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3732 Napoleon I. Journal of the Private Life and Conversations of the Emperor Napoleon at Saint Helena, by the Count de las Casas, plan, 8 vol., calf extra, g. e., by Tout, H. Colburn, 1823, 8vo. (580) Sotheran, £4 8s. 3733 Napoleon I. Memoirs, by De Bourrienne, with additions, edited by R. W. Phipps, new and revised edition, numerous steel engravings, 3 vol., cloth gilt, uncut, R. Bentley, 1885, Sotheran, £2 16s. 3734 Napoleon I. Sloane (W. M.) Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, illustrations, some in colours, 4 vol., art cloth, uncut, Century Co., 1896, 4to. (590) Sotheran, £3 85.

8vo. (582)

3735 Natalibus (Petrus de). Catalogus Sanctorum et gestorum eorum ex diversis voluminibus Collectus, lit. goth.. title in red within woodcut border, woodcuts and ornamental initials, Lugd., J. Saccon, 1519, folio (592) Quaritch, £7 10s. 3736 Nelson (Lord). Dispatches and Letters, 1777-1805, with Notes, by Sir H. Nicolas, an original autograph note (left hand) of Nelson inserted in. vol. i., 7 vol., Colburn, 1845-6 -Pettigrew (T. J.) Memoirs of Admiral Lord Nelson, portraits of Nelson and Lady Hamilton and facsimiles, 2 vol., Boone, 1849, together 9 vol., morocco extra, g. e., by Clarke and Bedford, 8vo. (593)

Quaritch, £18

3737 Nichols (John). Literary Anecdotes and Illustrations of the Literary History of the XVIIIth Century, portraits, etc., 17 vol., calf extra, g.e., by F. Bedford, 1812-24-58, 8vo.


Bain, £39

3738 Northcote (James). Fables, Original and Collected, both series, LARGE PAPER, India proof portrait and 560 woodcuts, 2 vol., morocco extra, g. e., by F. Bedford, Lawford and Murray, 1828-33, imperial 8vo. (595) Young, £7 155. 3739 Notes and Queries, from the commencement in 1849 to December, 1897, 96 vol., half russia gilt, t. e. g., uncut, by F. Bedford-and the Indexes to series i.-viii., in cloth (wanted vol. xii., series i.), 1849-97, small 4to. (596)

Edwards, £36

3740 Nuremberg Chronicle. Liber Cronicarum, woodcuts by Wolgemuth and Pleydenwurff, complete with the blank leaves and Sarmacia, morocco super extra, with gilt ornaments in the antique style, g.e., by F. Bedford, Nuremberga, A. Koburger, 1493, large folio (599)

Quaritch, £120

[An unusually fine and large copy; it measured 19 by 121⁄2 inches, and was quite clean and perfect throughout.


3741 O'Keefe (John). Dramatic Works, prepared for the Press by the Author, 4 vol., calf extra, inside dentelles, t. e. g., uncut, contents lettered, by F. Bedford, author's autograph on the title of vol. i., Printed for the Author, 1798, 8vo. (602)

Quaritch, £5

3742 Old Plays (Dodsley's). A Select Collection, new edition, with additional Notes and Corrections, by I. Reed, O. Gilchrist and the Editor (J. P. Collier), LARGE PAPER, 12 vol., russia super extra, g. e., by F. Bedford, S. Prowett, 1825-7, 8vo. Quaritch, £30 3743 Orme (Edward). Historic Military and Naval Anecdotes of the War terminating with the Battle of Waterloo, 40 coloured plates, half morocco gilt, uncut, E. Orme (1819), royal 4to. (605)

(603)-A Supplement to Dodsley's Old Plays, edited by Amyot, Payne Collier, W. D. Cooper, Dyce, J. O. Halliwell, etc., 4 vol., russia super extra, g.e., by F. Bedford, Shakespeare Society, 1853, 8vo. (604)

Bain, £12 3744 Otway (Thomas). Works, consisting of Plays, Poems and Letters, portrait, 3 vol., calf extra, g.e., contents lettered, by F. Bedford, autograph of Jos. Ritson in vol. i., C. Bathurst, etc., 1768, small 8vo. (606) Bain, £3 35. 3745 Ovidius. Opera Omnia, roman letter, long lines, 48 to full page, with signatures, English morocco gilt, g. e.,

Hermannus Lichtensteyn, 1480, small folio (607)


Leighton, £7 155.

3746 Ovidius. Les Metamorphoses d'Ovide, en Latin et en François, plates after Eisen by Le Mire and Basan, 4 vol., old French morocco, g. e. (Derome), Paris, Le Clerc, 1767, 4to.


Sotheran, £32

3747 Oxford Sausage (The), or Select Poetical Pieces, by the most celebrated Wits of the University of Oxford, new edition, cuts by Bewick, calf extra, t. e. g., uncut, by F. Bedford, Oxford, G. Robinson, n. d., small 8vo. (610)

J. Bumpus, £1 125. 3748 Pardoe (Julia). Life of Marie de Medicis Queen of France, portraits, 3 vol., embossed cloth, uncut, Bentley, 1890, 8vo.


Maggs, £2

3749 Paruta (Paola). Della Perfettione della Vita Politica, contemporary French morocco, the back and sides covered with semis of fleurs-de-lis, the sides having corner fleurons and cherubs, g. e., Henri III.'s copy, with the arms of France and Poland and the cipher of Henry and Louise of Lorraine in centres, in perfect preservation, Venet., D. Nicolini, 1579, small folio (615)

K. Roberts, £250

3750 Parny (Évariste). Œuvres (avec la Guerre des Dieux), papier d'Hollande. 5 vol., morocco extra, g. e., by Trautz-Bauzonnet, Paris, Debray, etc., 1808, small 8vo. (616) Quaritch, £4 155. 3751 Peele (George), John Webster and Robert Greene. Works, Collected and edited with Accounts of the Authors by the Rev. A. Dyce, facsimile, 9 vol., uniformly bound in calf gilt, y.e., old style, by Hayday, W. Pickering, 1829-30-1, small 8vo. (617)

Sotheran, £14

3752 Peele (George). Works, collected and edited with Account of his Life and Writings by the Rev. A. Dyce, second edition, with Additions, facsimile autograph letter, 3 vol., calf extra, g.e., by F. Bedford, presentation copy from the Editor to N. H. Nicolas, with inscription on fly-leaf, W. Pickering,

1829-39, crown 8vo. (618)

Bain. £5

3753 Pennant (Thomas). Tour in Wales, and Tour in Scotland,

numerous plates, 5 vol., calf gilt, y. e., by Kalthoeber, with ticket, B. White, 1784-90, 4to. (621)

Hopkins, £4 IOS.

April 9th, etc., 1902.

3754 Pennant (Thomas). History of the Parishes of Whiteford and

Holywell, Journey to Snowdon and History of Holywell
Parish, LARGE PAPER, 204 portraits, views and other plates,
including many extra, and 124 original water-colour draw-
ings, chiefly by J. Ingleby, 3 vol., morocco extra, g. e.,
B. and J. White, 1796, 4to. (622)

Quaritch, £1

3755 Pepys (Sam.) Diary and Correspondence, with Life and Notes by Lord Braybrooke, fourth edition, portrait and plates, 4 vol., calf extra, y. e., by F. Bedford, H. Colburn,

1854, 8vo. (623)

Maggs, £2 10S.

3756 Percy (Bishop). Folio Manuscript (with the loose and Humorous Songs), edited by Hales and Furnivall, LARGE AND THICK PAPER (50 printed), bound in 3 vol., morocco extra, t. e.g., uncut, by F. Bedford, Trübner, 1867, super imperial 8vo. (624)

Quaritch, £6 15s. 3757 [Pezay (Marquis de).] Zelis au Bain, Poëme en quatre chants, LARGE PAPER, plates, vignettes and culs de lampe after Eisen, old calf, Genève (Paris), (1763), royal 8vo. (627)

Sabin, £4 6s.

3758 Plinius. Historie of the World, translated into English by Dr. Philemon Holland, 2 vol. in 1, first title backed, some leaves wormed, King James I.'s copy, in old calf (repaired), with his arms on sides, and a note on 2 pages said to be in his handwriting, Printed by A. Islip impensis G. B., 1601, K. Roberts, £14 10s. folio (635)

3759 [Poltock (Rob.)] Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish Man, in the Flying Island, etc., by R. S., a Passenger in the Hector, first edition, plates, 2 vol., calf extra, inside dentelles, g.e., by F. Bedford, J. Robinson and R. Dodsley, 1751, small 8vo. (638)

Sabin, £9

3760 Pontificale Secundum Ritum Sacrosanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ, lit. goth.. printed in red and black, title within woodcut border, woodcuts in the text, modern calf antique, r. e., Venet., L. A. de Giunta, 1520, folio (639)

Ellis, £10

[A very rare edition, containing the Episcopal Benedictions during the Mass. The Rubric states that these had long been disused in the Roman Church, and very few of the later editions repeated them.-Catalogue.]

3761 Pope (Alexander). Poetical Works, with Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, Du Roveray's edition, LARGEST PAPER copy, with 10 original drawings by F. Burney, a triple set of the fine plates, comprising artist's proofs and etchings and ordinary proofs, 9 vol., morocco extra, g. e., by Hering, Du Roveray, 1804-6, imperial 8vo. (641)

Quaritch, £80

3762 Powerscourt (Viscount). Ye Kinges offe Cairnlochan Forreste offe Glenisla, plates of deer horns (foxed), morocco extra, g.e. (Privately printed), Dublin, 1858, super imperial 8vo. Leighton, £1 IOS. (643)

3763 Prayer. A Booke of Christian Prayers, black letter, printed within woodcut borders after A. Dürer and H. Holbein, portrait of the Queen on back of title, the third edition of Queen Elizabeth's Prayer Book, morocco super extra, with


inlaid mosaics in red, covered in elaborate and rich gilt ornaments, vellum linings, g. e., by F. Bedford, Printed by R. Yardley and Peter Short for the Assignes of Richard Day, 1591, small 4to. (644)

3764 Prayer. The Booke of Common Prayer

Quaritch, £80 for the Use

of the Church of Scotland-and the Psalmes (in Metre),
translated by King James (with Musical Notes), con-
temporary signature of Robert Wood on title, Archbishop
Laud's Scottish Prayer Book, in the original calf, Edin-
burgh, R. Young, 1636-London, T. Harper, 1636, small
folio (645)
Hopkins, £15 IOS.

3765 Prayer. The Book of Common Prayer, etc., black letter, the "Sealed" Book of Charles II., LARGE PAPER, engraved title by D. Loggan, sprinkled calf extra, inside dentelles, g.e., by F. Bedford, inscription on fly-leaf "Ex dono D. Regis," Printed by His Majesties Printers, 1662, folio (646) Young, £11 IOS.

3766 Prayer. The Book of Common Prayer, printed within ornamental woodcut borders, morocco super extra, the sides tooled in the Grolier manner, g.e., by F. Bedford, Longmans, 1864, small 4to. (647)

Young, £4 8s.

3767 Prior (Matthew). Poems on Several Occasions, portrait, 2 vol., old English morocco, full gilt ornamental backs, borders and centre ornaments, in the Harleian style, g. e., Tonson and Barker, 1725, small 8vo. (650)

Sabin, £4 17s. 6d.

3768 Rabelais (Fr.) Œuvres, avec une Vie de l'Auteur, des notes et un glossaire, illustrations de Gustave Doré, première tirage sur papier d'Hollande de deux cents exemplaires seulement (No. 93), avec les planches sur papier de chine, 2 vol., morocco super extra, by F. Bedford, in the style of Derome, g. e., Paris, Garnier Frères, 1873, large folio (655) Sabin, £16 155.

3769 Rabelais (Fr.) Works, done out of French by Sir Thomas Urchard and P. Motteux, Books i.-v., first edition of all the Books and second edition of Book i., portrait, 5 vol., calf extra, y. e., by F. Bedford, R. Baldwin, 1664-1694-93-94, 12m0. (656)

Pickering, £12 55.

3770 Racine (Jean). Œuvres, avec des Commentaires par Luneau de Boisjermain, des Notes et des Préfaces, portrait after Santerre by Gaucher, and 12 plates after Gravelot by Le Mire, etc., brilliant impressions, 7 vol., old French morocco, gilt ornamental backs, line sides, g.e. (Derome), Paris, impr. de L. Cellot, chez Pancoucke, 1768, 8vo. (657)

Sotheran, £38

3771 Racine (Jean). Œuvres, imprimé par Ordre du Roy pour l'Éducation du Dauphin, Printed by Didot sur papier de Johannot d'Annonay, tirage de 100 exemplaires seulement, 3 vol., old French morocco, g. e., by Derome le Jeune, with ticket, Paris, Didot, 1783, 4to. (659)

Bain, £8 10s.

3772 Radcliffe (Ann). The Mysteries of Udolpho, first edition,

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