncut, ib., August 21, 1896, small 4to. (97)

Shepherd, £3 7s. 6d. 442 Floure and the Leaf (The), etc., printed upon vellum, one of 10 copies, boards, uncut, ib., August 21, 1896 (98) £20 10s. 443 Spenser (Edmund). The Shepheardes Calendar, edited by F. S. Ellis, 225 copies printed, in black and red, with 12 fullpage engravings by A. J. Gaskin, boards, uncut, ib., October 14, 1896, small 4to. (99) Maggs, £4 17s. 6d. 444 Spenser (Edmund). The Shepheardes Calendar, printed upon vellum, one of 6 copies, boards, uncut, ib., 1896 (100)

Quaritch, £50 445 Froissart und Sigurd. Eight specimen Leaves of the intended edition of Froissart-and Two Specimen Pages of an unpublished edition of Sigurd, 32 copies of each printed for private distribution, bound in buckram, ib., 1896-7, large folio (101) Denham, £29 446 Morris (William). The Water of the Wondrous Isles, 250 copies printed, in black and red, with borders and initials, vellum, uncut, ib., April 1, 1897, large 4to. (102)


447 Syr Isumbras, edited by F. S. Ellis, 350 copies printed, in black and red, design by Sir E. Burne-Jones, borders and initials, boards, uncut, ib., July 14, 1897, small 4to. (103) Dobell, L1 14s.

448 Syr Isumbras, printed upon vellum, one of 8 copies, boards, uncut, ib., 1897 (104) J. Bumpus, £20 449 Morris (William). The Sundering Flood, Overseen for the Press by May Morris, 300 copies printed, in black and red, with map, borders and initials (Morris's Last Romance), boards, uncut, ib., November 15, 1897, small 4to. (105) Shepherd, £3 10S. 450 Morris (William). Love is Enough, or the Freeing of Pharamond, a Morality, 300 copies printed, in black, red and blue, 2 illustrations by Sir E. Burne-Jones, borders and initials, vellum, uncut, December 11, 1897, large 4to. (106) Ellis, £8 15s. 451 German Woodcuts of the Fifteenth Century, edited by S. C. Cockerell, 35 woodcuts, 225 copies printed, in black and red, boards, uncut, ib., December 15, 1897, large 4to. (107) Shepherd, £2 13s. 452 Morris (William). Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs, 160 copies printed, in black and red, with 2 full-page illustrations by E. Burne-Jones, borders and initials, limp vellum, ib., January 19, 1898, small folio (108)

£26 453 Memorandums, Order Forms, Announcements, Advertisements, Lists, Corrective Slips, etc. connected with the Kelmscott Press business, issued between 1892 and 1898, some with MS. emendations by F. S. Ellis, the whole comprising 96 printed leaves, bound in a vol., vellum, small 4to. (109) Zaehnsdorf, £11 105. 454 Cockerell (S. C.) A Note by William Morris on his Aims in founding the Kelmscott Press, with a short description of the Fress and an annotated List of Books printed thereat (the last work issued from the Kelmscott Press), uncut, ib., March 4, 1898, small 4to. (110) £3 15s. 455 Burne-Jones (Sir E.) A Collection of 44 woodcuts and 2 duplicates to illustrate the Story of Cupid and Psyche. second impressions printed on one side, and three leaves of borders designed by William Morris for "Love is Enough," bound in vellum, uncut, small folio (111) Quaritch, £74

456 Ovid. The XV. Bookes of P. Ovidius Naso, entituled Metamorphosis, translated out of Latin into English Meeter by Arthur Golding, black letter, contemporary autograph of "J. Fane" on title, and motto on fly-leaf, "Solus Deus Protector Medis W" (Earl of Westmoreland), limp vellum, fine clean copy, Printed by John Lanter, 1593, small 4to. (112) Quaritch, £23 457 Purchas (Sam.) Hakluytus Posthumous, or Purchas his Pilgrimes, containing a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Land Travels by Englishmen and others,

fine engraved title (re-margined), maps and plates, 5 vol., morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e., by F. Bedford (sold with all faults), 1625-26, folio (113) Sotheran, £53 458 Rossetti (Dante Gabriel). Ballads and Sonnets, first edition, LARGE HAND-MADE PAPER (25 copies printed for subscribers only), uncut, Ellis and White, 1881, royal 8vo. (114)

Shepherd, 10 IOS. 459 Rossetti (Dante Gabriel). Poems, new edition, LARGE HANDMADE PAPER (25 copies printed), uncut, Ellis and White, 1881, royal 8vo. (115) B. F. Stevens, £6 6s. 460 Rossetti (Dante Gabriel). His Family Letters, with a Memoir by W. M. Rossetti, portraits, 2 vol., autograph letter of the author inserted, uncut, Ellis and Elvey, 1895, 8vo. (116) Maggs, £125. 461 Sallust. The Conspiracie of Cataline, written by Constancius, Felicius, Durantinus, and translated by Thomas Paynell, with the historye of Jugurth, written by the famous Romaine Salust and translated into Englyshe by Alexander Barcklaye, black letter, woodcut title and ornamental initials (the title and dedication to the "Jugurth" wrongly bound at the end), russia gilt, g.e., sound copy with Dineley ex-libris, John Waley, 1557, small 4to. (118) Ellis, £2 18s. 462 Shelley (Percy Bysshe). Adonais, an Elegy on the Death of John Keats, Author of Endymion, Hyperion, etc., reprint, the letterpress gilded, preface in black, the title covered with original designs of leafy scrolls, the borders of the text decorated in various natural flower scrolls, bound in limp vellum, with corner gilt floral ornaments, ties and metal balls, uncut (1876), small 4to. (119) Quaritch, £47 463 Shelley (Percy Bysshe). Letters to Jane Clairmont, vellum, uncut, Privately printed (not for sale), 1889, 8vo. (120) Maggs, £1 12s. 464 Shelley (Percy Bysshe). Letters to William Godwin, 2 vol., vellum, uncut, Privately printed (not for sale), 1891, 8vo. Maggs, £2 25.



465 Stephens (Charles) and John Liebault. Maison Rustique, or the Country Farme, translated from the French by Richard Surflet, now newly revised, corrected and augmented, etc. by Gervase Markham, woodcuts, morocco extra, full gilt back, line sides, inside dentelles, g. e., by Rivière, A. Islip for John Bill, 1616, small folio (122) Edwards, £4 15s. 466 Swinburne (A. C.) Atalanta in Calydon, first edition, presentation copy to Charles Augustus Howell, Algernon Charles Swinburne, April, 1865," morocco, gilt floreate back, line sides, joints, rough edges, by Cobden Sanderson, 1890, with his binding bill inserted, the vol. inserted loosely in the original buckram covers, E. Moxon, 1865, small 4to. (123) Quaritch, £66 467 Tasso (T.) Rinaldo, a Poem, in XII. Books, translated from the Italian by John Hoole, portrait, English morocco, inlaid in mosaics of white, red, brown and blue, with elaborate gilt

38 Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, Nov. 4, 1901 (Ellis Sale).

tooled ornaments and dots, brown silk linings, g. e., J. Dodsley, 1792, 8vo. (124) Ellis, £29 10S. 468 Whitman (Walt). Leaves of Grass, with Passage to India, wrapper, uncut, Washington, D.C., 1871, 8vo. (126)

Sotheran, £35

[A copy sent by the author to the late F. S. Ellis, with an autograph letter containing proposals for an English edition to be published by Mr. Ellis. The pencilled corrections in the volume are in the author's hand.-Catalogue.]

The following books were received too late to be inserted in their proper places in the alphabet :

469 Hora.

Hore intemerate Virginis Marie secundum Usum Romanum Curie, cum pluribus Orationibus tam in gallico quam in latino, lit. goth. (lettres bâtardes), printed upon vellum, within woodcut borders of biblical subjects and figures, grotesques, hunting scenes, etc., Kerver's large device on title, with astrological man on reverse, and 16 large woodcuts of scenes in the Passion, etc., the small initials and ornaments painted in blue and red and illuminated, contemporary French morocco, fleurs-de-lis on back, ornamental frame sides, with centre ovals enclosing figures of the Crucifix and Madonna and Child, leather and shell clasps, g. e., in cloth case, “Ces presentes heures furent achevees le XIIII. jour de May. Lan Mil Cinq. Cens et Ung (1501). Par Thielman Kerver . . . pour Gillet Renacle Libraire," small 4to. (127) Quaritch, £140

[A very fine copy of this very rare edition, of which Brunet knew very little; and nothing at all of copies on vellum. Enclosed were some verses made by the late Mr. Ellis on this particular volume.--Catalogue.]

470 Morris (William). Signs of Change, Seven Lectures delivered on Various Occasions, buckram, uncut, presentation copy "from William Morris, Jan. 24, 1892," Reeves and Turner, 1888, 8vo. (130) Maggs, £4 4s. 471 Morris (William). The Life and Death of Jason, full-page woodcuts, borders and ornamental initials, vellum, uncut, Kelmscott Press, printed by Wm. Morris, May 25, 1895, small folio (131) B. F. Stevens, £20 [Presentation copy "from William Morris, December 4th, 1895," with inscription on fly-leaf.-Catalogue.] 472 Ruskin (John). Mill (John Stuart). Principles of Political Economy, first edition, 2 vol., original cloth, uncut, Parker, 1848 (132) Sotheran, £23 [John Ruskin's copy; used by him for his own writings connected with the same subject, and containing many MS. notes, scorings, criticisms, etc. in his handwriting; given by him to the late Mr. Ellis.-MS. note on fly-leaf.]

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